Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 521 Beauty is always a disaster

Yayu looked at the sword inserted into his chest, with an expression of disbelief, and spat out a mouthful of blood. Oudama yelled and rushed over, hugging him in his arms and sobbing.

Yatama shrunk into a bead, and Oudama looked at the man in the T-shirt fiercely, showing his fangs: "I'm going to kill you!"

Oudama rushed over quickly, and the man in the T-shirt quickly drew a talisman in mid-air with two fingers. When he touched Oudama's forehead, Oudama let out a scream and shrank into a ball.

"Scared me to death." Li Mazi wiped the sweat from his forehead and sat up.

"Where did you run just now?" I asked.

"You disappeared in a flash. There were ghosts everywhere, and I didn't dare to shout. It took me a long time to find you." Li Mazi looked aggrieved and picked up the glass beads on the ground: "How much is this thing worth?"

"Leave it to me!" The man in the T-shirt stretched out his hand.

Li Mazi reluctantly handed over the beads.

"Did you really kill that little fox?" I asked.

"No, this fox is the soul of Tamamo Mae. It won't die that easily. It will probably sleep for a while." The man in the T-shirt said calmly.

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you!" he yelled as the bead that Oudama turned into dangled in his palm.

The man in the T-shirt was unmoved and stuffed two beads into the empty eye sockets of the fox statue. I don’t know if it was my imagination, but the moment I put them in, a silver light passed through the statue, just like the fox. It's like coming back to life.

"Let's go seal it," the man in the T-shirt said.


I asked Li Mazi to take Urashima with me, and the group went down the mountain. The ghosts in the mountain were attracted and followed us one after another, but they walked unsteadily and not very fast.

On the way, I said to the man in the T-shirt: "On the first day of junior high school, I want to discuss something with you."


"I want to tame this little fox." I said.

The man in the t-shirt said: "Although she is not bad in nature, she is a demon and a heretic after all, not to mention she wants to attract people's yang energy."

I was silent, thinking that I might as well forget it!

But the man in the T-shirt said next: "If you really want it, I will conquer it for you, but I have to bring her back to Lost Way Temple first to temper her wildness. It may take a while."

Weiyu heard this and yelled: "Smelly Taoist priest, I will bite you to death when I come out!"

I smiled bitterly. Although this fox was cute, it was indeed wild and untamed.

I have always envied the man in the t-shirt who had a little Taoist boy to serve him. I have long wanted to have a powerful little demon as a follower, but this was not something I could just wishful thinking, so I asked Oyu: "Do you want to stay in China for a while?"

"China..." she muttered, that was her hometown after all: "What did you do to Yayu?"

"His soul has been sealed and he will sleep for more than ten years." The man in the T-shirt said.

I told her: "You have to think about it. Once we seal the fox statue, you will stay in the box for decades again."

"Okay, then I'll go to China!" Oyu said, "But you have to breathe in Yang energy for me."

"In your dreams!"

"Are you rich?"

"Not too rich, but you can still eat meat if you want."

"Okay, it's a deal, if you lie to me, I'll bite you to death!"

It’s so wild and untamable!

The man in the t-shirt asked me to write my name on the paper with my own blood later, and write Otama's name on the back. He did this by transferring Otama to the paper before sealing it and taking it away. It can probably be kept for a while. , and when he returns, he will find a fox to be his Dharmakaya.

Chiba caught up with me from behind and said that she had asked about the truth. It turned out that Urashima’s original surname was Tanaka and he was the son of the bald uncle.

The bald uncle's business went bankrupt and he owed a lot of loan sharks, so he came to beg his son to find a way, such as stealing some valuable things from the shrine to sell.

The conversation between the two was probably overheard by Gadama, and Gadama made a deal with them. As long as they helped him release Tamamozen-sama, it would be easy for them to get rich with Tamamozen-sama's power.

The desperate father and son began to secretly cause trouble, first destroying the feng shui of the shrine, then stealing the silver fox guard, and finally destroying the seal. Unexpectedly, they all failed in the end and ended up in vain.

Suspected of stealing a national treasure, this crime is enough for Urashima to lose his job and maybe even go to jail.

Chiba said that Urashima begged us not to confess the bald man no matter what. He wanted to bear the blame alone and not involve his father.

I thought to myself that Urashima is also a filial son! In order for my father to make a comeback, I would do anything like this, but we were almost sent to jail. I didn’t sympathize with him at all and planned to tell the police about his stealing of the national treasure.

When we returned to the shrine, the police saw us coming back and pointed their guns at us. But when they saw the fox statues in our hands and... the army of innocent souls slowly moving up the mountain behind us, they were all dumbfounded in surprise.

Chiba quickly explained to them that we must seal the fox guard immediately, otherwise the Hyakki Night Walk will have to be staged again!

The police agreed doubtfully. Chiba stayed to negotiate with them and explained what happened to Urashima. The three of us took the keys and went to the warehouse to prepare for sealing.

There was ready-made paper and red rope in the warehouse. I wrote my and Otama's names on it as the t-shirt man said, and handed it to him. When the t-shirt man transferred Otama up, I used the red rope to weave it into a Small sealing array.

The tailedama was successfully transferred to the paper, and we returned the fox statue to the box, sealed it, affixed a few charms, and locked it back in the cabinet.

When they came out, many policemen were looking towards the mountain. They saw that the guilty souls had dispersed one after another, and the mountain was quiet again, but there was still a mist.

This matter is finally over. Urashima was taken away by the police. We were too tired and went back to the hotel to rest. Yin Xinyue and Ruxue, who had returned from shopping, learned that we had settled the matter and were very upset, saying that they had missed a show. What a show!

The next day we brought some things back to the shrine. Two things, one was to repair the seal in front of Tamamo, and the second was to slightly change the feng shui of the shrine so that it would no longer be haunted at night. It was all laborious work, and there was nothing to say. of.

Chiba thanked us profusely and gave us some compensation, which totaled about 100,000 yuan. It seemed that the shrine did not have much money.

"Urashima has been arrested. Who will be the high priest in the future, you?" I asked her.

Chiba smiled and said: "Of course it's impossible. There has never been a precedent for a miko to become a high priest."

"This tradition is really unfriendly to women..." I said.

"The status of women in Japan is not high to begin with." Chiba smiled bitterly and hoped that we could come back to play again when we have time.

Before leaving, Ruxue discovered that Li Mazi was secretly asking for Qianye’s phone number. He was getting angry the whole way back, and we couldn’t be quiet for a second. Li Mazi probably had to reflect on himself on the washboard when he went back. .

While waiting for my flight at the airport, I suddenly found an ancient woman in gorgeous clothes standing there looking at me. She was extremely coquettish. That outfit was clearly Tamamo-mae, or I should call her Kitsune Daji!

"Oops, Daji ran out!" I yelled and woke up from my dream. Yin Xinyue, who was playing the mobile game "Onmyoji" with her head down, looked at me with surprised eyes and asked: "Are you having a nightmare?"

I glanced in the direction where Daji had just appeared, and there was nothing there. It was indeed a dream.

I suddenly thought about what an innocent woman Daji was. Just because she was so beautiful, she was blamed for the fall of the Shang Dynasty. She ran to Japan and became an imperial concubine, and was treated as a monster...

From ancient times to the present, history has been written by men, while women have no status at all and can only be used as toys for men.

Maybe the Daji in history was not that hateful. She just wanted to find a man who loved her wholeheartedly!

It's a pity that beauties are always a disaster, and beauties are always unlucky.

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