Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 542: Panic Villagers

The merit arch in Tangjia Village is in the center of a large group of tombs. The village chief said that this is to gather the souls of dead ancestors together and protect the villagers.

Li Mazi sneered at this, but I think this method is good. Although the souls of ordinary people have little power, if the souls of so many ancestors come together, they can still play a role in protecting future generations.

But when we walked to the merit archway, we found that the door was closed and there was a faint noise inside.

I didn't dare to go in rashly, so I stopped in front of the door and looked carefully, but I couldn't feel the yin energy inside at all, and I couldn't help but feel confused.

At this time, the village chief stepped forward to push the door open and found that it was locked inside.

He immediately shouted inside at the top of his lungs: "Open the door quickly, it's me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several pairs of eyes glanced along the crack of the door, making sure it was the village chief before opening the door.

The moment we opened the door, we couldn't help but open our mouths: hundreds of people were packed tightly into the small house of less than 20 square meters. Everyone had their chests pressed against their backs, and many adults even lifted children over them. Above their heads, panic was written on everyone's faces.

My first impression was that it was a scene from a doomsday movie. I felt like I was seeing a real-life doomsday in front of me!

Under the dim light, I saw an old man struggling to squeeze out of the crowd with a cane. After he came out, he took a hard breath, then looked at the village chief and asked: "Village chief, have you received Zhang?" Master?"

It turned out that the village chief blocked us when he stepped forward to shout. The light in the room was dim, and the old man's eyesight was not good, so he didn't see us.

After hearing this, the village chief simply stepped away and pointed at us and said he had received it. However, he asked the old man doubtfully, why everyone was crowded in the merit archway?

Unexpectedly, when the old man heard that I was Zhang Jiulin, he took a few steps forward, then knelt down with a thud and prayed: "Master Zhang, please save the folks in Tangjiacun!"

I helped him up in a hurry and asked everyone to get out of the house first.

Otherwise, these people would have been suffocated inside before the dirty things could take action...

It seemed that they were really bored. When I asked them to go out, they swarmed out of the archway and each found a place to breathe. Then I looked at the old man and asked him to explain the situation.

The village chief told me that the old man was the most senior person in the village and everyone respectfully called him Third Master, so I also called him Third Master.

The third master told me that since Tang Xianzu and the others dug up the silver gun, there have been several cases of chickens and ducks going missing in the village. At first, no one paid much attention to it, but as this happened more and more frequently, everyone felt something was wrong.

It's just that the situation is special now. Since no one was hurt, everyone chose to ignore it.

When the village chief heard this slap on the thigh, he blamed himself a little and said that he was only focusing on the silver gun and had forgotten about it. After saying this, he looked very guilty.

I couldn't help but feel speechless for a while, but I didn't say anything to him. Instead, I motioned for the third master to continue.

The third master nodded, with a hint of fear in his cloudy eyes. I felt a thump in my heart unconsciously, because at the age of the third master, there are very few things that can scare him.

So, the current situation may be much worse than I imagined!

When the third master finished speaking, Li Mazi and I both frowned. It turned out that when the village chief went to pick us up this morning, the third master took several people in charge of the village and knocked on the door from door to door.

Although only chickens and ducks are lost, this is part of the villagers' income. Mr. San is going to count the time and frequency of chickens and ducks lost so that he can report to me conveniently.

As a result, when they were walking around the village, all the poultry in the village became violent at the same time!

Dogs started barking wildly, chickens and ducks started flapping their wings, and even rats underground emerged and scurried around desperately, as if something big was about to happen.

The third master is the oldest in the village and has experienced the most things, but he has never seen this scene, let alone anyone else.

So after some discussion, the stewards called the whole village together to pick us up at the entrance of the village.

But as soon as the villagers gathered together, something terrible happened!

Hundreds of huge weasels appeared on the only path in Tangjiacun. They looked at the third master and others with eager eyes, making the sound of grinding their teeth.

Where have you seen this scene before? They were so frightened that they all ran into the merit archway, and that was the spectacular scene when they opened the door just now.

After listening to this, I understood why there was so much blood in the village. It turned out that all the poultry were eaten by weasels.

But this is definitely not an ordinary weasel, otherwise no matter how powerful they are, they will not be able to eat all large livestock such as dogs and pigs.

I estimated that 80% of the villages had weasels, so I asked tentatively: "Third Master, is there anyone in the village who worships the Baojiaxian?"

After hearing this, the third master's eyes lit up and he called me an expert. He then told me that many people in the village had fled from the Northeast and had a tradition of worshiping Wong Tai Sin. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, there had always been a Wong Tai Sin temple in the village, but it was later demolished. .

What Third Master didn't understand was that Wong Tai Sin had never eaten poultry since he could remember. How could there be so many weasels this time?

After hearing this, I nodded and stopped worrying about this topic. Instead, I asked him to take me to meet those young people who were possessed by evil spirits.

As soon as the third master waved, the villagers carried out the strapped young people. As soon as they came out, there was a smell of shit. When I looked at the bulge in my crotch, it was so dirty that I almost vomited it out.

After thinking for a moment, he took out a few magic charms he drew from his pocket and handed them to the village chief, asking him to put the charms on the foreheads of these people and then give them a good bath.

The village chief took the talisman awkwardly and started working with the villagers.

Then I asked the third master about the ruins of Wong Tai Sin Temple, and pulled Li Mazi towards there.

"Brother Zhang, wait for me, wait for me."

Li Mazi stayed with Ruxue at home for a while. His body was obviously weak and he couldn't keep up with my rhythm. I looked at him with disdain and said, "How about you kid? If not, go home and take care of the baby as soon as possible."

"Hey, men can't say no..."

Li Mazi smiled obscenely, then his expression became serious, and asked me if this matter had something to do with Wong Tai Sin.

I shook my head because even I wasn't sure.

Baojiaxian generally refers to those spiritual animals that protect people's homes by accepting offerings from humans. Baojiaxian varies from place to place, including foxes, weasels, hedgehogs, snakes, etc., but the most famous one is the fox from the Northeast. Huang Erxian!

Although Baojiaxian is transformed from an animal, it will not harm anyone as long as humans worship it well. That’s why I find it strange that if Wong Tai Sin was dissatisfied with the villagers, they would have punished the villagers decades ago when the Wong Tai Sin temple was demolished, instead of waiting until now.

But if it has nothing to do with Wong Tai Sin, how can we explain the hundreds of weasels that appear in the village?

Li Mazi didn't understand much about this. After hearing what I said, he looked confused and asked me directly if I was in danger.

"No, Baojiaxian bullies the weak and fears the strong. He can deal with ordinary people, but it's too late to hide when he sees an expert like us."

"That's good, that's good..."

Li Mazi patted his chest and said, "Looking at his mean look, I couldn't help but slap him on the head."

While we were talking, we walked to the top of the mountain and saw a dilapidated building. This was the Huangxian Temple in Tangjia Village.

Third Master told me that there is only such a building here, so he is not afraid of admitting his mistake.

It is said to be a temple, but in fact only one wall and a few pillars are left. Looking from a distance, you can see that the clay statue of Huangxian has been beaten to pieces and has been severely corroded by wind and rain.

"This place is even worse than the toilet. Do we need to go in?"

Li Mazi stood on tiptoe and looked inside, then said with disgust on his face.

I ignored him and walked into the temple to observe myself, but there were only patches of spider webs and dust on the floor. It seemed that there was no Wong Tai Sin inside, otherwise it wouldn't be so dirty.

At this time, Li Mazi also came up and asked me what I had discovered. I shook my head and prepared to go home, but Li Mazi suddenly collapsed while walking!

I quickly pulled him up, and then I realized that what we were stepping on was not the ground, but a floor similar to plywood, which was broken by Li Mazi's foot because it was in disrepair.

After pulling Li Mazi out, I lay on the ground and observed carefully, and found that there was a dark room hidden underneath.

Because of the angle, I couldn't see the entire environment inside, but at least I could tell that the space underground was much cleaner than the one above, and I smelled a pungent smell of blood!

"Lift up the floor!"

My intuition told me that there were important clues below. I was overjoyed and asked Li Mazi to start digging, and at the same time I hurriedly started digging.

"You also said that Brother Ma can't do it. If I didn't come, would you have discovered this dark room?"

Li Mazi said proudly. I looked at him and was speechless. Not to mention, this kid can really get some shit luck sometimes.

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