Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 563: Tiger poison does not eat its seeds

After the transcript was completed, the two police officers and I returned to the police station.

Before going back, I happened to meet the hostess who had just returned. When she heard that her husband had been cut into pieces, she just nodded indifferently and asked the police to solve the case as soon as possible. Then he kicked off his high heels and went back to his room to rest, not even looking at his daughter who was standing in the living room looking helpless.

If she didn't have sufficient alibi, I would have suspected that she killed the person...

When I returned to the police station, I took out the information of all the victims again and studied it, trying to find out what they had in common.

After researching for an hour or two, I finally found some clues: regardless of their status, the eight people who died were all married and had at least one child.

I immediately told Team Liu what I had discovered, but Team Liu thought that this common ground was too broad. Could it be that the murderer also wanted to kill everyone who had given birth to children? Wouldn't that be a super perverted madman?

After listening to this, I took a deep look at him and said to him: "I saw that ghost!"

Captain Liu's eyes widened after hearing this, his face full of shock.

I took a deep breath and told him that Yin Ling was a little ghost, so he chose a family with children.

I think the reason why it kills must be because of what happened to it in its lifetime, and now the eight children of the deceased have similar experiences to it.

After Team Liu calmed down, he asked me solemnly what I was going to do.

I shook my head and said that now I only know that the evil spirit specializes in harming families with children. As for the motive of the murder, I still don’t know.

Therefore, it is urgent now to check the family relationships of these victims, especially the relationship between parents and children, so that we can make next plans.

Captain Liu heard what I said and immediately sent people to investigate. I didn't follow her anymore, but went to Wang Ping's house to protect her. It's still not sure whether Yin Ling's next target will be Wang Ping? But it appeared here, which shows that there is a high possibility that Wang Ping was killed.

When Wang Ping saw me coming, joy appeared on her face. I deliberately chatted with her about her son, and then I discovered a problem: unlike other mothers who were very easy to talk when their children were mentioned, she changed the subject after just a few words.

Generally speaking, Wang Ping gave me a look that she was completely unfamiliar with her son. Thinking of this, my heart skipped a beat. I felt that I had grasped the key to the problem but I couldn't express it.

I was a little irritated by this feeling, so I stopped talking to Wang Ping, got up and walked to the bedroom on the second floor.

The door of Wang Ping's son's bedroom was ajar. I subconsciously glanced inside, only to find that the little boy was talking to Buhu in his arms. It looked like he was praising Buhu for doing something great. Look. It looks extremely weird.

I wanted to get closer and hear it more clearly, but the boy suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the door, as if he had spotted me!

I took a few steps back as if I was electrocuted. I felt a little embarrassed about being caught eavesdropping. I pretended to be innocent and quickly opened the door to my room and walked in.

In total, I hadn't had a good rest for two days and two nights. I fell asleep not long after lying on the bed, and when I woke up, it was already afternoon.

As soon as I came downstairs, Wang Ping called me to eat and told me that the police had come and that the matter I wanted to investigate had results.

After hearing this, I didn't even bother to eat, so I immediately ran to the police station. As soon as I entered the office, I noticed that Captain Liu's face was as dark as his mother's Bao Qingtian.

"What's wrong?" I asked doubtfully.

Without speaking, he took me into the archives room and pushed a thick stack of information in front of me. I looked through the information and my face slowly darkened...

In my world view, parents are the greatest and most selfless. Even if parents sometimes make mistakes, their starting point is for the benefit of their children. However, the information in front of me has subverted my three views!

Judging from the investigation, no matter what their economic conditions were, the eight deceased people all had one thing in common, that is, they neglected their children, and in severe cases, even abused them!

Two or three of the deceased were outsiders. After Fuzhou became prosperous, they only cared about themselves and their children all day long, while leaving their children in their hometown. There was also a deceased person who often met with his lover at home and allowed his lover to torture his daughter by whipping, dripping wax, etc.!

"What the fuck, is this still a human being? He's just a beast!"

I closed the document with a bang, and for a moment I really wanted to let it go, because these people deserved to die!

Team Liu saw that I was agitated, so he pressed my trembling palms and said slowly: "Boss Zhang, I heard that people in your industry believe in reincarnation, right?"

I nodded, not understanding why his topic suddenly changed so quickly.

He smoked a cigarette before saying again: "Didn't you say this morning that the troublemaker was a kid? Do you really have the heart to just let go and let a poor child live in peace after death? It kills people because it has something in its heart. Bitterness, hatred, and hatred for parents all over the world who abuse their children.”

I was startled by what Captain Liu said, and then I touched my nose in embarrassment. Even an outsider like him could see through it, and I almost lost my principles because of my anger.

It seems that I still have to recite a passage from the Tao Te Ching from time to time, otherwise my emotions will always get out of control.

When Team Liu saw that I was no longer angry, he asked me what I was going to do. Now the Yin Ling kills one person every day, and if this continues, chaos will break out in Fuzhou.

I thought for a while, knocked the table lightly with my right hand and said, "Wang Ping is most likely to be killed! If I hadn't taken action yesterday, she would have been the one who died. Later, the kid knew that he couldn't kill Wang Ping, so he temporarily changed Picked the candidate."

Then Captain Liu asked me if I wanted to continue to protect Wang Ping. I shook my head.

"I'm not sure I can get rid of the evil spirit. If it sees me and goes to harm others, then my sin will be great..."

I said helplessly, and then asked Team Liu to choose two police officers who had children and had very harmonious families to go to Wang Ping's house, while I hid outside.

Whether the Yin spirit only kills those who are not good to the children will be clear once you try it.

"By the way, don't tell anyone what I'm observing outside, so as not to reveal your flaws." I added after thinking about it, and Captain Liu nodded and went to make arrangements.

It wasn't until the two middle-aged police officers arranged by Team Liu left for a while that I followed them.

In order to ensure that I would not be discovered, I put a sunshade charm on my body before I even got close to Wang Ping's house, and then I boldly climbed up to the tree outside Wang Ping's house to observe.

The sun-shielding charm covers the yang energy on my body, and the yin spirit will not notice me unless it sees me directly.

It started to rain again, and soon I was soaked to the skin, and the clothes clinging to me felt very uncomfortable. I tried my best to ignore this feeling and stared into the room intently. Through the window I could see two police officers talking to Wang Ping.

Maybe it was because I hadn't come back to protect her so late that Wang Ping looked a little flustered.

Wang Ping's son actually went downstairs for the first time, holding the cloth tiger in his arms and smiling cheerfully at the police officers, seemingly very happy.

But he had almost no communication with Wang Ping, and even sat next to the police officer. He didn't seem to have the slightest sense of dependence on his mother, which made me more certain of my speculation.

Around ten o'clock in the evening, one of the police officers got up and took Wang Ping's son's hand to the second floor, presumably to coax him to sleep.

Another police officer was still chatting with Wang Ping, and it looked like they didn't intend to sleep.

I couldn't help but be a little anxious. The Yin spirit was severely beaten by me yesterday. If I didn't turn off the lights, it might not dare to appear.

Then I took out my mobile phone and sent a text message to Captain Liu. Then I saw the police officer inside answered the phone. After hanging up the phone, he briefly chatted with Wang Ping, and then Wang Ping responded. bedroom.

The police officer leaned on the sofa and smoked a cigarette, then closed his eyes and rested. Last night, the Yin spirit only appeared in the early morning. Judging from the time, it would still take a while, so I closed my eyes and prepared to rest.

At this time, there was a sudden "pop" sound in the room. I opened my eyes suddenly and looked over, and found that the photo frame next to the TV had fallen down!

Then I was surprised to see a cute child's face appear on the TV screen, facing the police officer. Unlike the crying face I saw last night, today it was smiling and blurry.

Even if the police officer suddenly opened his eyes, he might not be able to notice it. I saw that it had no intention of harming the police officer, so I patiently continued to observe...

It stared at the police officer and smiled for a long time, then left the TV and slowly crawled toward the bedroom. It seems that my guess is indeed correct. When it appeared in Wang Ping's house, the whole living room was full of crying faces. Now it went directly to the bedroom. It seemed that it didn't want to scare a good father.

I moved my position, hoping to see what was going on in the bedroom. Unexpectedly, Wang Ping pulled the curtains up.

"Damn, what a mistake!"

I cursed secretly, then quickly slid down from the tree and climbed quietly to the balcony.

Unexpectedly, the balcony window was still open. I was overjoyed. I took off my shoes and walked gently behind the curtain, then opened a crack to observe. Unexpectedly, as soon as I opened the curtains, an enlarged version of a crying face was facing me, with eyes as big as a fist full of blood and tears.

I was instantly frightened and sat on the ground, and then the fire in my heart suddenly surged up.

"Fuck you!"

I shouted loudly and thrust the umbrella over fiercely. Then the crying face turned into a black shadow and tried to sneak out of the room. I quickly followed out. I must not let it escape this time!

The police officer in the living room had already woken up. When he saw me rushing over with a fierce look on my face, holding an umbrella, he was a little confused for a moment.

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