Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 546: Strange talk about hunting monsters

After dealing with the rat demon in Tangshan Village, Li Mazi and I immediately returned to Wuhan and accidentally killed a resentful baby.

After returning to the antique shop, he continued to live a life like a wandering cloud and wild crane. Li Mazi continued to go home and serve his wife like a little eunuch, but he would come to see me occasionally.

When I woke up that day, I couldn't wait to open the store door, ready to buy two bottles of Ocean Blue and a drink of Li Mazi.

As soon as I opened the door, I found that Li Mazi was already here. He was sitting in front of the store, drinking West Lake Longjing leisurely, while looking at the beauties walking on the street with his lewd eyes.

It seems that this grandson's lecherous problem cannot be changed. I wonder if Ruxue will let him kneel on the durian after finding out?

But Li Mazi still had some conscience. When he saw me coming out, he quickly handed me the breakfast beside him.

I sat down and took a bite of the burger, then asked, "How was your store these two days?"

"What else can I do? It's hard to deceive people these days. I can't even sell my fakes."

Li Mazi curled his lips and said with some dissatisfaction.

I smiled faintly, knowing that I had already expected it in my heart. I am doing this business just to make a profit. Fortunately, I can make a fortune every time I take on a business, which has turned us into two rich men.

Then Li Mazi told me that Ruxue took Xiaomeng and Xiaonianchu back to her parents' home.

Yin Xinyue lives in the company because of her busy work, and Li Mazi and I are both people who can't hold it in. No, as soon as I got the chance, Li Mazi asked me in a cowardly manner if I wanted to go out and find something to do?

"I know your virtue, I'll call Senior Shu later and ask! I don't know if he has any orders there." I said with a smile.

There has been no news about Senior Shu for a long time. I especially want to know where he went to hide from his enemies.

Unexpectedly, just when I was about to make a call, the landline phone in the store suddenly rang. Li Mazi hurriedly answered the phone, and before we chatted for a few words, he gave me an ambiguous look.

Looks like business is coming!

When I was really sleepy, someone gave me a pillow. I quickly stepped forward to answer the phone, saying that I was Zhang Jiulin, and then asked the other party to briefly explain what happened. Was it the house that was haunted, or was there some antique that was making a fuss.

As a result, as soon as I finished speaking, the person on the other end of the phone hurriedly shouted: "Mr. Zhang, I need your help with something! I hope you won't refuse."

After he finished speaking, he seemed to be afraid that I would not agree, and added that it was Senior Shu who asked him to find me.

After listening to this, I slapped my thigh and thought that this old guy and I really had a good understanding, and he even introduced another big job to him.

But I was afraid that Senior Shu would trick me. After all, he always asked me some difficult questions. I couldn't help but murmur in my heart, and at the same time asked him to tell me what happened.

Unexpectedly, the other party couldn't explain a sentence or two clearly, so he asked me to go there in person, and then hung up the phone. Then I received a text message, which said a place in Shenyang.

After reading the text message, I couldn't help but feel happy. I thought that this person was also interesting and asked me to do things so forcefully. If it hadn't been for the business introduced by Senior Shu, I would definitely not have cheated on him.

It was autumn at this time, and the world in front of me was golden as soon as I crossed the Yellow River. After I crossed Shanhaiguan, the air around me dropped sharply, and I couldn't help but shiver. Fortunately, Li Mazi had the foresight to take out a cotton coat from his bag and put it on me, and I felt much warmer immediately.

We finally drove to Shenyang, and I called the other party directly. Not long after, a BMW appeared in front of us. A young man in a black suit got out of the car. He wore a pair of sunglasses and walked with a straight back, exuding a sense of confidence. He seemed to have a good background.

"This guy is rich! Remember to order more when you come back." Li Mazi whispered to me before the other party came.

I nodded, chatted for a few words with the young man in a suit, and then followed his car on the highway, unknowingly driving to the suburbs of Shenyang.

"Brother, what do you want to see me for?" I drove the car to a level with him and opened the window and asked.

Who would have thought that he actually said that he didn't know, and that the boss would naturally tell me when we got to the place.

It turned out that he was just an errand boy, so I didn’t ask any more questions and turned to look around. After walking forward for a while, I saw a large-scale building complex in the distance. The ancient palaces and pavilions were intertwined with each other, forming a beautiful picture.

"This palace looks so familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere before?" Li Mazi came over and said enthusiastically.

After hearing what he said, I looked at it carefully again, and then suddenly thought that this should be the Qing Dong Tomb in Shenyang, where Nurhachi, the founding emperor of the Qing Dynasty, was buried.

I continued to observe with awe, and found that the entire Qingdong Tomb was faintly emitting a black airflow, which made me feel that something was wrong.

Although Yin Qi will be generated wherever there are mausoleums, this is the imperial mausoleum, the burial place of the True Dragon Emperor! Even if there is Yin energy, it should be white or purple, but now there is black air, which means that there is probably a Yin spirit inside.

At this time, I noticed a passerby through the car window. Although it was just a quick glance, I felt a heavy yin energy from his body, as if he was possessed by something unclean.

I originally wanted to get out of the car and help him take a look, but the car of the young man in the suit had already driven far away. I was afraid that I would be lost so I had to continue driving, but I became even more curious about this mausoleum.

As the car drove out of the city, the sight turned into white mountains and black water. Finally, the BMW of the young man in a suit stopped in a ravine.

I took a general look and found that the ravine looked like a cornucopia. There are mountains behind, hills in front, a continuous river on the left, and a series of hills on the right. It is a rare Feng Shui treasure land.

After looking at this ravine, I became even more convinced that the identity of the other party was not simple. Then I saw a villa in the ravine. Looking from a distance, I found that the villa was very traditional, full of Chinese style, and covered a large area. At first glance, I thought it was a palace.

I smiled bitterly. We all pee standing up, so why is the difference so big?

Before we entered the villa, a fat man who looked smart and capable came up to us. After asking who I was, Zhang Jiulin, he excitedly held my hand, and then took me to the lobby to talk in detail.

After entering the lobby, he introduced himself and claimed that he was the person who called for help, named Ye Chen.

I thought to myself, stop talking nonsense and ask him to tell you what happened? After all he acted so panicked on the phone.

Hearing my question, Ye Chen's face suddenly darkened, and he put his hands on the table in confusion. After being silent for several seconds, he told me that it was not actually him who was in trouble, but that his boss, Jin Shengqing, seemed to have gotten into trouble recently, and he was just the assistant responsible for contacting us...

After hearing this, I couldn't help but be surprised. I felt like Boss Jin was asking us for help. Why did he act like he was connecting with layers of secret agents?

Ye Chen told us that Boss Jin is in the stock business and likes outdoor sports. His favorite thing is bow and arrow. On weekdays, he likes to go hunting near Changbai Mountain.

About half a month ago, Boss Jin took him and a group of bodyguards to Changbai Mountain again.

The results of this battle were very rich, and dozens of wild animals were captured. Boss Jin was also very happy and rewarded everyone who accompanied him.

But after he came back, Boss Jin became a little strange. At first, he just had a bad temper and got angry easily. Everyone thought that he was under great pressure recently and didn't care. Who knew that his situation was getting worse and worse, and now he would lose control of his emotions whenever he saw his relatives and friends, and he would hit them at every turn.

Because Boss Jin was in poor condition, Ye Chen stayed in the villa with a few bodyguards to take care of him.

A few nights ago, Boss Jin suddenly roared in the room, and then burst into tears.

Ye Chen and the others rushed in immediately when they heard the sound. After entering, they found Boss Jin sitting on the ground, holding his chin, raising his orchid fingers, wiping tears on his face with grievance. Both his movements and demeanor were as serious as usual. Boss Jin is different, he looks like a woman.

They were frightened and were about to go up to comfort Boss Jin, but Boss Jin turned his head and made a woman's voice!

Speaking of this, Ye Chen's voice trembled a little, and a layer of cold sweat appeared on his face. He took a sip of water, and then continued: "I heard that Mr. Shu is good at handling this kind of things. When I found him, he was about to Take a plane to Congo, Africa to escape your enemies, and let me contact you.”

After listening to what Ye Chen said, I imagined the scene at that time and felt a chill in my heart.

But this kind of thing has never happened before. In the embroidered shoe incident, wasn't Li Xiaomeng possessed by a female ghost? So I calmed down and asked Ye Chen: "If Boss Jin moves out of the villa, will this situation still happen?"

"It's useless. We have tried everything we can. No matter where Boss Jin moves, it will always be like this at night..."

Speaking of this, Ye Chen fiercely grabbed my hand and begged me to help Boss Jin.

I nodded and asked him where Boss Jin was?

"Boss Jin went for a walk. He knows you are coming today, so you will definitely be back before evening. You guys should rest in the villa first!"

When Boss Jin comes back, I will notify you as soon as possible. "Ye Chen said.

Seeing that Ye Chen was in a low mood, I didn't continue to ask him any other questions.

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