Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 535 The Pain of the Heavenly King

I slept all day, and kept having strange dreams: I dreamed that I was in rags, fighting for food with dogs; I dreamed that I was standing on a high mountain, raising my arms and fighting everywhere. picture; I dreamed that I was wearing a dragon robe, in a magnificent palace

The scene of sitting on the dragon's throne; I dreamed that I had taken poison, and the shouts of murder outside the city wall shook the sky, and I refused to rest in peace...

Reason tells me that these are the past events of Yin Ling's life, and he wants to use these to influence me, move me, and make me stand on his side.

When I thought about the scene just now, I felt sad.

My dream is a portrayal of Hong Xiuquan's life. In 1864 AD, three battalions of the Qing army broke into Nanjing, the capital of the Taiping Rebellion. Hong Xiuquan died in the Palace of the Heavenly King. The cause of death is unknown.

Judging from the scene in the dream, he actually died after taking poison. He must be unwilling to see half of the country he worked so hard to build become a passing cloud, right?

But this is not the reason why he comes out to burn other people's houses!

The change of dynasties is a normal thing, and the eventual failure of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is inevitable. And now that a hundred years have passed, how can he possibly regain the country?

As soon as I regained my senses, the depressing feeling immediately disappeared and I woke up from my sleep. As soon as I woke up, I saw Old Man Hong standing next to me, his hands tied with chains, looking at me sinisterly.

I jumped up immediately and held the Sirius Whip in my hand.

No wonder I had these dreams, it turned out to be him! I couldn't help but feel afraid. If he had just attacked me, I would have gone to the Palace of Hell to report him. Thinking of this, I just felt a chill on my back.

Unexpectedly, I looked like I was facing a formidable enemy, but he sat next to me like a friend.

Then he said to himself: "We are a group of farmers. If we were not forced to do anything, no one would dare to pick up hoes and sickles to rebel! But everyone was so hungry that they couldn't stand it, and there was really no other way, so they started the uprising. The thought got out of hand. Yang Xiuqing and I and several other like-minded brothers led a huge peasant army all the way north. The corrupt Qing army was no match for us at all. Soon we occupied Nanjing and made the capital the capital. At that time, we held a celebration banquet for three days."

"As their king! I give equal treatment to the people of the Kingdom of Heaven and let them have enough food and clothing. But why, in just over ten years, I was defeated like a mountain? When the Qing army besieged Nanjing, I knew I was going to Defeated, we were just a bunch of loose people, we came together just to have food and clothing, but after food and clothing, we had no goals! We began to pursue pleasure, we started drinking and drinking, and each of us raised countless beauties. We haven’t overthrown the Manchu Qing Dynasty yet, we have created another Manchu Qing Dynasty!”

"Why did my original intention become like this? I didn't have the courage to face failure. Seeing the regime that was established step by step disbanded, I chose to die. But I am not willing to accept it, I really am not willing to accept it!"

Having said this, Old Man Hong's eyes began to glow red. I held the Sirius Whip and swallowed. He... was he going to go berserk?

I quickly comforted him and told him that the current society is exactly what he wants to see, that it is fair and just, and that everyone has enough to eat and clothing to wear.

Unexpectedly, he just smiled contemptuously after hearing this: "Really? But this is not mine, I did not build it!"

As soon as I heard this, I knew that he was blinded by power. His idea of ​​feeding and clothing the people of the world was simply a lie.

Old Man Hong touched the red scarf on his forehead and looked at me provocatively, warning me not to provoke the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and then turned and left.

I collapsed on the bed. To be honest, I was afraid of conflict with him just now because I had nothing to deal with him.

The strange thing is that the two of us made such a big noise, and Hong Tianbao and the others must have heard it, but the two of them didn't even show their faces. This is really against common sense.

No, isn't the house locked? How did this old man Hong get out?

Thinking of this, I hurriedly ran out to take a look. I was stunned for a moment and my scalp felt numb.

This is Old Man Hong’s home, this is clearly a fucking cemetery!

Looking back, I saw that where I had just slept, there was a fallen tombstone.

A chill ran down my back. Is this an illusion created by Old Man Hong, or is he really capable of bringing me to this place without my knowing it at all?

I quickly bit my middle finger and wiped my eyes with blood. Then I looked around and saw that the scenery around me had not changed at all...

In other words, I was actually in the cemetery. Why did he bring me here? He should know that this ordinary cemetery poses no threat to me.

Since he didn't want to harm me, why did he bring me here? I recalled what he said to me. He said... This kingdom was established by him! Therefore, he removed me as a thorn in his side.

Does he already know what I want to do?

Then Hong Tianbao and the others were in danger. I didn't think too much about it. After determining the direction, I immediately rushed back.

When I rushed back, I found that everything in the village was normal except for the black air in the direction of the Hong family.

But this black air seemed to be hesitant, wanting to spread out and then hovering over the Hong family.

I ran over quickly and saw Old Man Hong's eyes were red and his body was filled with black energy. Hong Tianbao and Hong Tianqiang each held a knife to their necks.

Hong Tianbao and Hong Tianqiang asked Old Man Hong to take off the red scarf, otherwise they would both die in front of him!

Only then did I understand why the black air had been lingering in the air.

Although Old Man Hong was controlled, he was Hong Tianbao's father after all. There were blood marks on Hong Tianbao's neck, presumably to threaten Old Man Hong.

It seems that Hong Tianbao used this method when he said he would definitely get the red scarf within three days.

I couldn't help but be shocked. This was too dangerous. After all, it is still unknown how much sanity the controlled Old Man Hong can maintain.

"Get away!"

Sure enough, when he heard that they were going to take the red turban, Old Man Hong became angry. The black energy on his body rushed over instantly, and then enveloped Hong Tianbao and the two of them.

When I saw this situation, I didn't care about waiting for Li Mazi anymore. I immediately took out the Sirius Whip and swung it towards Old Man Hong in conjunction with the Beidou Sirius Jue.

As soon as the spell is activated, the entire body of the Sirius Whip shines with silver light, just like the Big Dipper descending. Wherever it passes, the black mist will dissipate.

Seeing how powerful I was, Old Man Hong controlled Hong Tianbao and Hong Tianbao with one hand.

The black energy got into the mouths of Hong Tianbao brothers little by little. I knew that if this continued, the two of them would become Hong Xiuquan's puppets, and I would definitely not be able to cope with it.

Thinking of this, I bit the tip of my tongue, spit out a mouthful of blood on the Sirius whip, and while the power of the last whip was still there, I struck Old Man Hong again.

Seeing my desperate attitude, Old Man Hong suddenly panicked and raised his hands to resist, and relaxed his control over Hong Tianbao and Hong Tianbao.

I took the opportunity to turn the whip and quickly rolled Hong Tianbao over. He was a little unconscious due to the black energy. I squeezed his middle tightly, and his head shook and he woke up.

"I'm going to save your brother and attract your father's attention while you take the opportunity to get the red scarf!" I whispered in Hong Tianbao's ear,

Seeing him nodding, he returned his attention to Old Man Hong.

Old man Hong Jiejie laughed twice, held Hong Tianqiang in his right hand and threw it towards me.

At the critical moment, I could only ignore him, roll on the ground, fly away, and mercilessly slap the Sirius whip on Old Man Hong's neck.

Old man Hong didn't expect that he would be beaten up by me regardless of Hong Tianqiang.

The Sirius Whip hit his Yintang directly, and then a black shadow flew out of his body. Then Old Man Hong twitched and fell to the ground with a plop.

Hong Tianbao took the opportunity to rush up and tear off the red scarf and handed it to me.

I couldn't help but be overjoyed. After Hong Tianqiang sobered up, I pasted a few medium-sized talismans on the red scarf.

Without the Yin object, the host's combat effectiveness plummets. What's more, he was injured by the star power of my Sirius whip and cannot break through the spiritual talisman for the time being.

The three of us breathed a sigh of relief. After so many days of gaming, we finally had a breakthrough!

Old Man Hong woke up again and found that his red turban was missing, but he had no reaction. It seemed that it was Hong Xiuquan's fault that he regarded the red turban as life.

The old man had weak bones, so I went to pick some Chinese herbs nearby to nurse him back to health. By the way, I learned the origin of this red scarf from the old man.

It turns out that this red scarf was really worn by Hong Xiuquan!

It is said that when Hong Xiuquan took poison and died, his last mouthful of blood was sprayed on the red scarf. He handed the red scarf to his general, the ancestor of Old Man Hong, and told the general to continue fighting with the Qing Dynasty.

Perhaps it was because of this mouthful of blood that Hong Xiuquan’s ghost resided in the red turban, and used Old Man Hong’s body to warm his soul. Unfortunately, he was strangled in the cradle before he succeeded...

When Li Mazi arrived, I told him that the matter had been resolved and that I was going to leave after Old Man Hong recovered.

But just when I thought it was over, things had just begun!

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