Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 543 Vampire Monster

Soon we opened a hole about two meters in the floor. Li Mazi was the first to jump in. I quickly grabbed him and then tentatively sprinkled a handful of salt into the hole!

After doing this business for a long time, I have developed a good habit of being cautious. Although I don't want to admit it, Senior Shu has mentioned to me more than once that my grandfather lost his life because of his carelessness, so I can only be doubly careful.

I always grab a handful of things like refined salt and black beans when I go out.

A handful of refined salt was sprinkled down, but there was no movement at all. I felt relieved, looked at Li Mazi and said, if you are so reckless in the future, I will not care about you.

"Hey, aren't we with you? I don't have to worry so much."

Li Mazi smiled bitterly, and then got in. As soon as he got in, he screamed "Oh my god" and then sat down on the ground.

When he called me like this, I jumped in. When I landed, I pulled out my Sirius Whip and swung it around us.

As a result, the whip was empty. It seemed that there was nothing dirty around. I was about to scold Li Mazi for making such a fuss, but I saw him looking forward with dull eyes.

As I said this, he looked over and couldn't help but gasp!

No more than five meters in front of us, there were countless animal carcasses placed densely, including chickens, ducks, cats and dogs, and even big guys like pigs and cows.

These corpses were arranged neatly from small to large, as if they were placed this way deliberately.

Fortunately, there was nothing else here except animal carcasses. I recovered after a while and knew that these were the poultry lost in the village!

I bravely walked forward, picked up the body of a duck and observed it. I found that there were only wounds on its neck, and the body was as stiff as a stone. I squeezed it with all my strength, but not a drop of blood came out of the body. !

Then I looked at the carcasses of several more chickens, and they were all in the same condition.

No wonder there are so many corpses here but the smell of blood is very light. It turns out that their blood has been sucked clean.

"Brother Zhang, this... Baojiaxian is so cruel when he gets angry!"

It took a long time for Li Mazi to tremble and say. I shook my head and said, "This was not done by Wong Tai Sin."

Wong Tai Sin likes to eat meat, but he doesn't like to suck blood.

So many times when weasels eat chickens and ducks, they will eat the meat, leaving feathers and blood all over the ground.

And with so many animal carcasses lying intact on the ground in front of us, it was obvious that the guy behind him wanted to suck blood!

Thinking of this, I looked up and looked around carefully, and found that the darkroom was about the same area as the Huangxian Temple above. It was probably left intentionally by the people who built the Huangxian Temple back then to facilitate Huangxian's activities underground.

Although I don’t know what is causing trouble? But it is certainly no accident that it made waves after Silver Gun was poached.

Li Mazi thought for a long time, and then asked me in a loud voice if it was Luo Cheng who had cooperated with this guy, or if Luo Cheng had sucked the blood.

"Go to hell!" I cursed speechlessly. Luo Cheng's character in history was aloof and noble, so how could he do such a thing?

But then again, whether these two things are related or not depends on the silver gun!

But Silver Gun ran away on his own...

Just when I was worrying about how to find the silver gun, there was a sudden burst of noisy footsteps above my head. Li Mazi and I looked at each other and subconsciously became vigilant.

Then the village chief's voice came from above: "Master Zhang, Master Li, are you two here?"

I breathed a sigh of relief, followed the sound, and found the village chief and several strong men in the village lying around the hole looking down.

It turns out that the village chief heard from Third Master that we came to Huangxian Temple and was afraid that we would suffer a loss, so he brought someone to help.

Originally I didn't want them to see what was going on inside, for fear that they would be scared. But before I could say anything, several young people jumped down and immediately saw the neatly arranged corpses.

Now they blew up the nest, and then even the village chief came down. After everyone was shocked, they asked me if they could take these animals back?

After all, after raising it for so long, it can no longer be sold for money. Taking it back and eating some meat can make up for the loss.

But before I figured out what was causing the trouble, I didn’t dare to take the risk, so I told the village chief to watch out for the villagers and that no one could take back the carcasses of these poultry.

The village chief nodded and agreed. Although the others showed unwillingness on their faces, they were obedient.

In the afternoon, the villagers returned home with my comfort. No one dared to go out. The village was as quiet as ever.

"Brother Zhang, where are you going to start?"

Li Mazi frowned and asked. I looked at the empty village and gritted my teeth and said first find the guy who stole the poultry.

Regardless of whether the silver gun is related to Luo Cheng or not, it has not done anything excessive so far. On the contrary, the blood-sucking beast has posed a serious threat to the villagers!

After saying that, I took the guy and Li Mazi back to Huangxian Temple. Since that thing put all the animal carcasses there, it would definitely haunt it.

Maybe it wasn't there during the day and went to look for poultry nearby to suck blood?

When we arrived at the temple, Li Mazi and I carefully walked around inside. We felt that the smell of blood in the darkroom was a little stronger. After waiting, we were surprised to find that there were two more rows of small animal carcasses inside. This time it was not only poultry, but even Even some birds, as well as hares and deer in the mountains are among them.

Their blood was also sucked dry, but they still didn't see the guy behind them.

This was the second time he saw this scene. Li Mazi was no longer as frightened as before. He dragged his cheeks and asked, "What needs to drink so much blood? Will it come again?"

"It must be, otherwise the corpses wouldn't be here. I think it will definitely use these corpses."

I replied based on my feeling.

Since I didn't know when it would come back, I didn't dare to stay longer and quickly withdrew from the temple. I took Li Mazi and hid in the meadow nearby and waited quietly.

After waiting for nearly an hour, the thing didn't come, but it began to rain heavily. The meadow where Li Mazi and I were was relatively low-lying, and in the blink of an eye we were soaked in it.

This kind of weather is most suitable for ghosts to cause trouble. I ignored my body being soaked in the cold rain and waited patiently.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, completely blocking my sight. Even Li Mazi, who was leaning against me, was only a blurry shadow.

After about half an hour, Li Mazi couldn't bear it anymore and asked coldly and tremblingly: "Brother Zhang, should we go back first? I feel like my body is almost soaked..."

Although I wasn't willing to give in, I couldn't bear to wait any longer, so I nodded and prepared to go back. But before he could get up, a thunder suddenly struck from the sky.

Then there was a violent galloping sound in my ears. It seemed like thousands of troops were rushing towards us.

The sound was getting closer and closer, and I couldn't help but become nervous. At this time, there were several more flashes of lightning in the sky. I followed this light and was shocked to find countless rats rushing over from all directions, and finally rushed into the Huangxian Temple.

It took three full minutes before the movement of the rats disappeared. Li Mazi also saw the scene just now, and was so frightened that he farted several times in a row, and finally asked me out of his mind what was going on.

"It looks like a rat demon is causing trouble!"

After the shock, I became more sober. With so many rats appearing at the same time like a pilgrim, there was no doubt that the Rat King was here.

And the Rat King must be the murderer of those poultry. But why does it suck so much blood? Is it to overcome the tribulation?

Thinking of this, I looked up and found that the dark clouds in the sky began to gather above the ruined temple, and the lightning that originally appeared everywhere gradually moved closer here!

Heavenly tribulation, this is to form the rhythm of Heavenly tribulation!

I just felt my anus tighten. No wonder it sucked the blood of so many animals in a short period of time. It turned out that it wanted to use the blood and essence of animals to strengthen itself.

Blood and soul blend with each other. If my assumption is right, there is a rat king here, then it has sucked the blood of so many animals, and it definitely has countless residual souls in its body.

In this way, its chances of escaping the catastrophe will be greatly enhanced!

I can't imagine how powerful a rat demon will be after it successfully overcomes the tribulation, but it will definitely be a devastating disaster for the nearby villagers.

Thinking of this, I handed the yin-yang umbrella to Li Mazi, took the Sirius Whip and the Peach Soul Flower myself, gritted my teeth and rushed towards the Huangxian Temple.

We thought those rats would stop us like crazy, but we didn't expect them to act like they didn't notice us. They all raised their heads and looked motionlessly towards the only remaining wall in the temple.

I also looked up and suddenly discovered that there was a big mouse on the wall!


I couldn't help but spit it out after just one glance. This mouse was as big as a calf. Its entire body stood upright like a human, and the hair all over its body turned red.

The most terrible thing is that the moment I looked over, its hair began to fall off from its head, revealing the fleshy red color inside. The part where the hair had fallen away gradually became distorted, and there was a faint tendency to turn into a human.

Sure enough, I was going through a tribulation. I ignored my tumbling stomach and gritted my teeth and rushed forward.

But before I could get closer, I was discovered by it!

It smiled coldly at me with its hybrid face that was half human and half rat, then looked up to the sky and roared, and then the originally sluggish rat crawled towards the two of us like crazy as if it had received an order. Come up.

"Damn it, let's fight!"

In the blink of an eye, I was bitten several times. Seeing that there was no way out, I simply stopped caring about myself and decided to stop the rat demon from crossing the tribulation even if I died.

I waved the Sirius Whip crazily, and all the rats that stood in front of me had their skin and flesh torn to pieces, and their bones were shattered to pieces!

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