Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 525 Ghost Cottage

I couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and then told myself in my heart not to panic, gritted my teeth and ran towards the village gate.

Unexpectedly, before I could run over, the stone village gate suddenly turned into several coffins stacked together, the stream also disappeared, and the path I came from turned into a cliff.

Standing on the top of the cliff and looking down, I saw that the mountain stream was filled with black air currents. These air currents turned into eerie cold air and blew towards my face, making my scalp numb.

There was no other way out. I had to go through the village to get out. But when I turned around, I was shocked again by what I saw in front of me.

The Dai song and dance that had been bustling with gongs and drums just now disappeared, and those people seemed to have never appeared before. All that was left in front of me was a pile of bones and the musical instruments that had been half eroded by the wind and sand.

The terrible thing is that some of those musical instruments can still make sound. When the wind blows, the whole world is filled with that kind of low and sad sound, which is very similar to the music played at funerals in rural areas!

I knew I had to leave quickly, and I mustered up the courage not to look at the bones, gritting my teeth and running inside.

But before I ran very far, I discovered that there was also an abyss in front of me, and I was completely trapped...

Seeing that I had no way out, I calmed down.

After thinking about it carefully, the fake Lu Ming could have killed me while I was sleeping, but he didn't do that and instead tricked me here.

It was obvious that he didn't want to harm my life, just to trap me here temporarily. This is very similar to the style of the ghost old man, so I am more worried about Lu Ming's current situation!

As time went by, I became more and more nervous. Usually the ghost old man doesn't bother Lu Ming for too long, but this time he is uncharacteristically different. Could it be that he knew we were going to return the teapot to the seller, so he was angry?

Feminine objects are essentially an obsession of the deceased during his lifetime, so they know how to recognize their owner. If the owner wants to discard the femininity, the femininity will find it on its own and even take revenge like crazy.

Strictly speaking, Lu Ming has not abandoned the teapot yet, but the old ghost is so powerful that he may have noticed our intentions.

Thinking of this, I became nervous and finally decided to take a gamble. Since the old man doesn't want to kill me, then the cliff in front of me should be just an illusion!

I carefully returned to the previous location of the gate of Shizhai. When I saw the bottomless mountain stream, my legs softened immediately. But when I thought of Lu Ming, I couldn't care so much anymore and gritted my teeth and was about to jump down.

At this time, my left leg was suddenly hooked by something. I struggled several times but couldn't break free. I was about to turn my head to look, but suddenly realized a problem: the thing hooking my left leg seemed to be a crutch.

And every time the ghost old man appeared in Lu Ming's dream and hit him on the head, he used a cane!

I really didn't want to see the old ghost here, but since he appeared, I had no choice but to turn around and be prepared to fight to the death, because I followed him directly after getting up and didn't bring any self-defense with me.

The moment I turned my head, I saw a ghostly old man in a black shroud. He was standing less than two meters away from me, hooking my calf with the long crutch in his hand. This was the first time I had close contact with him, and I was surprised to find that he was not as scary as I thought. Even except for the shroud he was wearing, he was no different from a living person.

Seeing me looking over, his rosy face suddenly became extremely angry, even a little ferocious, and he was mumbling rapidly, I don't know what he was talking about? But since he appears here, it at least means that Lu Ming is safe, and there is no need for me to take any more risks.

I smiled at the old man, then before he could react, I yelled and ran towards the village with all my strength.

Recalling the way the old man looked at me when I clamped my fingers on the pen to force him out of Lu Ming, I knew it wouldn't reason with me! So my only option is to drag this old man with him.

There might still be a chance of survival if it is delayed until dawn, but there will definitely be no good results if it falls into its hands. But I ignored the old man's speed and fell heavily to the ground before I could run a few steps. When I turned around, I realized that the old man had caught up with me and tripped me down with his cane. I glared at it hard, got up and continued running forward, but it kept chasing me.

After going back and forth for several times, all my strength was exhausted, but I still couldn't get rid of the old man. I knew I couldn't outrun it, so I bit my tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood at it!

Even if I die, I can't make you feel comfortable anymore.

At this moment, a dull sound suddenly came from my ears, and then I heard Lu Ming calling me. I just felt that my body suddenly became soft, and my eyes closed subconsciously.

At the last moment, I didn't forget to take a look at the old man and found that he was saying something to me, but unfortunately I couldn't hear it. I thought I was going to die, but the next moment I sat up suddenly and opened my eyes to find that I was still lying on the bed.

Before I knew what was going on, the door rang. I subconsciously opened the door, and I was surprised to find Lu Ming standing outside the door, asking me if I was ready? Take the time to go to the cottage.


I looked at him stunned for a long time before I realized that I had had a nightmare, and I let out a sigh of relief. Seeing that I was so nervous, he asked me if something had happened? I shook my head and said it was okay, and asked him what time it was.

"It's past seven o'clock, you can really sleep."

Lu Ming made a joke with me, and then said that it was getting dark now, so let's go over and have a look. The manner and tone of his speech were exactly the same as Lu Ming's in the dream. I was secretly vigilant in my heart, and at the same time, I carried the guy with me.

When we walked out of the hotel, we saw that it was indeed dark. We ate some Xishuangbanna pineapple rice and bamboo tube rice outside, and then rushed towards the seller's village. The further back I walked, the more frightened I became, because this road was exactly the same as in my dream.

When we walked to the gate of Stone Village and saw the river and the crowd inside the village, I was completely stunned.

The dream finally showed that the stone door had turned into a coffin. I secretly wiped some cow tears on my eyes while Lu Ming was not paying attention. Then I opened my eyes and looked over. I was shocked to find that there was no stone door at all, but three red coffins piled up!

At this time, Lu Ming patted me and asked with a smile: "This is a song and dance of the Dai people. If you are interested, you can go in and have a look. They will entertain you warmly."

I looked at his smiling face and felt completely cold.

He really wanted to harm me, but I had no enmity with him, so why did he want to harm me?

I couldn't understand it, but I told myself in my heart to be careful, and I also thought that as long as I stayed up until dawn, I would go home and stop playing with him. After making the decision, I felt more at ease. After all, it was much easier to protect myself than to protect others. But when I looked up, I found that Lu Ming had entered the stone gate.

He had walked more than ten meters, and when he saw that I was still there, he stopped and asked me why I didn't follow him? Before I could say anything, the cottage in front of me suddenly turned into a stilted building.

A quick glance showed that no one had lived in the stilted building for a long time. There were spider webs and bat nests everywhere, and even many bamboo poles were rotten. It looked like the house would collapse at any time.

It seems that this is the true face of that copycat! Lu Ming probably encountered the situation I encountered in my dream. I knew that all this was caused by the ghost old man, so I quickly opened the package and took out the purple clay pot, then I bit my fingertip and dripped a few drops of blood on the spout.

The spout is equivalent to the human philtrum, which is the life gate of the teapot. Dropping the essence and blood of Zhiyang on it will definitely cause harm to the old man! Then I laid the teapot flat on the ground, opened the umbrella and stuck it in the soil to cover the teapot, and then recited the umbrella curse.

The Umbrella God's Curse is an exclusive spell for the yin-yang umbrella. As I chanted the spell, the yin-yang umbrella instantly emits a dazzling black and white Tai Chi pattern, and spins rapidly at the same time. A steady stream of light shines on the teapot as the umbrella body rotates.

After nearly three minutes, there was no change in the stilted building in front of me. Even the teapot remained motionless in its place. And my head already felt dizzy, so I could only stop temporarily.

The Yin-Yang Umbrella is the most powerful defensive weapon left to me by my grandfather. I have never even used the Umbrella Charm on weekdays. This time I took out the skill of pressing the bottom of the box. I thought I could deal with the ghost old man in one go. Who knows? Nothing happened.

When I looked at the teapot again, I felt a sense of fear rising from the bottom of my heart.

Who left this teapot behind?

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