Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 524: The pros and cons of femininity

There was not a drop of water in the teapot, but a thick layer of patina formed around it and on the bottom.

How can ceramics rust? Is this not a purple clay pot at all?

With this idea in mind, I put my ear to it and tapped it lightly with my finger. I immediately heard the crisp sound unique to copperware instead of the muffled sound of pottery.

Obviously this is not a purple clay pot at all, but a layer of purple clay on the outside of the copper pot, which makes the clues suddenly complicated.

Zisha teapots only existed in the Ming Dynasty, so the first question before me was to find out whether the age of this teapot was before the Ming Dynasty or after the Ming Dynasty. This is crucial for judging the owner of the femininity.

As a tea industry tycoon, Lu Ming must have studied teapots, and he must have known that this purple clay teapot was an antique. But a few days ago, when I asked him if he had any antiques at home, he denied it!

Is there something wrong with Lu Ming?

Thinking of this, I frowned and looked at Lu Ming lying on the ground, but I was shocked to find that all the Yang Fire on his body was there!

Being possessed by a Yin spirit in broad daylight, but not receiving any harm, completely subverted my understanding.

I felt that he must be hiding something from me, or that he already knew something about this teapot, but he just didn't want to tell me.

When Lu Ming woke up, he was obviously stunned when he saw the purple clay pot on the table, and then asked me what was going on.

"Do you know what you did?"

I didn't answer his question, but asked expressionlessly.

"I don't know, I just remember that I was in a meeting, and when I turned on my head, I couldn't remember anything." Lu Ming said vaguely.

"Haha, since I can't control this matter, you might as well hire someone else." I sneered and said the next sentence, turned around and left.

How dare Lu Ming let me go? He hurriedly caught up with me and begged me to help him to the end. It was easy to negotiate how much he would give.

Then he consciously changed his story and said that he was controlled by the ghost old man. Although his mind was still clear, his body was not under his control. He also said that he lied to avoid responsibility. After all, he almost beat the Japanese businessman to death, and he must bear criminal responsibility.

"Then how do you explain this purple clay pot? And you had a similar experience in a previous meeting. Why didn't you tell me?" I asked angrily.

I foolishly guarded him for half a month, but in the end, he didn't tell me the truth at all.

" know everything."

Lu Ming was stunned for a moment. For the sake of what I said, he didn't hide it anymore and said it all.

Not only did he know that the purple clay teapot was a yin object, but it was with the help of the purple clay teapot that he became the dominant player in the tea industry in just a few years.

But he never expected that since he planned to expand his business to the whole world, Zishahu would no longer help him, but would instead warn him every now and then.

Lu Ming didn't want to give up a great development opportunity, but he didn't want others to know that he relied on evil things to make his fortune from scratch, so he was in the embarrassing situation of asking for help but not being able to tell the truth.

After hearing this, I stopped being angry. In fact, there are too many such things. People in the world only know how to use evil things to seek benefits, and often they will be harmed by evil things in the end!

Lu Ming was lucky that he was not harmed.

I sighed and asked him where the teapot came from. Do you know the origin of this teapot?

The old ghost has already shown his strength, and I may not be his opponent if he fights with force. Besides, it's not an evil spirit. I might as well be a favor and let Lu Ming return the teapot.

"I bought the teapot from Xishuangbanna. The seller said that carrying this teapot with me will help my career. I bought it and gave it a try, and it really worked."

At this point, Lu Ming paused and said with some embarrassment that this was all he knew.

"I've convinced you!"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him. You can't just accept the femininity if you want to. You have to consider many factors such as the viciousness of the femininity itself, the background of the femininity and the credibility of the seller. If you are not careful, you may get into trouble or even fall into someone else's trap.

Lu Ming only dared to put the teapot away after hearing what he said. Fortunately, he was lucky, otherwise he might not have had the chance to wait until I rescued him.

But when things got to this point, it was useless to talk about anything else. I thought about it and decided to take the teapot and rush to Xishuangbanna with Lu Ming myself, and asked him if he still remembered the specific location of the seller.

"Uh... remember."

Seeing that I was going, Lu Ming hesitated for a moment. It seemed that he was reluctant to give away the teapot, so I ignored him and took care of my own affairs.

In the evening, Lu Ming reluctantly got on the train bound for Xishuangbanna under my pull.

After getting in the car, he kept scratching his head and ears, just like a monkey. I patted him and said, don't be so nervous. Your business is so big that you don't need to rely on vaginal objects at all.


Lu Ming replied absentmindedly, but his mood was still very low. I shook my head helplessly.

The function of Yin objects is to provide help in times of need. To put it simply, it is used to tide over difficulties under forced circumstances, and it will not cause any harm to people.

It's just that human nature is too greedy. Many people will become dependent on the femininity after using it once, and even completely lose themselves in the end and become the puppets of the femininity! Take Lu Ming for example, most of his achievements are actually due to his own efforts, but subconsciously he feels that all of them are the result of evil things.

So it's useless to talk too much to him. We can only solve the problem and let him regain his confidence!

After he felt a little more settled, I asked him if he could remember the detailed address. After all, Xishuangbanna is so big, it would be troublesome if he couldn't remember the specific location.

"In Xishuangbanna, Menghai County, Menghai Township."

There are natural tea gardens near Xishuangbanna. Lu Ming has been dealing with tea for many years and is familiar with it, so he said it without thinking.

After reversing twice, we finally arrived at Menghai Township. It was already broad daylight and we had a panoramic view of the surrounding mountains and green waters.

Looking at the surrounding waterwheels, cattle consumption, fruit trees, and tea gardens, they all look very primitive, especially the mountain villages that symbolize local culture.

I was even thinking about taking Yin Xinyue to build a hut here in a few years and live in seclusion in the mountains and rivers without paying attention to worldly affairs.

Compared to my leisurely and elegant attitude, Lu Ming looked much more nervous. His face had become much uglier since entering Menghai Township, and his hands were tightly holding the small bag containing the teapot.

I was afraid that he would regret it later and refuse to return it, so I had no choice but to stop playing and let him take me to the seller.

"You can only go at night. Their village is not open to outsiders." Lu Ming said.

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

I suddenly became anxious, and he forced a smile and said that he had just remembered it. But he then said that he had saved that person's number, and then he pulled out the number and dialed it.

The call got through, but no one answered the call after ringing for a long time. In the end, Lu Ming had no choice but to say he could only wait until night.

"Okay then, it's just a good time to have a good sleep during the day."

I was really tired after riding in the car all night. After the novelty of the surrounding environment wore off, I was so sleepy that I couldn't keep my eyes open, so I found a small hotel nearby and fell asleep.

Lu Ming opened a room next to me. I was afraid that he would change his mind, so I took the teapot to my room, then ignored him and fell asleep.

It was a very comfortable sleep, and I slept straight into the night. If Lu Ming hadn't woken me up, I would have slept until dawn.

After he woke me up, he couldn't wait to take me to the cottage where the seller was. He looked as if he was anxious to get rid of the teapot, which was completely different from before.

I glanced at him in surprise and felt that his complexion was much better. I thought he must have thought about it, right? Without thinking any more, he quickly picked up the teapot and left the hotel with him.

Menghai Township is not very big, and is divided into several areas by several villages, so it is easy to find places for sellers. After walking for less than twenty minutes, we saw a village gate made of stones. In front of the village was a two-meter-wide stream.

From afar, I could see the village decorated with lights, crowded with people, and cheers coming from time to time.

I was very curious about what they were doing, and wanted to go in and take a look but was afraid of breaking the rules, so I asked Lu Ming if he knew what they were doing.

"Do you want to watch the Dai nationality song and dance?" Lu Ming said nonchalantly. Obviously this kind of thing is not new to him, but it is very attractive to me.

"Didn't you say we can't go in? Can we?"

I asked doubtfully, and Lu Ming laughed and said that you are not allowed to enter during the day, but you can go there at night. The hospitable female ethnic minority compatriots might even invite you to dance.

"Then go in and take a look!"

I became interested and walked towards the village. However, I didn't see Lu Ming catching up with me after a long distance, so I shouted angrily: "What are you doing standing around here? Come in together."

After getting along with him for half a month, I found that Lu Ming didn't have the airs of a big boss and was very approachable, so I became more casual when talking to him.

But after I shouted, I didn't get a response. I subconsciously turned around to look for him, only to find that there was no one behind me.

The nearest intersection to the village gate was three to four hundred meters away. It was impossible for Lu Ming to run away in such a short period of time. The only explanation was that the Lu Ming just now was fake!

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