Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 552 Princess Taiping

In order to find out if the hosta was causing trouble, I waited until night, while Yin Xinyue was asleep, to pull the hairpin off her head, locked it in the cabinet, and then slept peacefully.

In the middle of the night, I suddenly heard footsteps coming from the hall. I thought there was a thief in the house and woke up. When I opened my eyes, I found that Yin Xinyue was missing again!

The light in the bedroom was on, and the cabinet where I hid the hosta had been pried open...

It seems that the problem is really the hosta. In fact, if you get the hosta while sleeping under the new moon and destroy it, the matter will be over. But I have developed the habit of digging into the roots of problems to form good relationships. At least the Yin spirit in the hosta has not harmed Yin Xinyue until now.

What's more, based on Xinyue's recent behavior, I think Yin Ling should be a resentful woman, otherwise she wouldn't be depressed all day long.

So I didn't disturb her again, but quietly picked up the Sirius whip and hid behind the door to observe quietly!

I saw her sitting on the sofa and sighing from time to time, and finally opened the door and left the house. I quickly followed and found that she seemed to be walking forward with a purpose, until she reached the suburbs.

After arriving in the suburbs, her speed was obviously much faster. I was afraid that she would make a mistake and speed up quickly. As a result, I accidentally stepped on a branch.

Yin Xinyue stopped immediately, then turned to look at me, with a strange smile on her lips.

The reason why it is called weird does not mean that this smile is scary. On the contrary, this smile is very sweet, but it is the smile of another woman!

Just when I didn't know what to do, Yin Xinyue rolled her eyes and fainted. I quickly stepped forward and pulled out the hosta, and then took her home.

I stayed by the bed that night, but nothing happened. However, the next day Yin Xinyue started to have a fever. I quickly made a bowl of talisman water for her to drink, and then she gradually got better.

Unexpectedly, the first thing she did when she woke up was to ask me for a hosta, and she was very ready to fight me if I didn't give it to her!

I thought about it and returned the hairpin to Yin Xinyue.

But he secretly made an appointment with Li Mazi to follow Yin Xinyue tonight to see what she was going to do?

That night, I continued to pretend to be asleep and felt Yin Xinyue's movements next to me. As if she knew what I and Li Mazi were planning, she actually fell asleep.

After a while, I heard a slight snoring. I relaxed a little and sent a text message to Li Mazi asking him to stop squatting outside and go home early to rest. Then I fell asleep.

I don’t know how long I’ve been sleeping, but my phone suddenly rang. I picked it up in a daze and asked listlessly: “Who is it?”

"Is your kid still sleeping? Your wife is gone!"

Li Mazi said anxiously. After hearing this, I reflexively touched my side, and Yin Xinyue disappeared again.

"Fuck!" I punched the bed and asked Li Mazi to keep an eye on him. I put on my clothes and ran after him.

Soon I saw Li Mazi, who was dozens of meters behind Xinyue. After seeing me coming over, he glared at me fiercely and said seriously: "Brother Zhang, you have to listen to me this time. You have to destroy the hairpin no matter what you say. You are married!"

This is the first time Li Mazi has spoken to me as an older brother. Having been married three times, he is qualified to teach me a lesson.

In terms of the Gu family, he did really well. I nodded and gritted my teeth and made up my mind. Since this hairpin has tortured my wife several times, I will no longer be polite to it.

After continuing to chase for half an hour, we arrived at the riverside. Yin Xinyue had no intention of stopping and continued walking over.

"Damn it, my siblings aren't going to jump into the river, are they?"

Li Mazi's eyes widened, and my eyes suddenly turned blood red, and I rushed forward desperately.


At this time, Yin Xinyue turned her head lightly, looked at the two of us, shook her head helplessly, and then plunged into the river.

Fortunately, this section of the river was relatively stable, so I quickly jumped in and hugged her.

In the process of pulling up, I clearly felt her body getting heavier, as if she was falling with endless force. Fortunately, I had the Sirius Whip in my waist, and I quickly wrapped Yin Xinyue with the whip. Only then did he successfully rescue her.

The moment he returned to the shore, Li Mazi pulled the hosta directly from Yin Xinyue's head. Then I was no longer polite and held a whip in one hand and hit the finger with the other. After the Sirius Whip was filled with full mana, 'pop' He pulled it towards the hairpin in one swoop.

Then a scream came from the hosta, and then a plump woman wearing a wedding dress and a phoenix crown floated out from it.

It stands to reason that a female ghost beaten like this by me would either run away with a face full of fear, or prepare to retaliate against me viciously, but she stayed there motionless, with no expression on her face except the usual melancholy.

"Why are you still standing there in a daze? If I hadn't stayed up all night to keep watch, my brother and sister would be dead right now!" Seeing me dazed, Li Mazi was afraid that I would feel compassion for him, so he said with hatred at the side.

After hearing this, I suddenly came back to my senses. Li Mazi was right. I asked Li Mazi to go back before going to bed. If he had listened to me, Yin Xinyue would have been...

"Don't blame me for being cruel, I gave you a chance!"

I said fiercely to the female ghost in the red wedding dress, and at the same time raised the Sirius Whip to perform the Beidou Sirius Judgment.

This female ghost has no offensive power, and the Beidou Sirius Jue was enough to disperse her. Unexpectedly, before I could use my hands, Yin Xinyue's voice came from behind: "Husband, don't hurt her..."

I suddenly turned around and was surprised to find that Yin Xinyue had woken up. Except for her poor complexion, everything was back to normal.

"No, this is not negotiable! Do you know, it almost killed you."

As I spoke, anger welled up in my heart again, but Yin Xinyue said resolutely: "I am the one who wants to jump, it has nothing to do with her!"


I was stunned after hearing this, and Li Mazi was also confused.

"Husband, she is just a woman who longs for love, but she has been abandoned by so many men. She is really pitiful..."

Yin Xinyue told us about the female ghost in tears.

Hosta is indeed a feminine object. Li Mazi and I guessed it right. It's just that the female ghost didn't mean to hurt anyone. She has been telling Xinyue about her experiences these days...

It turns out that she is the famous Princess Taiping in history. As the daughter of Wu Zetian, Princess Taiping was smart, noble and beautiful since she was a child.

Logically speaking, such a girl should have a happy marriage, but her marriage was a huge tragedy!

From the first marriage to Xue Shao to the last marriage to Wu Youji, she was married three times in her life. Each time she longed for love, but she was a tool for power struggle, and in the end she was covered in bruises.

She wore a wedding dress three times, but failed to gain any love. She was unable to extricate herself from the whirlpool of emotions throughout her life, and eventually died alone. After her death, a trace of her soul remained in her favorite hosta, longing for love. Wait for your love.

After listening to this, I couldn't help but feel a little sad. No wonder Yin Xinyue always wears wedding clothes, because this is the most sad but also the most obsessed episode in Princess Taiping's life.

And Yin Xinyue was also infected by Princess Taiping's pessimism, so she committed suicide by diving into the water.

All this is because of one word of love!

I suddenly realized that I should be grateful to Princess Taiping. If Yin Xinyue had a sufficient sense of security, she would not be affected by Princess Taiping's obsession.

The reason why she committed suicide was because she had no sense of security in her subconscious mind, which showed that my company for her was far from enough.

In the end, I didn't hurt Princess Taiping, but in order to prevent her from continuing to affect other girls, I gave the hosta to a nunnery.

She can't influence those nuns who have lost their ordinary minds. Maybe she can completely see through the mortal world through the nuns chanting sutras year after year. If that is the case, it is another good fate.

Life seemed to be calm again, but Mazi Li and I were more vigilant than ever before.

The hosta was solved, but the person who gave it away didn't leave any clues.

Who could he be? Could it be staring at us from some corner that we can't see...

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