Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 519: Hundreds of Ghosts at Night

I was pinched several times by Li Mazi, and then I woke up. It was already dark, and I heard Oyu saying aggrievedly from the side: "It's not my fault? He wanted to put it on me." of."

"What's going on?" I held my head, feeling dizzy, as if my body had been hollowed out.

"She's been sucking your manhood." The man in the T-shirt said.

"What?" I was shocked: "You are a stinky fox who repays kindness with revenge!"

Weiyu said unhappily: "What kind of kindness is repaying with hatred? What kindness do you have to me, and what hatred do I have to you? You people want to eat, and I want to breathe in Yang Qi. It's normal! I just sucked in a little Yang Qi and you fell down. It’s gone, who do you blame for your poor health?”

This little fox is very sharp-tongued. I can't talk to her. I was so angry that my teeth started to itch. The man in the T-shirt said, "This thing is too dangerous. It hasn't been tamed yet. Don't keep it with you for the time being."

"What the hell, it's rude to talk to a girl like that." Oudama put his hands on his hips and jumped out of my pocket angrily.

I got up and sighed: "Go on and fix the seal!"

There must be something hidden in the pine tree to suppress the formation, but we couldn't get into the tree hole. At this time, I thought of Oudama and said to her: "Miss Oudama, please excuse me."

She said triumphantly: "What good do I do?"

"I'll buy you something delicious later." I tried my best to coax her.

"Tch, I don't care! I want new clothes!"


Otama turned into a fox and got into the tree hole, and ran out not long after, changed back to human form, and said while brushing off the fallen leaves on his body: "Inside is a rusty katana, and a piece of samurai armor."

I guess it was something that had killed many people, and it was extremely evil, so it could suppress the sealing formation.

We didn't have anything of comparable weight to replace it for the time being, so I discussed with the T-shirt man to simply keep this one-of-a-kind item, and the T-shirt man agreed.

We were about to activate the new sealing array. At this time, sirens came from the bottom of the mountain and rang through the night sky. Chiba ran over and took a look and said, "Oh no, a lot of police have come to the shrine."

I was stunned for a while and said, "Didn't you tell Urashima not to call the police?"

Things got a little troublesome. I planned to activate the large array first, so I put on my gloves and grabbed a few black snakes, nailed them to the pine tree, let their blood seep into the soil, and chanted the curse.

Just after we finished reading, a group of people rushed up the mountain with flashlights. Urashima led a group of policemen and pointed at us in a very unfriendly tone. Oudama was frightened by this scene and immediately turned into beads and returned to my pocket.

The policemen pulled out their guns and shouted orders. Chiba tried his best to explain in Japanese, but Urashima fiercely pulled him aside.

"What did they say?" I asked.

"They said you were accomplices in stealing the Silver Fox Yushou, and told you not to move..."

Before Chiba could finish her words, Urashima yelled at her, probably telling her to shut up.

There was a buzz in my head. Urashima was excusing us from responsibility, or maybe he had an ulterior motive from the beginning!

But we were just Chinese tourists, and because we didn’t understand the language, we couldn’t communicate at all. We had no choice but to let the police put us in handcuffs. I felt a chill in my heart. I might be going to jail now!

Li Mazi defended with a sad face, speaking like a prince, hoping that the other party would understand what he said.

Looking at the man in the t-shirt again, his Eight-faced Han Sword was also confiscated as a murder weapon. He had a cold expression. He was facing a group of ordinary people, and they were policemen. Even he did not retreat.

"Mr. Zhang, I will find a way to save you." Qianye shouted.

I quietly asked, "Oudama, can you help us?"

"I can do it!" Weiyu said with his fox head showing, "But you are responsible for the consequences."

"Forget it, forget it!" I kept saying, and she snorted unhappily and stopped talking. After all, she is a monster and her methods are extreme. If she gets into any trouble again, she won't be able to get rid of it even if she jumps into the Yellow River.

We were taken down the mountain by the police. There were several police cars parked there. I thought to myself that this was really the end. Suddenly there was a gunshot, and many people present were so frightened that they bent down. There was a young policeman holding a gun in both hands and pointing tremblingly in one direction. The officer ran over and scolded him. The young policeman defended himself. stand up.

In my eyes, this scene was like a Japanese drama without subtitles. However, I soon figured out what was happening. A headless samurai wearing remnants of armor slowly walked from behind the commander. Many people saw it. Hu Xiao screamed.

The officer looked back and his eyes widened. The samurai raised his katana and slashed at him. The officer was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground.

There were several gunshots, and the bullet penetrated the body of the samurai's innocent soul, just like hitting the reflection in the water, only shaking a few times.

I looked around and found that there was a thick layer of fog in the shrine, and some shadowy figures appeared in the fog, some were ancient ghosts, some were modern, which frightened the priests, witches, and police present into shouting.

There was chaos at the scene, and I realized that the Japanese are so afraid of ghosts. Maybe they believe in this, right? The police opened fire indiscriminately, while the priests and witches hid in the house.

I was looking at it when I suddenly heard a click and my handcuffs were opened. I looked down and saw Oyu holding the key in his hand and winked at me: "How can you thank me?"

"Where did the key come from?" I asked.

"It was made from leaves! Nonsense, of course it was stolen during the chaos!"

She then unlocked the handcuffs of the T-shirt man and Li Mazi. The three of us were free, and then retreated to a safe place. Bullets were flying everywhere, and we didn't want to be accidentally injured.

Someone touched me from behind, it was Chiba, and she said: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Urashima is missing!"

"He must have gone to the mountain and wanted to destroy our seal!"

I have now figured out that Urashima is also their accomplice. If he had not insisted on opening the box in the morning, Yadama would not have been able to get it. At that time, none of us suspected him.

We immediately rushed towards the mountain, so that we could prove our innocence by catching Urashima.

As soon as I came to the mountain road, I saw countless innocent ghosts walking up the mountain. The number was so shocking that I couldn't help but think of a word-Hundred Ghosts Night Walk.

"Oh my God!" Li Mazi was so frightened that he hid behind a tree: "I'm not going, I'm not going, I can't help anyway, I'll wait for you here."

I was about to scold him for being a coward when a female ghost with loose hair appeared behind Li Mazi. She looked like Sadako. I smiled and said, "Look what's behind you."

Li Mazi looked back, screamed, ran over dancing and hid behind me.

At this time, countless innocent souls were attracted by the breath of living people, gathered towards us, and stretched out their hands to catch us. Qianye formed a seal with his hands and shouted: "Evil spirits retreat!"

Probably due to heredity, she still has some magic power and can exorcise some of the weaker evil spirits.

I took out the Sirius whip, recited the formula silently, and danced the whip like a snake. Wherever it went, the innocent souls turned into flying smoke, which made Qianye look surprised.

These innocent souls were not of a high level, so they could all be settled without the T-shirt man taking action. I cleared a path through the pile of innocent souls and told them to hurry over. Unexpectedly, a samurai innocent soul came from behind. When I looked back, I saw the cold samurai. The knife was already slashing towards my head, and I felt cold.

"Kneel down!" The man in the T-shirt made a gesture and shouted sharply.

I saw the samurai kneeling in front of me as if he was being pinned down by a mountain, gnashing his teeth and using his samurai sword to support the ground. I noticed that his intestines were bloody and exposed. He might have committed suicide by caesarean section. Ghosts who commit suicide are very guilty.

The man in the t-shirt unsheathed his sword and with a slight swing, the warrior's head was chopped off and instantly disappeared into ashes.

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