Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 561: Take off your pants!

Yesterday she was too busy at work and stayed up all night to sort out the information. After that, she went back to her room and fell asleep. Unexpectedly, she heard waves of children crying in her sleep.

At first she didn't pay attention, thinking it was someone's child crying nearby. Later she felt something was wrong, because the crying was coming from all directions and getting closer and closer to her!

Then she woke up from her sleep, and when she opened her eyes, she saw the crying face of a child on her wardrobe. The bloody tears and pale skin scared her so much that she screamed and ran out of the door in panic.

Unexpectedly, the living room was even scarier. There were crying faces on the TV screen, on the wallpaper, and even on the floor.

She ran out of the door in despair, and ran to the door of the police station in one breath. This was the scene I encountered before.

After hearing this, I frowned and looked at the sky outside. It was just dark now. Even if there was no sunshine due to rain, ordinary dirty things would not dare to come out. I thought what happened this time was not simple.

After a simple dinner, I asked Wang Ping to go back to the house to rest.

She grabbed my sleeve with some fear and asked worriedly: "Those crying faces will come again, right?"

I nodded and told her that only when this thing comes can I find a way to deal with it, and what I want is for it to come.

Although Wang Ping was scared, she still listened to my words and returned to the house. I simply posted a few low-grade evil-proof talismans in her room. These talismans are not too powerful and can just ensure her safety without making the evil spirit feel afraid. They are perfect for use now.

After finishing the arrangement, I hid in Wang Ping's big wardrobe and left a small gap in the cabinet.

Most of her clothes are in the living room. There are only a few clothes for daily use hanging here. It looks very spacious when I hide in it.

Wang Ping must have been really tired. After lying on the bed for a few minutes, her breathing stabilized and she snored unevenly.

I held the Sirius Whip and rested in the cupboard with my eyes closed, but I was highly concentrated and always paying attention to what was going on around me!

The waiting time is always too long. I kept looking at the watch and watching the hands passing by bit by bit. I felt a little impatient for no reason.

Twelve o' o'clock...but the thing still didn't appear.

I thought it wouldn't come tonight. As soon as I relaxed, sleepiness swept over me, and my head instantly felt dizzy.

Just then, a woman's scream frightened me, and I lost all sleepiness. I grabbed the Sirius Whip and rushed out of the cabinet!

When I met Wang Ping's eyes, I realized that she was staring at me in horror. I realized something was wrong, so I took a step forward, turned around quickly, and then swung the Sirius Whip.

A shrill cry instantly echoed throughout the room. I looked up and saw that the ceiling and cabinets were covered with what Wang Ping called crying faces.

This is the face of a child. There is no distinction between male and female. The ferocious expression and howling at the top of one's throat should have made people feel distressed, but the pale skin and the gurgling blood and tears made my scalp tingle.

My palms were all sweaty and I was very nervous.

There are several types of Yin spirits. Some Yin spirits are easy to save, while some Yin spirits will not stop dying once they cling to you. Especially the ghosts of babies and children will be very difficult to deal with once they become evil spirits.

I swung the Sirius whip and hit one of the faces hard. The crying face let out a sharp cry, and then it was like a broken plate, revealing the bloody brainstem inside.

I resisted the urge to spit it out and dealt with the other crying faces in the same way, but these things seemed to grow indefinitely.

After a long day, I was so tired that I was kicking and peeing, and the spiritual energy on the Sirius Whip was exhausted. However, these penetrating faces climbed to every corner of the room and moved closer to the center little by little.

Wang Ping huddled under the quilt, screaming twice from time to time, as if she was crazy.

I didn't have time to comfort her. Looking at the smaller and smaller encirclement, I put away the Sirius Whip, grabbed a handful of royal salt and scattered it around!

These ghost faces make a sizzling sound when they touch the Oai salt, as if they are being roasted on a fire.

I don’t know if it was a psychological reason, but I also smelled the smell of burnt meat. Those ghost faces are very spiritual. They immediately shrank back after being injured by me, and gathered on the ceiling, cabinets, walls and other places to wait for opportunities.


As soon as I breathed a sigh of relief, a child's scream came from upstairs.

"damn it."

I cursed under my breath, Wang Ping's son was still upstairs.

I thought for a moment, then took out the peach soul flower to protect Wang Ping, and then sprinkled a handful of royal salt towards the door. Sure enough, there was the sound of grimacing cries and the sound of sizzling barbecue.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the grimace disappeared, I opened the door and rushed upstairs with Wang Ping.

The scene outside made me take a breath of air: it was densely packed with squirming crying faces, and they started howling at the top of their lungs as soon as they saw me.

Facing the faces of hundreds of children crying at me with blood and tears, my brain exploded instantly and I was stunned for a few seconds.

After a while, several ghostly faces on the floor had climbed up my pants, tearing at the muscles in my legs while crying.

The severe pain brought me back to my senses. I followed the previous method and sprinkled a handful of royal salt to drive away the grimace. I didn't care about my still bleeding calf and ran upstairs with all my strength.

Among the cries of hundreds of children, one was uttered by Wang Ping's son.

At first he cried fiercely, but after the time I was held back, his voice seemed to have disappeared...

I ran upstairs in a hurry, and when I came to the boy's room, I opened the door and found that the door was locked. I stepped back a few steps, filled up my strength and kicked the door hard, and kicked the door open.

I ran in in a hurry, only to find the boy sitting on the bed, looking at me sleepily, as if he didn't know anything about what just happened.

"You didn't cry just now?"

I asked in shock, because there was no trace of tears on his face.

He shook his head, hugged Buhu tightly, and looked at me defensively. It seemed that he was only awakened by the sound of my knocking on the door and didn't know anything else.

I smiled awkwardly, closed the door and walked back. After taking two steps, I suddenly realized that something was wrong. I was sure that I just heard cries and screams that were different from Ghostface.

Could it be that I fell into a trap? Thinking of this, I slapped my thigh and ran downstairs in a hurry.

As I went downstairs, I kept waving the Sirius Whip and forced my way out of the ghost face.

Wang Ping's cry for help was already very weak. After I rushed over, I found that her body was covered with grimaces, her delicate face was covered with blood stains, her mouth was wide open, but the sound she made was very small.

My heart sank, and I quickly recited a few spells. The peach soul flower in Wang Ping's arms spun at high speed as the spell took effect, and haloes of light rose up, covering Wang Ping's entire body.

Those ghost faces clinging to Wang Ping realized something was wrong, let go of her and wanted to run away, but with the power of Peach Soul Flower under the control of the spell, how could they let them escape?

As I shouted, the circle of ghost faces closest to the Peach Soul Flower all turned into black mist and disappeared into the air.

After rescuing Wang Ping, I finally felt relieved.

In fact, you should have noticed something was wrong as soon as you went upstairs. The crying on the first floor was deafening, but there was no sound on the second floor!

This was really weird, but I was worried about the little boy at the time, so I ignored it when I was nervous.

After a lot of trouble, my temper was also aroused. The cries of the children filled my head and gave me a splitting headache. I just wanted to make them stop as soon as possible.

The Heavenly Wolf Whip had already expired when I came downstairs, and the royal salt was almost consumed, because I came directly from the police station and didn't bring anything else with me. I looked around anxiously, looking for something to defend myself, but to my surprise, I found it!

Maybe Wang Ping didn't notice it, but there was a large amount of blood on the white pants she had just changed, which meant she was in trouble. Seeing the grimace coming up again, I yelled at her: "Take off your pants." Give me!"

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