Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 532: The weirdo who burned down the house

During this time, the business in the store became more and more deserted, and even the people who usually talked to me about nothing came less and less, so I could only stare at the air in a daze every day.

Li Mazi has to serve Ruxue during her confinement period 24 hours a day.

After thinking about it, I drove to a few nearby rural areas to try my luck and see if I could receive one or two negative things? But after walking around for a while, I didn't even see any hair, so I had no choice but to go back to the antique shop and continue to sleep.

After a week, I felt like my body was getting moldy. I really couldn't bear it. I was thinking about going to the antique market when the phone rang suddenly.

When I saw that it was a stranger calling, and the address was in Guangxi, I immediately became energetic. Because not many people know my phone number, except for acquaintances, they are usually customers who come to me to solve their troubles.

Sure enough, as soon as I answered the phone, the other party couldn't wait to speak: "Are you Mr. Zhang? My name is Hong Tianbao. I encountered a very strange thing recently. I learned that you are an expert after being introduced by others, so I would like to invite you to come and take a look..."

Although Hong Tianbao spoke in a hurry, fortunately the structure was quite clear. As soon as he finished speaking, I got a general idea.

Hong Tianbao has been doing jade business in Guangxi. A week ago, he received a call from his younger brother, saying that his father, Mr. Hong, had been acting strange recently. He always ran into the fields at night and seemed not to remember anything during the day. Hong Tianbao didn't think it was a big deal at first, and since he was busy with the jade business, he didn't care. However, something happened the day before yesterday, and he had to leave the jade business to his wife and hurried home.

It turned out that his father actually set fire to the house of a wealthy family in the village, and laughed wildly in the fire alone. Fortunately, he was discovered when the fire started, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!

You must know that murder and arson are both serious crimes. If this situation was brought to the police station, his father would definitely be imprisoned. Hong Tianbao's younger brother Hong Tianqiang begged for a long time and agreed to pay compensation of 20,000 yuan. Only then did he No alarm was called.

Hong Tianbao worked hard outside for many years and encountered many evil things. When he came home, he felt that his father might have encountered something dirty. Then he tried every means to find out my phone number, asked me to come over and help, and promised me a good reward.

I was busy with my time, and the reward was generous, so of course I had no reason to refuse. I immediately bought a plane ticket and rushed to Guangxi Airport. Hong Tianbao personally picked me up there, and then we took a bus to Jintian Village, Hong Tianbao’s hometown.

Hong Tianbao was fat and strong, and seemed to weigh at least two to three hundred pounds. As soon as he got in the car, he couldn't wait to ask me how to solve this problem? I smiled helplessly and told him that I didn’t know how to solve the problem until I saw the victim.

He kept apologizing to me, saying he was too impatient. I saw that there were dark circles in both of his eyes, so I didn't blame him for anything. What happened was that his own father didn't worry.

I closed my eyes and rested my mind along the way, but Hong Tianbao understood what was going on and didn't bother me again even though he was anxious.

After the car drove around for a few hours, Hong Tianbao woke me up. I looked up and saw that the car had stopped.

"Mr. Zhang..."

Hong Tianbao rubbed his hands and hesitated.

I interrupted him and said, "Brother Hong, you are older than me. Just call me by my name. You don't have to be so polite."

Hong Tianbao is indeed a great person in the business world. When he heard what I said, he immediately called the Jiulin brothers.

The reason why he hesitated was because his father, Old Man Hong, was now crazy and hated people saying he was possessed. Old Man Hong felt that there was nothing wrong with him, so everything was made up by Hong Tianbao because his son did not want to raise him.

So Hong Tianbao was afraid that if I went to his house, Mr. Hong would do something arrogant to me. I said it didn't matter. In our line of work, it's normal for people to question me. I've long since learned to take it calmly.

After all, femininity is not something that most people can accept. Besides, Hong Tianbao has already said that his father doesn't remember anything now, so any extreme behavior is understandable.

Seeing that I didn't care, Hong Tianbao breathed a sigh of relief and got out of the car first.

Hong Tianbao's hometown is a very ordinary three-tiled house with a medium-sized yard in front, where some dry goods are dried.

Seeing us getting out of the car, a middle-aged man who looked roughly like Hong Tianbao came out immediately. After listening to Hong Tianbao's introduction, we realized that this man who looked slightly older than Hong Tianbao turned out to be his younger brother. Hong Tianqiang.

Hong Tianqiang was an out-and-out farmer, very simple, and he didn't say any kind words. He kept asking me to sit in the house. After entering the house, he poured me tea and brought me cooking cakes to eat.

After staying in the city for a long time, it would be nice to eat some snacks from the countryside. I sat in the room and started chatting with them.

"Where is your father?" After chatting for a long time, I didn't see Old Man Hong, so I asked a little strangely.

The two brothers looked at each other and sighed. Hong Tianqiang's face turned red, and he held it in for a long time without uttering a single word. I was even more surprised, could there be something wrong with this old man Hong?

After all, Hong Tianbao was working outside, he hesitated for a while before he said it.

It turned out that they were afraid that Old Man Hong would go out and burn the house again at night, so they temporarily locked Old Man Hong in his room. He had been making trouble all night yesterday, and he was probably asleep now.

I looked up and saw that one of the rooms in the house was locked. No wonder they locked up their father without saying anything. This is a very unfilial behavior in the countryside.

But I think this is normal. The act of setting fire to the house can be big or small. If it really starts to cause trouble, his father will either go to jail or enter a mental hospital.

I saw that it was getting late, so I said I would go to rest first and call me when it gets dark.

The two brothers nodded and arranged a clean room for me. The two of them planned to spend the night in the living room, but I was not polite and fell asleep.

At nearly twelve o'clock in the evening, I was woken up by Hong Tianbao. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw him put his finger on his lips and shushed me, signaling for me to be quiet, and then pointed carefully to the locked room.

I immediately realized that Old Man Hong had begun to move, so I quickly got out of bed, walked quietly to the door of Old Man Hong's room, and put my ear against it.

Soon I heard heavy footsteps coming from the room. It must be Old Man Hong who was impatiently looking for a way out. I could even hear bursts of beast-like breathing.

It seemed that he was possessed by a Yin spirit. The Yin spirit found that he couldn't get out, so he became impatient.

I quietly motioned to Hong Tianbao to open the door. Hong Tianbao nodded. When the key was inserted into the keyhole, it accidentally made a sound, and the footsteps inside stopped immediately.

"Get out of the way!" I realized something was wrong, so I pulled Hong Tianbao and hid aside.

At this time, Hong Tianqiang came over to us while rubbing his eyes and asked us what was wrong. He had just woken up when he encountered this situation and did not react for a while.

Before I could explain, the next moment, the door was kicked open vigorously, and an old man in his seventies or eighties came out of it vigorously.

He glanced at us, his eyes red, as if he had seen an enemy. Hong Tianbao took a step forward, probably wanting to talk to his father, but he was held back by me.

I know that Old Man Hong is now completely controlled by the evil spirit. If Hong Tianbao goes up now, he may be in danger.

"Dad, are you...are you okay?"

As soon as I grabbed Hong Tianbao, I saw Hong Tianqiang had already come up to hold the old man Hong's arm, with a worried look on his face. My heart suddenly rose to my throat, and I secretly held a talisman with my left hand, ready to rush forward and save Hong Tianqiang's life at the critical moment.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I took the magic talisman, Old Man Hong's eyes turned to me. He moved so slowly that I could even hear the clicking sounds of his bones as his head turned, like a rusty robot.

He couldn't help but look at my hands, maybe he saw that I was holding a magic talisman in my hand. But he had no fear and even laughed contemptuously.

I immediately felt unhappy, pulled Hong Tianbao behind me, and then got ready to teach this arrogant guy a lesson! But before I could take action, Old Man Hong suddenly grabbed Hong Tianqiang's collar and then lifted him up.

An old man in his seventies or eighties could easily lift an adult up. The scene was very strange.

"You can not."

He raised Hong Tianqiang with both hands and threw it at us. Hong Tianbao and I caught Hong Tianqiang in a hurry. As soon as he put him on the ground, the old man Hong said three words slowly.

I don’t know why, but I felt a jolt in my heart after hearing this. The strange thing is that he didn't do anything to hurt us, but walked coldly outside the house.

I asked Hong Tianbao and Hong Tianqiang to protect their families at home, then got up and chased after them!

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