Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 526: Women committing mass suicide

I was discouraged, but I still wanted to save Lu Ming. After resting for a while, I took out a few medium-sized talismans left by the man in the T-shirt and pasted them on the teapot, and then sat beside me and observed quietly.

If this can't hurt the old man, I can only ask Senior Rat for help...

Less than a minute later, a crisp sound suddenly came from the quiet stilted building, followed by a crackling sound of fighting. My heart suddenly rose to my throat. I looked at the teapot reflexively and was surprised to find that the teapot moved.

It finally worked!

At first, the teapot only rotated slightly around the ground, but then the movement became more and more intense, and even started to beat continuously. Every time the teapot jumps, the golden light on the medium talisman will dim. I was afraid that the magic talisman wouldn't be able to hold up Lu Ming's appearance, so I quickly grabbed the Sirius Whip and stared closely.

As soon as the power of the magic talisman disappears, I will call you immediately!

Fortunately, after the continuous beating, the teapot fell to the ground with a bang and became silent. Then the scene in front of him turned into a copycat. Lu Ming ran out of it with a blue face. He was very worried when he saw me. He shouted: "Master Zhang, what the hell is this place? Why can't I get out of it?"

There was a cry in his voice, but I didn't feel ashamed of him. We all underestimated the old man.

We didn't dare to stay longer after something like this happened, so we immediately fled back to the hotel. Lu Ming was completely frightened. She was afraid to go back to her room and insisted on being squeezed in with me.

After he calmed down, I asked him what he saw when he went in. Lu Ming's face instantly turned pale, and the hands holding the water glass began to shake violently.

"Don't be afraid. Is everything okay now?" I comforted.

After hearing this, he felt a little better and cautiously said that he had encountered a ghost.

"I just wanted to ask you to watch those Dai people's songs and dances with me, but everything in front of me suddenly changed. Those beautiful women all turned into green-faced and fanged evil spirits. They surrounded me with a sneer and opened their mouths. The big mouth wants to eat me..."

Speaking of this, Lu Ming's body shook violently: "Master Zhang, how about we go back! I will still give you your reward. I would rather lose sleep every day than see those female ghosts again."

"You mean you were surrounded by a group of female ghosts?" I asked in surprise.

The old ghost man was behind this incident from beginning to end. Why did a group of female ghosts appear again? Besides, how could Lu Ming escape from a group of female ghosts in just these two moments?

"Yes, it's a group of female ghosts!" Lu Ming replied firmly, and then told me in detail.

It turned out that although the female ghosts were surrounding him, they never made a move, as if they had some scruples. Later, a voice suddenly came from the bottom of Lu Ming's heart, and he gradually walked out of the village according to the guidance of that voice. And his journey was not smooth sailing. There were several times when the guidance in his heart suddenly disappeared while walking, and then those female ghosts immediately swarmed around him.

Fortunately, the voice came in time every time, so the female ghosts could not succeed.

Lu Ming laughed self-deprecatingly and said, "I was completely frightened. Master Zhang, do you know what is going on?"

After listening to it, I was stunned for a moment, and then I carefully recalled my dream, and an idea came to my mind that even I couldn't believe. Then I took out the teapot and inspected it carefully, and found a few tiny cracks at the spout.

"Do you dare to go to the village with me again?" I looked at Lu Ming.

I felt like I really wanted to know something, and I was instantly excited as if I had been given a shot of chicken blood. After hearing this, Lu Ming asked tremblingly: "Huh? Do you have to go today? I haven't calmed down yet."

"Then you can rest in the hotel. You won't be able to help me if you go there," I said.

There is a specialization in the art. You can't ask Zhang Fei to do embroidery, and naturally you can't ask an ordinary person to take risks with the ghost merchant. In order for Lu Ming to stay in the hotel in a down-to-earth manner, I drew a few talismans and pasted them in areas of the hotel where dirt could easily enter. Then I used cinnabar to draw the Tiangang Formation on the bed.

After doing all this, I smiled at Lu Ming: "The Tiangang Formation is the most powerful formation I have mastered. It will definitely ensure your safety! Even if something dirty comes in, it won't hurt you at all."

"How do you know this formation is effective?" Lu Ming was obviously more courageous, but still a little worried.

I smiled slightly: "Because the Tiangang Formation was drawn with my spiritual power. In other words, as long as I don't die, nothing can break the formation."

"Thank you!" Lu Ming was a little moved after hearing this, and said with red eyes.

I didn’t need to say thank you. I just wanted to give my brother a big red envelope later. He laughed and said it was no problem.

When I was leaving the house, Lu Ming suddenly called me: "Master Zhang!"

"What's wrong?"

I turned my head in confusion and found hesitation on his face, as if he was undergoing a fierce psychological struggle. He probably felt embarrassed to stay in the hotel and let me take risks, so I rushed to say before he could say anything: "Don't be embarrassed, you are not in this field to begin with, just wait here for me."

After saying that, I closed the door and rushed towards the cottage. I wanted to see what those female ghosts that were pestering Lu Ming were!

The terrain of Menghai Township is not complicated. It didn't take long for me to find the cottage. In order to prevent the dirty things inside from setting up a trap for me, I also checked the place where the umbrella was inserted to make sure that this was the place I came from before. , then walked in confidently and boldly.

Because the night was too dark, I turned on the flashlight, and after running around I found that all the houses in the village were stilted buildings.

Except for the different sizes, the shapes of these stilted buildings are almost identical, as if they were carved from the same mold.

My heart skipped a beat, thinking that I had encountered a trance formation, but upon closer inspection, the degree of decay and the distribution of spider webs on these stilted buildings were very different. It was obviously not an illusion.

Although it is unclear why the residents here built so many identical stilted buildings back then, what is certain is that the entire village is empty and uninhabited.

Although the night is dark, as long as you open your eyes wide, you can see the black air emanating from the stilted building with your naked eyes. If I normally encountered this scene, I would turn around and run away without hesitation, but today in order to confirm my guess, I had no choice but to risk it!

When I reached the last stilted building, I stepped on the bamboo ladder and climbed up. Unexpectedly, the bamboo ladder was rotten and had several sections broken, almost causing me to fall off.

After climbing into the stilted building, I felt soft under my feet, as if there was a layer of mats. I looked down and found that the ground was covered with thick tea leaves. I've been reading a lot of Lu Ming's tea books these days, so I can probably tell that these are the buds that have just sprouted from the tea tree, that is, the first wave of tea leaves. It would definitely be worth a lot of money if put on the market, but it's a pity that these tea leaves are also dried and crumbled into powder as soon as you touch them.

Then I looked around and found that the furnishings in the room were very simple, with only a small bed, a chair, a dressing table, and some simple tea-picking tools.

There are several small yellowed wooden boxes placed on the dressing table. At a glance, you can tell that they are rouge and gouache used by ancient women. This shows that the owner of this stilted building is a woman. Then I searched carefully in the house, trying to find some useful information, but I worked for a long time and found nothing, not to mention eating a mouthful of dust.

It seemed that this clue was also broken. I patted the dirt on my body with some frustration and was about to walk out, but I was horrified to find a pair of blood-red eyes staring at me!

I braved it and moved forward, and suddenly I saw a skeleton hanging on the wall opposite. The skeleton was hanging very high, so I couldn't notice it just now.

To be honest, I have seen a lot of skeletons and a lot of dead people, but I have never encountered a dead person with a skeleton body but a well-preserved head! Especially those blood-red eyes, which are almost the same as those of a living person.

I saw a woman's head on the white skeleton frame. This should be the owner of this stilted building, right? I bowed to the skeleton and went to check out the other stilted buildings.

Unexpectedly, the situation of the second stilted building was the same as the first one. The floor was covered with tea leaves and the hostess was hanging on the wall. Only her head was intact, and the rest of her body turned into a white skeleton.

After struggling for most of the night, I finally visited all the stilted buildings, and the results were exactly the same.

I was as tired as a dead dog and lay down on the last stilt building. I didn't even pay attention to why these female ghosts wanted to harm Lu Ming. Instead, I wanted to know why they committed mass suicide?

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