Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 529 Black Bean Guides the Way

After listening to the story of thirty-six women who died for their love, I was immersed in it for a long time before I came back to my senses. My heart was filled with admiration for these fierce women, and at the same time I also wanted to understand why the big black mole wanted to harm Lu Ming.

The big black mole is probably a descendant of one of the girls' families, and has passed down the hatred for Lu Yu from generation to generation.

Lu Ming also thought of this and asked with some confusion: "Since he planned to harm me from the beginning, why did he wait until now? Couldn't he just do it when I buy the teapot?"

"I don't know. If we remain unchanged in response to all changes, he will definitely take action!" I thought for a while and said.

The big black mole is good at setting up fascination formations. I will give him a wait and see this time. No matter how good he is, he won't destroy the hotel, right?

But what happened next proved that he really lost the hotel...

Now that I have figured out Lu Yu's identity, I have not arranged any more defensive formations. The big black mole didn't seem to have any skills other than being able to perform ecstasy formations. After some discussion, Lu Ming and I decided to wait and see for him. When it got dark, we stayed in the hotel room and waited.

There was nothing decorated in the room, but for safety reasons I put a few talismans in Lu Ming's pocket, and then tied the Peach Soul Flower to my waist.

There are only a few people in small towns, and there are even fewer people when it gets dark. I didn't feel anything before, but now I'm waiting and feel that the surroundings are not as deserted as usual.

Fortunately, there was a teapot nearby, so the two of us were not afraid. It was just uncomfortable to wait and be silent.

After twelve o'clock, the big black mole still didn't come. Lu Ming yawned and said that it was so late, maybe he wouldn't show up, right?

"Maybe, you go to bed first and I'll wait a while."

I glanced at the teapot and saw that everything was normal, so I motioned for Lu Ming to rest first. He nodded and fell on the bed and fell asleep.

Now I was the only one left. After watching for more than half an hour, I felt that it was unlikely that the big black mole would come, so I relaxed my vigilance and took out my phone to play Plants vs. Zombies.

While playing, I suddenly heard the sound of the teapot. I turned my head reflexively and saw that it was Lu Ming who turned over and kicked the teapot over.

I smiled, thinking that this kid was not honest when sleeping, so I got up, put the teapot away, and started playing again.

When I got tired of playing, I looked at my phone and saw that it was already two o'clock in the morning. I felt that the big black mole would not come tonight. I turned around to go to bed but found that the bed was empty.

Lu Ming is missing!

The toilet and the door were in front of me. If he got up, I would definitely find him, but he disappeared without a sound, as if he had evaporated from the world.

Could it be that the big black mole took him into an illusion while he was sleeping? Then why didn't Lu Yu help?

Thinking of this, I hurriedly looked at the teapot and found that it had been knocked over again at some point, and there were many shocking cracks on the lid.

Seeing this scene, I realized that the sound the teapot made just now was probably Lu Yu's reminder to me.

Lu Yu hasn't shown up yet, so I can only rely on myself, but I don't have a way to deal with the Dai Ecstasy Array in my mind. I lost my sense of proportion for a moment and started spinning around the room like ants on a hot pot.

When I walked to the corner and saw Lu Ming's clothes on the hangers, I suddenly had an idea. He quickly lit three sticks of incense on the windowsill, then opened the window and used hangers to lift his clothes up high, calling his name loudly.

This is the most basic soul-calling method, and many rural areas have similar methods. As my voice got louder and louder, the surrounding air gradually cooled down. After a sudden sound of wind, dense shadows appeared by the window.

Looking at it, there are men, women, old and young. They are lonely ghosts nearby. They heard me calling the ghosts to come over to ask for a fortune. This is something they cannot refuse. Otherwise, they would try their best to hinder Lu Ming's soul, so I had to take out a few pieces of yellow paper from my backpack and burn them to them.

Most of the ghosts collected the incense and dispersed, leaving only three or two old ghosts hovering by the window and refusing to leave, looking at me with a wicked smile on their faces.

"Pengci touched me?" I sneered.

I've long heard that ghosts also have porcelain ghosts. I didn't believe it before, but now I've seen it.

Since they don't know each other, I have nothing to be polite about. I immediately threw the talisman out. One of the ghosts was hit and screamed, turning into a plume of black smoke. The remaining two ghosts were shocked when they saw this and left in a hurry.

I ignored them and continued calling their names into the distance. After a while, I found that the three incense sticks that were burning evenly suddenly became restless. Two of them burned very quickly while the other one slowed down obviously.

The three incense sticks respectively represent Lu Ming's three souls of heaven, earth and man. The three incense sticks burn at different speeds, which means that Lu Ming has felt my call and is rushing back desperately, but is trapped in the enchantment formation of the big black mole. Under Fang Lidao's pull, he was in danger of the separation of his three souls.

If any of the incense sticks are burned and Lu Ming has not come back, it means that the summoning failed, and it will definitely not come back tonight.

Knowing that it would be more dangerous if it stayed in the illusion for a second longer, I couldn't help but get nervous!

At this time, the teapot behind me made another sound. I quickly lowered my head and found that the teapot had fallen over again. When I stepped forward, I found that the lid had completely split into several pieces.

It seems that the situation on Lu Yu's side is even worse than mine. I can't count on him at all. Just as I was about to turn around and continue calling Lu Ming, when my peripheral vision caught sight of the teapot without a lid, I had an idea.

This teapot is where Lu Yu's essence resides. Even just a hint of the teapot's aura can intimidate those brats! As a descendant of Lu Yu, Lu Ming must be very familiar with this kind of aura.

After I thought about this clearly, I ran to the window with the teapot, put my mouth into the pot and shouted with all my strength. Then the sound came from the spout and floated into the distance along the air.

After shouting, I found that the burning speed of the three incense sticks was equal again, which showed that my method worked.

Then I saw a gust of cold wind blowing in the distance, and I saw a black dot flying towards the window. The black dot moved very fast, becoming clearer and clearer, and finally turned into a black shadow.

I let out a sigh of relief when I saw the black shadow clearly. This was Lu Ming's soul.

It's just that his soul was forcibly extracted from his body by my spell, and he seemed a little dull at the moment, looking at me with dull eyes.

But my goal has been achieved. After all the things were installed, I put out the three incense sticks directly.

Lu Ming's soul was about to retreat in an instant. I had expected this, so I hurriedly put the talisman I had prepared on its forehead.

The magic talisman can effectively slow down the speed of Lu Ming's soul returning to the enchantment array without hurting him. It is the most suitable for me who wants to follow him.

I followed Lu Ming's soul all the way forward, and found that the place I went to this time was in the opposite direction to Lu Yu's village.

Since I was unfamiliar with the terrain, I was extra cautious. When I walked into a small pavilion, Lu Ming's soul disappeared.

It seemed that this small pavilion was the entrance to the enchantment array. I hurriedly grabbed a handful of black beans from my pocket and scattered them as I walked forward.

Sure enough, after entering the small pavilion, the surrounding environment instantly turned into a maze. Fortunately, Lu Ming's soul hadn't gone far yet, so I quickly caught up with him, and finally saw Lu Ming's body in the center of the ecstasy array.

His soul became excited after seeing the body, and he hurriedly wanted to get in. I quickly slapped the soul aside with a command, and then lifted Lu Ming's body on my shoulders.

Then I grabbed the soul in my hand and walked to where I could see the black beans, then tore off the talisman attached to the soul's forehead.

Black Bean's yang energy is very strong. Although it cannot break the enchantment array set up by the big black mole, it can have a great impact on Lu Ming's soul.

The soul subconsciously ran in other directions after seeing the black beans, but it was tightly controlled by me.

The most powerful thing about the formation is that the position keeps changing, so people can never find the exit, but no matter how the position changes, the black beans I sow will not disappear.

So every time I take a step forward, I will stop. When Lu Ming's soul starts to get nervous, which means that the enchantment array has turned to the direction of Heidou, I will take a step forward without hesitation.

After walking around like this for an hour, I finally got rid of the enchantment array with Lu Ming on my back.

At this time, Lu Ming's soul had been destroyed by black beans and was dying. I quickly let him return to the physical body, and then slapped him awake.

In fact, Lu Ming's soul was impacted, and what he needed most was rest. But the ghost old man is in big trouble now and definitely needs my help. If I go there by myself, I am afraid that Lu Ming will be confused again, so I can only forcefully wake him up.

"Master Zhang, I really have you..."

Lu Ming obviously remembered how I rescued him and gave me a thumbs up, but his voice was weak.

"That ghost old man must be in trouble. We have to rescue him. Can your body hold up?" I asked with some worry, really afraid that he would fall apart at the critical moment.

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