Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 555 Little Secret

Because he was so scared on the road just now, Shen Haoran refused to take us to the haunted house immediately.

I shrugged helplessly, and had no choice but to find a hotel with Li Mazi to stay first!

Because of the scene in the car, I didn't dare to leave the Sirius Whip again. As soon as I lay on the bed, I opened my backpack, took out the Sirius Whip and wrapped it around my waist.

Li Mazi was lying on the side watching TV. He couldn't remember anything about being fucked, so I didn't mention it to him in order not to scare him.

But for the sake of safety, I still took out my parasol and asked him to take it with him. Then I took out a few more charms and posted them on the toilet and the window. I felt a lot more at ease. Just as I was about to close my backpack, my hand touched something like a scroll. When I took it out, I realized it was the one I bought today. An ancient painting.

I unfolded the scroll out of boredom, tilted my head and looked at it for a long time. I always felt that this painting was a little different from before, but I couldn't tell what was different...

When Li Mazi saw that I had brought this painting over, Hu Zuo shouted in shock: "Brother Zhang, don't you fall in love with the green beauty in this painting?"

As he said this, he winked at me. I was so amused by him that I didn't have the time to think about anything else. I just rolled my eyes at him and put the painting away, getting ready to go to bed.

After driving all the way, I was very exhausted and fell asleep not long after I lay down. It’s just that I didn’t sleep peacefully. There was a white face hanging around in my dream, but I couldn’t see clearly what the white face looked like.

After struggling like this all night, I was in a daze when I woke up, and my head still hurt. Li Mazi was already awake and seemed to be sleeping well.

I was a little jealous, thinking that this Li Mazi was really a bit fucked up, you think he was very brave, he would always scare the shit out of him when he encountered a ghost. But if you say he is timid, he can sleep soundly at any time.

It seemed like what happened last night had no impact on him at all. He even came up to me and asked me why I had two panda eyes.

I glared at him angrily, packed my things and prepared to go out, but I saw Shen Haoran as soon as I went out.

He also didn't sleep well all night. He had dark circles under his eyes that were bigger than mine. He looked very depressed. He was holding a plastic bag of breakfast in his hand, which he apparently bought for us.

Li Mazi and I solved several buns in three strokes, five divided by two, and slowly played poker. After being pulled and beaten by us for a while, Shen Haoran became extremely anxious and wanted to stand up several times. I had to explain: "Judging from the white face we met yesterday, what we have to deal with is not simple! Wait until noon If you go to the haunted house when the sun is at its hottest, you will have better chances.”

After hearing what I said, although Shen Haoran was still absent-minded when playing, he no longer urged him. We had something to eat at noon and then walked towards the haunted house that Shen Haoran mentioned.

The town is not big, and from time to time people I know come up to say hello to Shen Haoran. It seems that he is a local leader in this area.

Shen Haoran took us for about twenty minutes, turned to a relatively deserted street, and then stopped in front of an unfinished building. I looked up and looked at this haunted house, but found nothing.

That's right, apart from the fact that this building is a bit old and may have been unoccupied for a long time, which makes it look a bit desolate, there really isn't anything wrong with it, and it doesn't look a bit sinister.

"Go in and take a look before we talk!"

I raised my chin and said, thinking that it would be better not to be too arbitrary. After all, many times there is nothing that can be seen from the outside, but there is another mystery inside.

As soon as Shen Haoran heard that he was about to go in, his calves started to spin a little, and he refused to move forward for a long time.

Li Mazi followed behind, patted him on the shoulder, and said coaxingly: "What are you afraid of? It's the time of day when the Yang energy is at its strongest, and those unclean things don't dare to come out!"

I glanced at Li Mazi and didn't expose him. Anyway, what he said was always half bragging and half copying mine. There was nothing much to say.

After hearing this, Shen Haoran lowered his head and was silent for a long time. Then he led us to push open the door of the haunted house as if he had died early and was reborn!

When I walked in, I found that the decoration inside the haunted house was very ordinary, with rustic wooden tables and chairs from the countryside. The floor was covered with white tiles, and there was a staircase leading directly to the second floor. This is a typical rural villa style, there is nothing strange or disruptive to Feng Shui.

Then I walked around the second and third floors again, and they were almost the same. I could see nothing but dust all over the place and didn't get any useful information. But vaguely, I felt like something was wrong...

I just felt a thought flashing through my head. I knew subconsciously that this thought was very important, but I couldn't grasp it! Finally, he simply sat down on the stairs and recalled the layout of the entire building bit by bit.

Shen Haoran and Li Mazi looked at my serious look and didn't dare to say a word.

I was thinking about it and suddenly an idea flashed through my head, and I caught something wrong: Shen Haoran said that what they picked up in the haunted house was an ancient calligraphy and painting, but looking at the layout of this house, the people who lived here looked nothing like it. He is a person who can collect ancient calligraphy and paintings...

The charm of art lies in its artistic conception. It would be torture if you let a person without artistic conception collect calligraphy and paintings!

"Are you sure the painting in Cheng Zi's hand was picked up in a haunted house?" I stared at Shen Haoran, not letting go of any of his expressions.


Shen Haoran's voice was a little weak, and his eyes turned subconsciously when he spoke, obviously not daring to look at me. I was sure at that moment that he must be hiding something from us!

I suppressed the anger in my heart and continued to ask: "I've seen it. This building is normal. Why is it rumored to be a haunted house?"

Shen Haoran coughed and then explained to me the origin of the haunted house.

It turned out that a couple and the husband's old mother lived here before. The family of three originally lived well, but since the old mother passed away four years ago, strange things began to happen in this building.

The hostess would hear inexplicable noises every night. At first, the bowls in the house would fall out of the cupboard and smash to pieces. Later, the things in the house would start to move around on their own. Finally, the hostess would wake up every day and find that her There are many holes in the clothes.

As time passed, this incident spread, and rumors began to appear in the town, saying that the son and daughter-in-law were unfilial and abused their mother, so the old man came back to look for them after his death...

The couple were frightened and couldn't stand other people's pointing fingers, so they simply moved to another place. The building became empty, and then spread around and eventually became a well-known haunted house.

After hearing this, my face improved a little, knowing that Shen Haoran didn't lie to me again. After death, the soul will indeed float in the world for a period of time. Because they don't know that they are dead, they will repeat some of the things they did during their lifetime. But this kind of ghost cannot harm people and is essentially different from Yin spirits.

"Where did you lie when you woke up in the haunted house that day?" I asked.

As soon as I asked this question, Shen Haoran's face froze and he said he couldn't remember clearly.

Hearing what he said, my anger boiled up. I hate people who ask me for help and don't tell the truth. I immediately pulled Mazi Li and said, "Mazi, let's go, I can't control this matter!"

After listening to what I said, Li Mazi looked at Shen Haoran's flushed face. He immediately understood that this boy was not telling the truth, so he followed me out.

When Shen Haoran saw that we were really leaving, his eyes suddenly turned red: "Master Zhang, I..."

I looked back and saw that he was so anxious that he was about to burst into tears.

"Say it, last chance!"

I am not a cruel person, and the appearance I just put on was just to force Shen Haoran to tell the truth.

Shen Haoran sat on the stairs, put his hands in his hair, and sobbed softly. After a long time, he said: "Master Zhang, didn't I tell you last night that I have a girl I like?"

I nodded: "It's orange!"

"Master is indeed extraordinary." Shen Haoran smiled bitterly and finally told everything honestly.

It turns out that Shen Haoran particularly likes the simple and lively Chengzi, and his family is also well-off, so Chengzi's mother does not object to the relationship between the two, but considering that Chengzi is still young, she plans to wait a few years before considering marriage.

However, they were young and impulsive and could not control the hormones in their bodies. Shen Haoran often asked Chengzi out. A month ago, Shen Haoran's friends found a calligraphy and painting by Li Yu from nowhere and mysteriously wanted to show it to them.

Cheng Zi and Shen Haoran originally planned to find a chance to spend time alone in those days. A friend's appointment gave Cheng Zi inspiration, so he lied to his parents and said he was going to a good friend's house for two days. They originally planned to find a place to spend time together after seeing their friend's painting, but they didn't expect so many things to happen later.

After everyone arrived that day, Shen Haoran's friends kept praising the painting but didn't show it for a long time. They just kept urging everyone to drink.

After several bottles of wine, Shen Haoran became a little unconscious, and Cheng Zi also drank a lot of wine. At this time, the friend took out the painting, but everyone was so drunk that they only saw a scroll and did not open it to take a closer look.

Someone in the back got drunk and asked to play an adventure game and go to a haunted house! So a few people stumbled to the haunted house, only to find that the so-called haunted house was just an ordinary house with no ghosts inside. They immediately returned home in twos and threes.

After Shen Haoran drank wine and had already discussed with Chengzi, he walked at the end, and then quietly returned to the haunted house while no one was paying attention, and quietly did things inappropriate for children in the haunted house.

Shen Haoran paused at this point: "Actually, it doesn't matter. Cheng Zi and I were going to get married."

"What happened next?" I knew things must have started to go wrong from here.

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