Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 540 Headless Horseman

When I arrived at the door of the best friend's house who took away the silver gun, I found many villagers gathered around, all pointing in the yard. It was not difficult to tell from their expressions that something was wrong with the best friend's house!

Tang Xianzu rushed into the yard immediately and was surprised to find that all the people who participated in digging the ground last night were here.

But now they were lying on the ground, pulling at the weeds and stuffing straw into their mouths. His eyes were dull, and he would raise his neck and shout from time to time, like a horse neighing.

"The sound of a horse?"

I couldn't help but be a little surprised. All of these people ate weeds and made sounds like horses. Could it be that the ghost this time is a horse?

But if it were a horse, how could I explain the dark shadow that appeared on Tang Xianzu's bedside? I would not be stupid enough to really think it was a nightmare. So after thinking about it, I came up with a possibility: the deceased was a man with excellent martial arts skills during his lifetime. He lived and died with his war horse. After death, both the Yin spirits entered the weapon, so this situation happened!

But this is just my guess after all, I have to wait until I see the silver gun before I can make a conclusion.

I thought about it and asked Tang Xianzu to give me the addresses of the four people. After all, Tang Xianzu was injured and could not accompany us.

"They are tied up by the villagers now. Go and go directly to the village chief. The village chief will help."

After Tang Xianzu finished speaking, he wrote me a phone number. After hearing this, I told him to rest well in the hospital, then I took Li Mazi back to the store to make some preparations, and then rushed to Tangjiacun without stopping.

Tangjia Village is a small mountain village 70 to 80 miles away. I thought it was impossible to drive in, but when I arrived at the entrance of the village, I discovered that the mountain road had been widened. I guess it was the developer's credit.

I called the village chief on the way, so when we arrived, he was already waiting for us at the entrance of the village.

The village chief is an old man in his sixties, wearing a washed white tunic suit and a pair of slit rubber shoes. His face is full of wrinkles but his eyes are firm, and his waist is straight.

After chatting for a while, I got straight to the point and asked him how those grass-eating guys were doing now.

The village chief lit an old dry cigarette and took a few puffs before starting to tell me.

At that time, he heard that something was wrong with those young people, so he hurried over with others and found them lying on the ground eating grass, so he asked loudly what was going on? Are you sick?

As a result, they ignored the village chief at all, and their bodies were like stone piles, unable to pull him up no matter what. Finally, the village chief became anxious and called on all the strong men in the village to subdue a few of them and then tie them up.

The village has also assigned people to guard it 24 hours a day, and even meals are now specially fed.

After hearing this, Li Mazi interrupted: "Then how do they go to the toilet?"

The village chief felt embarrassed and said that if he took off the rope, they would go crazy, so he could only let them pull him into his crotch.

After hearing this, I felt a black line on my forehead, but I have to say that this method is the safest.

After tying up the young men, the village chief went to their homes to inquire, and finally learned that these desperate guys had gone to that weird field!

At that moment, he brought those people to the merit archway in the village. The so-called merit archway is the tombs of ancestors in Tangjia Village. Anyone who has made contributions to Tangjia Village will have an archway built to commend them, so it is called the merit archway.

The elderly village chief knew that they were hit by the dirt in the ground. He hoped that the ancestors in the Gongde Archway could temporarily save their lives, and asked Tang Xianzu to find me for help as quickly as possible.

After the village chief finished speaking, he asked me with some confusion why Tang Xianzu didn't come back with him? After hearing this, I suddenly realized something was wrong.

Tang Xianzu was unharmed when he left the village, but was dying when he arrived at the door of the antique shop. What happened?

In order to reassure the village chief and to facilitate the next steps, I called Tang Xianzu on the spot and asked him what the injury was.

Tang Xianzu hesitated after hearing this, as if he didn't dare to say anything.

I said seriously: "I need to know the truth! Otherwise, your best friends will definitely die, and even the people of Tangjiacun will be in danger."


Tang Xianzu seemed even more embarrassed after hearing this. I could feel him shaking through the phone. It seemed that he really didn't dare to say anything. I was ready not to press him for the time being, but when I was about to hang up the phone, he suddenly asked: "Master Zhang, do you believe there are ghosts in this world?"

"Nonsense, if not, what business would I have?"

I accepted that there were ghosts in the world. After hearing this, Tang Xianzu took a sharp breath, and then slowly started talking.

He said that he had come to my antique store as early as the night before, but the store was closed at that time. He did not know that I had the habit of opening at night, so he had to find a small hotel nearby to prepare for the night.

As a result, I fell asleep and suddenly felt that the surrounding temperature dropped by more than ten degrees, and I also heard the neighing of horses.

Since he had just heard this sound from his best friends during the day, he immediately woke up. When he opened his eyes, he suddenly found a tall figure appearing in his room.

"What did he do to you?"

I asked eagerly when I heard this, because this figure was most likely a ghostly creature.

"He was riding a tall white horse, wearing white armor. He had no head, but I could hear his sneer! Then he slowly raised the silver gun in his hand. I recognized it at a glance. The gun that a few of us dug out, knowing he was here to seek revenge, I jumped out of bed and ran out as fast as I could." Tang Xianzu said in fear.

"I shouted as hard as I ran, trying to wake up others to help, but my throat seemed to be blocked by something, and I couldn't make a sound at all. Because I panicked and didn't choose a way, I was finally blocked in a dead end. That headless The knight sneered a few times, then uttered words from his stomach that I couldn't understand, then raised his gun and stabbed me."

Tang Xianzu paused for a moment when he said this, and said in confusion that the headless horseman seemed to be deliberately playing with him, and seemed to be merciful to him. He could obviously stab himself to death with one shot, but he didn't kill him.

The headless horseman's silver spear pierced Tang Xianzu's body like raindrops, but the sound of roosters crowed from all around, and then the headless horseman and his horse disappeared. Tang Xianzu, who was covered in wounds, hurried to my store, but happened to see Li Mazi, who came to the store early in the morning, fainted and fell to the ground after saying something.

After hanging up the phone, I started to wonder, was the Yin Ling showing mercy or did he want to slowly kill Tang Xianzu?

Thinking of this, I asked the village chief if there was anything unusual about the people who were tied up. The village chief shook his head directly and said that he had sent strong men to guard the area in the past few days. There was nothing special about those few people except eating grass and making the neighing sound of horses.

I couldn't help but frown after hearing this, thinking that Tang Xianzu might be hiding something from me.

According to what he said, except for him, all the other buddies want to melt the silver gun, but he is the only one who is in awe. As a result, everyone else is fine now, but he is the only one with scars, which makes no sense at all!

Li Mazi also realized this and looked at me quietly and then at the village chief, obviously asking me to be careful of the village chief. After all, Tang Xianzu was sent by the village chief to find me.

But I don’t think the village chief is a bad person. Maybe Tang Xianzu has something hidden. I thought about it and asked the village chief to take us to the Gongde Archway to see those people eating grass. Unexpectedly, the village chief suddenly hesitated and seemed a little reluctant to let us pass.

Li Mazi immediately became anxious and pulled me to go back home.

This made the village chief very anxious. He quickly caught us and told the truth.

It's not that he doesn't want us to see him, it's that those people have been dealing with their poop and urine in the past few days, and now they can no longer stay in that room.

Moreover, those people's bodies not only stunk, but were also covered in blisters, as if they had been scalded with boiling water. Once the skin was broken, a large puddle of pus would emerge. The villagers suspected that it was a rare infectious disease, so they did not dare to go near it.

It turned out that the village chief was hesitating because he was afraid that we would be infected with the disease. I felt warm in my heart and said to the village chief: "Don't worry, old village chief! There will basically be no infectious diseases in this cold weather. I think then It should be caused by dirty things."

"Do you think that except for those few people, all the other villagers are fine? If it was really an infectious disease, you would have been infected by the time you came in and out..." Li Mazi advised.

After hearing this, the old village chief's eyes turned red. He sighed and said, "I feel relieved now that you are here. But before you came, I could only say it was an infectious disease. If it was haunted, the whole village would not know what to panic about." Sample!"

Since we didn't care, the village chief didn't say anything more and took us towards the back mountain with his hands behind his back. The cemeteries of many mountain villages are in the back mountain, and Tangjia Village is no exception.

On the way, I casually looked around and found that the surrounding area was really, as Tang Xianzu said, riddled with holes by excavators, making it impossible to continue farming.

If the developer leaves midway, these villagers may not even have the capital to farm.

I suddenly remembered the mysterious field mentioned by Tang Xianzu, and asked the village chief where that field was.

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