Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 547 Bronze Curved Bow (Part 2)

"Will using a magic talisman work?"

Li Mazi's condition was not much better than mine. He was shot in the thigh and even his pants were set on fire.

If it were just a few centimeters off, there would be no happiness in this life, so he became anxious for a moment.

After hearing this, I suddenly realized that the female ghost must be attacking based on the Yang Fire in both of us. As long as we cover the Yang Fire, we will see where she shoots!

Thinking of this, I put the sun-shielding charm on my body without hesitation, and the female ghost's offensive weakened instantly.

I didn't expect the sun-shielding charm to be so effective. I gave Li Mazi a thumbs up, casually threw the expired Sirius Whip on the ground, and slowly approached the female ghost.

Originally, she was very sensual when she ejaculated on me, but now the target suddenly disappeared. She seemed to be a little confused and floated on the spot motionless.

This just made it easier for me to move. When I was close enough to her, I took out the cinnabar I had prepared long ago from my pocket and sprinkled it over!

By the time she reacted and tried to dodge, it was already too late. She was hit by Cinnabar, and her body made a sizzling sound of burning.

She glared at me hard, but didn't attack me again. At this time, the darkest hour of the day had passed, and she knew she was no match for me, so she disappeared in a flash.

I was about to catch up, but I found a strange-looking bow on the ground.

Obviously, the female ghost just now was the ghost spirit living in this bow. Now that all the ghost things have appeared, I have no need to chase her any further.

I asked Li Mazi to keep an eye on the bow, and then went to the bedside to look at Boss Jin. I was relieved when I found that he was breathing normally.

At this time, Ye Chen, who heard the commotion, rushed up with his people and asked me how I was doing.

Since the female ghost fled in panic and didn't even want the bow she was staying in, I thought she would not dare to come again tonight, so I asked Ye Chen to go back to sleep, then turned on the lamp and studied the bow carefully.

This bow seems to be made of bronze, with patina growing on it in many places. If you look closely, you will find that the bow is engraved with dense symbols and some small animal totems.

This bow seems to be a weapon specially used by Manchu shooters, and there is nothing to tell from its appearance. But when I reached out and touched it, I realized that this bow was not simple.

The surface is obviously rusty, but it feels extremely smooth to the touch, with a strong warmth in the smoothness, as if you are touching a piece of red-hot charcoal.

Thinking of Ye Chen saying today that Boss Jin went crazy only after returning from hunting in Changbai Mountain, I think he should have something to do with this bow. I'm just waiting for him to wake up now!

Even though I knew it was unlikely that the female ghost would come back, I still held my bow and arrow for the entire night. As the first ray of sunlight rose, I breathed a sigh of relief. I woke up Li Mazi and handed him the bow, then returned to the room and fell asleep.

When I woke up, Boss Jin also woke up, but he had no memory of what happened last night. He just said that he seemed to be pinched while sleeping.

After a simple wash, I took the bow from Li Mazi and prepared to ask Boss Jin. Unexpectedly, before I could speak, Boss Jin showed a puzzled look and said, "Why is my bow in your hand?"

"Your bow?"

My heart moved, and then I asked: "Where did you put the bow?"

"I have kept it at home since I came back from hunting last time." Boss Jin said with certainty.

Seeing that what he said was true, I stopped hiding it and told him everything that happened last night. After hearing this, Boss Jin immediately called his wife and asked her to open the collection room and see if the bronze bow and arrow was still there.

As a result, his wife said that the lock in the collection room was fine, but the bow inside was missing...


Boss Jin sat down on the ground, his whole person instantly filled with a sense of powerlessness. It took him a while to come back to his senses, and asked pessimistically: "Master Zhang, what should I do?"

I asked him where he got this bow. He looked at the bow with some fear, and then started talking.

Many big bosses have their own little hobbies. For example, some people like beautiful women, some people like hunting, or they collect antiques. But Boss Jin is a man who loves both hunting and antiques.

Some time ago, when he came back from hunting in Changbai Mountain, he happened to see a Manchu uncle selling bows and arrows at a stall, and he became interested. As a result, he fell in love with the bow at a glance and bought it for 10,000 yuan.

Later, he wanted to try the performance of this bow, so he went to Changbai Mountain again, but after returning there, he was haunted by a female ghost.

Boss Jin said this with regret on his face and kept scolding the man who sold him the bow.

I smiled and said nothing, but I despised him in my heart. I had poor eyesight and had to blame others for buying vaginal objects...

Since everyone didn't sleep well last night, they all went back to their rooms to catch up on their sleep after dinner. I had just returned to the room to go back to sleep, but I saw Li Mazi walking in worriedly, as if he was worried about something.

"What, do you miss your wife?"

I joked with him with a smile, but his face was still so ugly. I realized something was wrong and sat up directly.

"Brother Zhang, do you know what I encountered last night?"

Li Mazi almost cried when he spoke, but I felt strange because we were together all the time yesterday. Even when I was watching Gong while he was sleeping, I didn't feel anything was wrong.

"I was sleeping in the early hours of the morning when I suddenly heard rustling footsteps. At first I thought it was you, so I didn't pay attention. As a result, the footsteps became softer and softer and became intermittent. I realized something was wrong and opened my eyes sharply. Then I saw a white shadow coming towards my head with a knife. Fortunately, the yin-yang umbrella was right next to me and I blocked it in time, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to see me, buddy!”

After hearing what Li Mazi said, my heart was shocked.

The female ghost last night was wearing colorful Manchu costumes, but Li Mazi was attacked by a white shadow with a knife.

This shows that there are at least two Yin spirits in the villa, and the white shadow is able to avoid being sucked into the Umbrella. It is obviously much more powerful than the previous female ghost.

Judging from what happened last night, these two Yin spirits are not weak in ability. If they wanted to kill Boss Jin, it would be easy, but they didn't. They just kept torturing Boss Jin.

This was indeed a bit strange. I thought about it carefully and then discussed a plan with Li Mazi.

Then we slept all morning. After lunch, I returned to the room by myself, and Li Mazi quietly left the villa as planned.

In the afternoon, the sound of a car engine suddenly came from outside the villa. I looked through the window and saw the car stop, and then two men and a woman got out of it.

The woman is older, at least sixty years old. She is an old lady dressed seriously. The other two men are about forty years old. These three people have an inexplicable aura when they go to that station. I am a little curious about their identities, but after all, Boss Jin is a business tycoon and has several amazing friends. It's normal, so just ignore them.

Not long after I lay down in bed, there was a sudden sound of things being thrown downstairs. Then I heard the sound of Boss Jin arguing with the old lady.

I thought it would be over after a few quarrels, but who knew they had no intention of stopping at all. I really want to go down and break up the fight, but this is Boss Jin’s private matter, and it’s not easy to get involved.

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps in the corridor, and then Ye Chen walked in with an anxious face and said breathlessly: "Master Zhang, the boss has lost control again..."


I rushed downstairs with bare feet and found that Boss Jin's eyes had turned blood red and his whole face was twisted together, looking extremely ferocious.

He was holding a glass in his hand, and seemed to want to smash it at the elegant old lady, but fortunately, he was held down by several bodyguards.

Boss Jin kept struggling, staring at the old lady with his eyes, and shouted: "I will kill you, and give my mother's life back..."

Everyone was confused when they heard this, but I vaguely grasped a clue!

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