Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 528: The Martyred Woman Died for Love

At this time, there was a sudden murderous intention behind me, and I couldn't help but shudder. It seemed that the guy was already here.

Pretending to be casual, I put my hand on my waist and scratched it, and then with lightning speed, I pulled out the Sirius Whip from my waist and swung it behind me!

Sure enough, the guy was standing behind me. When I turned around, he was staring at me with scarlet eyes, holding a bright boning knife in his hand and slashing at me fiercely.

I'm glad I reacted in time, otherwise he could have killed me directly with this knife.

Before his knife could fall, I rolled away and then hit his wrist with the Sirius Whip with great precision.

There was a 'snap' sound from the slap on his palm, and he let go of the boning knife in pain. Only then did I see his appearance clearly. He was wearing a Dai costume, and his skin was dark and somewhat Indian-like. His biggest feature was a big black mole at the corner of his mouth.

A connoisseur will know if there is something wrong as soon as he strikes. He became cautious after being whipped by me. I took a breath and asked coldly: "Why do you want to hurt Boss Lu?"

"He asked for it!"

The big black mole said fiercely, admitting that he was the one who sold the purple clay pot to Lu Ming.

I'm curious, why is the purple clay pot used by Lu Yu in his hand? I am even more curious about the relationship between Lu Yu and the women in the Diaojiaolou.

Unexpectedly, when he heard my question, he instantly became furious and slashed at me as if he was desperate.

I had to defend passively, but after a few moves, his speed was obviously much slower. I thought he didn't have much kung fu, so I boldly counterattacked and forced him back within a few moves.

"Catch up if you can!"

Seeing that he was no match for me, he sneered and quickly ran towards the depths of the tunnel. It is not difficult to see from the previous two contests that this big black mole is good at playing with the enchantment array, just like the Miao people are good at playing Gu.

I understood that I might be in danger if I pursued him, but my head felt hot and I didn't care so much that I just followed him.

The depths of the tunnel are like a maze, with forks everywhere. I can only judge the location of the big black mole through the sound of footsteps.

After all, he is older and his speed is much slower than mine. The distance between us is getting smaller and smaller. But just when I was about to catch up with him, his figure actually disappeared in the fork!

And it's a dead end inside.

In the end, I fell into his trap. I screamed inwardly and turned around to go back the way I came, but I found that the road behind me had also changed.

Looking at the maze-like environment, I felt uneasy and tentatively groped outside. However, after walking for a long time, I still didn't see the exit, and I even found myself back at the starting point.

At this time, I only heard the crazy laughter of Big Black Mole coming from all directions: "Boy, this is the unique ecstasy formation of our Dai people. You can't get out no matter what, you can only wait here alone to die! Hahaha... …”

His perverted laughter kept echoing in my ears. One moment I felt that he was right in front of me, and the next moment I felt that he was far away from me. I couldn't tell where he was at all.

Gradually his voice disappeared, and I knew he had left, so I continued to break in unwillingly, only to end up back to where I started.

I even tried to get out using the method of dealing with ghosts by hitting the wall, but unfortunately it had no effect at all.

Just when I didn't know what to do, a silver light suddenly flashed in front of me, and then a ghostly old man in a shroud appeared.

Although he still looks angry, I think he is particularly kind. Sure enough, after it glared at me fiercely, it turned around and walked towards a fork in the road, and I quickly followed behind it.

After walking like this for ten minutes, I finally walked out of the ecstasy. Then the ghost old man looked at the three volumes of "Tea Sutra" placed on the table. A trace of pain appeared on his face and disappeared without a trace.

From his expression just now, I concluded that Lu Yu was related to those women in the stilted building. He will definitely not tell me what happened, so he has to find a breakthrough from the big black mole!

After crawling out of the tunnel, I found that it was already dawn and the gloomy air in the village had dissipated, but the air was still very cold. I didn't stay any longer and hurried back to the hotel.

When she entered the room, Lu Ming was holding her chin in her hands, staring at the ceiling in a daze. There was a hint of surprise on his face when he saw me coming back. Then he sat up from the bed and asked me why I came back.

"It seems you don't want me to come back."

It could be seen that he was really worried about me, but there was something wrong with what he said, so I said it deliberately with a straight face.

He quickly shook his head and said no, then lowered his head and said, "Master Zhang, I'm sorry."

"Oh, forget it, tell me what all this is about!"

Since he was willing to tell the truth, I had nothing to be angry about, so I sighed and motioned for him to continue.

"Actually, I know the identity of that ghost old man. He is the tea sage Lu Yu, the ancestor of our Lu family." Lu Ming said.

Since I had already guessed it, I wasn't surprised. I just nodded and asked him why he didn't tell me the truth.

"How can you tell outsiders this kind of thing? If you tell me, wouldn't I become an unworthy descendant." Lu Ming licked his lips when he said this: "That copycat was the obsession of my ancestors during his lifetime, and I got the purple sand from there. Pot, since I can no longer have this purple clay pot, I am going to return it. Who knew that this purple clay pot actually wants to harm me..."

It seemed that he didn't know much about the relationship between Lu Yu and Shanzhai. I thought about it and asked him if the seller had a big mole on the corner of his mouth?

After hearing this, Lu Ming was surprised and asked me how I knew, so I told him what happened last night.

As a result, after he finished listening, his face suddenly turned livid, his whole body began to tremble violently, large beads of sweat oozed from his forehead, and his eyes bulged outwards.

I quickly stepped forward and pinched him, and at the same time I realized that Lu Ming might have thought of something terrible.

He calmed down for a while, and then said in horror: "It seems that the legend of thirty-six women who died for love is true!"

After saying that, he was so excited that he grabbed my hand and asked me if there were thirty-six stilted buildings in total.

"I don't have a specific number, but it's almost this number." I recalled it, and then asked Lu Ming, what are the thirty-six women who died for love?

Lu Ming's eyes turned red, and with tears she began to tell a legend recorded in the family genealogy.

It turns out that Lu Yu lived in the Tang Dynasty. He was naturally interested in tea. Because of his high attainments in tea culture, he met many high-ranking officials and became prominent.

In order to study tea more deeply and write the book "The Book of Tea", Lu Yu led a lean horse and rushed thousands of miles to Nanzhao, a country rich in tea.

At that time, Nanzhao country belonged to the Tang Dynasty, so Lu Yu was warmly welcomed by the people of Nanzhao! Coupled with his profound knowledge and celestial spirit, he soon won the hearts of many young girls.

Thirty-six of them loved Lu Yu the most and volunteered to go to the place where Lu Yu lived to help him write the "Tea Classic". Lu Yu felt the sincerity of these girls and built a stilted building for each of them. He and the girls grew tea and tasted tea together every day. Although he did not have intimacy with any of the girls, in fact these girls had already acquiesced that Lu Yu was their husband.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Within a few years, war broke out. Nanzhao took the opportunity to rebel against the Tang Dynasty. Relations between the two countries instantly became tense, and Lu Yu was forced to return home. Before leaving, he asked the girls to continue making tea for him. If he failed to come back after three years, it would mean that he was dead and asked the girls to dissolve the tea house and start a new life.

Who knew that there had been no news from Lu Yu for three years? Those thirty-six fierce women recalled every bit of their time with Lu Yu, and committed suicide in the stilted building to express their loyalty to their lover!

However, Lu Yu did not die. He was imprisoned for writing a poem that satirized the Tang Dynasty. He was released from prison a few years later after being rescued by friends in the court. After being released from prison, he shed tears while beating his horse severely, and raced against time to rush to Nanzhao Kingdom, only to find that all thirty-six of his confidantes had died for their confidants.

From then on, Lu Yu was heartbroken and devoted all his energy to the study of tea, and eventually wrote the world-class masterpiece "Tea Classic".

In the end, Lu Yu did not die in Nanzhao. Before leaving, he mixed copper water with his own blood to create thirty-six purple clay pots and buried them next to these girls!

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