Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 550 Great Friendship

At this moment, it was too late to stop him. I could only watch Dorgon bend his bow and draw an arrow!

Fortunately, Li Mazi's reaction was not slow and he moved his head to the side in time to avoid the fatal blow.

Even so, Li Mazi was still shot in the shoulder, and the fiery arrow burned his shoulder completely black. Li Mazi screamed in pain, and then gritted his teeth and shouted again: "What are you still doing? Take action."


As soon as he finished speaking, Li Mazi spat out a mouthful of blood. It turned out that Dorgon shot another arrow at him.

Seeing that the situation was dangerous, Ye Chen rushed out of the formation and grabbed the bow and arrow with Dorgon while telling me to take action quickly.

"Oh shit!"

I watched the two of them being beaten by Dorgon, and couldn't help but curse. Then I looked at the surrounding environment carefully. There were mountains and trees, but no water. The small river happened to miss the five elements arranged by Li Mazi. Array.

No wonder the formation was broken instantly!

The layout of the Five Elements Formation is very particular. If one of the five elements representing metal, wood, water, fire, and earth is missing, the power will be greatly reduced.

At this point, I didn't care so much anymore. I transferred the formation again, then sat down cross-legged, closed my eyes and silently recited the incantation of the Five Elements Formation.

But the more anxious you are, the less you can activate the water that is missing among the five elements!

Li Mazi and Ye Chen were already covered in blood and were about to die.

"Brother Zhang, please leave quickly! Walk as far as you can and help me take care of my son and daughter." Li Mazi said, spitting out blood.

Seeing that I couldn't activate the formation, he actually advised me to run for my life. He grabbed Dorgon's bow tightly to prevent Dorgon from aiming at me.

For the first time, I saw that Li Mazi was not afraid of death sometimes.

This is friendship, the friendship that goes through life and death together. Only with this friendship can Li Mazi be willing to give his life for his friends.


My nose felt a little sore for a moment. I gritted my teeth and looked at Dorgon. He was also looking at me, his eyes full of the disdain of a winner.

"I will fight with you!"

I didn't believe that I really couldn't activate the Five Elements Formation, so I took out a dagger and cut my finger, drawing a blood circle with myself as the center, and then drew four arrows around me, pointing to the entire Changbai Mountain, the primeval forest, and the land under my feet. and the river in the distance.

Coupled with the fire smelted by his own blood, it happens to be the five elements!

Then I chanted the incantation again while dripping my own blood into the circle in the center.

As the blood increased, the four arrows spread out one after another, but maintained their arrow shape.

Obviously the formation has been activated with the injection of essence and blood. I was overjoyed and sped up the spell!

This time, I will cover the entire Changbai Mountain peak in the Five Elements Formation and see how you can escape.

Finally, just before I was feeling cold and about to pass out of shock, four points around me glowed brightly at the same time.

At the same time, a huge aperture formed on the peak of Changbai Mountain!

Then I heard countless wailing sounds, and it felt like there were thousands of rats gnawing at me in the depths of my soul, and it was painful.

This is the result of the lonely ghosts shrouded in the Five Elements aperture trying to break through the Five Elements Formation. It was my first time to set up such a large formation, and I finally understood why my grandfather kept reminding me not to foolishly expand the formation.

Because before dealing with Dorgon, you must first withstand the impact of other demons and ghosts!

I have to say that I didn't consider this before, so I can only carry it now.

Gradually, the rat-grabbing feeling became smaller and smaller, indicating that the ghosts lying on the gun had been almost eliminated by the Five Elements Formation.

And I was so weak, beads of sweat as big as soybeans oozed from my forehead, and my whole body felt cold, as if I was in an ice cellar. The speed of reciting the incantation became increasingly difficult, and I couldn't help but close my eyes.

Gradually, the light in front of my eyes disappeared, and Li Mazi and Dorgon disappeared. I felt like I was in chaos. I felt so tired that I was about to close my eyes in a daze.

"My dear grandson, wake up quickly, don't sleep! Once you fall asleep, you will never wake up again."

Just before I lost consciousness, my grandfather's voice suddenly came to my ears. I suddenly opened my eyes. Where was the shadow of my grandfather in front of me?

The light is still there, but much dimmed. Dorgon no longer cared about Li Mazi and Ye Chen, and he didn't know when he jumped out of Boss Jin's body, floating in the air and rolling around.

It seems that it is not that grandpa has come back, but that at the last moment of his death, the longing for grandpa in my heart turned into a force to wake me up.

I was a little disappointed, but when I saw Li Mazi and others lying on the ground, I felt a sense of responsibility in my heart, and I forced myself to cheer up and recite the spell.

Right now Dorgon and I are in a confrontation, and it would be beneficial for me to hold on, but I know that my physical strength won't last long, so I bite the tip of my tongue in all my might and inject my last essence into the aperture in front of me!

Just hearing a brushing sound, the five elements formation in front of me lit up instantly, illuminating everything around me like daylight.

Dorgon's struggling figure immediately stopped. He let out a scream of "ah" and was immediately shaken out of his mind.

I forced a smile, and when the aperture dissipated, my whole body felt as if it had been hollowed out, and I closed my eyes directly.

When I regained consciousness, it felt like I was in a dream. Noisy sounds kept coming from my ears, but I could see nothing except a hazy white light.

It wasn't until I heard Yin Xinyue's cry that I suddenly opened my eyes. I found myself lying in the hospital, surrounded by people.

There is Yin Xinyue, Li Mazi, Boss Jin and Ye Chen.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked as I tried to sit up from the hospital bed and shook my dizzy head.

When Yin Xinyue saw that I woke up, she threw herself into my arms and started crying.

"Jilin, you finally woke up. I thought you would never wake up again."

Yin Xinyue's face was very tired, with some dark circles under her eyes. Li Mazi and the others all looked tired, and I noticed that the injuries on the three of them were almost healed. When I asked, I found out that he had been lying down for half a month!

For half a month, Yin Xinyue cried and told me that the doctor said that if I didn't wake up, I might become a vegetative state.

I was scared for a while after listening to it, but I didn’t regret it!

The worst outcome is that I turn into a vegetative state, but if we didn't set up a killing array at that time, Li Mazi and the others would all die.

A person's life may be long or short. The most important thing is to be responsible and responsible!

Just like Li Mazi stepped forward to save me.

This is the most precious thing for human beings, a great feeling that is different from beasts.

Since I was already awake, I did not continue to disturb Boss Jin. Besides, I had nothing to do. The internal injuries I suffered would be cured if I went back and slowly nursed back to health, so I left Changbai Mountain.

Boss Jin originally wanted to keep me for a while, and his family was very grateful to me, but I insisted on leaving, so Boss Jin gave me a bronze bow.

At the same time, after Boss Jin’s mother learned that Yin Xinyue was my girlfriend, she gave her a unique gift: a pair of bracelets carved from pure gold and inlaid with agate.

According to Boss Jin’s mother, this is an heirloom of the Jin family and something used by the royal family.

She insisted on giving it, so I had to ask Yin Xinyue to accept it, but I didn't receive any more remuneration from Boss Jin. I really made a good friend through a business!

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