Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 522 The ghost who loves tea

During this period of time, two happy events happened around me. First, Ruxue gave birth to a daughter for Li Mazi after ten months of pregnancy. In order to commemorate the deceased Chu Chu, Li Mazi named her daughter Nian Chu. Naturally, I became Nian Chu. uncle. The second thing is that after several months of running away, Senior Shu finally got rid of the pursuit of his enemies and showed up in my store in a swaggering manner. He stayed for a full half a month before leaving.

After Senior Shu left, my life became boring again. Yin Xinyue was busy working every day and had no time to accompany me. Li Mazi was at Ruxue's side 24 hours a day like an old eunuch. For a while, I became a loner. .

I stayed in the store for less than three days and couldn't stand it any longer. I called Senior Shu to ask where he was and wanted to find him.

"Why are you looking for me? I'm busy doing business and making money right now. I don't have time to play with you." Senior Shu said very vulgarly.

Before he left, he told me that he had taken on a lot of business during his time on the road, and he was going to help his employers solve their problems one by one. It seemed that he was really busy. I thought about it and said that if you are really too busy, you can give me one or two pieces of business. It just so happens that I have nothing to do to help you run errands.


After hearing this, Senior Shu was overjoyed. As if he was afraid that I would regret it, he hurriedly said: "There is a tea merchant named Lu Ming in Fujian who came to see me a few days ago! I will send you his contact information. Thank you, grandson... …”

After saying that, he hung up the phone shamelessly, and then sent a text message.

When I looked at the address in Quanzhou, Fujian, I felt like I had been cheated. This old guy had definitely dumped the farthest business on me. But I was really holding it back, so I stopped picking and choosing. I immediately called Lu Ming and asked him if he still needed help.

Lu Ming's attitude was originally very cold, but after hearing me reveal my identity, he suddenly made a 360-degree turn. He only said that he needed help, and asked me when he would go there to pick me up in person.

His attitude towards me was almost closer than that to his own father. I knew that this businessman might be in big trouble! I asked him to wait for me for a day, then hung up the phone and bought a ticket to Quanzhou directly.

I arrived at Quanzhou Airport the next morning. This was my first time in Quanzhou, so I didn’t call Lu Ming immediately but wandered around the world.

Maybe it’s related to my career. I especially respect Chinese traditional culture, and Quanzhou’s traditional culture is extremely rich. During the whole day, I visited Zhenwu Temple, Haiyin Temple and many other ancient buildings. Being among these antique buildings, it was really exciting. You can feel the rich history of the city of Quanzhou. Unfortunately, I still had a mission, so I had no choice but to call Lu Ming in the evening.

He was very excited when he learned that I had arrived in Quanzhou, and he drove to pick me up soon.

Before that, I had made some guesses about Lu Ming's appearance, thinking that he should be a rich man with a big belly. Only when he came did I realize that I was wrong.

Lu Ming looks very much like the movie star Chen Daoming. He is about thirty or forty years old. He has a good figure and shining eyes. He is wearing a neat suit and shiny leather shoes. He looks very sophisticated. It's just that the circles under his eyes are a little dark, I think it's caused by dirty things.

On the way to his house, I asked. Lu Ming was stunned for a moment and said, "You still don't know what happened?"

I was speechless for a moment, scolding Senior Shu ten thousand times in my heart, and then said awkwardly: "Senior Shu didn't say much when he introduced me."

"Uh, I understand."

Lu Ming frowned, obviously doubting my ability, but he still nodded politely, which made me feel quite comfortable.

It turns out that Lu Ming's family has been in the tea business for generations, but their ancestors were just doing it in a small way and had no big achievements. When it comes to Lu Ming's generation, he relies on his extraordinary network marketing methods to make his tea one of the best in the country. He has even exported his tea abroad to Japan and Southeast Asian countries, becoming a veritable tea tycoon.

By achieving this achievement in her thirties, Lu Ming has become a rising star in the tea industry! Even he himself sometimes felt that his life was perfect, but he didn't expect that since the Spring Festival last year, some strange things began to happen intermittently at home.

At first, the fine tea left in the cupboard disappeared. At first, he thought it was a visiting guest who had brought it back to taste, so he didn't care. Unexpectedly, from that day on, part of the fine tea would go missing from his house almost every few days. He was determined to find out who stole it? They quietly installed cameras indoors.

At this point, Lu Ming swallowed, his expression became solemn, and his eyes were a little weak. It seemed that he thought of something terrible and did not dare to say anything further.

"Don't worry, I will help you solve your trouble when I come!"

It seemed that he was indeed frightened, so I had to give him a reassurance.

Lu Ming's expression became better, and he continued: "The day after the cameras were installed, three bags of tea worth more than 100,000 yuan were lost. I couldn't wait to check the surveillance video, but found that the cabinet where the tea was stored was I opened it by myself in the middle of the night, and the tea leaves inside slowly floated out, as if they had been taken away by a transparent person."

When I heard this, I closed my eyes and felt it. The scene he mentioned appeared in front of my eyes, and my scalp couldn't help but feel numb. Opening my eyes, I asked, "Have you hired any other masters before looking for Senior Shu?"

This must be caused by something dirty, but there are many famous monks and Taoists in Fujian, and Lu Ming belongs to the upper class. It is not difficult for him to hire a master. Why did he go all the way to ask Senior Shu for help?

Seeing me asking this, Lu Ming's face turned very painful. He said that when he saw that scene, he knew something dirty might be in the house! I specially visited several Feng Shui masters in Fujian who had a good reputation, but they turned around and left within a few minutes after arriving at the house, and they all did not dare to take the business.

Only one person tried to put a few yellow charms on his home, but he didn't take his money and said there was only so much he could do, and if it didn't work, please hire someone else.

After the gentleman left, Lu Ming became nervous, fearing that the charm would not work. When the tea leaves might disappear, he did not even dare to live at home. When he returned home the next day, he saw that all the yellow charms had been burned to ashes. Seeing this, Lu Ming felt a chill in her heart. She hurriedly opened the cabinet and saw that the tea leaves inside had disappeared after all!

He immediately went to find the gentleman and wanted to ask him to help him again, but he stopped intervening.

In the end, Lu Ming learned about Senior Shu, an expert through his circle of friends, and wanted to hire Senior Shu with a lot of money to help. But during that time, Senior Shu was busy running for his life, and he forgot about this business in a matter of minutes...

I thought something terrible must have happened later. If it was just some tea leaves, Lu Ming would definitely not be so panicked!

"Since no one was willing to help, I simply stopped thinking about it so much. I thought it would be okay to lose some tea leaves. Unexpectedly, from the day when Huangfu was burned, I dreamed of an old man with a white beard every night! He was wearing black clothes Shroud, with a ferocious face, hit my head with a cane until I woke up."

"I thought the yellow talisman might have angered some ghost, so I burned a lot of paper money to it and moved out of my house. However, no matter where I slept, I would always dream about the old man, and he would scare me every time. I was half dead and then knocked me awake with a cane. Later I tried to sleep during the day and the situation improved..."

After Lu Ming said all this, he felt a little dazed. I finally understood why the circles under his eyes were so dark. For the past few months, he has been sleeping during the day and working at night. Even gods can't handle it!

Judging from Lu Ming's description, the old man shouldn't be too vicious, otherwise he would still dream about the old man even if he slept during the day; besides, the old man didn't mean to hurt Lu Ming, he just hit Lu Ming's head with a cane, as if to Teach him a lesson.

I felt that Lu Ming might have done something that violated his conscience, so I asked straight to the point: "Boss Lu, have you offended someone? Or done something that is harmful to nature."


Lu Ming thought for a long time after hearing this, and finally shook his head and said that he had been busy doing business, how could he do anything harmful to the world? Even if there are many opponents in the business field, it is still a normal business competition, and people will not have the whole ghost old man to deal with them.

What Lu Ming said made sense, but I always felt that the old man would not hit him with a cane for no reason, so I tried to ask: "Boss Lu, if you think about it carefully, that old man has appeared in your dreams many times. Didn’t you say anything?”

"I told you, he would yell at me with a ferocious face every time, but I couldn't hear anything!" Lu Ming was so aggrieved that she almost cried.

"That's it, then I know what to do..."

After hearing this, I felt much more at ease. Since the old man was willing to open his mouth to speak, it proved that there was room for communication. Lu Ming couldn't hear the sound. Maybe the ghost old man's yin energy was too light for a living person to hear. When I go back and arrange it, Lu Ming will naturally be able to hear what the old man said, and maybe the problem will be solved.

Soon, Lu Ming parked the car in front of a villa. When I opened the door, I found that the door was covered with spider webs. Lu Ming said awkwardly that no one lived here since the house was haunted.

I smiled faintly and followed him into the room. Then I looked carefully and found that the layout of the house was very reasonable, so I asked him if he hired a Feng Shui master during the decoration?

"That's right, that's why I'm wondering! How can my house attract ghosts if its feng shui is so good?" Lu Ming looked helpless.

A big question mark arose in my mind, because there was a stream in front of his villa, and a lush hilly area behind it, which formed an excellent pattern for hiding wind and gathering energy. The arrangement of indoor tables, chairs, and beds follows Feng Shui common sense, and there is absolutely no reason to attract evil spirits. Therefore, the ghost old man is most likely living in a certain evil object in Lu Ming's house.

However, I searched every corner of the villa and couldn't find a trace of yin! Everything in the room is normal, so it seems that even the possibility of evil beings causing trouble is very small.

At this time, Lu Ming suddenly screamed. I hurriedly followed his gaze and found that he was sitting in front of a cabinet trembling all over. The cabinet had been opened at this moment, and the bags of tea inside were rummaged everywhere. They are all very messy.

"Less again?" I asked.

Looking at his appearance, I knew that the tea leaves might have been taken away by the ghost old man again. Lu Ming nodded blankly, and then said with a wry smile: "I have lived out for three months, and the tea leaves here have been missing for twelve months. Damn, it seems like it didn’t waste even a day! I’m convinced that there are people who love tea so much in this world.”

I have taken over dozens of businesses of all sizes, and the ghost spirits do all kinds of things, but they don’t steal tea leaves. This old man is weird enough.

After Lu Ming was in better condition, I asked him directly if he had bought any antiques at home. Unexpectedly, he shook his head without thinking and said that he had no hobby of collecting antiques.

This is really strange!

I was a little confused for a while, but fortunately the old man appeared every night when Lu Ming was sleeping, so I wasn’t afraid that he wouldn’t show up!

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