Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 533 Red Turban

I held the magic talisman tightly in my hand along the way, for fear that Old Man Hong would suddenly turn around and give it to me. At the same time, I made a gesture to cover my Yang Qi, so that Old Man Hong wouldn't notice that I was following him.

Old Man Hong was running very fast. I couldn't help but worry about Old Man Hong. I didn't know whether his body and bones could bear it.

It was dark all the way, and the surroundings were eerily quiet.

I followed carefully and found that Old Man Hong finally stopped in front of a big rock and muttered something.

I didn't dare to get too close because I couldn't hear clearly. When I was anxious about what to do, he suddenly moved.

He clenched his right hand into a fist, raised it high above his head, and shouted abruptly: "We are one family in the world, eradicate the demon!"

I trembled because of his roar, and as soon as I let go, the yang energy in my body was immediately exposed. Old man Hong, who had just roared impassionedly, suddenly looked at me sinisterly.

I realized something was wrong, so I hurriedly stepped back, and at the same time, I slapped the talisman in my left hand heavily on the place where I had just been.

Sure enough, as soon as I stepped back, Old Man Hong appeared. His right hand turned into a claw, obviously trying to grab my neck.

I was shocked. If I hadn't retreated quickly, I would have been seriously injured even if I didn't die!

It seemed that he was really difficult to deal with, so I immediately pulled out the Sirius Whip and confronted Old Man Hong. In fact, before coming to Guangxi, I thought it was just an ordinary trivial matter, so I was very relaxed and didn't prepare too many things. I only brought the Sirius Whip.

When Old Man Hong saw me taking out the Sirius Whip, his eyes flickered and he was no longer as contemptuous as before.

"Don't mind your own business!"

Probably knowing that I was not as easy to deal with as he thought, Old Man Hong wanted to force me back again.

How could I be intimidated by him and ask tit for tat: "What do you want to do?"

It can be seen that this Yin spirit does not seem to have any enmity with Old Man Hong. It seems that he is just using his body to accomplish something.

Generally speaking, the body of the living person in the ghost object is not to take revenge on this person, but to want the living person to help it fulfill its unfinished wish.

If I can ask and help him realize his wish, maybe this matter can be solved.


He suddenly laughed, the laughter seemed to come from his stomach, it was very dull, then he held his head high and said righteously: "The great cause has not been accomplished, how can you ignorant people understand?"

After hearing a black line on my forehead, I thought to myself that this guy must be a person from ancient times, right?

But what the hell is Daye? Damn your mother's great cause, you think you are the emperor!

"I advise you to give up, otherwise you will end up in ashes in the end!" I persuaded softly but firmly, but Old Man Hong didn't appreciate it at all. Seeing that I refused to compromise, he attacked me again.

With the Sirius Whip in my hand, he would not be able to get close to me so easily, and since I had experience in dealing with vaginal objects, I specifically whipped it at Old Man Hong's hand.

So although he kept attacking, he didn't take advantage of a dime.

Although my face looked calm on the surface, I was surprised inside.

He and I had been in a stalemate for so long, but he didn't even have the slightest intention to run away. You must know that the Heavenly Wolf Whip can cause huge damage to ghosts. Normal Yin spirits will run away immediately after being whipped, and they will scream in agony no matter what happens. How can you be like old man Hong, who stalks me.

The Heavenly Wolf Whip can only be used seven times at a time, and there are currently only two whips left.

My heart sank, it seemed that he would not be solved so easily!

Before Old Man Hong took action, I whipped out a whip and whizzed towards his head with a whistling wind. As long as the whip hit, I could immediately beat the evil spirit out of Old Man Hong's body. There will be buffering time.

Unexpectedly, Old Man Hong, who had been fighting with me just now, suddenly stepped back, and then looked at me with a sneer, with some sarcasm on his lips.

I couldn't help but be shocked. I didn't expect that he could see my thoughts and act as if he was ready to leave Old Man Hong's body at any time.

Old man Hong was old and was rushed by him again. His soul was already very weak. If he was hit on the head with a whip again, he would lose half his life.

The Sirius Whip was already less than ten centimeters away from Old Man Hong. I turned my right hand over in panic, and forcefully moved the whip away, grazing Old Man Hong's ear.

Before I had time to rejoice, I saw Old Man Hong slamming into my waist with a sullen face.

I was struggling to control the Sirius Whip just now, but my body had already tilted. When he bumped into me, I only heard a click from my waist, and then my whole body hit the ground with a bang.

I spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at Old Man Hong, who was approaching step by step. A ruthless look flashed in my eyes, and I supported the ground with my right hand and moved back a little bit.

It looked like I was backing away out of fear, but in fact I quietly started to fight, preparing to use the Beidou Sirius Technique combined with the last whip to fight him to the death at the critical moment!

Yin Ling was immersed in the joy of victory and didn't notice my little move at all. He stopped one meter in front of me and shouted condescendingly: "You must be a thief sent by Qing Yao. You want to hinder my great cause. It is not a pity to die!"

After saying that, he raised his hand fiercely and grabbed my head. I calculated the distance and gently raised my arm to prepare for the attack. As long as the attack was successful, the Yin spirit would definitely be seriously injured.


I was just about to take action when a figure rushed over and stood in front of me.

It turned out to be Hong Tianbao. He followed me out of nowhere, and just stood in front of me. He looked at Old Man Hong with red eyes and shouted, "If you want to kill, kill your son first!"

Old Man Hong began to struggle. He held his head desperately with both hands and slowly squatted down. It took a long time for him to look up, his eyes were very blank, as if he didn't know what happened.

Hong Tianbao took out his cell phone and showed what he called out to Old Man Hong. After reading it, Old Man Hong's eyes suddenly widened, full of disbelief.

Hong Tianbao ignored Old Man Hong's reaction, but turned around and helped me up. After making sure I was fine, he looked at Old Man Hong.

At this time, Old Man Hong might have been stimulated, and his eyes were a little dull. I leaned over to look at the picture on my phone, and then I realized that Hong Tianbao had actually filmed the scene of the fight between Old Man Hong and me.

I have to admire Hong Tianbao's attentiveness. As long as Old Man Hong knows his current state, he will definitely cooperate with our future actions.

The strange thing is that after Old Man Hong watched the video, no matter what Hong Tianbao said to him, Old Man Hong remained silent and stared blankly into the distance.

In desperation, Hong Tianbao had to carry Old Man Hong and walk home. Only then did I realize that after all this hard work, it was almost dawn.

When we got home, Hong Tianqiang was waiting at the door with an anxious look on his face. He was visibly relieved to see us back. The two brothers settled the sleeping old man Hong, and then found medicinal wine to wipe my body.

I was actually a little embarrassed. As a master they invited, I was injured all over my body in my first shot. I was really embarrassed to show it, so I could only keep saying that I was fine, and then went into the room to rest.

I slept until noon, and Hong Tianqiang prepared a table of meals. As soon as I sat down, I saw old man Hong coming out, blowing his beard and staring.

He tapped his chopsticks on the bowl and shouted angrily: "You two bastards, why don't you lock me in the room?"

When Hong Tianbao heard that the tone was wrong, he immediately mentioned the video to him. Unexpectedly, Old Man Hong became even more angry at this mention, saying that he slept in the room all night yesterday and he didn't understand what the video was.

After hearing this, I sighed for a while, thinking that I finally had a breakthrough. This old man Hong had to admit his fault!

Hong Tianbao also knew the seriousness of the matter. He immediately took out his mobile phone and wanted to show the video to Old Man Hong, but this time it was even more strange. The video was deleted without knowing when...

Old Man Hong immediately cursed, saying that it was useless to raise a son, and if he didn't raise him, he would be given the reputation of being a ghost.

When Hong Tianbao heard this, he immediately became anxious. He ran over and lifted up my clothes, pointing at my waist and showing it to Old Man Hong: "Dad, look, my brother's injury was caused by you last night."

I was a little embarrassed. Just when I was about to put my clothes back on, Old Man Hong said, "Nonsense! Her skin is as fair and tender as a little girl's. What's wrong with it?"

I felt something was wrong when I heard it. I was indeed seriously injured yesterday, but when he said this, I realized that my waist had not hurt since I woke up. I hurriedly found a mirror to look at myself, and even the bruises on my waist disappeared without a trace.

It's like when you wake up, everything that happened yesterday has disappeared...

Old man Hong was still cursing at the side, and Hong Tianbao and I looked at each other with a hint of fear in our eyes.

Things turned awkward in an instant. We don’t have any evidence now. How can we get Old Man Hong to cooperate?

The meal was boring. During this period, I took a closer look at Old Man Hong. He was an old man in his seventies. He looked very tough. He was wearing a short shirt, long trousers, and a red scarf on his head. He was a normal farmer. dress up.

But the red scarf looks familiar to me, as if I’ve seen it somewhere. But I thought for a long time and made sure that no one around me wore such a red headscarf.

Old man Hong probably felt that I had been sizing him up, so he rolled his eyes at me dissatisfied and asked Hong Tianbao to send me away as a money cheat.

It seemed that during this meal, not only was I studying him, but he was also studying me. And when I heard about my profession, I felt very disgusted, as if I owed him a hundred yuan.

I turned my head to the side, but I was still studying the red scarf in my mind. I couldn't describe the feeling, but it made me feel weird anyway.

At this moment, I suddenly thought that Old Man Hong had a clear demon in his mouth last night, and paired with this red scarf, I suddenly made a bold guess!

But all this has to wait until I get the red turban.


I tried my best to look kind and said softly: "You look really energetic with this red scarf. Where did you buy it?"

"What do you want to do? None of you can take this headscarf away."

I didn't expect that Old Man Hong's reaction was so big. He threw the bowl on the ground angrily, dropped a table of dishes and went back to the room, which caught me off guard.

Hong Tianbao saw that I was doubting the red scarf, so he talked about the origin of the red scarf.

It turns out that this red scarf was passed down from the ancestors of the Hong family. It is said that it has been passed down for several generations. However, Hong Tianbao has never believed that a broken scarf can be related to a family heirloom.

But Old Man Hong liked this red scarf very much. He always kept it at the bottom of the wardrobe. After a few sips of wine, he would brag about this family heirloom to the villagers.

I don't know what happened recently, but he suddenly took out this scarf and tied it on his forehead. However, many people here would tie a towel on their heads when going to the fields to protect themselves from the sun, and the two brothers didn't think there was anything wrong.

"Did you put it on recently?" Hearing this, I felt more and more that the red scarf was causing trouble.

Hong Tianbao found it incredible. I smiled and said, "It's easy to find out if the red scarf is causing trouble. Just take off the red scarf and see if Old Man Hong goes crazy. Then everything will be clear, right?"

Unexpectedly, Hong Tianbao shook his head repeatedly and said that this matter was difficult, because Old Man Hong valued this red turban very much now, and anyone who wanted to take his red turban would kill him.

When I heard it, I immediately felt like my head was spinning. I couldn’t continue like this! The only breakthrough is here. I must know the details of this red scarf before I can take action.

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