Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 560: Corpse-shattering Demon

As autumn enters, it rains more in the south. Logically speaking, this rainy season will wash away the Yang Qi, and a lot of dirty things will come out to cause trouble at this time. It should be my busiest time of the year, but there is no one there. Come to your door!

Because it was raining, I was too lazy to go out, so I could only stay in the store and wait for mold to form.

Li Mazi, a heterosexual and inhuman thing, came to the store to play Contra with me two days ago. When he heard that Ruxue had returned from her parents' home, he immediately went to be her little eunuch, leaving me alone to drink tea. Watch the news to pass the time.

I sat on a chair and opened the newspaper. I felt that the current news was no longer what it used to be. Entertainment headlines were everywhere, either this star got married or that star cheated. There was nothing substantive. It was so damn boring.

I threw the newspaper aside casually and was about to get up and stretch my muscles. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I caught a shocking headline: Chen Yiqing, a well-known Fujian entrepreneur, died mysteriously!

I have seen Chen Yiqing in many financial news. This guy is only in his early forties and looks very capable. When he was young, he and his wife started from scratch and built the most famous e-commerce brand in Fujian in just five years. Now he sells household appliances abroad, with an annual transaction volume of several billion, making him a miracle figure in the domestic e-commerce industry.

So I couldn't help but pick up the newspaper and read the news at a glance.

After reading the news, I couldn't help but frown!

Although the picture accompanying the news was mosaic, I could still see that this guy's death was extremely miserable. The body was chopped into pieces as big as fingernails. It must have been a vendetta! What’s so damn weird is that the police actually said they found no signs of anyone committing a crime at the scene, which is fucking nonsense.

This kind of thing is not new these days. Shopping malls are like battlefields, and any negotiation dispute may become a reason for killing. I stopped paying attention after reading it.

What I didn't expect was that Chen Yiqing's incident was just the beginning. In the following days, several horrifying corpse dismemberment cases were launched in Fujian. The victims were all successful people, and no clues could be found at the scene.

The incident escalated rapidly, and the serial dismemberment case caused quite a panic in Fujian Province! The police issued a statement, believing that the murderer must be a psychopath and have a serious hatred of rich people. They have carried out focused investigations on unemployed and low-income people.

As a result, the investigation has not progressed, and another person died at home.

The appearance of the deceased broke the police's suspicion of the murderer, because the deceased's family background was very ordinary and could almost be said to be poor.

I flipped through a thick stack of newspapers. Chen Yiqing was killed on October 21st. A murder occurred every day. As of the last deceased, a total of seven cases of mutilation had occurred. The police did not find any evidence at the scene. There were no fingerprints, hair, or crime tools. Even in places with dense surveillance equipment, they did not find any suspicious persons.

Judging from my many years of experience in dealing with femininity, this series of events is not simple. It is most likely caused by unclean things. Otherwise, it would be impossible to commit crimes for seven consecutive days without a trace of evidence.

I held the tea cup and took a sip, thinking about whether I should take the initiative to intervene in this matter?

Being able to chop the victim into pieces as big as fingernails is simply even more miserable than Ling Chi! The person behind it is either an evil spirit or a ghost king. I usually hide whenever I can.

But according to the development of this situation, more people may die next. Now that I have seen it, if I let it go, I will have an uneasy conscience.

I thought about it for a long time, put down the tea cup suddenly, and made a decision: I have to go and take a look no matter what!

Before I left, I called Li Mazi and asked him to remember to look after the store for me while he was waiting for Ruxue. Don't look back. The store was emptied and I didn't know who did it.

Fujian is close to the sea, and there is a lot of rain in autumn. It rains in most parts of the province, and the rain in Fuzhou gradually became heavier after I arrived.

I rubbed my hands, tightened my clothes, and walked into the police station holding a dark umbrella.

As a result, the policeman on duty scoffed at the suggestion that dirty things were causing trouble and thought I was some kind of lunatic. I had no choice but to ask him to call the Public Security Bureau and retrieve the information on the murders I had solved in the past. Then he took me to the leader suspiciously.

The leader who received me was a middle-aged criminal policeman. He was of average height, neither fat nor thin. He took the initiative to reach out and shake my hand. Just from this, I knew that the other person was a practicing practitioner. He looks elegant, but there is a vicious centipede-like scar on the left side of his face, which ruins his overall temperament and makes him more ruthless.

We introduced each other, and I found out that he was Liu Feng, the captain of the criminal police team.

After briefly explaining my purpose to him, he was silent for a while and asked me a question: "Boss Zhang, what is the probability that dirty things are responsible for these corpse dismemberment cases?"

I breathed a sigh of relief. His asking this proved that he believed me.

I thought about it and said that based on the current situation, the possibility is almost 100%, and based on the frequency of murders, someone may be killed tonight.

After listening, Liu Feng went to the corridor to make a phone call. His face was serious when he came in, which made me slightly nervous.

He put the phone on the table and asked me if I knew who he had just spoken to.

I shook my head at him with the same serious face and rolled my eyes secretly. I don't have special powers, how could I know who he called.

"It's our director," Liu Feng said.

It turned out that he had just asked the chief for instructions. Unexpectedly, the chief agreed and asked the entire Fujian Police Department to cooperate with my work.

This surprised me a little, and I secretly wondered if their director knew me? Or know some of my methods?

But now is not the time to think about these issues. Since the director has agreed, the next thing will be much easier to handle.

I first looked through the information of the seven victims and got a general understanding of them.

The victims were of different genders and ages and had nothing in common. I also read the transcripts of the family members of the deceased, and they were basically the same. When I woke up in the morning, I saw blood dripping on the bed for no apparent reason, with broken corpses everywhere. I panicked and called the police.

This is the official case handling process, and a lot of information is of no use to me. I need to interview the family members of the deceased again. Team Liu was very cooperative and gave me the home addresses of several deceased persons, and sent a team member named Xiao Lin to follow me.

But before we left the police station gate, we saw a red figure barging in despite being blocked by the police on duty.

This is a woman wearing red clothes. Her hair is messy and covers her face. She is wearing a pair of cotton slippers, and one of them is missing.

There were some wounds on her bare foot, and her whole body was very embarrassed from being soaked by the rain. She tried to break away from the police and yelled at the same time. But the voice was fragmented, without a complete sentence. I vaguely heard words like someone was killed.

When this went wrong, we had to stop temporarily, took the woman back to the office, and then poured her a glass of hot water.

"thanks, thanks."

The woman thanked us gratefully, and then drank a whole glass of hot water before her mood completely calmed down. However, the constant shrugging of her shoulders showed that she was still extremely scared at the moment.

Captain Liu took a pen and paper and sat aside and asked a few simple questions about his name and age. These questions can not only give us a general understanding of women, but also allow women to adapt to the subsequent chat.

Through the woman's intermittent answers, we learned that the woman's name is Wang Ping, she is 37 years old, and she lives in a high-end community not far from the police station.

Team Liu saw that Wang Ping could answer questions normally, so he asked her what happened?

When Wang Ping heard this question, she was so frightened that she dropped her cup, and her eyes widened with fear.

"A lot of people are crying, a lot of people are crying... They want to kill me!"

Wang Ping buried her head on the table, her hoarse voice trembling with fear.

Captain Liu didn't know how to record it, so he had to ask her who wanted to kill someone? Now Wang Ping's answer was even more confusing, but it cheered me up.

"A lot of crying faces... appeared on the walls, cabinets, and beds. I thought those crying faces were definitely going to kill me, so I ran out."

Captain Liu and I looked at each other, and we both obviously suspected that Wang Ping might be the next victim. I wanted to know more about the situation, so I asked to go to her home to have a look.

Wang Ping was a little reluctant to go home. I repeatedly assured her that nothing would happen to her, so she hesitantly took me to her home.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a six or seven-year-old boy sitting on the sofa. When he heard the movement, he just raised his head and glanced at us lightly, with disgust written on his face.

I couldn't help but be stunned, thinking how could such a young child have such extreme emotions? Subconsciously, he looked at Wang Ping beside him. I am a stranger, and the boy's disgust is unlikely to be directed at me, but rather directed at Wang Ping.

Wang Ping looked at the boy, frowned, and told the boy to go back to his room in an irritable tone, or else he would be beaten to death tonight.

The boy didn't speak, but lowered his head and went upstairs silently with a stuffed tiger doll in his arms. He just glanced at me before going upstairs. I felt that there was something indescribably weird in this child's eyes!

Wang Ping reluctantly smiled at me and told me not to worry about my son being ignorant. I smiled casually and said nothing, and the weird feeling in my heart deepened.

Just now Wang Ping went to the police station to ask for help, but she left such a young son at home. She even beat and scolded her son just now. This made me a little disgusted with Wang Ping!

But this was someone else's private matter and I couldn't get involved. After saying hello to Wang Ping, I started checking her house.

Her living room is large, with a leather sofa and a transparent glass coffee table. Opposite it is an LCD TV that takes up half of the wall. There is also a photo frame next to the TV. There is a photo frame of the little boy just now, and of Wang Ping and a man, who seems to be her husband.

As for the two bedrooms upstairs, one is empty and the other is locked. The locked one must be the little boy's room.

After going around, I didn't find much. I didn't see the crying faces that Wang Ping mentioned before were all over the place.

Then I went downstairs and asked Wang Ping to explain the situation in detail. By this time, Wang Ping had simply tidied up, changed her clothes, and wiped her hair clean. Only then could I see her face clearly.

She has no wrinkles on her thirty-seven or eighteen-year-old face, and her skin is well-maintained. Because her panicked and pale face looks particularly charming, it is easy for men to be impulsive.

I knew that my evil spirit was rising, so I quickly read the Tao Te Ching, and then listened to Wang Ping's story seriously.

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