Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 538: The Umbrella God's Curse shows its power!

Old Man Hong is almost eighty and just wants to spend his old age in peace and contentment. How can he be willing to send his son to jail with his own hands?

"Who knew this little beast could do such a thing!"

Old man Hong hammered his thigh and burst into tears. At this time, Hong Tianqiang rushed back from outside, and we all stopped talking. But Hong Tianqiang was not a fool. He knew what we were talking about as soon as he saw our expressions. He no longer tried to hide it but laughed coldly, and then went to sleep.

I know he is confident. Widow Li has been dead for a long time, and the evidence in her family has probably been destroyed by Hong Tianqiang. Now that he has the help of Hong Xiuquan's ghost, he is naturally confident.

Hong Tianbao was so angry that he was trembling with anger. Old man Hong was wiping his tears and kept shouting "trouble!"

I comforted them a few words, but couldn't say anything else. It depends on their decision at this time, because once I take action, Hong Tianqiang's affairs will definitely not be hidden. Widow Li's son will come back sooner or later. When he comes back and finds that his mother is dead, the first person he suspects is Hong Tianqiang.

I patted Hong Tianbao on the shoulder and asked him to think about it. I respected his choice and then returned to the room.

Li Mazi was lying on the bed sleeping soundly. I lit a cigarette and smoked while thinking of a solution.

I took a long drag on the cigarette, and I felt very upset. As a trader of femininity, I would feel uneasy if I didn't intervene in such a human life case. If I intervened, I would be afraid that Mr. Hong and his son would not be able to accept it emotionally...

Early the next morning, I was woken up by Li Mazi's yelling. I thought something big had happened and got up in a hurry. As a result, I rushed out of the house in a hurry, only to find that Li Mazi was just facing a group of newly hatched babies. The chick came out overjoyed.

I stepped forward and patted him, signaling him not to act like he had never seen the world. Li Mazi was so happy that he didn't care about me. He just knocked my hand off and wanted to hold a chicken out to play with.

But as soon as his hand touched the chicken, the old hen jumped up and pecked him hard on the forehead. Li Mazi covered his forehead and chased after the old hen. The chickens in the whole yard were jumping up and down after him.

Hong Tianbao leaned against the door and looked at me, his face was very painful. I didn't see Hong Tianqiang. He was responsible for all the recent troubles in the village. Now he's probably going to cause trouble nearby again, right?

Hong Tianbao sighed and expressed the hope that I could get rid of the Yin Ling. As for Hong Tianqiang, he had not thought about it yet, but he hoped that after the Yin Ling was removed, Hong Tianqiang could regain his senses.

I nodded. The reason why Hong Tianqiang became like this was partly due to the Yin spirit. Seeing Hong Tianbao's exhausted appearance, I felt very sorry for him. All the burdens have been on him lately, so I patted his shoulder to reassure him.

Here, Li Mazi finished chasing the chicken. Seeing that we looked constipated, he pretended to understand and said: "Isn't it just a vagina? As for sighing like this."

Li Mazi didn't keep his mouth shut, so I didn't tell him about Hong Tianqiang. Therefore, Li Mazi didn't know that the nature of the matter had changed. If it was just Hong Xiuquan's ghost, I could try my best to subdue it.

But now Hong Tianqiang has obviously merged with the Yin spirit. If the Yin spirit is forcibly expelled from Hong Tianqiang's body, Hong Tianqiang's soul may also be dispersed.

Hong Tianbao was listening to Li Mazi and I's analysis, and suddenly interrupted our conversation and asked me if I could save Hong Tianqiang's life. He also said that as long as his brother didn't die!

I nodded and said that it could be done. Hong Tianbao gritted his teeth and told me to take action immediately. He was already suffocated by this smoky thing. Although he couldn't bear to report Hong Tianqiang, he hated what Hong Tianqiang had done in his heart, so he wanted me to teach him a lesson.

Now that Hong Tianbao had made the decision, I naturally didn’t need to hesitate anymore. I asked Li Mazi to go back to the room with me to prepare, and just waited for dark!

In order to realize his so-called great cause, Hong Tianqiang is always out in the middle of the night to confuse the villagers, which just brings convenience to our actions. At around 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, I felt that the time was almost up, so I used the Tiangang Formation to protect Hong Tianbao and Old Man Hong, and then released the remaining soul of Hong Xiuquan.

As soon as Hong Xiuquan's remnant soul saw this posture, he knew that he was no match for us, and immediately screamed and tried to escape. How could I give him a chance to escape? He quickly opened the yin-yang umbrella to cover him underneath, and then recited the umbrella curse. The yin-yang umbrella began to rotate rapidly. Hong Xiuquan's remnant soul became thinner and thinner, and his screams became weaker and weaker.

Just when it was about to disappear into ashes, the door to the yard was pushed open.

It was Hong Tianqiang. He covered his head with one hand and kept pushing the door open with the other, looking at me coldly. I noticed that the red scarf tied on his forehead had cracked a little, which was a sign that the remnant soul was about to disappear.

Li Mazi has been waiting by the side for a long time holding my Heavenly Wolf Whip, and he is guarding against Hong Tianqiang!

Now that Hong Tianqiang is here, I glanced at Li Mazi to indicate that he could take action. Li Mazi nodded, his expression becoming extremely solemn. He must hold off Hong Tianqiang and buy time for me.

As I recited the spell faster and faster, Hong Tianqiang became more and more anxious, and he rushed towards me without saying a word. Before he could get close to me, Li Mazi whipped him out with the Heavenly Wolf Whip and got entangled with Hong Tianqiang.

But Li Mazi didn't know Beidou Tianlang Jue, so he withered away after seven or eight whips, and was completely at a disadvantage. With a muffled sound, Li Mazi was kicked away by Hong Tianqiang and fell to the ground twitching.

Hong Tianqiang sneered, and then rushed directly in my direction. A layer of cold sweat broke out on my forehead. Feeling the cold wind getting closer and closer, I chanted the spell faster and faster, and subconsciously closed my eyes.

After a long time, I was not attacked by Hong Tianqiang. I opened my eyes in confusion and found that Li Mazi was hugging Hong Tianqiang's thigh tightly and did not let go even after being beaten by him and vomiting blood.

When I saw this scene, the fire in my heart suddenly surged up, and I sped up the speed of reciting the spell again!

Suddenly, there was a crisp 'click' sound, like the sound of broken glass, and Hong Xiuquan's remnant soul turned into countless fragments and then dissipated in the air.

Hong Tianqiang, who was being held by Li Mazi, also stiffened, then let out a shrill scream, and then more cracks appeared in the red scarf on his forehead.


Li Mazi felt the change in Hong Tianqiang and shouted at me with a trembling voice.

I knew that what I had just solved was just a trace of the remnant soul that Hong Xiuquan had deliberately given up before. The real power was still in Hong Tianqiang, so I didn't dare to relax at all, so I rushed forward and put a few charms on Hong Tianqiang's head.

Then I non-stop used blood to draw runes on his face. Hong Tianqiang struggled more and more fiercely, but with the runes attached to his body and being held by Li Mazi with all his strength, he couldn't struggle away at all.

The runes soon took effect, and Hong Xiuquan's Yin spirit was separating from Hong Tianqiang bit by bit, looking particularly strange.

"Li Mazi, quickly enter the formation!"

Seeing Hong Xiuquan's ghost appear, I quickly shouted to Li Mazi. After hearing this, Li Mazi immediately let go of his hands, and then he fell to the ground. It was obvious that he had no strength. Hong Xiuquan smiled successfully and stretched out his hand to pinch Li Mazi's head.

At this critical moment, Li Mazi's body slid into the Tiangang Formation like a loach. I looked back and saw that it was Hong Tianbao who desperately pulled Li Mazi in at the most critical moment.

Seeing that Li Mazi was out of danger, I also started chanting the spell. At this time, Hong Tianqiang had regained his freedom. He looked over with red eyes, obviously wanting to kill me. It's just that his body was too weak and he couldn't do anything to me. When Hong Tianbao saw that the time had come, he ran out of the Tiangang Formation regardless of the danger and dragged Hong Tianqiang into the Tiangang Formation with all his strength.

At this time, only the souls of Hong Xiuquan and I were left outside. I was a little dizzy due to the continuous chanting of spells, and it was a little cautious because I had destroyed the remaining souls, and for a while there was a stalemate!

I rested for a while and suddenly discovered that Hong Xiuquan's soul had changed from transparent to translucent. I didn't expect that he would recover so quickly. Knowing that I would lose if I waited any longer, I bit my middle finger immediately.

When Hong Xiuquan saw that I was about to take action, his expression changed and he pounced on me.

But he was a step slower, and I had silently opened the umbrella before biting my middle finger. At this moment, he rushed over just as I wanted. I hurriedly jumped into the Tiangang Formation, then wiped the blood essence on Hong Tianqiang's red scarf, and at the same time lit the red scarf with a lighter.

As the red turban was burned, Hong Xiuquan's soul stagnated for an instant and he became a little confused. I seized the opportunity, rushed forward and surrounded him with my yin and yang umbrellas, and recited the Umbrella Mantra again. Hong Xiuquan's soul suddenly began to sway.

It seemed that it felt that it was disappearing and let out an unwilling wailing.

I continued to cast spells, my head was inevitably a little uncomfortable, and my speaking speed couldn't help but slow down. When Hong Xiuquan found out, he sneered and began to hit the umbrella with all his strength.

Because the umbrella is supported by my thoughts, my head hurts like needles when it hits the umbrella. It seems that it knows that it can't get out, and it completely wants to die with me.

Thinking of this, I no longer felt soft, and steeled myself to continue chanting the mantra with all my strength. The Tai Chi light emitted by the yin-yang umbrella suddenly became dazzling, and Hong Xiuquan's soul was immediately knocked to the ground.

As he never had the chance to get up, he rolled around under the light, his figure becoming increasingly blurry, and finally disappeared without a trace.

I let out a long breath, then rolled my eyes and fainted.

When I woke up, Old Man Hong was sobbing, Li Mazi kept persuading him, but Hong Tianbao and Hong Tianqiang were gone. After asking, I found out that Hong Tianbao had taken his younger brother to surrender.

Rape and murder, I think even if Hong Tianqiang voluntarily surrenders, the trial will not change. I looked at the old man Hong who was about to send the white-haired man to the black-haired man, and couldn't help but sigh.

In this world, people always take advantage of small things and suffer big losses. If Old Man Hong and Hong Tianqiang hadn't thought of using evil things, how could they have ended up like this?

This time the red turban was burned, Hong Tianbao felt a little embarrassed and wanted to pay me, but I politely refused, and instead asked him to support Widow Li’s son through college.

Hong Tianbao not only agreed, but also said that he would adopt the child.

Later, he really did this and left the jade business to concentrate on taking care of his old father in Jintian Village.

Because Hong Tianbao is very popular in the village, Old Man Hong has never been bullied again. This can be regarded as a blessing in disguise!

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