Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 562: Menstrual blood defeats evil spirits

A woman's menstrual blood is a very filthy substance that can not only reveal ghosts but also drive them away.

The situation is urgent now, and I can't worry about it anymore. I'm just worried that Wang Ping won't cooperate.

Fortunately, Wang Ping reacted quickly. She was just stunned for a moment, then quickly took off her pants and threw them to me.

I got my menstrual blood-stained pants and swung them hard at the approaching ghost face. As expected, the ghost face screamed miserably. Immediately afterwards, a scream came from the living room, and the next moment, these dense faces disappeared in an instant, as if they had received an order.

It seemed that the ghost face was just an illusion, and the femininity should be in the living room, so I braced myself and chased after him.

At this time, all the ghost faces in the living room had disappeared, and I vaguely saw a black shadow quickly slipping out from the crack in the door...

It took a lot of effort to see me, it would be a big loss if I let it run away like this! I gritted my teeth and continued to chase.

Since it was early in the morning, the entire community was quiet without any sound, and the night was even more eerie against the dim street lights. The rain was heavier than in the evening, and I was soaked by the heavy rain as soon as I went out.

He wiped the rain off his face and followed the path where the black shadow had just been seen escaping. Most of the roads in the community connect residential buildings one after another. After just a few steps of chasing, the black shadow turned into another building. I ran a few steps quickly, but my feet suddenly became empty, and then my whole body fell down.

"Damn it, are you going to be so stupid!"

Seeing that I fell into a sewer without a manhole cover, I couldn't help but curse. Then he clung to the edge of the wellhead with all his strength. As soon as he exerted force, he felt a sharp pain in his ankle. It must have been sprained when he fell down just now.

I called up the flashlight function on my phone and looked around. Only then did I realize that this was actually a fake sewer. No wonder there was no unpleasant smell.

Fake sewers were invented by some profiteers in order to save costs. They can effectively save construction costs. That is to say, there is only one wellhead and no pipes are dug underneath.

Although I sneer at this kind of face-saving project, now I am still a little lucky that I am not trapped in a real sewer, otherwise I will be dead!

After I was sure that there was no danger for the time being, I breathed a sigh of relief and slumped on the ground to regain my strength. Although I am worried that Ghost Face will come back to the house again and hurt Wang Ping, I am really in a state where I cannot climb out of the sewer that is two to three meters high with my bare hands...

After resting for a while, I felt that I was in about the same condition, so I got up and moved my hands and feet. Fortunately, the sewer was relatively rough and had many protruding cement blocks. I finally climbed out of it by using these protruding parts.

Then I ran back to the house as fast as I could, praying in my heart that nothing would happen to Wang Ping.

Fortunately, when I pushed the door in, Wang Ping was sitting on the sofa with a worried look on her face. I let out a deep breath when I saw that she was fine, and then my whole body instantly softened, and I slumped to the ground and gasped for breath.

When I calmed down, Wang Ping took out a piece of her husband's clothes and handed it to me.

It was already dawn when I finished taking a shower and changed my clothes. Wang Ping cooked me a bowl of noodles. I didn't even bother to boil them and stuffed them into my mouth. It wasn't until I finished the bowl of noodles that my body felt warm.

After it got completely light, I went out to take a look and found that the rain had stopped and it looked like it was still a sunny day.

The Yin spirit is a little afraid of me at night, and will definitely not dare to appear during the day. I told Wang Ping about the situation and asked her not to worry anymore, and then asked Wang Ping to find a vacant room for me.

After all, there is a fierce battle at night, I must get a good rest!

There is only one bedroom downstairs, so my resting place is naturally on the second floor. When I passed Wang Ping's son's bedroom, I vaguely thought of some clues, but I couldn't catch anything. I had to shake my head and walk into the next room, fall on the bed and fall asleep.

Unexpectedly, less than five minutes after I lay down, the phone rang like a reminder. I touched the phone casually and asked unhappily: "Who is it?"

"Boss Zhang, there's been another murder!"

As Captain Liu's calm voice came, I sat up and hurried out of the door, without even bothering to explain to Wang Ping.

When I rushed to the police station, Team Liu, Xiao Lin and several other police officers were preparing to dispatch the police. After Captain Liu saw me, he greeted me into the police car. In the car, he briefly told me the situation.

The report was made by an eleven or twelve-year-old girl. When she woke up in the morning, she found her father dead on the sofa in the living room. However, the little boy could not explain the situation clearly. Even the address was only revealed after repeated questioning by the police.

After hearing this, I felt as if a stone had been pressed in my heart. When I saw Wang Ping yesterday, I thought the ghost face she encountered was the ghost that killed the seven people in front of me. Unexpectedly, I struggled with it all night, and it was still the same the next day. Someone was killed...

Captain Liu saw that I was silent, patted me on the shoulder and said, "Boss Zhang, don't be impatient. We'll talk about it when we get to the scene."

I had no choice but to nod, but my mind was in chaos.

The car drove for about an hour before stopping in front of a group of villas. The security guard saw the police officer ID Liu showed and let him go.

The murder occurred in a villa near the edge of the villa complex. As soon as they arrived at the scene, the police officers became busy. Some were busy pulling up the cordon, some were busy comforting the little girl who reported the crime, and some began to examine the body. situation.

I put on disposable gloves and shoe covers and followed me into the crime scene. I casually looked at the layout of the villa and then began to study the corpse.

Looking at the blood stains on the ground and the scattered body parts, I shook my head in disgust.

Although I often deal with dead things and have seen dead people, this was the first time I saw a corpse like Kentucky Fried Chicken nuggets, and I felt a little depressed for no reason.

Then I walked over to the forensic doctor who was packing his tools and asked him if the deceased was afraid before he died. The forensic doctor didn't know my identity and thought I was also a junior police officer.

It may also be that he has been practicing forensic medicine for too long and has no sense of corpses. In short, he just told me indifferently that the deceased did have an excessive reaction of fright, and it was not ruled out that the corpse was cut into pieces after being frightened to death.

After saying that, he left with the toolbox, and the body parts were put into plastic bags and taken away. The sooner they find clues, the sooner they can close the case.

Team Liu finished surveying the scene, left two police officers behind to take notes, and then prepared to take me away. I shook my head, hoping to participate in the recording process.

I don't know anything about criminal investigation, nor am I interested in it. I just stayed here to see if I could find any clues from their conversation!

Because I found that the marks on the body parts were very similar to the scars left by Crying Face on Wang Ping's face. There were no particularly big wounds, but the small wounds were very dense, so I cut a body into pieces. The size of a fingernail.

Captain Liu agreed when he saw that I insisted on staying. However, with so many corpse mutilation cases happening in succession, he was too busy to touch the ground. After just giving me a few instructions, he hurriedly left here with the others.

Then two police officers took notes on the four servants in the villa. None of them had any suspicion. Except for an aunt who cooked, the others did not live in the villa.

The old aunt didn't get up at all this morning. She was awakened by the little girl's scream, and there were no clues at the scene that she committed the crime.

The deceased's daughter is Yuanyuan, she is twelve years old this year, and her face remains pale to this day. It seems that her father's death has dealt a great blow to her!

The police officer was afraid of scaring her, so he deliberately lowered his voice during questioning. Although she was scared, she spoke clearly and coherently. She described the process of going downstairs to see her father's tragic death, and then asked the police when they would find the murderer.

After listening to this, I couldn't help but look at the little girl, because her reaction was a bit strange!

Apart from fear, she showed no emotion on her face. After knowing that it was her father who died, wouldn't she be sad at all?

I was just about to ask her about her relationship with her father, when out of the corner of my eye I suddenly noticed a small black shadow flashing past on the second floor. It looked exactly like the shadow I had chased last night. Without saying a word, I picked up my umbrella and chased after him.

Considering that this dark figure dared to appear so blatantly in broad daylight, I didn’t dare to make any excuses, so I borrowed a police badge from the police officer and pinned it on my chest.

The police represent justice and can effectively deter evil spirits, which can have some effect!

The black shadow moved very quickly, passing through the corridor on the second floor in a blink of an eye and walking deeper. I was afraid of being plotted by it again, so I opened my umbrella and followed behind cautiously.


When passing a room, the black shadow suddenly paused, and then the sound of children playing came from the room.

The black shadow looked back at me. It was a little far away, and the light on the second floor was a little dim, so I couldn't see its appearance clearly. I could just vaguely see a fat kid wearing coarse linen clothes, about seven or eight years old.

Then the black shadow grinned at me, turned into a black smoke and entered the room along the crack of the door. I was afraid that it would hurt the children in the room, so I hurriedly followed it, only to find that the door was locked. Knocked hard on the door, but got no response.

I hesitated for a moment, then rushed downstairs to find the servant to get the keys, but he handed me a bunch of keys. I didn't have time to try them one by one, so I just dragged him upstairs.

As a result, when we arrived at the door of the room, the servant refused to open the door no matter what. I felt something was wrong as soon as I heard it, so I could only charge him with being an accomplice. He was forced to have no choice but to open the door...

But after opening the door, is there any trace of the black shadow inside? What’s even weirder is that I clearly heard the sound of children playing here before, but now there’s not even a hair inside!

I was so anxious that I was afraid that the dark shadow would take the child away, so I ordered the servant to search everywhere quickly, and then I continued to chase him in the direction of the heaviest evil.

Unexpectedly, I was grabbed by the servant as soon as I took two steps. She stared at me in horror, and then said word by word: "There are no children here at all..."

I was stunned for a moment, feeling that something was wrong with her expression. After questioning, I found out that the deceased had a son and daughter. The daughter was Yuanyuan downstairs, and the son died in this room just after his first birthday every day.

When I heard this, I felt something was even more wrong. There were four people in this family, so why couldn't we look after just one child?

"How did the boy named Tiantian die?" I asked quickly.

After hearing this, the servant sighed, shook his head and said: "The child vomited milk alone in the room, and no one noticed it. By the time he was discovered, the child could not be saved..."

"Where are the child's parents?"

When the servant heard my question, he said with some irony: "His parents were out attending a high-end banquet that day, and they didn't care about the child at all... Poor little Tiantian, his body was purple when he was found. What a sin!"

After delaying for so long, I knew it was impossible to catch up with the shadow, so I simply started chatting with the servant. After chatting, I found out that the couple in this family could not go home once a week, and they kept saying that career was more important than family every day. For lightness.

Even after the husband died, the wife still hadn't shown up yet, and she was probably drunk and resting somewhere.

After hearing this, I couldn't help but sigh, thinking that the little Tian Tian was only born a few months ago, and the mother was still able to go out to socialize. She was very generous.

As the servant said, it is the children who are the ones whose parents do evil!

(ps: Happy New Year to everyone! Good luck in the new year. Everyone will have a magical thing that can make all their wishes come true. The official reader QQ group of the Underworld Merchant: 206012957. Friends from Mars are welcome to join. Lao Jiu is waiting for you here. )

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