Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 537 Abnormal Personality

Hong Tianqiang was in a good mood. He held his head high and accepted the worship of the ghosts, explaining all this to me.

"Growing up, people in the village have looked down on me..." Hong Tianqiang said in a cold voice.

As soon as he started, I knew that he was a mentally twisted person who did not hesitate to deal with ghosts to achieve his own goals.

Sure enough, at this moment, Hong Tianqiang is no longer as dull as before. Instead, he talks eloquently: "Today is a great day! I accidentally chatted with you a few words just now. As expected, I talk a lot when I am happy."

So that's the case. No wonder I think Hong Tianqiang suddenly became more talkative today. At that time, I didn't even get suspicious. He obviously brought the topic to power several times, and I stupidly told him a lot of truths at that time.

Thinking about it now, I really want to strangle myself. How could he, an honest farmer, suddenly crave power?

Hong Tianqiang began to tell his own experience. Hong Tianqiang's mother died early, and Old Man Hong took care of his two sons. As a result, the family had too much to eat, so the Hong family's status in Jintian Village has always been very low.

Because his elder brother Hong Tianbao is fat, no one dares to bully him. But Hong Tianqiang was thin and dull when he was a child, so he naturally became the target of bullying by children...

Later, Hong Tianbao became better and better, and Hong Tianqiang became more and more inferior under the aura of his elder brother.

After Hong Tianbao started the jade business, Hong Tianqiang could still only work at home as a farmer. This made Hong Tianqiang very jealous, thinking that his brother had forgotten his younger brother and left him in the countryside to be a farmer all his life.

This is not the most important thing. What is important is that no girl in the village is willing to marry him. Every time his father wants to arrange a blind date, he is always rejected by the villagers. Some even directly mock Hong Tianqiang as a fool who no one wants.

In the end, even young widowers like Widow Li were included in the blind date. In rural areas, widows are regarded as unknown. It can be imagined how unpopular Hong Tianqiang is in the village. But what makes Hong Tianqiang angry is that even Widow Li rejected him!

"Why! She is just a widow. If I fall in love with her, she should nod immediately. Why can't even a widow like her look down on me?"

Hong Tianqiang was a little uncontrollable, and then suddenly smiled obscenely: "But if you look down on me, won't you still have to follow me in the end?"

As soon as I heard this, I knew that this incident must be the starting point for Hong Tianqiang to go astray, and I quickly asked him to explain it carefully. He thought I was very interested, so he told me the whole thing like a child offering a treasure. After listening to it, I just wanted to call him a beast!

It turned out that because of Widow Li's rejection, he couldn't hold his head high in the village.

Finally, I found a dark night when I couldn't see my fingers, and pried open the door of Widow Li's room. Widow Li lives far away, and people around her can't hear any small movements. In addition, Widow Li's house almost never lights up, so people are used to the darkness when they pass by her house at night.

"You don't even know how ecstatic it feels?"

Hong Tianqiang licked his lips and said with a ferocious smile: "People kept passing by outside the window. Widow Li wanted to scream, but she couldn't."

"I threatened her that if anyone came in, I would tell her that she had seduced me first! A widow seduced an old bachelor. She has children and cannot afford to lose this person!"

I clenched my fists and looked at Hong Tianqiang in front of me. Thinking that he and I had lived and ate together for so many days, I felt really sick.

He continued: "I didn't even have to cover her mouth, but she didn't dare to say a word. You don't know how cool it is to see her changing expressions underneath her body!"

"and after?"

I don't want to hear him use such insulting language to describe a widow again. Looking at the look of Widow Li just now, she is clearly a dead ghost, but didn't Widow Li resist? Why did Hong Tianqiang still want to kill her?

"Later?" Hong Tianqiang grinned, as if this period of time was a beautiful memory for him.

"Later, except when her children were at home, I came here almost every day. I finally understood why men want to marry a wife. That feeling, wow, I will never forget it in my life."

Hong Tianqiang recalled that Widow Li had a gentle personality. Seeing that Hong Tianqiang was not bad to her, she no longer refused, and even came up with the idea of ​​marrying Hong Tianqiang.

The accident happened one weekend. Widow Li's son who was studying abroad was on temporary vacation and wanted to go home to surprise Widow Li. But when he saw his mother, whom he had always respected, and Hong Tianqiang having sex on the bed, his whole expression changed! He immediately returned to school without looking back, and strongly opposed his mother's marriage to Hong Tianqiang.

Widow Li cared about her son most in her life. When her son disagreed, she also began to refuse to associate with Hong Tianqiang. How could Hong Tianqiang, who had tasted the taste, be willing to end it like this? So she still came often. Widow Li used force if she didn't agree.

It was fun to use force occasionally, but Hong Tianqiang's patience ran out when he used force again and again. Once, he finally accidentally smashed the bedside candlestick against Widow Li. Half of Widow Li's face was burned and she screamed repeatedly. Hong Tianqiang was afraid of attracting people, so he covered Widow Li's mouth with a quilt. However, in just a few minutes, Widow Li ran out of breath.

Hong Tianqiang, who had killed someone, was also scared, but fortunately, Widow Li didn't go out much, so she didn't cause any noise for a few days. But the paper could not cover up the fire. Widow Li's death was finally discovered. Hong Tianqiang was afraid that the villagers would contact Widow Li's son. Once he came back, he would definitely doubt him.

At this time, he discovered that there was movement in the red turban that his father was proud of at home. Later, he learned that the red turban was left by the leader of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Although he has never read a book, as a villager in Jintian Village, he is naturally familiar with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

The Yin spirit lured him to put on a red scarf, and as long as he obeyed the instructions, he would help Hong Tianqiang solve all the troubles. Hong Tianqiang was not stupid. He knew that wearing a red headscarf might be haunted by evil spirits, so he thought of a way to lure Old Man Hong to wear it.

Sure enough, Old Man Hong put on the red scarf, and something happened in the village within two days. Either the money of this family was stolen, or the other family was on fire for no apparent reason. If there was a problem in the family, no one could care about others, so they had to hastily remove Widow Li. Even though she was buried, she didn't even think of informing her son.

"If my father hadn't burned down the house and been discovered by the villagers, I wouldn't have been able to stop it and I wouldn't have let Hong Tianbao come back..."

Hong Tianqiang's voice was cold, and he did not regard Hong Tianbao as his brother inside or outside.

"I asked him to come back just to give him money to silence those villagers. Who knew he actually invited you here on his own initiative?"

Hong Tianqiang was obviously dissatisfied with my appearance, but he was also afraid of being suspected, so he let us do whatever we wanted.

After testing my skills, he knew that I was no match for Yin Ling, so he resorted to this strategy, swapping the red scarves and asking my father to act with him in a play. After all, he was his son. Even if he knew that he had made a mistake, Old Man Hong didn't have the heart to ignore it.

The result was that Hong Tianqiang gave up part of his remaining soul in exchange for peace.

"Who knew that the old man would regret it again and keep you here..." Hong Tianqiang's expression was a little distorted: "As long as you leave, this village will be my world immediately! I see every villager, who else looks down on him?" I?"

"Look, this Widow Li."

Hong Tianqiang made a move with his right hand, and Widow Li walked over obediently. At this time, her face had returned to normal, and she stayed by Hong Tianqiang's side submissively. Hong Tianqiang proudly hugged Widow Li and said to me: "Look, even if I kill her, won't she still be respectful to me now?"

I sneered, looked at Hong Tianqiang who regarded himself as the supreme one, and cursed: "You deserve to be looked down upon!"

How could anyone look down on such a scumbag? He only saw others isolating him but willing to deal with Hong Tianbao, so he was jealous of his brother. But why didn't he think about it, with the same family background, why did everyone think highly of Hong Tianbao but only look down on him?

This only proves that there is something wrong with Hong Tianqiang himself. Now he has done so many things that are worse than a beast and he has the nerve to be complacent. He is really a scumbag!

Hong Tianqiang's expression changed, he pushed Widow Li away, stood up and said, "I know you are quite capable, but Jintian Village is my world, and I will let my people kill you now!"

After saying that, he made a move, and the Taiping Army souls around him began to press towards me. I smiled disdainfully, how could such a lonely ghost be my opponent?

Without saying a word, I just swung out the Sirius Whip, and any ghosts it touched instantly turned into powder. Hong Tianqiang's face looked a little ugly. After all, this was the Yin Army that he was proud of.

He no longer watched the show, but joined the ranks of the ghosts. With his full command, the ghosts began to slowly break through my defense line.

But I don't dare to use blood essence now, otherwise once I'm exhausted by the wheel battle, I won't have the strength to deal with this beast Hong Tianqiang!

I held on tightly, hoping that Hong Tianbao would notice that I had not been back for a long time and bring Li Mazi to help. The magic power of the Sirius Whip is getting thinner and thinner, but the ghosts are still flowing in. Even if they turn into powder, they slowly gather together under Hong Tianqiang's command, like candy that cannot be shaken off.

Seeing that I was gradually at a disadvantage, I began to retreat slowly. As long as I retreated and persisted until daylight, Hong Tianqiang, without the puppet to help me, was like a tiger without claws. It would be much easier to deal with him then!

Seemingly seeing my intention, Hong Tianqiang sped up, and the ghosts almost swarmed over me. When I saw that the Sirius Whip was useless, I was about to bite my finger and spurt out my blood to fight Hong Tianqiang, when a figure floated up. However, he hugged Hong Tianqiang tightly.

It’s Widow Li!

She looked at me, and I could clearly feel the desire in her eyes.

But her action also angered Hong Tianqiang. Hong Tianqiang's attacks fell on her one after another, and her soul became more and more transparent. She hugged him tightly, even though she knew that she would be wiped out if she continued like this, but she still didn't let go.

I know this is her revenge!

There was no hesitation at that moment, and he directly blasted the approaching ghost into powder with a wolf whip, then spread his legs and ran out.

Hong Tianqiang didn't follow, so I quickly returned to Hong's house. I know that Hong Tianqiang doesn't dare to take action here. He is a person who talks about being powerful but only dares to make small moves secretly.

I found Hong Tianbao and told him everything, because if Hong Tianqiang was to be arrested the next day, Hong Tianbao's distrust would be the biggest obstacle.

Hong Tianbao said in disbelief: "Brother Jiulin, don't talk nonsense. My brother has been a good boy since he was a child. There is no way he would do such a thing!"

I knew it was difficult for him to accept it for a while, but I still tried my best to persuade him and told him that Old Man Hong should also know part of it. It was only with the cooperation of Old Man Hong that the scene was so realistic.

Hong Tianbao didn't care that Old Man Hong had already fallen asleep, so he took me to question Old Man Hong. Seeing that I already knew the whole truth, Old Man Hong fell silent for a moment, and then there was a long silence.

His silence also made Hong Tianbao believe me. If I was slandering, Mr. Hong would have jumped up and cursed me long ago, but he didn't say anything. Hong Tianbao didn't expect that his honest brother was responsible for everything, and he was a little shocked at the moment.

"Dad, why...why did you just..."

Hong Tianbao said and grabbed his head in pain.

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