Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 547 Bronze Curved Bow (Part 2)

E-niang is the name children gave to their mothers during the Manchu period, and the female ghost we met last night happened to be a Manchu. Could she be the mother of the ghost in front of us?

Thinking that Li Mazi almost died at Bai Ying's hands last night, my heart skipped a beat, and I suddenly realized that it was broad daylight!

It can possess a living person in broad daylight, which shows that the white shadow is more powerful than what Li Mazi described...

Just as my brain was spinning rapidly, I suddenly heard a scream. When I came back to my senses, I was shocked to find that Boss Jin had broken away from four or five bodyguards and was rushing towards the old lady frantically.

The old lady was obviously frightened, and her eyes remained motionless. I knew I couldn't wait any longer, so I bit my tongue and rushed forward to spit a mouthful of blood on Boss Jin's forehead!

His body froze suddenly, and I took advantage of the rare opportunity to slap him hard in the face with my backhand.

Then Boss Jin twitched, rolled his eyes and fainted. At the same time, I vaguely saw a white shadow floating in the crowd and then disappeared.

It seemed that even if it could appear during the day, it would have to rely on the human body. I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

When Ye Chen and the others saw Boss Jin fainted, they hurriedly asked me what was going on.

"He was just attacked by the Yin spirit. He will wake up after resting. Don't worry."

I nodded and said, the so-called hitting the flesh with the palm of the hand and hitting the soul with the back of the hand means that hitting someone with the palm of the hand hurts the body, and hitting the person with the back of the hand hurts the soul, so in many places there is a taboo against hitting people with the back of the hand!

I just used this trick with the mentality of giving it a try, but I didn't expect it to actually work.

Ye Chen led others to carry Boss Jin upstairs to rest, and then the old lady came up to express her gratitude to me.

After the conversation, I found out that the old lady was Boss Jin’s mother, and the other two middle-aged people were Boss Jin’s brothers. They heard that Boss Jin had a strange disease and came to see him out of concern. Unexpectedly, Boss Jin went crazy in broad daylight...

In the subsequent conversation, I learned that Boss Jin has a quirk, that is, he is usually nice, but becomes violent once he sees relatives and friends. I think this must be related to Yin Ling's experience during his lifetime!

Boss Jin’s mother and two younger brothers left in the evening. Before leaving, they asked me to take good care of Boss Jin.

When it got completely dark, before Boss Jin woke up, Ye Chen invited me to eat first and asked me where Li Mazi had gone.

"He has something to do and has gone home. It may take a few days before he comes back."

I casually found an excuse to excuse him, and then told Ye Chen to rest as usual tonight and not to make a sound no matter what noise he heard, let alone leave the room.

Ye Chen nodded solemnly after hearing this.

Since those two ghosts were only torturing Boss Jin, they shouldn't harm anyone else. Anyway, Ye Chen and the others couldn't help, so they might as well get away and save themselves from making trouble!

At about 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, I turned off all the lights in the villa, then climbed to a big tree outside the villa, wiped a few drops of cow tears on my eyelids, and stared at Boss Jin's room.

Not long after, a blurry shadow appeared in my sight. If I looked carefully, I could identify it as the female ghost from last night.

She walked straight towards Boss Jin. I didn't take action immediately, but patiently wanted to see what she wanted to do.

She walked to Boss Jin's bed and stared at him for a long time, and then she started to cry.

The cry was extremely miserable, and the pain contained huge anger. I couldn't help but feel sympathy for her and pity her.

Logically speaking, I could hear the crying outside, and Boss Jin would definitely be able to hear it, but he didn't respond at all and slept like a dead pig.

At this time, the female ghost raised her hands and took out something and pointed it at Boss Jin. When I looked carefully, I discovered that what she was holding was actually the bronze bow and arrow!

I clearly put the bow away during the day, why did it appear in her hand again?

Before I could figure it out, the female ghost pointed her bow at Boss Jin and fired an arrow, and then Boss Jin let out a painful whine.

It turned out that this was where the sound that Ye Chen and the others heard before came from. After I figured out what was going on, I felt much more at ease. Then I patrolled the entire villa and found no trace of another white shadow.

It would not be difficult to deal with the female ghost alone. How could I let go of this opportunity? I immediately took out a sun-shielding charm, sealed the Yang energy on my body, quietly slipped into the corridor, bit my finger and drew it in the corridor. A simple five-element array.

The Five Elements Formation emphasizes mutual growth and mutual restraint, with metal, wood, water, fire, and earth transforming into each other. Those who understand can use the relationship to easily escape from the formation. But people who don't understand the formation can't get out at all, and will eventually be trapped inside.

The female ghost holding a fierce bow naturally belongs to fire, and water defeats fire, so I pointed the water gate at the room, so that the female ghost would enter the formation unknowingly.

Then I went back to my room and took out the umbrella, then climbed along the window to the balcony of Boss Jin's room, and when the female ghost wasn't paying attention, I opened the umbrella and threw it over her head!

What I never expected was that before the female ghost noticed it, the bow in her hand suddenly jumped, and she pushed the umbrella open, and then the bow broke into two pieces with a 'bang' sound.

When the female ghost saw the umbrella, she screamed and ran towards the corridor without looking back.

She was definitely about to join the battle. I didn't rush after her. Instead, I picked up the bow that was broken into two parts. From the moment it opened the umbrella just now, I could see that the bow itself has spirituality. That's it. It's a pity that it's broken.

At this time, the female ghost's heart-rending shouts came from outside. I opened the door with a smile, and she was indeed trapped in the Five Elements Formation!

Although my Five Elements Formation is not much bigger than her three-inch golden lotus, no matter which direction she runs away from, she will be instantly sucked back to the starting point, like a roly-poly.

Gradually, the female ghost lost strength and began to sob softly. I can't stand seeing a woman cry the most, so I'm ready to let her go as soon as my heart softens. She is no match for me anyway.

Who knew that before I could get out of my position, she suddenly burst out laughing sharply.

"Your Majesty, open your eyes and look at your good sons, hahaha."

The female ghost smiled and her voice suddenly became low: "It's pitiful that I, Abahai, have been a good mother all my life, but I was strangled to death by the son I raised with my own hands. God! Why don't you give me justice..."

Then her eyes turned blood red and she stared at me fiercely as if she wanted to tear me into pieces, and then she actually rushed towards Minato!

All this happened in a flash of lightning. When I came back to my senses, the figure of the female ghost had already dissipated in the waves.

I looked at the water vapor gradually extinguishing in Minato, and my whole body seemed to be hollowed out, and I fell to the ground weakly.

The last words of the female ghost just now helped me figure out her identity. She was the favorite woman of Nurhachi, the founding emperor of the Qing Dynasty: Abahai.

Abahai is smart, kind, and beautiful. She was a rare good wife during Nurhachi's reign.

At the same time, she is also a good mother. She loves her three sons so much that they are afraid of melting when she holds them in her mouth, and they are afraid of falling when she holds them in her hands.

However, after Nurhachi died of illness, in order to survive, his three sons were forced by Huang Taiji to strangle their mother Abahai to death with a bowstring.

Abahai must have been completely devastated when he died, right?

That's why she didn't believe in the existence of family affection in this world after her death, and hated all her relatives and friends.

Since this Yin spirit is Abahai, the other white shadow is undoubtedly Abahai's eldest son Dorgon. Dorgon was the leader of the Zhengbai Banner of the Manchu Qing Dynasty during his lifetime, so he wore white clothes. Because he had committed the scandal of killing his mother, Dorgon always blamed himself. When he finally became the regent, the first thing he did was to make his mother the queen.

I guess in order to repay this motherly love, Dorgon's ghost will always follow Abahai, right?

I couldn't help but blame myself. Just as I said I would not kill Boren, Boren died because of me. Although I never thought about killing Abahai, I indirectly forced her to death...

I have never encountered such a situation since I started selling femininity, and I couldn't help but feel a little shaken.

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