Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 545: Murderous Bed

After returning to the village, I found the village chief and told him Luo Cheng's choice.

The village chief held it in for a long time and finally sighed.

I knew he wanted to express his memory of Luo Cheng, so I gave him a suggestion. Anyway, if their village wants to develop tourism next, it is better to build a Sui and Tang Cultural Park on that piece of land, which can not only bring income to the village, but also provide comfort to Luo Cheng's heroic spirit.

The village chief said he would consider it, but whether he would do what I said was not of concern to me.

After lunch, Li Mazi and I said goodbye to the village chief and the third master. The two of them took tens of thousands of dollars raised by the villagers to express our gratitude.

Especially the village chief, who kept putting things in my pocket. He knows the rules of our industry and is very grateful to me for choosing to give up the silver gun for Luo Cheng's wish.

This time I did not refuse, otherwise the villagers would always feel uneasy. I took the money and threw it to Li Mazi, and then returned to the hospital to find Tang Xianzu.

When I got there, I saw that he had already left, but he left me a letter!

The original text is as follows:

"Dear Master Zhang, when you read this letter, it means that you have helped the village solve its troubles. Frankly speaking, I deceived you. The reason why I was stabbed was because I greedily wanted to use the silver gun. Steal it from a friend's house and exchange it for a big sum of money. In fact, I have known for a long time that the headless horseman is Luo Cheng. Yesterday, I heard from my family that General Luo Cheng showed up to help the village eliminate the rat demon. I felt that I would never have the shame to return to the village. So goodbye!"

After reading the letter, I couldn't help but shake my head, thinking that Tang Xianzu was really a typical boss who wanted money rather than his life. Fortunately, it was Luo Cheng who was offended this time. If he were the overlord of Western Chu, he would be like the God of Killing Bai Qi. Yin Ling, how can he still have a chance to write to me?

But then again, after being in the circle for so long, I have always been subduing the femininity. This is the first time that a femininity has saved my life.

Thinking of the scene where Luo Cheng suddenly appeared during the confrontation with the rat demon, Li Mazi and I smiled knowingly and prepared to go home.

As soon as I walked out of the hospital ward, I saw a group of doctors lowering their heads and apologizing to a young couple, but the couple kept swearing.

It took me about two sentences to realize that their mother was sick and lying in the hospital. Although the old man's condition was very serious when he was brought in, there was no life threat at all. As a result, he died inexplicably after lying in the hospital for a night...

Therefore, the young couple felt that a quack doctor had killed their mother, and they cried and asked for an explanation.

There were too many disputes between doctors and patients. I sighed, prayed that the old lady would be fine, then turned around and walked downstairs.

When passing by the nurse's station, I suddenly heard a voice saying: "Oh! Another one died. I said there was something wrong with the bed, but the director didn't listen..."

Not only me, but also Li Mazi's expression changed when he heard these words. He turned around and saw that it was two young nurses whispering.

When they saw us looking over, they immediately started packing the documents on the table, pretending to be very busy.

"Girl, what did you mean just now?" I asked with a frown.

If what she said is true, then the old lady must have died in a strange way.

Unexpectedly, the nurse waved her hand and said impatiently: "Go, go, ask around."

Li Mazi was not happy when he heard this. He looked at the work ID card on the little nurse's chest and said viciously, "I remember your name. If you don't tell me, I will go to your dean now and guarantee that you will be arrested tomorrow." Fired!

The little nurse's eyes turned red immediately after hearing this, and she nodded with aggrieved face.

I couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Li Mazi. This damn thing makes a lot of sense!

Then the little nurse told us that this was not the first time someone had died in that ward. Three people had died before the old lady, so she thought there was something wrong with the bed.

She also said that she specifically looked at the occupancy list of that hospital bed and found that everyone who spent the night in that bed would die one after another...

"It seems it's really a problem with the bed."

Li Mazi and I looked at each other and decided to help the hospital solve this problem.

Fortunately, this ward was a double room. Since the old lady died in it, the other person was so frightened that he quickly applied for a room change.

The young couple left after making a fuss in the afternoon. I didn't waste a moment to find the hospital and apply to go to that ward for recuperation.

In the end, the doctor, who was in his forties or fifties, was quite responsible. He pushed up his reading glasses and said, "Someone just died there, young man. Please change the room!"

"I won't go if no one has died!"

Li Mazi said casually, and then quickly changed his words: "Actually, I just like living in that ward. It's where I stay every time I come to your hospital."

"Forget it, live here if you like! It's just time for you two young men to add some yang energy to that ward."

The middle-aged doctor heard what Li Mazi said, then looked at us again, seemed to understand our purpose, waved his hand and gave us a check-in form.

As soon as I entered the ward, I noticed a cold atmosphere, especially the bed where the person who had just died was surrounded by a layer of ice.

But this does not necessarily mean that there is other dirty things, it is probably the ghost left by the old lady or the person who died before.

While it was still dark, I opened the door and window, then lit a handful of mugwort and started spinning it around the room.

As the smell of mugwort filled the whole room, the temperature inside was no longer so low. I thought it was almost time, so I closed the doors and windows, and sat in the room with Li Mazi, waiting hard.

After ten o'clock, there was no one outside the hospital, the corridor seemed particularly deserted, and the temperature of the room began to drop again...

It seemed that the thing couldn't sit still, so I asked Li Mazi to lie on the bed where the old lady had been lying, and then I hid under the bed opposite and waited.

Anyway, I learned how to draw a sun-shading charm. I only need to stick one on my body to temporarily cover the yang energy on my body. When evil spirits come, unless they see me with their own eyes, they can't feel my existence at all!

Li Mazi was so considerate that he clearly asked him to lie down and pretend to sleep, but he fell asleep within three minutes and made a snoring sound.

I couldn't help but feel happy. I just wanted to wake him up, but I found that his face suddenly turned red from suppressing it. Then Li Mazi woke up, put his hands on his neck and kept pulling out. It seemed that there was a pair of invisible hands. Grab him by the throat!

The situation was urgent and I couldn't care about it anymore. I rolled out of the bed, picked up the Sirius Whip and hit Li Mazi on the neck.

Before I could hit him, the Sirius Whip encountered resistance, and then I heard the sound of a baby crying, and then a group of light red shadows appeared between me and Li Mazi.

I took a closer look and found that this was a baby with no nose and deformed facial features. His eyes were one big and one small, but they were all bloodshot and stared at me, as if he wanted to tear me apart.

Looking down the head, I found that the umbilical cord was not tied, and the intestines and blood flowed out through the umbilical cord for a long time.

Obviously, this kid is a resentful baby!

Grandpa told me that there are three types of resentful babies. The first type is the fetus that died in the womb, the second type is the newborn baby that died during birth, and the third type is the child that died unexpectedly after normal birth.

The third kind of resentful baby has enjoyed happiness in the human world, so its resentment is relatively small and the possibility of being converted is greater. The first two kinds of resentful babies have very strong resentment. Grandpa has told me more than once that when I encounter resentful babies, I must deal with them quickly and ruthlessly.

You must not leave any trouble in the future, because the resentful baby is very vindictive and will haunt you uninterrupted once you have a relationship.

It seems that the little boy in front of him died at birth. From his deformed appearance, it is not difficult to guess that he is a baby abandoned by his parents.

I wasn't sure I could tame him completely, so I took out my parasol and pointed it at it.

The baby may have felt the power of the parasol. After giving me a fierce look, he let go of Li Mazi and jumped towards the window.

"It's not that easy to run away!"

Now that I had taken action, I opened my umbrella and hit it without giving it a chance.

It looked at me as if it was disdainful, and then hit the window hard, but it didn't expect that I had already put a magic talisman on it, and it bounced back, just in time to be covered by the parasol that flew over.

It struggled painfully, and in the end it wailed and looked at me, its eyes full of longing. I know it's begging for mercy, but I can't let him go.

Because I know if the situation was reversed, it would definitely not let me go!

In less than two minutes, the baby's figure completely disappeared. Li Mazi woke up long ago. He looked at the umbrella for a long time before asking in disbelief: "Is this the end?"

"if not?"

I said as I picked him up, put on my clothes and didn't wait for a moment, and headed straight for home.

Li Mazi thought it was easy to deal with resentful babies, but that was because I ignored the meaningless process.

I have never felt that dealing with dirty things is very difficult, but I am willing to understand the behind-the-scenes of Yin Ling from the bottom of my heart, and to understand the legendary figures Yin Ling.

If my only goal is to get rid of Yin spirits and obtain Yin objects, then I am not a qualified Yin object merchant.

What is a sex dealer?

What you eat is food from hundreds of families, you walk on the yin and yang path, and you end up with the fate of the world!

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