Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 549 Five Elements Formation VS Fire Bow

At this juncture, time is of the essence. I tried my best to search in the snow for half an hour, but I couldn't find Li Mazi, so I stopped in confusion.

Where did Li Mazi go?

Besides, there is no river nearby, so how can we form the Five Elements Formation? Could it be that Ye Chen pointed me to the wrong path?

Just when I was wondering, I suddenly received a call from Li Mazi. As soon as he answered the call, Li Mazi hurriedly shouted: "Brother Zhang, what are you doing with the plane? Boss Jin is already here. In order to save our lives, Ye Chen and I can only He hid in the Five Elements Formation, he seemed to be possessed, he was so strong that even the bodyguards couldn't hold him down."


After hearing this, I asked excitedly: "You mean you and Ye Chen are together?"

"Yes, if you don't come over, we will be doomed..."

When I listened to Li Mazi's words, I felt like I was about to cry. Damn, I fell into a trap! Ye Chen who just gave me directions must be fake.

But I didn’t feel the aura of Dorgon’s ghost in the fake Ye Chen. Could it be that he was a lonely ghost in the mountains pretending to be him?

Just as he was thinking about it, Li Mazi's call came from behind him: "Brother from the Zhang family."

I subconsciously turned my head and found Li Mazi and Ye Chen, one on the left and one on the right, supporting the unconscious Boss Jin, who was coming towards me.

If it hadn't been for Li Mazi's call just now, I would have believed it to be true. Since these brats still want to pretend to be Li Mazi and play with me, I will have fun with them!

Thinking of this, my hands slowly touched my waist.

I want to see what kind of monsters these three are!

They are certainly not ordinary ghosts, otherwise it would be impossible to transform into human beings. When they got closer, I pretended to go up to help, and then I unexpectedly swung the Sirius Whip, and at the same time chanted the Beidou Sirius Technique!

The three dummies in front of me didn't expect that I would take action. They were instantly whipped by the shining starry wolf whip. With three screams, billowing black smoke came out of their bodies, and then turned into several streaks of white. The shadow swooshed and ran into the distance.

I looked at the white shadows and was stunned for a moment. Only after they disappeared completely did I realize that these were not ghosts at all, but three badgers.

I have long heard that there are many jackals and badgers who have become spirits in Changbai Mountain. They like to turn into human forms, confuse the hunters who come up the mountain, and then eat up the bodies of the hunters. Now I have learned the lesson.

Normally, I would definitely have chased after these badgers and caught them all, but now Li Mazi was so desperate that he had to give up this idea.

Although I wasn't afraid of being hurt by a few badger spirits, I was a little worried that they might try to deceive me again, so I used the spirit-inviting technique.

Since I carried all my belongings with me, I quickly hired a wild ghost to carry me on my back. This wild ghost had a green face and fangs, and was two to three meters tall. It must be some kind of Yaksha guarding the mountain.

After it took me to run, I closed my eyes and felt the rhythm of it taking me on the road. I felt the cold wind whistling on both sides, and all my hair was blown back, so that my scalp was numb.

In just a few minutes, the yaksha ghost stopped.

I opened my eyes and looked around, and saw a faint candlelight flickering in the distance.

This must be the candle that Li Mazi lit when he was setting up the Five Elements Formation, but it was still some distance away from me, but why didn't this yaksha ghost refuse to run forward? There was even a hint of fear in the eyes he looked at me.

It seems that it sensed Dorgon's aura and didn't want to take risks.

I sighed, gave it a drop of blood, let it go, and then strode forward.

Before long, I heard Dorgon's wild laughter from a distance: "Hahaha, the sky has eyes, I will kill you all today! Avenge E Niang."

I followed the sound and walked a few more steps in, and I was surprised to find that Boss Jin had put on the armor of the Eight Banners Soldiers of the Qing Dynasty at some point, carrying a bronze bow on his back, and even had dense symbols painted on his face.

Although I don’t understand Manchu, I understand that this is the shape used during sacrifices. Apparently Dorgon really appeared and was worshiping the Holy Mountain!

Li Mazi and Ye Chen shivered and hid in the Five Elements Formation. They both held lit candles in their hands, which just formed the Five Elements with the nearby environment. The Five Elements aura was like a large upside-down bowl, covering the two of them. Among them, otherwise Dorgon would have succeeded long ago.

However, Dorgon obviously would not be stopped by the Five Elements Formation. He pulled up his bronze bow and shot an arrow wrapped in flames. After the arrow, the transparent aura in front of Li Mazi shook momentarily.

Fortunately, the candle in Li Mazi's hand was not extinguished, but the flame was relatively smaller. Dorgon's smile froze when he saw this scene.

Then he fired arrows at Li Mazi like crazy, shouting while shooting: "I will kill you, not even a single one of you will be spared!"

And I was even more shocked than Dorgon. This bronze bow used to give Boss Jin a splitting headache and insomnia in Abahai's hands. But now in Dorgon's hands, it can shake my Five Elements Formation.

And those flaming arrows that are constantly shooting out have vague signs of extinguishing the candles!

Once the candle is extinguished, the Five Elements Formation will cease to exist. Not to mention Li Mazi, even I probably won't know how to die.

In the blink of an eye, the candle in Li Mazi's hand was extinguished. Dorgon turned around and shot the candle in Ye Chen's hand.

Fortunately, they brought a bundle of candles with them when they came before, and they were able to delay it for a while with the wheel tactics.

Dorgon seemed to have noticed the two men's intentions. After ejaculating for a while, he stopped and turned to look at me sinisterly.

"I go……"

It seemed that he had discovered it. I felt a thump in my heart. Then I took a few steps forward and shouted to Li Mazi and Ye Chen: "Don't be afraid. As long as you hold on with candles until dawn, you'll be safe."

After saying that, I tightened my grip on the Sirius Whip and looked at Dorgon with a wary face.

"I planned to let you live one more day, but since you came to the door yourself, I will let you try the Qing Dynasty's Fiery Divine Bow!"

He said to me fiercely, his eyes turned blood red due to rage, and his face became distorted.

Apparently he was so hostile to me because I forced my mother to die. For a while, I didn't dare to look directly at him.

Li Mazi seemed to notice that something was wrong with my expression, so he sat there and shouted loudly: "Brother Zhang, cheer up, you are going to lose, and we will all be finished!"

"go to hell!"

As soon as Li Mazi finished speaking, Dorgon roared, raised his bow and shot at me. I hurriedly ducked to the side to avoid the attack.

Because my reaction speed is relatively fast, I dodged his many consecutive arrows. I breathed a sigh of relief and thought that he was not as scary as I thought. As long as I persisted until dawn, I would have a chance.

But he seemed to see my intention, so he turned the direction of the bow and arrow and shot an arrow fiercely at himself.

This shot directly hit Boss Jin's thigh, and a cloud of blood mist burst out from where the arrow hit.

"You can hide, but he can't!"

Dorgon sneered and continued to shoot an arrow at his other leg.

He is now possessed by Boss Jin. If he continues to shoot like this, Boss Jin will be tortured to death by him sooner or later!

It was obvious that Dorgon was ready to break up the vote. I felt a thump in my heart and suddenly ran out of ideas.

But I couldn’t just watch Boss Jin die in front of me, so I had to yell at him: “What do you want?”

"Kill you!" Dorgon pulled up his bronze bow and shot an arrow at Boss Jin again.

Seeing boss Jin's body bleeding out, I felt a little desperate. There is no room for negotiation with Dorgon at all. His only request is to let us die, but this is simply impossible!

Just when I was in a dilemma, Li Mazi suddenly rushed out of the formation, pushed Dorgon down, and snatched the bronze bow.

Dorgon focused all his attention on me and was caught off guard, but after all, his strength was much greater than Li Mazi. He grabbed the bronze bow in time and started fighting with Li Mazi.

I subconsciously rushed forward to help Li Mazi, but Li Mazi shouted loudly: "Brother Zhang, leave me alone, quickly set up the formation!"

What Li Mazi meant was that he was holding Dorgon back so that I could take the opportunity to rely on the surrounding environment to set up my formation and capture Dorgon in one fell swoop.

But he was no match for Dorgon in those two moves. In just a few seconds, Dorgon snatched the bow away.

The angry Dorgon punched Li Mazi to the ground, and then aimed an arrow at Li Mazi's head!

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