Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 544: Crossing the spear, riding the horse, the cold light!

But there were so many rats that it was impossible to fight them all. In the blink of an eye, I had almost used up all my strength, the Heavenly Wolf Whip had lost its power, and the situation suddenly became serious.

Fortunately, Li Mazi had learned a few spells from me before, so he reluctantly sacrificed the yin-yang umbrella.

A Tai Chi circle of light was formed under the umbrella. Li Mazi was very safe standing inside, and any mice that came close would be bounced away. Seeing that I couldn't bear it anymore, he quickly came over and covered me under the umbrella.

"Brother Zhang, we have no problem protecting ourselves, but what about the big mouse?"

Li Mazi's face was already covered in rat blood and minced meat. He touched it randomly and then asked in a panic. I followed his gaze and discovered to my surprise that the big mouse's fur had faded to its chest, and the area above the chest had become human-like!

"Li Mazi, do you dare to fuck with me?"

I looked at the rat demon for a long time, then laughed and asked. The situation is now obvious. If we leave the rat demon alone, Li Mazi and I can exit safely, but the people of Tangjiacun will suffer soon.

If we try our best to stop it, we may not succeed, but we will definitely succeed!

As soon as we leave the umbrella, we will be gnawed by rats in an instant, not even the bones and dregs are left.

Is it worth it to trade two lives for a chance?

After hearing this, Li Mazi was just stunned. After three seconds of silence, he turned around and shouted in the direction of Wuhan City: "Ruxue, Mazi wants you to give birth to my child in the next life!"

Then he changed the subject, smiled and patted me, saying he was ready.

I took the umbrella from his hand, recalled everything I had experienced with Li Mazi, and slowly thrust the umbrella towards the rat demon.

But at this critical moment, the sound of horse hooves suddenly came from behind us, and then I noticed that the rats surrounding us became restless. Even the rat demon who had just turned into a human head had a panicked expression on his face. stand up.

I turned my head in confusion, and suddenly I saw a white shadow riding a horse rushing towards us.

The white shadow has no head and is holding a silver gun in his hand, just like the ghost knight in Western legends.

He was getting closer and closer, and I clearly saw a big word "Yan" embroidered on his cloak. Then I felt happy and confirmed what the third master and the village chief said. become!

Luo Cheng's father, Luo Yi, King of Peking, guarded the border of Yandi for the imperial court all year round, which is the area around today's Beijing, so their father and son had deep feelings for Yandi.

Especially with the chaos in the world, Luo Cheng's life became chaotic, which made him miss his hometown even more. Therefore, the word "Yan" is embroidered on the cloak to express the nostalgia for the hometown.

"General Luo Cheng, we must stop this rat demon!"

For some reason, my subconscious told me that this evil spirit was here to save us, so I instantly felt much more relaxed.

Luo Cheng, one person and one horse, was like a white lightning, pushing away the rats.

He came to us very quickly, paused for a moment and reined in the horse's head as a reply, and then pinched the horse's belly, and the man and the horse suddenly jumped up as if they had wings!

Just as it is described in the novel: spears, horses, and cold light!

Before Luo Chengren arrived, the gun had already stabbed out like a poisonous snake. The rat demon's face was so panicked that he had no room to fight back and turned around to run away.

It's just that he was half human and half rat, and his movements couldn't be coordinated at all. He fell directly to the ground, and then Luo Cheng threw the silver gun directly towards it.

I don't know if it was God's will or something else, but at this moment a powerful thunder and lightning suddenly flashed in the sky and hit the silver gun instantly.

Li Mazi and I stood more than ten meters away and were protected by umbrellas, but we still felt sore and numb all over.

The sparkling silver spear pierced the rat demon's abdomen the next moment. Its body twitched and turned into a pile of roasted minced meat without even letting out a scream.


When I saw this, I vomited directly. Li Mazi was no better than me. We both squatted on the ground back to back and vomited.

When we felt comfortable after vomiting, we stood up and found that the rats had disappeared without a trace. Luo Cheng had also left, leaving only pieces of meat and blood on the ground.

Since ancient times, plague has occurred after rat plagues, because rats carry a large number of viruses. Since those poultry and small animals have been sucked by the rat demon, their meat must not be eaten, and even dead rats on the ground must be eaten. Clean them up in time, otherwise they will rot and flow into the nearby river along with the rainwater, which may really cause infectious diseases.

Thinking of this, I didn't care about Luo Cheng and quickly called the village chief.

He briefly told him about the rat demon, and then asked him to wake up the whole village and come together to pick up the dead rats.

At this moment, the disaster has passed and the rain has become sparse. I stood on the top of the mountain and looked into the village. I saw the lights of the villagers lighting up one by one, and I suddenly missed my grandpa.

Whenever it rained when I was a child, my grandfather would turn on the light and tell me stories. I wonder how his old man is doing down there now.

"Brother Zhang, was Brother Ma acting like a man just now?"

Li Mazi squatted next to me and asked half-jokingly and half-seriously. Only then did I realize that we were almost going to meet the Lord of Hell, and I couldn't help but give Li Mazi a thumbs up.

Li Mazi, for the rare occasion, did not raise his eyebrows. Instead, he asked me expectantly: When can I see Luo Cheng again?

It can be seen that Li Mazi, like me, admires Luo Cheng. And what happened just now has confirmed my guess. Instead of collaborating with the rat demon, Luo Cheng helped the people deal with the demon.

Judging from the fact that the rat demon ran away in fear when it saw Luo Cheng, it probably wasn't the first time it encountered Luo Cheng.

Then why didn't Luo Cheng kill the rat demon before?

I was just wondering when I heard a noise coming from the mountain road. When I looked up, I saw that the whole village was densely packed with flashlights and carrying sacks and oil barrels heading up the mountain. There were even many children holding cats in their arms.

The first ones were the village chief and the third master. When they came up, the villagers took the initiative to clean up the dead rats on the ground without me asking. Looking at this scene, I suddenly felt like I had traveled through time.

At first glance, it looks like a return to the era of eradicating the four evils.

Before I could say anything, the village chief and the third master grabbed my hands to express their gratitude. Then a few young people walked out from behind them, knelt down in front of me and Li Mazi, and thanked me for saving their lives.

I took a closer look and found that these young men were none other than Tang Xianzu's buddies.

"Before you called me just now, they were slowly returning to normal, but I forgot to tell you in my excitement."

The third master said with a smile, his eyes full of gratitude, and then asked me why it was the rat demon that was causing trouble, but they and others imitated the meowing of horses?

Before I could say anything, the village chief added: "There is also a silver gun. Why is it that the rat demon has been solved, but the silver gun has not been found yet?"

Apparently the villagers confused Luo Cheng with the rat demon, so I had no choice but to patiently tell them the story in detail, which made the two old men burst into tears.

Especially the village chief. As a descendant of Luo Cheng, he was grateful to his ancestors for their help but also felt ashamed. He immediately knelt down and begged me to help him find the silver gun.

"This is what I should do. Luo Cheng is the hero I admire most!" I clenched my fists and said firmly.

Li Mazi followed up: Me too.

After all, there is strength in numbers, and the villagers quickly collected all the dead rats in the mountain. I asked them to dump all the dead rats in the darkroom, then poured gasoline on them and burned them all together with the poultry that was already there.

Then we returned to the village. Everyone was tired and went back early to rest. Only the old village chief was with us and asked me if there was any way to find Luo Cheng's silver gun.

I didn't answer his question, but followed my own train of thought and asked, "When did that piece of land become barren of grass?"

After hearing this, the village chief held his chin and thought for a while. He didn't know the specific time, but it seemed to be a few years after the Huangxian Temple was demolished.

"That's right!" I slapped my thigh fiercely and understood the truth of the matter.

After the Huangxian Temple was demolished, the Huangxian who lived in it left. Tangjia Village was no longer protected by the Huangxian, so it was remembered by the rat demon.

After the rat demon appeared, it prepared to massacre the village, but was noticed by the sleeping Luo Cheng, so Luo Cheng fought against it single-handedly, and the land became a battlefield for both sides.

Later, Tang Xianzu and others dug out Luo Cheng's gun. The rat demon was no longer deterred by the silver gun, so it came out to cause trouble again.

As for the few young men who were made to lie on the ground and eat grass like horses, maybe Luo Cheng's mount was fighting for its master, right?

Luo Cheng's appearance at the critical moment of the rat demon's tribulation shows that he has been eyeing the rat demon for a long time.

Thinking of this, I patted the village chief on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry!" If nothing else, plants will soon grow on that land.

I think the gun should have been returned to the pit, right? The only thing that puzzled me was why Luo Cheng wanted to keep an eye on Tang Xianzu.

After all, Luo Cheng had only found Tang Xianzu alone so far, and even almost stabbed him to death.

I decided to go back to the hospital tomorrow to ask Tang Xianzu. He must be hiding something from us.

The next day was a sunny day, and I took Li Mazi to the temple again to see how the corpses were burned.

When he went in, he saw ashes all over the ground. Many small animals were still in their original state. Li Mazi kicked a well-preserved rabbit and ended up eating a mouthful of ashes.

I subconsciously ducked to the side, only to find that there was an extra hole in the darkroom.

When we walked up to it and took a closer look, we realized that this hole already existed, but the middle was covered with mud, so we didn't notice it when we came here before.

Unexpectedly, the rat demon even made a special passage for himself! I carried my parasol and bent down and walked in. Although this passage was not big, after all, a rat demon with a body as small as a calf could pass through it, so there was no pressure for an adult to walk in.

Li Mazi was afraid of danger, so he followed behind and kept trying to pull me back. But I think the rat demons are dead, so everything must be normal inside.

After walking for a long time without noticing anything unusual, Li Mazi felt relieved and urged me to leave quickly. I don’t know how long I had been walking, but suddenly a glimmer of light appeared in front of my eyes. I was so happy that I crawled out following the light.

After I climbed out, I was surprised to find that we had arrived at a field with no grass growing on it.

"No wonder Luo Cheng's gun squeaked as soon as it left the rat demon! It turns out that it had already broken through this place." I said with sudden realization.

Then, I strode towards the place where the silver gun was dug out, only to find that the hole had been filled in, not even a trace was left. If I hadn't clearly remembered the location, I would never have believed that there was a pit here before.

I concentrated on looking around and found that the black energy that existed before had also dissipated.

I believe next spring, this land will grow the most prosperous crops.

"what happened?"

Seeing me staring at that place, Li Mazi asked thoughtfully.

I smiled faintly, and the gun returned to the ground by itself. Luo Cheng must have filled the hole himself. Since Luo Cheng doesn't want to leave here, I can only respect his choice.

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