Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 530: To save or not to save?

Lu Ming forced a smile and said that she was fine, then suddenly realized and asked excitedly: "Ancestor is in trouble?"

I nodded.

"I knew the big black mole had a conspiracy!"

When Lu Ming heard that Lu Yu was in danger, he suddenly became energetic as if he had been given a shot of blood. He pulled me and ran towards the village.

On the way, he told me that he was asleep when he suddenly heard the ghost old man calling him. Then he saw the ghost old man waving to him, so he followed him subconsciously. As I got closer, I realized it was a big black mole. Before I could run away, the environment in front of me changed.

Lu Ming knew that he couldn't get out, so he could only watch the big black mole cautiously, preparing to fight him as a last resort. Unexpectedly, Big Black Mole had no intention of fighting with Lu Ming. Instead, he turned around and left. When he left, he left a sentence: "First deal with the old one, and then deal with the little one like you..."

Lu Ming felt something was wrong at that time. After saying all this, he asked me if I was sure about dealing with the thirty-six female ghosts.

"What do you mean? Those female ghosts are going to attack Lu Yu?" When I heard this, I couldn't help but stop and asked with a frown.

Lu Ming nodded and said: "As long as we are both fine, the only ones who can lure the ancestors out are the souls of those thirty-six girls."

Although those girls loved Lu Yu deeply, they were somewhat resentful when they died. After more than a thousand years of accumulation, the resentment had become very strong. If the big black mole reveals to the female ghosts that Lu Yu was not dead back then, they will definitely be furious!

Lu Yu is definitely not afraid of them, but out of guilt, he is likely to let the female ghosts hurt him and refuse to fight back...

After I thought about this, I felt that even if I thought of a way to deal with the thirty-six female ghosts, it would be useless. Lu Yu would not allow me to hurt them. The only way is to kill the big black mole before the female ghost succeeds.

Only in this way can it be possible to awaken the love in the hearts of female ghosts!

Lu Ming saw that I was stunned and asked me eagerly what I was thinking about. I quickly told him my thoughts and then asked him if he knew where the big black mole lived.

"I originally thought his home was in the village, but now it seems..."

Lu Ming shook her head and asked me in frustration, was there really no other way?

"Go and see the scene." I said weakly, but I almost gave up hope.

If Lu Yu is not cruel, no matter how hard I try, it will be useless, just like a person who insists on committing suicide cannot be saved no matter how hard he tries!

As soon as we arrived at the village, we saw purple yin energy forming a circle in the village, and in the center of the circle stood Lu Yu holding a cane.

The female ghosts were tearing at his body with their teeth and claws, but Lu Yu didn't resist at all, he just sighed with tears on his face.

The situation was exactly as I imagined!

"Fuck it, I'm going in there and fighting them."

When Lu Ming saw this scene, he immediately ran away, shouted with red eyes, and then rushed in.

His voice was so loud that all the female ghosts turned around after hearing it. I suddenly beat a small drum in my heart. Fortunately, their attention was on Lu Yu. They only glanced at it and turned around to continue tearing Lu Yu apart.

I grabbed Lu Ming, then slapped him on the face, gritted my teeth and said in a deep voice: "Can you please stop making trouble? I'm not a fucking god, I really don't have the ability to take you from thirty-six He was rescued from the hands of a thousand-year-old female ghost, can you just listen to me?"

After saying that, my nose suddenly felt a little sore. I felt like I had been busy for a month, but it ended up like this. I felt bad.

Unexpectedly, Lu Ming smiled at me after hearing this and said very calmly: "Master Zhang, I understand your thoughts, but I didn't go in impulsively!"

"Huh?" I was stunned after hearing this, and then I reacted.

He wanted to go in and deliberately attract the group of female ghosts to attack him.

Lu Yu can disregard his own safety, but he will never disregard the life and death of his descendants. He would most likely attack the female ghosts in order to save Lu Ming, which would give the female ghosts a high chance of escaping.

In fact, this was a good idea, but it was too risky. As long as Lu Yu hesitated, Lu Ming would be torn apart by the female ghost. I thought for a long time and asked feebly: "Is it worth taking such a risk to save a person who has been dead for more than a thousand years?"

"He is my ancestor!"

Lu Ming said sonorously, and then patted me on the shoulder: "Master Zhang, today I have deposited a sum of money for you through my mobile phone as a reward. If I can't come out, you should leave here quickly."

After saying that, he unbuttoned his suit and rushed towards the circle quickly.

My eyes were a little moist when I saw this scene. I always thought that Lu Ming was timid, but I didn't expect that there would be such a man.

After he rushed over, he bit his tongue and spat out a large mouthful of blood. The seven or eight female ghosts closest to him suddenly let out shrill screams.

But Lu Ming's soul was weak, and the essence and blood could only do so much. However, they still succeeded in irritating these female ghosts, who shouted and rushed towards Lu Ming.

But Lu Yu still didn't move, as if he didn't see what was happening in front of him.

My heart instantly rose to my throat, and I subconsciously rushed in to rescue him. At this critical moment, Lu Yu suddenly laughed.

Although the laughter was worse than crying, it was enough to show that Lu Yu had made a choice. I was temporarily relieved and continued to stare at the Peach Soul Flower.

Sure enough, after Lu Yu laughed, his whole body emitted a dazzling silver light. The strong light instantly swallowed up the purple Yin energy emitted by the thirty-six female ghosts. The next moment, all the female ghosts stopped their movements, like It's like being immobilized.

I was completely relieved and gave a thumbs up to Lu Ming in the distance! He smiled at me, then kowtowed three times to Lu Yu, asking Lu Yu to leave here with him.

Lu Yu looked at Lu Ming, a kind smile finally appeared on his face, but he did not move. Instead, he wandered back and forth between the female ghosts and Lu Ming.

Lu Ming's danger disappeared, and Lu Yu began to hesitate again!

This was not the way to go. I looked at the talisman in my hand and decided to go find Lu Yu and put it into the talisman. Anyway, he is seriously injured now and should not be able to escape.

Unexpectedly, before I could leave, the situation changed again, and the female ghosts trembled as if they were collectively shocked.

I suddenly had a bad premonition, and sure enough, the female ghosts trembled for a while and then suddenly regained their freedom. Then the silver halo emitted by Lu Yu broke into countless pieces and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Then Lu Yu's figure fell heavily to the ground, and at the same time I heard a muffled groan coming from under my feet.

I was slightly startled, and immediately realized that it was the voice of the big black mole. It turned out that he was hiding nearby!

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