Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 520: Breaking a bloody path

Although these innocent souls are not something to be afraid of, there are too many of them, and our advancement speed is too slow!

I estimate that all the innocent souls of Kyoto are gathered here, and there are quite a lot of innocent samurai souls in it. Japan, which is less than the size of a province in China, has been plagued by constant wars in history. Moreover, these warriors were so obsessed with face that they would disembowel themselves after losing a battle. As a result, the mountains were full of lonely ghosts.

Li Mazi said: "Brother, why do so many ghosts suddenly appear?"

I remembered that the book mentioned that the Killing Stone can absorb spirits, so I told him: "It must have been attracted by the Killing Stone. The Killing Stone is still very weak now. It needs to absorb a steady stream of wronged souls to reshape Tamamo Mae's body."

Chiba said: "Then we should find it quickly, otherwise it will be too late."

The man in the t-shirt frowned, holding the sword in his hand and preparing to bleed. I guessed that he was going to use some big move. It was possible to force a way out of the blood, but I was worried that he would not be able to bear it.

I stopped him: "I have a solution, that is, everyone has to endure some hardships."

"It doesn't matter if you endure hardship, as long as there is no danger." Li Mazi's words fully exposed his cowardly nature.

"Don't worry, there's no danger at all. I guarantee that these innocent souls will turn a blind eye to us." I said to Oyu: "Please suck our yang energy away, don't suck it too much, as long as the innocent souls don't feel it."

"Amazing!" Li Mazi praised: "Brother Zhang, your mind is getting smarter and brighter, and you can think of such methods."

Oyu was sitting on a tree in a daze. When he heard what I said, he immediately became energetic, licked his lips and said, "Then I'm welcome!"

She jumped down and started sucking our Yang Qi. A wisp of warm gas floated out from our bodies and was sucked into her mouth by Oyu. Then I suddenly felt a little dizzy and said quickly: "Okay, okay, if you breathe again, I will faint." It’s over.”

Oudama patted his belly: "Thank you for the treat!"

The four of us were all dizzy from being sucked in. As expected, the evil spirits around us turned a blind eye to us. I said, "Let's go!"

Walking in the procession of innocent souls, it feels really strange. Many of them remain as they were when they died. Some are headless, some have their intestines crushed out by cars, and some have their bodies split in half. Their eyes are empty, like... They gathered in one direction like zombies.

Li Mazi held my arm tightly and Qianye held his shoulders. We didn't dare to speak for fear of alarming them. I don't want to experience this kind of thing again in my life!

When we came to the place where the seal was sealed, we found that the seal had been broken by someone, and the innocent souls continued to walk in through the gap.

This matter is a bit tricky. We don't have the materials to repair the seal now, so we can only move on.

When I came to the formation eye, I heard a thumping sound and saw a man struggling to chop down the pine tree with an axe. He was covered in blood, probably because he had been poured with crow's blood, snake's blood, etc., which made the victim feel uncomfortable. To his Yang Qi.

Judging from the back of that man, it was Urashima!

Chiba stopped him, and Urashima turned around and saw us, and was very surprised.

Fortunately, the pine trees have not been cut down, and the innocent souls are waiting around to be absorbed by the killing stones. The layers are stacked on top of each other, and the vast expanse of white is very eye-catching.

I picked up the Sirius Whip, and the man in the t-shirt also drew his sword. I said to Urashima: "Hurry up and capture him, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"

Urashima gritted his teeth, left his ax behind, grabbed a bag on the ground, and ran away. We quickly chased after him. I was about to use the Sirius Whip to deal with him, but the man in the T-shirt held my hand down. There were ghosts around us. If we alerted them, we would be devoured by thousands of ghosts.

The man in the t-shirt threw a few paper cranes and chased Urashima from above. We ran after the paper cranes. When Urashima ran out of the pile of grievances, I swung the Sirius whip around his ankles and Urashima was miserable. With a cry, the bag in his hand fell to the ground.

I rushed over, strangled his neck with a whip, and shouted, "What is your purpose?"

He spoke Japanese, but I couldn’t understand him either. Fortunately, Chiba came over and I asked her to translate. Chiba hesitated and said, “He’s scolding you for being nosy.”

When Chiba started talking to him, Urashima became emotional at first, then became annoyed and beat the ground desperately.

The man in the t-shirt picked up the bag, opened it and saw that it was Silver Fox Yushou inside.

"Oudama, didn't you say that this thing has nothing to do with the seal?" I asked.

"How did I know!" Oyu appeared from behind me: "I didn't make this thing."

This thing was obviously the key to releasing Tamamo Mae. The man in the T-shirt was about to put it back into his bag when he suddenly drew his sword and stabbed it in the air. A young man in white appeared and took a few steps back while covering his injured arm.

"It's all you who ruined my good deeds!" He said through gritted teeth.

"Yatama, you finally showed up!" Oudama clapped her hands happily.

"Why do you want to help these humans? Resurrection of Tamamo-sama, isn't it our mission all along?" Yadama cursed angrily.

"We don't have such a mission at all. If Tamazomae-sama is resurrected, the entire Kyoto, no, the entire Japan will suffer..."

"I don't care about the life or death of humans! You traitor!"

After saying that, Yatama bared his teeth and rushed towards Oudama. The two of them showed their fangs, claws and big tails, and they started fighting in the open space. The back and forth between you and me was very gorgeous, but it also made people sweat.

I was about to go over to help, but was stopped by the man in the T-shirt: "We have to send these innocent souls away. It's too dangerous for them to gather here."

"But how to send it?" I asked.

The man in the t-shirt picked up the fox statue. He bit his fingertips and dripped blood on it. The blood actually flowed into the fox's mouth and was sucked in.

I was shocked, this thing must be something famous.

"I guess Tamamo-mae's bones were sealed here, so we were able to summon so many innocent souls here!" said the man in the T-shirt.

"That makes sense." I nodded.

This thing is like a powerful magnet, we have to isolate it, in other words, seal it.

Oudama gradually gained the upper hand. Originally, the two were equally powerful, but Oudama had just sucked in Yang Qi and scratched several blood marks on Yatama's body and face. Yatama stepped aside and gritted his teeth angrily.

Yayu roared angrily and rushed towards the formation, tearing up those innocent souls and eating them into his stomach.

"Oops, that fox is absorbing innocent souls!" I shouted.

Yatama absorbed dozens of innocent souls in the blink of an eye, and a strong yin energy emerged from his body, and his eyes became extremely ferocious. Oudama shouted in shock: "Yatama, don't do this!"

"You all go to hell!" Yatama roared and rushed towards us. Oudama tried to stop him, but was knocked away by a claw. His little body flew past me with a hiss and hit a tree hard. superior.

Immediately afterwards, Yatama rushed towards the unsuspecting Chiba again, making Chiba turn pale with fright. I swung the whip, and Yatama caught it with one hand. Although his palm was burned and smoking, he died. He wouldn't let me go and dragged me over.

The man in the t-shirt rushed over and stabbed him several times with his sword. Yayu quickly dodged and suddenly transformed into a giant fox, slapping down the man in the t-shirt with his paw, causing dust to fly for a moment.

The figure of the man in the T-shirt was instantly disappeared from the photo. I was shocked. Could it be that he was shot to death?

"You evil beast, suffer death!"

The man in the T-shirt shouted loudly, and the giant fox disappeared. It turned out that it was just a phantom. He stabbed it with his sword. Yayu was afraid of the Han sword and kept dodging, and then the surroundings turned into a sea of ​​​​fire.

Of course, this was another phantom. The man in the T-shirt remained unmoved and continued his attack.

Yayu's only ability is illusion. Once he is discovered, he will be a little embarrassed. He cannot stop the sword of the man in the T-shirt.

At this time, Li Mazi came out from behind the tree. He didn't know where he had been hiding just now. He didn't come back sooner or later, but he just ran out now.

Yayu smelled the scent of a living person, and suddenly rushed over and hugged Li Mazi to bite his throat. Li Mazi pushed hard with his hands and fell to the ground shouting. Yayu was very strong, and Li Mazi was about to support him. Can't stand it anymore.

"Seeking death!" The man in the t-shirt threw the Eight-faced Han Sword, and the sword flew over with a whoosh and plunged straight into Yayu's chest.

"No!" Oyu's heartbreaking cry echoed in the woods.

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