Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 551: Wedding ghost story

After I went back and recuperated for half a month, I recovered. At the same time, I started to contact the man in the T-shirt, Senior Rat, and everyone I could contact one by one.

Because, I'm getting married!

Yin Xinyue and I witnessed the love between Li Mazi and Chu Chu, and the romantic relationship between Li Mazi and Ruxue. Even their daughter Xiao Nianchu has learned to walk.

During this period, Yin Xinyue expressed her desire to marry me more than once, but I always pretended not to understand because I wanted to wait until I was completely stable before getting married. But after what happened with Dorgon, Yin Xinyue was completely panicked...

She was afraid that if she waited any longer, she would suffer a lifetime of regrets, so she proposed marriage as soon as she returned home.

I looked at her serious expression and was deeply moved by her. From the time we met on the human bone necklace to now, Yin Xinyue and I have experienced countless life and death moments together. If she disliked my career, I am afraid she would have left me long ago.

Since she doesn't care, why should I cower? No matter what the future holds, we don’t seek eternity, only the present.

Therefore, I, who was originally low-key, became more public than ever before. Not only did I contact the bosses I knew in the business, I even invited Li Mazi’s friends, Ruxue’s relatives, and other people who were beyond my reach, just to give the new An unforgettable wedding!

The night before the wedding, I dreamed about my grandpa. He looked at me with a smile and said, "My dear grandson, I have been away for so long, and you finally did something serious. When you get married, hurry up and give me a grandson."

I promised him, grandpa never talks nonsense, he patted me on the shoulder and left.

On the day of the wedding, the entire antique street was more crowded than ever before. Friends both familiar and unknown came to support the wedding, with contributions ranging from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands, which made Li Mazi, the best man responsible for receiving gifts, beam with joy.

There was nothing much to say about the wedding ceremony. Boss Jin organized it all. In order to make it more grand, Boss Jin specially drove a dozen Lamborghinis to be my wedding cars.

After it was over, I had some drinks with the T-shirt man, Senior Rat, and Zen Master Baimei.

If my career in this business was influenced by my grandfather, then I cannot survive today without the help of these three people.

The man in the T-shirt always helped me unconditionally, Zen Master Baimei also came to my rescue many times, and even the wretched Senior Rat actually taught me with the mentality of an elder.

Maybe because my mood changed after getting married, I drank a few more drinks and called him grandpa a few times while I was drunk.

I don’t know if Senior Shu was drunk, but he cried silently after listening for a while.

Let’s put aside the gossip for the time being. After the wedding, relatives and friends left one after another. I also told myself in my heart that I would be responsible for Yin Xinyue and the family in the future, and I would interfere as little as possible in matters involving vaginal objects.

But there is a saying that is right, many times if you don’t look for trouble, trouble will come to you!

After they all left, Li Mazi and I sorted out the betrothal gifts against the gift list. It was not because I was afraid that Li Mazi would take advantage of it, but mainly because favors are always reciprocal, so it is necessary to remember them clearly.

After reviewing the gift list, I was surprised to find that there was a record of the Zhang family in Jiangbei on the list. The Zhang family sent an embroidered pair of golden boy and girl dolls. The embroidery materials were all gold and silver, and the date was signed during the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty.

Unexpectedly, it was something from the early Ming Dynasty that could be worth at least eighteen million. The Zhang family was bleeding this time, and it also had the connotation of giving birth to a child early.

It seems that although the Zhang family looks down on my lineage, they still hope that I can help the Zhang family.

In any case, we all come from an ancient family. I reciprocated by mailing the bronze bow to Da Jinya as a return gift to the elders of the Zhang family.

It is worth mentioning that after everything on the gift list was matched, there was still a strange hosta left!

This jade hairpin is exquisitely made and has a cool feeling when you touch it. The most peculiar thing is that there is a red phoenix in the hairpin made of pure jade, just like the phoenix is ​​hidden in the jade embryo.

It was so miraculous that I once thought it was a modern handicraft, but upon closer inspection I discovered that it was a genuine antique, at least a thousand years old.

To be able to give me such a valuable object was obviously a very unusual relationship. I couldn't help but blame Li Mazi. Others gave me such a big gift, but they forgot to write down their names!

Yin Xinyue fell in love with this hairpin at a glance and inserted it directly into her hair. Before going to bed, she even asked me with a smile if I could give the hairpin to her.

Not to mention, she is really beautiful when she wears it. But I still don’t know who gave the hairpin, so I told Yin Xinyue that it was best not to wear this hairpin outside.

"Oh fine……"

Xinyue nodded after hearing this, obviously unhappy.

She rarely looks like this. It seems that she likes this hosta so much. I regretted saying not to let her wear it. I felt that it was a bit disappointing, so I quickly changed my words and let her wear it casually, and then I was like a hungry tiger devouring a wolf. Pin her down.

I thought she would become happy, but she still looked unhappy, even looking sad for several days.

At first I just thought she was blaming me for not letting her wear the hairpin, or that she was suffering from post-marital depression, which would get better in a few days.

That night I woke up due to peeing. I opened the quilt and touched it subconsciously, only to find that Xinyue was not on the bed.

I thought she had also gone to the toilet, so I hurriedly ran out and saw that the lights outside were turned off. When I turned on the lights, I was surprised to find Xinyue sitting alone on the sofa.

She was wearing the red wedding dress we wore on our wedding day, and she had a thick layer of foundation on her face, which made her look extremely scary. The most eye-catching thing is that she frowned, as if she had encountered something painful. Even when I was standing next to her, I didn't notice it. Her whole body was like a piece of wood.

"Xinyue, what's wrong with you?"

I looked at her and asked nervously. I had felt something was wrong with her since we got married, and now it was almost certain that she had something on her mind.

She came back to her senses at this time, just nodded to me, and went back to the room to sleep without saying a word.

I was afraid that she would go out again, so I pretended to be asleep and stayed by the bed. As a result, she didn't go out again until dawn.

During the day, Li Mazi and Ruxue came to eat. During the period, they always got together and talked quietly. When I asked them what was wrong, Li Mazi just shook his head.

When Yin Xinyue went to take a bath, Li Mazi said with a solemn face: "Brother Zhang, don't you feel something is wrong? Why do I feel that my younger siblings are a little strange."

"Yes, Xin Yue seems to have become a different person after getting married! Every move she makes is extremely dignified, completely different from her original naughty and lively character." Ruxue agreed from the side.

I laughed and said that I didn’t care whose wife it was, it was a must to be well-educated and sensible.

"That's not what I meant, I meant..."

When Li Mazi said this, he quietly looked back. Seeing that Xinyue was not paying attention, he said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid my brother and sister have recruited something?"

When I heard this, I suddenly thought of Xinyue's strange behavior last night, and then recalled her taciturn appearance since her marriage, and I couldn't help but be stunned.

If it is normal for her to just treat me like this, but now even her best friend Ruxue thinks she is strange, then there is really a problem!

Then I left the antique store with Li Mazi while I was out buying cigarettes, and told him what I had discovered last night. After hearing this, Li Mazi patted his thigh and said that you are usually very smart, but why did you become confused when something happened to you?

"What's the meaning?"

"If you think about what my siblings were like before and what they are like now, there is probably something weird in the gifts we received, and it was probably caused by the hosta with unknown origins!"

Li Mazi's words woke up the dreamer. It seemed that Yin Xinyue had never taken off the hairpin since she put it on.

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