Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 536 The unimaginable murderer

People in the village began to have troubles every now and then. They had exactly the same symptoms as Old Man Hong. They ran outside in the middle of the night and shouted something like they were swearing, and then burned down the houses of rich people.

It was one at first, and then a group, which means that the Yin Spirit’s purpose has been achieved!

This group of jealous people sometimes brazenly rob wealthy people's homes in broad daylight. It's useless to call the police because they don't remember what happened to them and the police can't do anything.

Old Man Hong and his family sighed, they naturally knew what was causing trouble.

"Brother Jiulin, hasn't that thing been eliminated?" Hong Tianbao asked distressedly while sitting on the threshold.

I don't know how to answer him. The fetus is still trapped by my magic talisman. Logically speaking, this shouldn't happen.

Seeing our sad faces, Li Mazi said half-jokingly: "We may have been deceived by the soul of Hong Xiuquan..."

I heard what Li Mazi said, and when I thought about it carefully, I suddenly felt that I had underestimated Hong Xiuquan.

He had been whipped several times by me before and was fine. How could he be beaten out with one whip in the end?

He's probably confusing me!

Because he knew that I had found a way to deal with him, and even if he possessed Old Man Hong, he would be dead, so he deliberately defeated me first and let me get the red scarf.

In this way, we think that the matter is resolved, and naturally we will not pay attention to him anymore. And he can buy time to continue to nourish his soul. After all, it is too easy to find someone to get involved with!

Now that he has succeeded, those people are going crazy and smashing and looting. This move of retreating into advancement is really a good idea!

Thinking of this, I suddenly stood up. Hong Tianbao and Li Mazi were so shocked that they thought I was also possessed.

I didn't talk to them, turned around and entered the room, and began to recall every detail of the past half month.

In the evening, Hong Tianbao came to call me and said he had something to discuss with me. He took me out of the house and walked forward without saying a word. In the blink of an eye, I was at a place where no one had passed.

I felt something was wrong with Hong Tianbao, so I secretly increased my vigilance.

"Brother Jiulin!"

Hong Tianbao took out a cigarette and took two puffs.

I nodded and motioned for him to continue. He blew out a puff of smoke and said in a heavy tone, "I didn't want to say it at first, but when things have developed to this point, I'm afraid that if I don't say it, it will really lead to a big disaster..."

It turns out that Hong Tianbao has been hiding something from me! I was a little angry, but getting angry couldn't solve anything at this point, so I had to let him explain clearly.

In fact, Old Man Hong really has a grudge against every household in Jintian Village!

Hong Tianbao is engaged in jade business in other places and never comes back for a year or two. Hong Tianqiang is also honest and dull and has not yet married a wife. Old man Hong takes care of all the fields at home, so his family is at a disadvantage in the village.

When people in the village saw that Hong Tianbao was rich, they always wanted to take advantage of their family. This made Mr. Hong very angry. He would fight with others in the fields every time. Nothing happened until Hong Tianqiang arrived in time.

Who would have thought that Old Man Hong would just take this breath and wake up the next day to find that all the crop seedlings in the field had been burned!

There were many people present that day, and Old Man Hong was not sure who did it, so even the villagers hated him. Old Man Hong mentioned this matter to Hong Tianbao on the phone, but Hong Tianbao only regarded it as a minor grudge.

Old Man Hong then put on a red turban, and a series of strange events occurred.

After hearing this, I opened my eyes wide in surprise. Could it be that Old Man Hong made a deal with Yinwu at that time? He let the Yin object control his body and complete what he wanted to accomplish. The Yin object helped him retaliate in kind, so why were several houses set on fire?

This also explains why Mr. Hong doesn’t remember anything and the videos on his mobile phone were inexplicably deleted. It’s not that he doesn’t remember at all, but he knows everything!

No wonder he was so protective of the red turban, some kind of family heirloom, just because he was afraid that I would see the clues.

But there's one thing I can't explain...

"In that case, why did he finally tell me the origin of the red turban?"

Hong Tianbao shook his head and said that he didn't know. He thought that Old Man Hong might be feeling guilty. After all, he had been an honest farmer all his life and had never done anything like this to actively harm others.

So I want to keep me here so that if something big happens, I can still help.

"By the way, one more thing, your red scarf is totally fake!"

Hong Tianbao dropped another bombshell.

What, fake? The red scarf I fought so hard to win turned out to be fake?

Hong Tianbao nodded. He had seen the red turban passed down from his family. Because it had been there for many years, the color was not that bright. There were blood and dirt on it like plum blossoms. On that day, mine was bright and dazzling and extremely clean.

It was just that he was too frightened that day to notice this detail. It wasn't until something happened again in the past two days that he realized that something was wrong with the red turban. I took a deep breath. The red turban was fake. Old Man Hong hadn’t worn a red turban in the past two days. So where was the real red turban now?

Hong Tianbao said that he didn't know either. He was just aware of the seriousness of the matter and was afraid that if he didn't tell it, he would never feel at ease for the rest of his life.

"Brother Jiulin, I still have to rely on you. No matter whether the red scarf is fake or not, at least that part of the remnant soul is real! I have followed you during this period, and I also know that without such a part of the remnant soul, the current Yin spirit He must be very weak too, right?”

Hong Tianbao is very smart and his analysis is very accurate.

I sighed, what's the use, we don't even know where the Yin spirit is hiding now. Judging from the behavior of the people in the village, although Yin Ling is weak, his strength is still not to be underestimated. I patted Hong Tianbao on the shoulder and reassured him that since he took over the business, I would definitely do my best. Besides, I didn’t want to see good villagers being harmed like this by a ghost.

Hong Tianbao breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, Hong Tianqiang came running from a distance and said he wanted to see me for something.

Hong Tianbao and I looked at each other and smiled, thinking that Hong Tianqiang had also discovered something was wrong and wanted to tell me the truth. But who knows, Hong Tianqiang said that this was not the case, but that another family in the village had an accident and asked me to go and take a look.

Of course I had no objection. Hong Tianbao went home to take care of Old Man Hong, while Hong Tianqiang and I went to the home of the villager where the accident occurred.

This family's surname is Li, and they live at the end of the village, which is still some distance away from where we are. Hong Tianqiang and I were chatting while walking. I was a little surprised to find that Hong Tianqiang, who had always been dull, was actually more talkative today, and I didn't feel bored at all along the way.

I didn't take it to heart, thinking that it might be because Old Man Hong had recovered now, so he became more cheerful when he was excited.

After walking for less than ten minutes, we arrived at the door of Li's house. I found that it was completely dark, but the Li family did not light a lamp. There was only a candle standing on the table in the yard. At the junction of the candle light and darkness, there was a figure sitting there, whose appearance could not be seen clearly.

Hong Tianqiang told me not to mind, saying that Widow Li's husband died early and left only one son. Her family was so poor that she owed a lot of debt to support her son's education, so when her son was not at home, Widow Li went to bed after dark. Never light a lamp, not even a candle.

I understood and followed Hong Tianqiang into the yard.

Unexpectedly, after entering the yard, Hong Tianqiang suddenly said that he had to leave first because he had something to do. I was suddenly surprised, but Widow Li stood up from the shadows and thanked Hong Tianqiang for a long time. I always feel that Widow Li's attitude towards Hong Tianqiang is too respectful. She is just asking someone to help, but she bows to Hong Tianqiang repeatedly. She is so bent that she almost kneels down...

As soon as she got closer, I realized that Widow Li was quite pretty. She looked to be in her forties, with a standard oval face, big eyes, and a small nose. If it weren't for life reasons, her face would be a little rough and her eyes would be dull. When you go out, you will definitely be a woman who still has charm.

After Hong Tianqiang left, Widow Li suddenly stopped talking, probably because she didn't know what to say. Seeing her look like this, I had to ask her what she wanted from me. Widow Li hesitated for a long time, hesitantly and didn't say the reason. She just asked me to come into the house and take a look and I would understand.

I looked into the room and saw that it was completely dark. What do you think? But I couldn't bear Widow Li's begging for a long time. I felt relieved, thinking that nothing serious would happen, so I walked towards the house. The room was pitch dark, and it took me a long time to get used to it before I could see something.

Widow Li's family is really as poor as Hong Tianqiang said. The best way to describe this place is that the family is bare. The house is empty, the stove is in the living room, the layout is small, and it even smells musty. But after looking for a long time, I didn't see anything special. I really didn't know what she wanted me to see, so I turned around and wanted to ask her.

Widow Li stood under the candlelight and looked at me with a pair of beautiful eyes. But half of the face was intact, while the other half was peeling off, and there was something vaguely crawling on it. This comparison made me almost scream in horror.

I was stunned for a moment. I saw Widow Li lowering her head and blowing out the candle. The moment the candle light went out, she looked up at me. The look in his eyes looked extremely strange, with a hint of helplessness.

The next second, the surrounding scene changed instantly, the space began to distort, and mutilated corpses appeared in front of me. Judging from the degree of dryness of the corpses, they must have been several years old.

The corpses all had red scarves tied around their heads... Could this be the Taiping Army back then?

It makes no sense. When the Taiping Army was in Jintian Village, it was just a group of peasant uprisings. The scale was not large and there were no casualties. But now there are at least hundreds of Taiping Army ghosts surrounding me.

Oh my God, did Hong Xiuquan move all the ghosts of the Taiping Army from other places? Is he going to form an underworld army?


Just when I thought of this, a figure appeared at the end of the Taiping Army. He walked step by step, with a red scarf tied on his head and a smile on his face. This smile looked particularly sinister against the surrounding corpses. cold.

What shocked me the most was that this person turned out to be Hong Tianqiang, the dull and honest Hong Tianqiang!

"What do you think? My army of restoration." Hong Tianqiang said somewhat proudly.

"How could it be you?"

I couldn't accept it for a moment. Judging from the tone of his words, it was obvious that he had controlled this matter from beginning to end.

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