Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 534 Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

However, Hong Tianbao was unwilling to use force to hurt his father. In desperation, the three of us could only take turns to watch the night and watch the old man Hong to prevent him from causing trouble.

Unexpectedly, for several days in a row, Mr. Hong not only did not go out, but also deliberately made some noise at night, either yelling or throwing things, which in turn made us exhausted.

But I dare not relax. It can be seen from the last confrontation that this Yin spirit has a high IQ. Perhaps he is deliberately consuming the energy of the few of us and waiting for the moment when we collapse.

But I really couldn't bear to stay awake for several days and nights. Today it was my turn to guard Old Man Hong. As I kept guarding, I started to feel sleepy, and my upper and lower eyelids kept fighting.

In a daze, I felt as if someone was talking, and the voice was very close to me. The breath from my mouth would spray onto my face when I spoke, making me feel wet and cold, which made me feel very uncomfortable.

I thought it was the Hong Tianbao brothers, so I subconsciously waved my hand towards the place where they were talking, hoping that they would stay away from me and not disturb my rest.

But my hand was empty, and there was no one next to me!

I woke up instantly, and then I opened my eyes and found brother Hong Tianbao sleeping soundly on the floor in the living room. My heart tightened, and I looked up at Old Man Hong's room, only to see the door wide open.

I hurriedly stepped forward to see if there was anyone else inside? I quickly chased outside, but I couldn't find anyone outside.

Just as I was thinking about where Old Man Hong might go, a bright red fire lit up the night sky.

It's over, this old guy went to burn down other people's houses...

There was only this one thought left in my mind, and I ran towards the direction of the fire with all my strength.

When I arrived at the place, I found that a lot of people had gathered around the fire. The Hong Tianbao brothers also arrived. Looking at their embarrassed looks, I knew that they were thinking the same thing as me. The fire was probably set by Old Man Hong.

The villagers carried water from their homes one by one to help put out the fire, while the owner of this house sat on the ground and cried loudly, saying that half of his life savings were gone...

The fire took more than an hour to put out. Although no one was safe, the house was burned beyond recognition.

I searched carefully in the crowd, but I didn't see Old Man Hong, which meant that he ran away after setting the fire. I was afraid that he would do something else, so I quickly said hello and asked Hong Tianqiang to go take a look in the fields.

Then Hong Tianbao and I went back home together, because it was almost dawn, so it was more likely that Mr. Hong would go home. After all, the ghosts did not dare to come out and move around during the day.

Sure enough, as soon as he returned home, he saw Old Man Hong's door closed again. It was obvious that he had fallen asleep after returning.

I pushed the door and found that it was locked from the inside. I knocked several times but no one opened it.

Arson is a serious crime. Hong Tianbao and I looked at each other, and then I kicked the door with all my strength!

Fortunately, the wooden doors in rural areas are not particularly strong, and the door will burst open when kicked down. I saw Old Man Hong at a glance. He seemed to be frightened by my kicking the door. He stared at me with cloudy eyes. It took him a while to react, and he pointed at my nose and yelled at me for being a bastard.

I didn't listen to his nonsense and asked sharply if he set the fire? Unsurprisingly, he had no memory of what he had done.

I explained and told him that he might be controlled by an evil evil thing, and the only evil thing that controlled him was probably the red scarf.

Old Man Hong didn't believe it. When he saw that I wanted to take off his red turban, he immediately held his head with both hands and roared that if he wanted to take off the red turban, he would kill his old bones first!

"Hmph, those who are rich and unkind should be burned to death!"

I was helpless when a cold voice suddenly came from my ears, but Old Man Hong clearly didn't open his mouth, and Hong Tianbao next to him was also smoking a cigarette.

Could it be that that family was unkind and did something immoral for the sake of wealth, so Old Man Hong burned down his house?

I was stunned for a moment, thinking that Old Man Hong seemed to have talked about the world as one family and killing the demons before, and I instantly guessed the origin of this evil thing.

I immediately pulled Hong Tianbao and together we temporarily locked Old Man Hong in the house with an iron chain.

Hong Tianbao knew that his father was hopeless, so no matter how old Hong yelled and cursed, he remained indifferent.

Fortunately, this time everyone doesn’t know that Old Man Hong set the fire, so they don’t have to worry about the police coming for the time being. It didn't take long for Hong Daqiang to come back. When he saw the locked old man Hong, he immediately sat on the chair and sighed heavily.

Seeing that both brothers were there, I told my guess.

I wonder if the Hong family is related to Hong Xiuquan, the leader of the Taiping Rebellion?

This is Jintian Village, where the Taiping Rebellion took place.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the court was ineffective and people everywhere were oppressed by corrupt officials intolerable. At this time, a farmer named Hong Xiuquan stood up. He called on the people to join the Christianity introduced from the West, believe in God, and slay the demons together. With the help of Yang Xiuqing, Feng Yunshan, Xiao Chaogui and others, he started the uprising in Jintian. success.

Hong Xiuquan named the new kingdom he founded the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, advocated fighting local tyrants, dividing the land, and proclaimed himself the King of Heaven. The Taiping Rebellion soon spread across the country, and all Taiping soldiers wore red turbans, believing that this would make them invulnerable on the battlefield, or God's blessing.

With the help of countless Taiping soldiers, the Qing Dynasty was frightened by the news and lost countless lands. However, the mighty Tianping Heavenly Kingdom movement ultimately failed due to internal and external troubles. Hong Xiuquan's own body was chopped into meat paste by the Qing Dynasty and shot out of a cannon, which meant that the rebel leaders would poke the bones and scatter the ashes.

I think it is possible that Hong Xiuquan was unwilling to fail, so a ray of evil spirit attached itself to the red scarf and came out to cause trouble!

Obviously, neither brother could accept my idea.

Hong Tianbao said directly that most of the people in Jintian Village were descendants of the rebels. If this was the case, wouldn't every household be in chaos? Why did it happen to just their family?

I didn't say anything and stuck to this guess, because it was the only relatively reliable idea at the moment.

As the king of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, it was normal for Hong Xiuquan not to be reconciled to failure. After all, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom had conquered half of the country at that time, and Hong Xiuquan would definitely not be able to give up this supreme power.

The two brothers were shocked by my remarks and smoked cigarettes one after another.

In the end, the two brothers decided to believe me. Now that they had decided on the direction, it would be easy to do it. We must make Hong Xiuquan accept the reality that the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom has been destroyed. We can just repeat how the rebel army failed at that time.

But just to be sure, I decided to make sure again.

So I told the two brothers that we must find a way to get the red scarf! After getting the red scarf, I can basically determine whether the Yin spirit is Hong Xiuquan, the king of heaven!

But for several days, we had no chance to take action. Although Old Man Hong was locked up, he would scream and struggle as soon as we got close.

The current situation is a bit unexpected. I thought it was just an ordinary vagina. But now it seems that the background of this evil thing is quite big, and its purpose is probably to restore the country!

Old Man Hong was imprisoned for another three days. Hong Tianbao provided him with good food and drink every day, but he was beaten and scolded by Old Man Hong. This fat and strong man finally began to secretly wipe his tears.

I feel sad when I look at it, and it makes everyone feel uncomfortable when this happens.

Old Man Hong didn't cooperate, so my investigation was stuck. I leaned against the wall and thought about how I could get the red scarf?

Old Man Hong is very wary of me now. The last time Hong Tianbao and I forced the door open, it probably caused a huge psychological shadow on him.

If the other party was a young man, I could attack him directly, but he was a thin old man. If I angered the evil spirits in his body by forcefully attacking him, I might kill Old Man Hong.

"Brother Jiulin."

Hong Tianbao came over at some point. He was leaning against the wall with his head hanging down. His image instantly changed from a jade merchant to a bankrupt small boss. He looked decadent no matter how he looked.

His eyes were covered with red bloodshot eyes. In fact, he had been the most uncomfortable in the past half month.

I looked at him and didn't know what to say. The situation was not optimistic now. I could only pat him on the shoulder to reassure him that the matter would be solved.

He nodded, took a long drag on the cigarette, then rubbed his face to make his face look less bad, and then pretended to smile casually and said: "Brother Jiulin, I'm a straight man. Tell me the truth. Isn’t it more troublesome?”

"It's more difficult! Judging from observations in the past few days, the old man's mind has been completely affected, and he is so old that his body and bones cannot support him."

I expressed my worries in one breath.

After hearing this, Hong Tianbao put out his cigarette and said: "Three days, you give me three days! I will definitely bring you the red scarf."

After saying that, he seemed to have made a decision, and his steps were a little heavy. I don't know how he's going to get the red turban, but it's probably not a good way.

Old Man Hong does not allow others to approach him at any time except during meals.

Now that Hong Tianbao has taken over this difficult matter, I will prepare what I need!

Basic items such as magic charms and refined salt are carried with you, and there are many local food seeds, which can be used for self-defense at critical moments.

But there is still one thing missing now. I need something that is extremely yang to activate the Tiangang Formation. Generally, Yin spirits dare not break into the Tiangang Formation, but this time if the Yin spirit is really Hong Xiuquan, they will definitely not be afraid, so I need it. Add another formation eye to the Tiangang formation!

Since Yinwu has chosen Old Man Hong, when I deal with Yinwu, Old Man Hong will also be in danger, and I must protect him with the eyes of the Tiangang Formation.

Since I couldn't get away, and the Hong brothers didn't want the whole world to know that something had happened to their father, I had no choice but to call Li Mazi.

Li Mazi was still so wretched. When he got the call, he insisted that I couldn't live without him. I laughed and cursed and briefly explained the situation to him. He also told him to bring the purple clay pot he got from the last business to Jintian Village within three days.

When he heard my serious tone, he immediately put away his playful smile and promised that I would see him before the sun goes down tomorrow.

After hanging up the phone, I couldn't help but smile, thinking that this guy was of some use after all.

After everything was ready, I went back to my room and fell asleep. This period of time made me physically and mentally exhausted. The most critical moment was when Li Mazi came and got the red scarf.

Before that I have to put myself in the best fighting condition!

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