Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 559 A river of spring water flows eastward

I was so frightened that I quickly moved away. It turned out that the female ghost had appeared behind me. I randomly took out a handful of moxa leaf ash from my arms and applied it to the injured area on my neck. Then I stood up and stared at the female ghost cautiously!

The female ghost's weapon is long water sleeves. In the dream, she danced to make people ecstasy, but now she dances to kill people.

I didn't intend to confront her head-on. Instead, I put the lighter close to the scroll and shouted loudly: "Wait a minute, do you want your husband to be wiped out in ashes?"

After hearing this, her movements froze, and then she attacked me even more fiercely!

The water sleeves were waved by her into the wind, and her ghost was no longer in front of my eyes, only the water sleeves that kept spinning were left.

"Damn it, Li Yu, you've screwed me over..."

My heart is extremely crazy. I feel that Li Yu has overestimated his status in the eyes of Emperor Zhou E. Emperor Zhou E has become a ghost, so how can he care about his heartless husband?

"Don't hesitate, burn!"

At this time, Li Yu's urgent voice suddenly came to my ears. It seemed that he had really made up his mind.

I couldn't bear it. He was really wiped out by the burning!

I ignored him and kept dodging Zhou Ehuang's attacks. I threw aside the Heavenly Wolf Whip that had lost its power, and grabbed the blood transfusion rack in the ward.

I don’t know how many people had given this rack blood transfusions, and it was more or less tainted with some yang energy. I used the rack to wrap the female ghost’s sleeves, and sure enough, she screamed.

Seeing that the blood transfusion stand was working, I waved it harder, but the stand was a bit heavy. After a few swings, I stopped panting.

When the female ghost saw that I was motionless, she immediately floated towards me miserably. I was soon cornered by her and had no way out!


Just then Li Yu's voice sounded, and I suddenly opened my eyes and found that the female ghost's nails stopped ten centimeters in front of my forehead, almost piercing my head.

I turned my head in surprise and found that Li Yu's ghost smiled and picked up the scroll and stopped on top of the candle.

Although a small candle cannot hurt Li Yu at all, if Li Yu flies into the flame and hits the candle, it will not be that simple to escape unscathed!

"I'm sorry Ehuang! I shouldn't have spent time with your sister and left you to die of illness alone in the palace. Your sister is indeed younger and more beautiful, but you are the only good wife who can truly accompany me. Alas! I have regretted it too. But it's too late when you regret it. People, why don't you cherish it when you get it, and regret it when you lose it? This is really asking how much sorrow you can have, just like a river of spring water flowing eastward."

After Li Yu finished speaking, he threw the scroll towards the candle. I was stunned. I didn't expect Li Yu to be so cruel to me!

The female ghost obviously didn't expect him to be so decisive, so she wailed and pounced on him. However, the scroll burned violently, with plumes of black smoke emitting, and Li Yu's ghost gradually disappeared as the scroll was lit. Even though he was being roasted by the fire, he remained silent and still maintained his imperial aura. I couldn't help but admire him.

However, as Li Yu's ghost disappeared, the female ghost became more violent. The black mist around me became thicker and thicker, and it quickly surrounded me.

"You all have to die, and you all have to be buried with him!"

Seemingly seeing that I had nothing to defend myself from, she no longer rushed to deal with me, but instead roared crazily.

I'm a little speechless. Wasn't Li Yu's Yin spirit forced to death by her? Why is it all on me?

But I also understand that as Li Yu's soul dissipates, it is no longer possible to peacefully transcend Zhou Ehuang's ghost. I didn't activate the formation before because I didn't want to hurt Li Yu. Who knew he had such a strong character.

Before the female ghost could take action against me, I immediately jumped to the center of the formation.

The female ghost immediately rushed over with gritted teeth. How could I let go of the last chance? I quickly closed my eyes and recited the spell. At the same time, I took out the prepared peach soul flowers from my arms and placed them in front of me.

The power of the Peach Soul Flower should not be underestimated, but it is too small to be suitable for attack, but it can have a very good defensive effect. As the Peach Soul Flower was sacrificed, a burst of dazzling pink light emitted and the female ghost's sleeves popped open. She let out a scream, and at the same time, the light of the Peach Soul Flower disappeared.

I opened my eyes and looked at her, and found a ferocious smile on her face, obviously knowing that the Peach Soul Flower was ineffective. I shook my head, completely gave up the idea of ​​saving her, and directly activated the mutual generation and mutual restraint formation.

Then two haloes of light appeared with me as the center. The haloes continued to rotate, and the light emitted caught the female ghost off guard. She stared at me blankly for a long time before reflexively hitting the living door.

Unfortunately, as soon as she broke through the door of life, she was blocked by the door of death in another small formation. Due to the rapid rotation of the two halos, no matter which door she went out from, she would encounter the door of death.

Under the illumination of silver light, the black energy on the female ghost's body became thinner and thinner until it finally disappeared.

I breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to ask her what she wanted to say in the end, but she suddenly rushed towards the burning scroll and watched her being swallowed up by the fire. I felt an indescribable feeling in my heart...

Li Yu and Zhou Ehuang would definitely be a model couple who would love each other until old age.

But what about model couples? It’s not that I can’t resist the temptation of beauty in the world.

This is the man, the truest man.

Emperor Zhou E could tolerate the Yingying Yanyan in the harem, but he couldn't bear the affair between her husband and his biological sister.

It is said that after Emperor Zhou E found out about Li Yu and Little Queen Zhou, he lay facing the wall every day and never looked at the heartless man again until his death.

Chengzi woke up the next morning. After such a fuss, Chengzi's mother agreed to her daughter's marriage. Shen Haoran decided that I had a favor for him and decided not to be a gangster from now on, but to shoulder the responsibility of a husband. responsibility. And asked me to stay for a wedding drink.

Their wedding was small but very warm. Li Mazi and I refused Shen Haoran's kindness to invite us to sit down and hid in a corner quietly drinking wine. After a meal of wine, Li Mazi and I slept all night, then drove back to Wuhan accompanied by the newlyweds.

I took the remaining scroll with me and planned to go back and continue research, because I still couldn't figure out how a fake became the hidden possession of Li Yu, the empress of the Southern Tang Dynasty?

Later, I found experts in the field of calligraphy and painting, and found out that this was an assembled painting. The painting was fake, but the inscription was real.

Thinking of Li Yu, dressed in white, generously going to the fire, I couldn't help but sigh. He actually chose to destroy himself in this way. It was obvious that he had been feeling guilty for thousands of years deep in his heart. He wanted to be a good husband, but in the end he became a heartless man.

Just like the recent high-profile article about the cheating of a big star, why should we be obsessed with temporary beauty and break up our good wife for the rest of our lives?

You would have been a better husband.

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