Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 554: Panic in the Haunted House

His name is Shen Haoran. A month ago, he made an appointment with a group of social friends to drink. Once the young people got drunk, they started playing a game of courage! I don’t know who made the suggestion, but in the end they went to a famous local haunted house.

Everyone was so drunk that night that they didn't even remember what happened.

All I knew was that after waking up, everyone's bodies were covered with large and small claw marks, as if they had been scratched by something like a cat or dog. Everyone thought that a wild cat had come to the haunted house, so they didn't pay much attention.

Several people walked out of the haunted house intact, breathing the fresh air and feeling that it was so exciting.

Speaking of this, Shen Haoran seemed to have thought of something, and the hand holding the tea cup was shaking a little: "We originally wanted to go to the haunted house again next week. Let's see which coward will be scared to death if we don't drink this time! Who knows? , something happened to Chengzi that night..."

"Chengzi is a little girl who has just turned eighteen. She hasn't been to junior high school since. She hangs out in bars with us every night. As a result, Chengzi didn't come that night. We were wondering, but Chengzi's single mother came looking for her. They came to the door and said Chengzi was crazy! We rushed to Chengzi's house in a hurry and saw Chengzi with long hair hanging down, holding a painting in his hand, and touching it with ten fingernails, looking so crazy. Drunk, it seems that the painting has its own magic power." Shen Haoran said.

Hearing this, I suddenly felt a strange feeling in my heart, but soon the strange feeling disappeared. I nodded and let Shen Haoran continue.

"Master Zhang, you don't know! Cheng Zi's face at that time was so eye-catching, so pale without any blood, and his eyes were turned up, just like Sadako in Midnight Bell." Shen Haoran took a deep breath and said .

"What is that painting?" I asked.

"We were all scared crazy at the time. We didn't care about the painting! But I'm sure it was an ancient calligraphy and painting." Shen Haoran said.

I asked again and found out that this painting was brought out of the haunted house by this little girl named Chengzi. At that time, no one paid attention to it, but unexpectedly something happened.

After hearing this, Li Mazi's eyes began to light up again. It seemed that he thought the same thing as me, that this painting was a sinister object.

"What happened next?"

Li Mazi couldn't wait to urge Shen Haoran to continue.

"Later, Chengzi's mother saw that she was facing the painting all day long, without eating or drinking, and was so thin that she was just skin and bones. She cruelly knocked Chengzi unconscious and burned the painting..." Shen Haoran said.

"Burned?" I frowned. Generally speaking, femininity has its own consciousness, so how could it tolerate others burning itself? Isn't this a sinister thing?

But I know it's definitely not that simple, otherwise Shen Haoran wouldn't come to me for help today.

Sure enough, Shen Haoran paused and said: "Not only Chengzi's mother, but also all of us thought that as long as we burned the painting, everything would be fine. But who knew that when Chengzi woke up the next day, he didn't see the painting, and rushed out as if he was crazy. In front of my house, people were looking for paintings all over the streets! They kept muttering something, and they didn’t know how to hide when cars drove by. I was almost hit and killed several times.”

"Chengzi's mother was afraid that something would happen to her, so she kept watching her, but something happened in the end..."

"One night in the middle of the night, Chengzi's mother thought she was asleep, so she took a nap. But when she opened her eyes again, Chengzi had disappeared. Chengzi's mother searched all over the street, and finally found a body in the haunted house. The bloody Chengzi. Chengzi’s mother rushed her to the hospital and managed to rescue her, but Chengzi still hasn’t woken up until today," Shen Haoran said.

In addition, Shen Haoran also told me that one of their group of friends named Aaron has been a little strange these past two days and has stopped going out to play. He locks himself at home every day and does not answer the phone.

Shen Haoran was afraid that a group of them would be entangled in the painting, so he came to ask me for help.

My heart skipped a beat, these young people playing games really would not die unless they wanted to die! They probably provoked a very powerful evil thing, so they were entangled one by one.

Logically speaking, I can ignore this kind of femininity, especially for me who just got married.

But when I saw Shen Haoran banging and kowtowing to me on the ground, I finally relented and agreed to go over and have a look.

Then Li Mazi and I simply packed our packages and prepared to drive there. As soon as I stepped out of the store, I turned back unexpectedly and stuffed the paintings on the counter into my backpack.

After the car got off the expressway in Wuhan, the road was obviously much worse.

Shen Haoran's mood has recovered a lot under the influence of Li Mazi's dirty jokes all the way, and he even started joking with Li Mazi.

I drove the car and took a closer look at Shen Haoran through the rearview mirror. Only then did I realize that Shen Haoran was quite handsome, with a relatively well-proportioned figure, dyed yellow hair, and earrings. He looked like someone from a magazine. Korean celebrity.

My heart moved and I blurted out: "Xiao Shen, are you in love?"

Shen Haoran, who was joking with Li Mazi, was a little confused when I asked, and then shook his head.

"Is there a little girl you like?"

Shen Haoran nodded and shook his head.

I was confused by him, and after asking, I found out that the little girl he liked had a decent family style and did not agree with them being together.

I smiled slightly, said no more, and started driving with concentration.

The road was getting harder and harder, and the car was bumping slightly. I spent all my energy on looking at the road, so that I couldn't hear clearly what Li Mazi and Shen Haoran were having a heated discussion in the back seat.

It wasn't until Li Mazi pushed me from behind and turned the steering wheel desperately that I suddenly woke up.

"Brother Zhang, are you crazy? I tell you to brake!" Li Mazi yelled at me hysterically, as if his life was threatened.

I was a little confused by his yelling, and subconsciously stepped on the brakes. Then the car suddenly stopped. Only then did I realize that I had almost crashed into a house next to the road, and I couldn't help but feel scared.

Then I saw a white face plastered on the windshield of the car. It seemed that I almost crashed the car just now because of this white face!

But I saw that this face was as flat as a piece of white paper, with no mouth or nose, and only two eyes looking straight at me.

Facing the white face, my calves felt a little weak, and beads of sweat as big as soybeans oozed from my forehead. Li Mazi was not much better. He looked at the windshield with horror in his eyes. The aura of yelling at me just now completely disappeared...

Forget about Shen Haoran, he almost shrank into Li Mazi's crotch.

I didn't have the energy to care about them. Just when I was about to take out the Sirius Whip, I found that the backpack on the passenger seat was missing!

In desperation, I had no choice but to tear off a string of Buddhist beads hanging in the car and hold them in my hand.

This white face is very extraordinary. Even I was confused by him without knowing it. If it weren't for Li Mazi's cleverness, the three of us would have been killed on the road today!

I couldn't help but feel a little strange. It's hard to encounter ghosts around the city now, let alone such powerful ghosts.

Could it be that this is the evil spirit that Shen Haoran and the others encountered, and they know that I am going to deal with it, so they want to kill us on the way?

"Xiao Shen, how far is it from where you live?" I asked Shen Haoran without looking back.

Shen Haoran told me tremblingly that it would take at least half an hour to drive.

My heart sank. It seemed that this white face was not the ghost that Shen Haoran encountered.

"Brother from the Zhang family..."

Li Mazi and Shen Haoran huddled together and asked in a crying voice: "What should I do?"

I had no time to pay attention to him, and held the prayer beads tightly in my hand. If I remember correctly, these prayer beads have been blessed. This is the only guy we have at the moment.

That white face was still pressed against the windshield of the car, looking at me motionless.

I tried to start the car and drove slowly a few meters, and the face finally disappeared.

I leaned back on the seat and just breathed a sigh of relief when a murderous aura came from the back of my head. My heart was shaken, and I lowered my head subconsciously. The murderous aura flew past my scalp.

I looked closely and saw that what was flying past was just a button, but the murderous aura that just emitted was so strong.

I turned around and looked back, and it turned out to be Li Mazi!

One button on his jacket was missing, and his right hand remained in a throwing position.

Shen Haoran looked at Li Mazi with a horrified look on his face, and for a moment he didn't even dare to breathe.

Not only him, but also I was shocked by this scene.

Seeing me turning my head, Li Mazi let out a sinister laugh, as if there was a mouthful of phlegm stuck in his throat.

Before I had time to think about it, I bit the tip of my tongue and sprayed the essence and blood on the beads. Then I suddenly raised the beads and hit Li Mazi on the forehead.

Unexpectedly, Li Mazi reacted quickly. He actually saw my intention and tilted his body to the side.

At this critical moment, Shen Haoran, who was scared to death just now, hugged Li Mazi tightly.

After being hit by the beads, Li Mazi's body went limp and he lay on Shen Haoran's back.

I couldn't help but give Shen Haoran a thumbs up. I didn't expect that at the critical moment, this guy was really unambiguous!

At this time, a harsh horn sound suddenly came to my ears. I looked through the rearview mirror and realized that our car was lying on the side of the road.

The road is very narrow and the cars behind us are blocked by us. I quickly lit the fire, adjusted the direction and continued moving forward.

When I glanced at the co-pilot out of the corner of my eye, I was surprised to find that my backpack was still lying there quietly, as if it had never been lost.

If it weren't for the fact that one button was missing from Li Mazi's clothes, I would have thought that everything that just happened was just imagined.

There were no other accidents after that, and we arrived at the town where Shen Haoran lived smoothly.

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