Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 539 Help! Help!

I woke up this morning and found that the sky outside was gray. I put on my clothes and opened the window, and instantly felt the biting air outside the window.

The weather is getting colder every day in autumn, and it seems that the temperature will drop again soon. I rubbed my palms together and reluctantly opened the store.

Recently, Yin Xinyue has been busy with work and has not stayed in the hotel. I buy breakfast the night before and eat it directly the next day.

After breakfast, I lay leisurely on the boss's chair with a teapot in my hand. Looking at the people coming and going outside, I couldn't help but feel that my life was quite nourishing. I even imagined that I could be so comfortable every day.

While I was having sex, Li Mazi's shout suddenly came from outside the door, which shocked me so much that I almost fell off the chair.

"Brother Zhang, something happened!"

Li Mazi said in a panic, while constantly looking out the door.

My good mood was completely disturbed, and I cursed a little unhappily: "I'm going to die! I'm so anxious, what could happen so early in the morning?"

"A man covered in blood came to the door and said he had something urgent to ask for your help..." Li Mazi said.

After hearing this, I realized that I might be here for business, so I quickly walked out of the antique store. Sure enough, I saw a man sitting on the street not far away. His face was pale, half of his cheeks were covered in blood, and his clothes were torn in tatters. , as if he had just experienced a chase.

Seeing his appearance, my heart suddenly rose to my throat.

Now he walked over and patted the other person's shoulder gently and asked: "Brother, brother, wake up!"

He didn't respond at all. I suddenly felt very bad and hurriedly probed his nose with my hand. Fortunately, he was still breathing. I took a deep breath, turned around and said to Li Mazi who was in a daze: "Hurry up and call an ambulance. If the delay continues, someone will die."

Li Mazi nodded quickly, then took out his mobile phone and dialed 120. After the ambulance arrived and carried the patient into the car, he asked us who were the patient's family members?

Li Mazi was afraid of taking responsibility, so he quickly explained: "We don't know him, we just saw him fainted in front of the store early in the morning."

After hearing this, the doctor had no choice but to call the police. After all, they were also afraid of people dying in the car.

Soon two policemen rushed over. They were both nearby policemen and were responsible for the security of Antique Street. We were familiar with each other on weekdays, so they asked me what was going on?

I briefly explained the situation, and the two of them nodded, took a few photos of the blood on the ground, and then followed the ambulance to the hospital.

I thought this matter would be over, but unexpectedly, three days later in the evening, just as Li Mazi and I were preparing to close the store, the two policemen came again. He said that the patient had been in a coma for three days and three nights and did not wake up until today. As soon as he woke up, he clamored to see me and said he wanted my help with something important.

After hearing this, I quickly went to the hospital under the guidance of the police and found the man.

His head was covered with bandages and he looked like an Egyptian mummy.

When we entered, he kept shouting: "I want to see Zhang Jiulin! The sooner the better, otherwise we don't know how many people will die."

Judging from the meaning behind his words, he must have encountered something evil.

I frowned and walked to the bed, coughed lightly and said, "I am Zhang Jiulin, are you in any trouble?"

After hearing this, a look suddenly appeared in this man's eyes. As if grasping a life-saving straw, he grabbed my arm and kept shouting: "Master Zhang, please save us!"

"Friend, please don't get excited. If you have anything to do, tell me slowly. I will help wherever I can." I patted his palm and said politely.

Only then did the other party calm down, and then he said cautiously: "I can only tell you this matter, and I can't let others hear it."

After hearing this, I looked at the two police officers with some embarrassment. They shrugged with a wry smile, and then left the ward.

Then Li Mazi consciously closed the ward door, claimed that he was my assistant, and asked him to speak quickly.

The other party hesitated for a moment before speaking: "My name is Tang Xianzu, and I live in Tangjia Village, Zijin Mountain. The tourism industry in our area has developed relatively well in recent years, and a lot of land has been contracted by a developer."

"Then the developer sent an engineering team to dig around in the fields with excavators all day long. At first, everyone was very happy, thinking that the boss was efficient! But after a while, everyone found that the developer had nothing but There was nothing to do except digging holes everywhere in the fields. In just half a month, hundreds of holes of various sizes were dug in Tangjia Village..."

After all, Tang Xianzu was injured, and he couldn't help coughing when he spoke a little hastily. I quickly fed him some water, and then motioned him to speak slowly.

Tang Xianzu later told me that although the villagers thought the developer's actions were strange, the land had already been expropriated and they had nothing to say.

About a week ago, several of Tang Xianzu's buddies came to him and said they were going to dig for treasures in the fields!

It turns out that there is a special piece of land in their village. There is no grass growing all year round. When there is a severe drought, other fields are basically cracked, but only that piece of land is fine.

Tang Xianzu heard that the old people in the village said that the land was very evil. In the past, the country allocated land uniformly. As a result, all the villagers who were assigned to the land had to plant corn and the corn died. Crazy. Gradually, this piece of land became a wasteland that no one wanted. Because there was no owner and the land was very remote, the developer just avoided it when enclosing the land.

Originally, the young men listened to the old man's advice and never went there.

But as developers dig more and more holes, it seems like they are looking for something nearby? Tang Xianzu's buddies keenly felt that there might be treasure buried under the village, and it was very likely that it was buried in that evil field that no one wanted.

The brothers got together and decided in a few words to go find out tonight! Tang Xianzu didn't want to go, but he was afraid of being laughed at for being timid, so he had no choice but to follow.

As soon as he stepped into that world, Tang Xianzu felt surprisingly cold and couldn't help but shudder.

His heart skipped a beat and he asked to go home.

But the best friends said that the weather was already cold at night and it was normal to shiver. Then they threw Tang Xianzu a hoe and asked him to dig along.

What everyone never expected was that the soil in this land was extremely hard, as if it was filled with cement concrete. When a hoe was hit, it made people's mouths numb, but this also convinced them that there was indeed something underground.

Tang Xianzu spent a lot of effort to dig more than half a meter deep. He was panting and ready to sit down and smoke a cigarette.

However, at this moment, he suddenly heard his best friends shouting: Found it, found it!

Tang Xianzu hurriedly rushed over and found that one of his best friends had been knocked out with a hoe, and there seemed to be something shining in the ground.

When I heard this, I was already sure that there was something hidden in the ground. If it was a hidden object, wouldn't I be able to make a lot of money again?

Li Mazi probably had the same idea as me. His two little eyes started to spin, urging Tang Xianzu to speak quickly.

Tang Xianzu nodded and continued: "We continued digging for a while, and found a stick with cold light exposed in the ground! A best friend simply dug away the surrounding soil with his hands to see what the stick was. Something? But no matter how hard I try, I can't get it out. The stick seems to have grown with the soil."

"Then we drove a buffalo and pulled out the stick! When it was fully exposed, I discovered that the stick was almost two meters long, with a shiny spearhead at the front. It was clearly a spear used by ancient generals. .”

"Everyone knew that this might be an antique, so they quickly cleaned all the sand and dust on it. If you didn't wash it, you wouldn't know. After washing it, you discovered that this gun was actually made of sterling silver, and it shone with a cold light!"

I couldn't help but get excited when I heard this. According to my experience, this gun must have great potential! Because the smelting technology in ancient times was very backward and metal was valuable, the guns of ordinary generals were made of wooden poles and iron heads, and were not made of pure silver. Those who could afford silver guns must be famous generals in ancient times.

What's more, because of the existence of this gun, the land has become barren, which just shows how strong the murderous intent this gun contains! It can kill all living creatures.

Thinking that I was about to have a silver gun, the corners of my mouth turned up unconsciously.

Tang Xianzu saw me smiling and asked me eagerly what was wrong. Only then did I realize that I was distracted, so I awkwardly asked him to continue.

Next, Tang Xianzu told me the whole story in detail, and I almost became angry after listening to it.

It turned out that this group of people were so unjust that they saw that what they dug out was a silver gun, and they wanted to keep it as their own regardless of whether they were close friends or not. But there was only one silver gun, so they finally decided to dissolve the silver gun and divide the silver equally according to weight.

This damn thing is simply a waste of natural resources!

So before Tang Xianzu finished speaking, I asked angrily: "Did you really melt that gun?"

"That's not true..."

Tang Xianzu shook his head repeatedly and said that although his best friends were happy, he could not be happy no matter what. He always felt that the silver gun was evil. Because as soon as he touched the silver gun, he could feel a chill that was so intense that even his blood froze!

Tang Xianzu was afraid of getting into trouble, so he suggested that his best friends bury the silver gun intact and pretend that what happened tonight had never happened. But those best friends insisted on melting the silver gun. Tang Xianzu couldn't persuade him and could only go back.

Tang Xianzu couldn't calm down after returning home. He always felt that something bad was going to happen and he was panicking. When his wife discovered that he was abnormal, she asked him what was wrong, but he did not dare to say anything and just found an excuse to excuse her.

That night he suffered from insomnia. As soon as he closed his eyes, he would smell the smell of blood coming from the silver gun. In the end, Tang Xianzu simply stopped sleeping and leaned on the bed to play with his mobile phone.

He didn't know how long he had been playing when the screen of his phone suddenly went black. He thought it was out of battery and was about to charge it, but when he turned around, he suddenly found a person kneeling beside the bed!

Because his vision suddenly turned dark, he couldn't see clearly who the person was. He thought it was a thief and subconsciously cursed: "Who the hell are you? Why did you come to my house!"

Unexpectedly, after the scolding, the figure actually started to cry. At first the sound was very small and vague, but in the end the sound became louder and clearer, making Tang Xianzu feel sad. In the end, he forgot about his fear and took the initiative to ask the figure why he was crying.

Unexpectedly, the figure ignored him at all. When Tang Xianzu turned on the light, he realized that there was only a black shadow projected on the bed, and there was no one at all.

He was scared to death, but in order to prevent his wife and children from being frightened, he held back and did not scream. At this time, the black figure stood up, and Tang Xianzu suddenly saw a body wearing armor and without a head, with blood still dripping from the neck of the body.

As the blood on the ground accumulated more and more, Tang Xianzu smelled a familiar smell, and suddenly thought that this smell was exactly the same as the smell emitted by the silver gun!

Thinking of this, Tang Xianzu couldn't help but scream. Then his wife opened the door and asked him what was wrong.

Tang Xianzu bravely looked forward again and found that there were no black shadows or blood stains, and he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. But even the nightmare made him firmly believe that the silver gun was not simple, and he hurried to find those best friends early the next morning.

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