After resting for about half an hour, I regained some strength and was ready to go home. Although I was very nervous at the beginning of the night, at the end it was just a formality. Even the female ghosts didn't show up. I was more or less disappointed.

At this moment, I vaguely heard the sound of walking coming from the cottage, and I instantly became energetic. I hid behind the stilted building and took a look, and found a figure sneaking through the cottage.

This man appeared here in the middle of the night, and he must have some conspiracy!

As he got closer and closer, I couldn't wait to follow him. After following him for a while, he seemed to feel something and looked back strangely.

I hurriedly hid aside, waiting for him to continue walking forward, and then got out to catch up. This trick really worked. He looked back several times to observe me, but he couldn't find me.

Finally, the man stopped in front of the last stilted building and squatted on the ground. My heart suddenly rose to my throat, thinking I had been discovered. Unexpectedly, he didn't look here at all, but stuck his butt out and dug in the soil.

Due to the visual impairment, I couldn't see clearly what exactly he was doing? All I know is that he disappeared after scratching for a while. I thought there should be a tunnel hidden there.

I was about to get closer to see what was going on, but my heart began to twitch inexplicably, and then my body began to feel weak. This is a sign that the Tiangang Formation is working. Unexpectedly, there are Yin spirits who dare to break into the Tiangang Formation!

I cursed secretly and had no choice but to give up the hard-won clues and prepare to go back to rescue Lu Ming. As a result, the twitching sensation disappeared before I could move, and my body felt lighter than before.

This shows that my guess is correct. It was the old ghost man who helped Lu Ming escape from the siege of the female ghost!

At first, I was preparing to risk jumping off a cliff in my dream, but the old man hooked my leg with a cane. At that time, I thought he wanted to harm me.

After Lu Ming told him what happened when he was trapped in the cottage, I suddenly felt that it was the ghost old man who saved him, and the voice in his heart that he mentioned disappeared from time to time. Maybe it was my yin-yang umbrella and medium-sized magic talisman that caused it to the old man. harm.

So when I saw the crack on the teapot, I realized that the reason why the ghost old man pulled me was probably to save me!

The Tiangang Formation worked just now, and then the sense of oppression disappeared. In fact, it was not dirty things attacking the formation, but Yin spirits trying to rush out.

The only ghost in that room is the old man!

After clarifying the relationship between these things, I felt a sense of intimacy with the old man from the bottom of my heart. Subconsciously, I no longer regarded him as an opponent, but as a kind elder.

I think he had no intention of hurting Lu Ming from the beginning. It was probably Lu Ming who had done something bad to offend the old man.

We were looking in the wrong direction from the beginning. The real enemy was not the ghost old man, but the guy who got under the stilted building!

Thinking of this, I suddenly became nervous. Since the old ghost is one of our own, then it must have suddenly rushed out of the Tiangang Formation to save me, which means I am in danger!

I immediately had the idea of ​​​​retreating, but I was unwilling to do so. After weighing it, I decided to continue observing. The old man was so fast, so he would definitely arrive in time. I immediately took out my Sirius Whip and followed the entrance of the tunnel and got in.

After jumping down the tunnel, I quickly looked at the surrounding environment, and I couldn't help but open my mouth. This was actually a tea house!

Tables, chairs and benches are evenly arranged, and there are even tea bowls placed on many tables. There is a desk against the wall with thick account books placed on it, but the guy who came in just now is missing.

I wasn't familiar with this place, so I didn't pursue it any further. I quickly walked to the desk and opened the account book, and found that it was densely written with ancient characters that I couldn't understand.

However, there were many illustrations of tea leaves on it. I thought it must be a book on tea leaves. I was a little frustrated and flipped back casually, and inadvertently saw the portrait of the ghost old man on it!

I suddenly became confused. Judging from the clues I have so far, the person who brought me in wanted to harm us, and the old man Gui wanted to save us, so there was a hostile relationship between them. So why did the mastermind behind the scenes still collect the old man Gui? The portrait.

Since I couldn't read the text, I had to change another book, and found that this book also recorded a lot of tea-related knowledge, and at the end there was also a portrait of a ghostly old man.

At this time, there was a slight sound of footsteps deep in the tunnel, and it seemed that the man was coming out. I became nervous and opened the third book in a panic. I was surprised to find that the book contained traditional Chinese characters that I could understand!

On the first page, there are two big characters called "The Book of Tea". The main text generally talks about how to make tea, how to taste tea, and some short stories related to tea culture.

When I saw this, I suddenly realized something. I turned to the last page and saw Tea Saint Lu Yu written under the portrait of the ghost old man!

Lu Yu! Lu Yu!

My hands began to tremble unconsciously. This old man turned out to be the author of the "Tea Classic", Lu Yu, known as the Chinese Tea Sage!

No wonder he could possess Lu Ming during the day, no wonder he was so powerful but his Yin Qi was so light.

He is not a Yin spirit at all, but a person who has become an immortal.

Lu Yu was a famous figure in the Tang Dynasty. He was addicted to tea all his life and was proficient in tea ceremony. He traveled all over the country just to try the mountain springs in various places and the taste of the tea brewed from the tea leaves in various places. Finally, he wrote the world's first tea monograph, "The Classic of Tea", and was recognized around the world as the "Sage of Tea".

It is said that Lu Yu's good friend, monk Ji Gong, was also a tea ceremony lover. He could not only identify the kind of tea he drank, but also the water used to make the tea. This tea-tasting skill was passed down from one person to another, and finally reached the ears of Emperor Daizong of the Tang Dynasty.

After Emperor Daizong of the Tang Dynasty heard this rumor, he was dubious, so he ordered to summon the monk Ji Gong and decided to serve as an interview tea!

As soon as Monk Ji Gong arrived at the palace, the emperor ordered the eunuch to make tea, brew a bowl of fine tea, and give it to Monk Ji Gong to taste. After Ji Gong thanked him, he took the tea in his hand, took a sip, put down the tea bowl, and never took another sip of tea.

Tang Daizong asked him why he stopped drinking? Monk Ji Gong smiled and said: "The tea I drink is all made by Lu Yu himself. I am used to drinking tea made by him, and when I drink tea made by others, I feel as indifferent as water."

After hearing this, Emperor Daizong of the Tang Dynasty asked Lu Yu where he was now. Monk Ji Gong replied: "Lu Yu loves nature very much. He travels all over the world to famous mountains and rivers, and tastes the world's famous teas and beautiful springs. It is difficult for a poor monk to know where he is now."

So the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty ordered his guards to mount fast horses and look for Lu Yu everywhere. After a week, they finally found him in Zhejiang. Lu Yu was immediately invited into the palace. Emperor Daizong liked it very much when he saw that although Lu Yu stuttered, he was very knowledgeable and knowledgeable, so he asked Lu Yu to make tea for him to taste on the spot to see if it was as magical as the legend said.

Lu Yu readily agreed, took out the tea leaves he had picked before the Qingming Festival, boiled them in spring water, and presented them to the emperor. Emperor Daizong of the Tang Dynasty took the tea bowl and gently opened the lid. A burst of fragrance rushed towards him. Looking at the light green and clear tea leaves in the bowl, it tasted like the best in the world. He nodded and praised the tea. Then he brought another bowl and asked the palace maid to give it to Monk Ji Gong in the Imperial Study Room to taste. Monk Ji Gong only took a sip and asked in surprise: "Hey, Lu Yu has come to the palace too?"

The emperor was shocked and asked Monk Ji Gong how he knew Lu Yu was coming? Monk Jigong laughed and said, "Only Lu Yu can make such tea. This is no longer tea from the human world, but tea from the fairyland."

Emperor Daizong of the Tang Dynasty admired Lu Yu's tea ceremony skills very much and wanted to keep him in the palace to serve him exclusively. But Lu Yu was not greedy for glory and wealth, so he soon took the horse and continued to wander around the world, concentrating on writing the "Tea Classic".

I think Lu Ming is probably a descendant of Lu Yu, but Lu Ming did something wrong and angered his ancestor, so Lu Yu came out to teach him a lesson.

This can explain why Lu Yu always appears in Lu Ming's dreams and hits him on the head with a cane...

To take a step back, even if Lu Ming is not a descendant of Lu Yu, as a tea merchant, he must know something about Lu Yu and can definitely recognize Lu Yu. But he has never mentioned this to me until now, and he is still hiding it from me!

Recalling the way Lu Ming called me from behind before going out and hesitated to speak, I realized that he might have wanted to tell me the truth. But I thought he was embarrassed and left before he finished speaking.

Since Lu Yu's "Tea Classic" is placed here, I think the women who died in the Diaojiaolou should also have a close relationship with Lu Yu.

When I think that this business of femininity can involve a secret that has not been recorded in history, I feel excited and can't wait to unravel it all!

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