Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 523 The Mysterious Purple Clay Pot (2 Chapters Collection)

I thought about it and asked Lu Ming to clean the room, then spread a circle of paper dust around the head of the bed, woven willow branches around the edge of the mirror, and placed it next to the pillow.

Paper ash and willow branches are both yin, and these two things are used to force the ghost old man to show up! In order to ensure Lu Ming's safety, I drew a Bagua pattern on the bed board and dripped my own blood on it. After doing all this, I hid in the toilet, held the Sirius Whip and observed carefully. As soon as the old ghost appeared, I would immediately activate the Bagua Formation, and then cooperate with the Beidou Sirius Technique to take it down.

Lu Ming is a big boss with a net worth of hundreds of millions. When has he ever cleaned? I was very tired after all this tossing, so I lay on the bed and fell asleep. As Lu Ming's heavy snoring sounded, the room became quiet. As soon as his snoring stopped, the surroundings became eerily quiet, and I couldn't help but become nervous.

What I didn't expect was that Lu Ming didn't wake up the whole night, and I didn't notice anything unusual. Even when I asked Lu Ming to get up after dawn, he asked me what I was doing with an unhappy face.

To be honest, I stared at him all night, but he slept soundly. I couldn't help but feel happy and said, "Did you sleep well last night?"

"It feels so good, I haven't slept so comfortably for a long time..."

Lu Ming stretched as he spoke. The next moment he suddenly reacted and asked with surprise on his face: "Oh my god, the old man didn't show up last night?"

"Everything was fine last night." I said matter-of-factly.

In my heart, I felt that he was making a fuss out of a molehill. Maybe the old man was just a lonely ghost who bumped in accidentally. Seeing that his tea was good, he took some back to enjoy. Of course, it could also be that the old man saw that Lu Ming never slept at night, so he was too lazy to bother with it. He did. I told Lu Ming this idea, but he shook his head repeatedly and insisted that the old man came to target him.

Seeing that he was so sure, I felt uneasy. For the sake of safety, I still waited for the old man in the next few days according to the previous arrangement. As a result, he slept comfortably after a few days, but I had dark circles under my eyes.

I thought about it and thought that the old man might have sensed the Bagua array I had set up so he didn't dare to show up, so I removed the array, but even so the old man still didn't show up.

Lu Ming was not as nervous as before, and a smile gradually appeared on his face. I thought the old man's matter was over, so I didn't keep vigil at night, but I still carefully arranged willow branches and paper ashes.

Due to Lu Ming's loud snoring, I was never able to fall asleep and was only in a state of light sleep. In the second half of the night, he slept soundly and snored less and less, and I felt more relaxed.

As I fell asleep, I vaguely heard the sound of slight footsteps coming from my ears, but I was getting sleepy and didn't care so much, thinking that Lu Ming had gotten up to go to the bathroom. But the voice became clearer and clearer, and in the end it seemed like it was stopping next to me.

At this time, I subconsciously felt something was wrong, but I couldn't open my eyes, so I could only clench my fists and feel it quietly. I just felt that after a while, the footsteps sounded again, and then I heard a crisp sound.

This is the sound of a cupboard opening!

I suddenly woke up, opened my eyes and looked in the direction of the cabinet. At the same time, I picked up the willow branch mirror beside my pillow and looked over. I was shocked to see an old man wearing a black shroud appear in the mirror.

"Who are you?" The yin energy emitted by it was very weak, so I wasn't afraid of him, so I asked sharply.

Unexpectedly, he ignored me at all, didn't even look at me, took out a bag of tea and walked out of the room slowly.

I stayed up late for a week just waiting for it, how could I let it go now? I immediately jumped up from the bed and rushed toward it. Unexpectedly, its speed suddenly increased. I lost it as soon as I chased it to the door of the villa, so I had to go back inside.

The lights in the room had been turned on, and Lu Ming was awakened. He sat on the bed and asked me with a trembling voice: "Then the old man is here again, right?"

"Well..." I nodded gently. As the old man ghost appeared again, I found that all my previous guesses were no longer valid.

Judging from the speed at which the old man disappeared just now, it was more powerful than I expected. Not to mention Lu Ming, even my heart felt cold this time.

Lu Ming collapsed again, grabbed my hand and asked me what should I do? I thought about it and felt that since the old man found out that Lu Ming was sleeping at night, he would definitely find an opportunity to enter his dreamland again, so I let Lu Ming continue to sleep.

He didn't dare to agree at first, but I finally agreed after some persuasion.

After Lu Ming fell asleep, I continued to hide in the toilet and keep an eye on him, but the old man didn't show up. I let Lu Ming sleep in different rooms and in different environments for the next few nights, but the old man still didn't show up, as if he had completely left.

Unexpectedly, after a week, there were still less tea leaves in the cupboard. I couldn't help but wonder, if the ghost old man only wanted the tea leaves, why did he always pester Lu Ming in his dreams in the first place?

Could it be that Mr. Yin Yang's yellow talisman from before stimulated him? But the Bagua formation I set up was much more powerful than the Huang Fu. Why didn't the old man get angry?

In the past half month, I only saw that ghostly old man once, but I was exhausted and felt extremely frustrated. Since the old man didn't show up, Lu Ming's life returned to normal and he continued to run his tea business. However, he let me stay with him as long as he went to bed at night, completely treating me as a 'personal bed partner'.

This kind of job is the most boring, after all, I don't have any gay hobbies.

I'm going to wait for the ghost old man to try his luck next time he steals tea. If I still can't catch him, I won't care about it. The old man won't hurt anyone anyway.

Unexpectedly, before the day for the old man to steal tea came, Lu Ming would get into trouble first! That day he went to Xiamen to discuss a business deal with his Japanese partners, and told me enthusiastically that if the deal was successful, it would take his career to the next level.

It can be seen that he attaches great importance to this negotiation, but I can't help much with business matters, so I am waiting for him in the next room while playing on my mobile phone. I was immersed in the game when I suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the conference room next door, followed by Lu Ming's roar.

I realized something was wrong, so I immediately put away my phone and rushed into the conference room. I found Lu Ming holding a chair in his hand and throwing it at someone repeatedly. The bodyguards next to him stepped forward to stop him, but they were kicked by him before he could get close. fly.

The person who was beaten by Lu Ming had a small beard under his nose. He was obviously his Japanese partner. At this moment, the little devil's nose was

Blood spurts out. Seeing this scene, I felt secretly happy, but thinking about what Lu Ming said to me, I felt something was wrong...

How could a high-society businessman like him hit someone just because he wanted to? And he still picked up the chair and smashed it.

Besides, the other party was a business partner that he particularly cared about. Thinking of this, I hurriedly stepped forward to grab Lu Ming and ask him to calm down.

Unexpectedly, Lu Ming shouted hysterically: "Get away!"

After saying that, he kicked me. I didn't expect that he would also hit me, and I sat on the ground after being kicked.

This kick almost knocked the wind out of me. I didn’t believe that the thin Lu Ming could have such strength. He stood up and shouted at the bodyguard next to him: “Don’t be so fucking dumbfounded. Come and help. Keep hitting me.” That little devil will definitely be beaten to death."

All the bodyguards reacted after hearing what I said. In desperation, they no longer cared about Lu Ming's identity, and swarmed up and pushed him to the ground.

But Lu Ming kept struggling like a strong man, his scarlet eyes constantly wandering between me and the Japanese. Especially when he saw me, he gritted his teeth.

When he looked at me like this, I took a deep breath. He hurriedly searched around the house and finally found two gel pens. Then he pounced on him and clamped his middle finger with the gel pen and squeezed hard. Lu Ming suddenly let out a scream, and his body began to twitch, and finally he rolled his eyes and fainted to the ground.

When everyone saw this, they were so scared that they left him. The negotiation ended unhappily, and in an instant, only the two of us were left in the conference room. It wasn't until the hotel waiter asked me if I needed help that I came back to my senses. I felt a chill on my back and my clothes were covered in cold sweat when I reached out.

The situation was urgent and I couldn't think too much about it. I felt that Lu Ming suddenly went crazy and seemed to be possessed by something dirty, so I subconsciously picked up his pen and pinched his middle finger. After the Yin spirit was driven away, I realized that it was daytime now!

In broad daylight and in full view of everyone, he was able to control Lu Ming silently. That Yin spirit was so terrifying!

It’s just that I don’t know if the Yin spirit just now is an old man? If not, it meant that there was more than one Yin spirit staring at Lu Ming, which would be a disaster.

Then I dragged Lu Ming to the hotel room to rest. I sat on the bed and recalled the scene when the old man stole tea. In my opinion, it was just faster and did not have the ability to get up during the day.

Just when I was confused, there was a knock on the door suddenly. When I opened the door, I saw that it was the waiter from before.

"What's the matter?" I asked a little guilty, looking behind him.

After all, Lu Ming just injured little Japan, and I'm afraid the waiter will bring the police.

Fortunately, there was only one waiter. He smiled at me kindly, and then handed me an exquisite purple clay pot.

He said that this was Lu Ming's portable teapot. He had left it behind during the last meeting at their hotel, so he kept it for him. Today, it just happened to be returned to its original owner.

"Thank you then."

I took the teapot with a smile, and was about to leave a tip to the waiter like the TV show, but when I saw the appearance of the teapot clearly, my eyes widened several times in an instant!

There was a layer of faint purple air surrounding the purple clay pot. No matter how much I shook it, the purple air would not dissipate, as if it was being sucked onto it.

I looked at the teapot and was stunned for a moment, then concluded that the teapot was a ghost object, and it was most likely related to the ghost old man.

The most important point is that the waiter said that Lu Ming originally carried this purple clay pot with him, but lost it in the hotel. This does not seem to be consistent with common sense.

A big boss like him with a net worth of over 100 million must be inseparable from the things he is accustomed to. However, Lu Ming has not returned to the hotel to pick up the purple clay pot for so long. There must be something fishy in this!

Thinking of this, I quickly took out a few hundred dollars and handed it to the waiter, asking him to tell me in detail, what happened when Boss Lu had a meeting here last time?

The waiter smiled immediately after taking the money, but he hesitated and returned the money to me, saying that the matter was confidential within the hotel, and if he let others know that he leaked the secret, he would definitely be fired.

After hearing what he said, I was sure there was something in this kid's belly! I quickly grabbed him, said a lot of nice things, and gave him some extra money. The waiter then reluctantly hid the money in his pocket and made me swear not to tell anyone.

After seeing me nodding, he cautiously leaned into my ear and said quickly: "During the last meeting, Boss Lu seemed to be possessed by a demon. He kept drinking tea and his voice changed! His face changed. It is covered with wrinkles at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in just half an hour I have aged thirty or forty years."

"Everyone was frightened by this scene. A good negotiation was ruined like this! After everyone left, Boss Lu's face returned to its original state again, and he walked away with a big smile."

As soon as the waiter finished speaking, other hotel staff appeared in the corridor. He winked at me and then ran away.

According to the waiter, the man who caused trouble during these two negotiations was undoubtedly the old man.

I couldn't help but look at this purple clay pot carefully. The purple clay pot was born in the Ming Dynasty, and the purple clay pot made in Jiangsu is the best. Because there is a kind of purple clay unique to that place, the teapots produced are beautiful and the water is sweet and delicious.

Judging from the layer of purple Yin Qi on the periphery, this teapot must be an ancient object, because contemporary Yin objects cannot have such a deep foundation!

Then I opened the lid of the teapot, and a faint aroma of tea suddenly came out, with a coolness mixed with the aroma.

At first sniff, I felt it tasted a bit like the jasmine honey tea sold in supermarkets, but after savoring it carefully, I found that the tea fragrance in front of me was more refreshing, as if it had just been brewed.

It seems that the ghost old man stole the tea leaves to make tea. He must have been a tea drinker during his lifetime, right? I suddenly thought of the Ji Xiaolan pipe I received a long time ago, and couldn't help but become curious about the identity of this tea-loving old man.

Then I took out a magnifying glass and pointed it at the mouth of the pot to observe carefully, and I really discovered the problem!

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