Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 548 Hunting Changbai Mountain

After a period of confusion, I had to accept the reality and brace myself to face Dorgon who would appear at any time!

I can almost imagine how crazy Dorgon would be after learning that his mother's soul was broken up by me, so much so that he didn't dare to sleep all night and stayed in the room with Boss Jin until dawn.

Li Mazi came back not long after breakfast. He asked me how the situation was here. I told him about Abahai, and then asked with some sigh: "Did I do something wrong?"

"Everything has two sides, so don't blame yourself too much." Li Mazi comforted me seriously.

I smiled bitterly and shook my head and said I won't mention this anymore. How did you go about the task assigned to you?

"Brother Ma took action himself, so it was an immediate success!"

Li Mazi said with a smile.

After hearing what happened to Boss Jin, I secretly discussed a plan with Li Mazi. I stayed in the villa to protect Boss Jin while I asked Li Mazi to go to Changbai Mountain to look for the small vendor selling bows and arrows.

It's not that I don't trust Boss Jin, but that many people refuse to tell the truth when they ask me for help and like to hide little secrets.

How could they understand that so-called little secrets often bring us fatal danger!

Li Mazi said that he personally chatted with the small vendor selling bows and arrows for a long time, and the situation was just like Boss Jin said. But later when he asked the vendor about the origin of the bronze bow, the vendor refused to tell him...

After all, many of these aged antiques were unearthed from tombs, so it makes sense for people not to mention them.

Anyway, just make sure that Boss Jin didn't lie to us. Then Li Mazi asked me worriedly: "Have you figured out how to deal with Dorgon?"

I shook my head.

"Don't worry, think slowly, we have been through a lot, Dorgon is a hammer!" Seeing that I had no idea, Li Mazi immediately cheered me up.

At this time, Ye Chen opened the door and walked in. He said with a somewhat hesitant expression: "Two masters, I have something to discuss with you."

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"The boss is very happy to know that you have eliminated the female ghost. He plans to go hunting in Changbai Mountain today. I'm afraid it's too dangerous, so I hope you two can persuade him not to go."

Ye Chen spoke hesitantly. It seemed that even he felt that Boss Jin was too fucked up. He almost lost his life because of hunting. He just started to squawk again after he turned a little.

But my eyes lit up and I said, "Why not go? I must go!"

"Ah?" Ye Chen was confused for a moment, and even Li Mazi was confused.

I smiled and whispered a few words into Li Mazi's ear. Li Mazi understood immediately, winked at me with a playful smile, then put his arm around Ye Chen's shoulders and walked out the door.

Then I went downstairs to find Boss Jin and found that he was carefully wiping something with a handkerchief. When I got closer, I was shocked to find that what he was holding was the broken bronze bow from last night.

"Master Zhang, let's take you hunting with me tomorrow! I'll cover all food, drinks and accommodation."

People feel refreshed when happy events happen. Without Boss Jin tormented by the female ghost, he became energetic and looked at me with a smile.

I grabbed the bow from his hand and inspected it carefully, only to find that the bow was intact, with no cracks in the middle, as if it had never been broken. But last night it was obviously beaten into two pieces by an umbrella!

Boss Jin asked me in surprise what was wrong. Judging from the way he looked, he probably felt like this when he woke up. I shook my head and said it was okay, but there was an uproar in my heart!

I basically didn't leave the house all night, and Dorgon actually repaired the bow right under my nose, but I didn't notice at all.

It might have been afraid of the Yin Yang Umbrella, so it didn’t take action right away. I couldn’t help but be afraid. If it had taken action last night, Boss Jin and I would have been dead...

Dorgon deserves to be the regent of the Qing Dynasty. His evil spirit is more powerful than I imagined, which strengthens my determination to get rid of him. After Boss Jin prepared the car, we set off directly to Changbai Mountain.

"Hey, where did Ye Chen go? Why is Master Li missing?" Boss Jin was a little unhappy when he saw me driving. After saying that, he wanted to call Ye Chen to scold him.

I quickly stopped him and said that Li Mazi had something going on at home and needed Ye Chen's help to deal with it. Boss Jin wouldn't be angry, right?

"Hahaha, we are all brothers, what are we talking about?"

After hearing this, Boss Jin laughed heartily and began to treat each other as brothers. As expected of a Northeastern person, he has a generous heart.

The Changbai Mountains are covered with heavy snow all year round and span the three northeastern provinces. The place where Boss Jin hunts is at a small peak in the Changbai Mountains called Yunding.

He told me on the way that he was of authentic Manchu descent and a descendant of the royal family of Aisin Gioro. They only changed their surname to Jin after the fall of the Qing Dynasty.

After saying that, he said with a self-deprecating smile: "If I had been born a few hundred years earlier, I might have been able to become Baylor or something."

After listening to it, I finally understood. Boss Jin has Aixinjueluo bloodline, so he might be a descendant of Huang Taiji! That's why Abahai tortures Boss Jin every day to discourage him.

It was already evening when we arrived near Yunding. Fortunately, Boss Jin’s business was spread all over the Northeast, and people from nearby subsidiaries had already set up tents on the mountain to pick us up.

Just after dinner, Boss Jin couldn't wait to take me into the mountain, and handed me a beautifully crafted ox horn bow, saying that at this time, all the small animals came out to look for food, and it was easy to find prey.

Hunting in the cold wind is so refreshing!

I didn't expect him to be so interested. I took the bow and played with it for a few times before I became interested, so we and I took a few bodyguards and marched into the mountains.

At this moment, the red clouds in the sky are connected into pieces, refracted by the river water on the cliff, forming a beautiful natural picture.

I was a little intoxicated and closed my eyes to feel this picture. At this time, there was a rapid sound breaking through the air. I quickly opened my eyes and found that Boss Jin was setting up his bow and arrow. One arrow just hit a hare. The hare flopped on the spot twice and then stopped moving.

"Boss Jin is so good at archery!" I couldn't help but admire him.

After hearing this, he laughed and said that he was lucky, and then asked me to try it too.

Men are always interested in dancing with knives and guns. Under his encouragement, I tried a few times, but I didn't even get a hair on my head.

I can only comfort myself by having specialization in my art...

Boss Jin shot some more small animals. After it got completely dark, we returned to the camp, lit a charcoal fire, and roasted the prey.

After working hard all day, Boss Jin finally went back to his tent to rest with satisfaction, and the bodyguards were all drowsy.

But I hid in my tent and waited.

Changbai Mountain is the sacred mountain of the Manchu royal family. Every year, the emperors and ministers of the Qing Dynasty come here to worship. Since Dorgon is the prince of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, he naturally has feelings for Changbai Mountain.

He will definitely show up to pay homage to Changbai Mountain, which is why I agree with Boss Jin coming here to hunt!

Rather than being wary of him, it would be better to lure the snake out of the hole happily.

As snoring came from the tent next door, my heart became more and more nervous. I opened the tent and looked at the sky. I found that the moon was particularly round tonight, and I became even more convinced that Dorgon would appear!

Ghosts are afraid of the sun, but they have a special liking for the moon, especially the full moon, which allows Yin spirits to absorb the essence of the moonlight.

Therefore, on full moon nights, many lonely ghosts will come out and wander.

Since the bow inexplicably returned to its original state last night, I was afraid that Dorgon would unknowingly kill Boss Jin again, so I simply stayed by the tent.

For some reason, my mood suddenly became complicated.

From the bottom of my heart, I hope to eliminate Dorgon as soon as possible, but I am afraid to face him. Maybe it is because I feel a little guilty about Abahai?

I took a deep breath, decided not to think so much, and waited patiently.

After a while, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside the camp!

Who could appear in the wilderness in the middle of the night? I instantly became alert and turned my head subconsciously, only to realize that it was Ye Chen.

"Why are you here, where is Li Mazi?" I asked in surprise and surprise.

What was pleasantly surprising was that Li Mazi and I had agreed to let him and Ye Chen come to Changbai Mountain in advance to arrange the formation to eliminate Dorgon. Now that Ye Chen appeared, it meant that they were well prepared.

Surprisingly, Li Mazi actually asked Ye Chen to report the news to me, while he stayed where he was. This was not his style.

"It was almost ready over there, but then the candles couldn't be lit! Master Li felt something was wrong, so he asked me to come to you quickly," Ye Chen said.

After hearing this, I was stunned for a moment, and then I understood what was going on.

I asked Li Mazi to follow my drawings and set up a five-element formation where Dorgon might appear.

Dorgon is much more powerful than his mother. It is difficult to trap him with ordinary small formations, so I asked Li Mazi to come over in advance to choose a place.

The Five Elements Formation is much more advanced than the Five Elements Formation. The place chosen must have mountains, rivers, and woods.

The mountains are gold, the rivers are water, the trees are wood, and the earth is earth. The only thing missing is fire!

Therefore, I specifically told Li Mazi to bring more candles and artificially create fire.

It’s just that I calculated so hard that I ignored the special nature of the weather tonight. The full moon facilitated my attracting Dorgon, but it also attracted all the lonely ghosts in Changbai Mountain.

Li Mazi's candle couldn't light, probably because there were ghosts nearby. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but worry about Li Mazi. It was difficult for him to deal with these ghosts wandering in the mountains.

Anyway, Dorgon hasn't come yet, so I asked Ye Chen to help me keep an eye on Boss Jin and call me as soon as he discovered the situation.

Then he quickly ran towards the position of the formation!

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