Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 565: The Strange Story of the Buhu Demon

As long as it's something feminine, I have a way to deal with it!

Then Wang Ping was surrounded by crying faces, her screams were extremely miserable, and blood slowly appeared on her body. The boy just hugged Buhu tightly and watched all this with cold eyes.

I deliberately wanted Wang Ping to learn a lesson and slowly got off the tree. I didn't push the door open until she was almost done with it.

The moment I opened the door, I spilled the prepared cock blood. The rooster has always been an evil spirit that drives away yin and guides yang. In China, the rooster is an indispensable item for weddings and weddings. In some places, it is even believed that the rooster can replace the deceased in worship.

This is mainly because the rooster can pull the sun and has the power to exorcise evil spirits and reach the sky. The rooster's crow complements the light, and the rooster's blood also has the same effect. What's more, I specially added cinnabar to the rooster's blood.

The crying face stained with rooster blood shrank to the boy's side like an electric shock. There were wailing sounds everywhere in the room, which made my head hurt.

I opened the umbrella but made no further move. The boy stared at me fiercely, and the slap marks on his face looked distressing.

Wang Ping's screams had stopped. After I was sure that she would not die, I left her alone. This woman's behavior just now really made it impossible for me to have any sympathy for her.

I tried to communicate with the boy, hoping that he would leave the cloth tiger to me. Looking at the black air lingering on the cloth tiger, I was afraid that the boy would really be robbed of his mind by him.

When the boy heard what I said, he hugged Buhu tighter and said firmly: "I will never let you hurt Aji even if I die! You are a bad guy, a big bad guy."

It seems that Aji should be the name of this Yin spirit. It's a pity that it's not a famous historical figure, otherwise I could still find a breakthrough from him.

I said: "Don't worry! I just want to help Aji."

After a while, the boy probably saw that I really didn't intend to hurt him, so he controlled the black shadow to move closer to me bit by bit.

I took out a set of Hanfu for children from my bag. It was tied with gold paper and looked decent.

Aji died tragically before, so he probably had never worn such good clothes. Even if it was a ghost now, it was just a child, and it would definitely not be able to resist the temptation of beautiful clothes.

Sure enough, as soon as I handed over the Hanfu, the ragged Aji couldn't wait to get in.

However, Aji let out a shrill scream as soon as he got in. The boy's expression changed, and he controlled the cloth tiger to take back the Yin spirit!

I was very well prepared. I spent a lot of effort to tie up this paper Hanfu. The gold threads wrapped around it were all pulled out from the Buddhist beads that had been illuminated. How could I let the little boy succeed?

As the golden thread in his hand was pulled, Aji's screams became even more fierce. With each scream, the rich black energy on his body gradually dissipated, revealing a fair face, but his eyes were still blood red.

It can be seen that he is full of hatred for everything, and the source of hatred comes from his own injustice!

I sighed and recited a few spells silently to put Aji into the small jade gourd.

The little boy who had just seen his mother dying and unresponsive became really anxious now and rushed towards me without thinking.

Without Aji's help, he was just a seven or eight-year-old child. He hit me like it was tickling me, and finally sat on the ground and cried helplessly.

In fact, this matter is over here. But out of personal emotion, I want to do something for Aji, and I want to know what kind of hatred is it? A child can be resentful for thousands of years after his death.

I helped the boy up and asked him to sit aside. I first called 120 and asked them to pick up the injured Wang Ping, and then turned around to communicate with the boy.

The boy ignored me at first, but when I mentioned that I wanted to help Aji reincarnate, his eyes lit up, and then he nodded with red eyes.

I helped him apply medicine while coaxing him to tell me about Aji's life experience. Maybe he also felt the difference between me and Wang Ping, so he sobbed and told me Aji's story.

It turns out that Aji is the son of an official in the Han Dynasty. Although Aji's father was only a minor official, his salary was enough for the family to live comfortably. It's just that Aji's father is very ambitious. He is either trying to catch up with this high-ranking official or giving gifts to that high-ranking official all day long. He just hopes to get promoted and make a fortune, and he doesn't care about his precious son.

Later, Aji's father was successfully promoted, but he changed his mind. He only wanted to spend time outside, and when he got home drunk, he punched Aji and his mother.

As time passed, Aji Niang couldn't bear the torture and committed suicide by throwing herself into a well. Before she died, she made a cloth tiger for Aji, and said that the cloth tiger would accompany Aji from now on.

Without his mother's care, Aji's life becomes even more difficult, and he often goes without food for several days. Later, Aji's father became more serious. Because Aji was embarrassed at a banquet, he locked Aji up for seven days. The only one who kept Aji company was this cloth tiger.

Seven days later, when Aji's father remembered that he had this son, Aji had starved to death...

Because of his unwillingness, Aji's soul attached itself to the cloth tiger, and the little boy accidentally picked up the cloth tiger outside, and then released the ghost.

Poor Aji vowed to bring retribution to bad fathers and mothers all over the world, which led to the subsequent serial dismemberment cases.

After hearing this, I took a long breath, touched the jade gourd in my pocket, and felt like crying. Then I sent the boy to the house to rest, and then went to the hospital to meet Wang Ping.

Only then did I realize that Wang Ping had minor injuries all over her body. It seemed that the little boy still showed mercy to her after all.

I came to the hospital to persuade her to treat her children well. Her current behavior is suspected of child abuse, which is illegal!

Unexpectedly, as soon as she saw me, she burst into tears and asked her if her son was okay. I thought to myself that this person actually cares about his son. Could it be that he has changed his gender?

After listening to her talk, I realized that she took the little boy standing aside and watching the show yesterday as a sign that he would never leave her...

Since this was a beautiful misunderstanding, I didn't tell the truth. Wang Ping followed her own understanding and vowed to treat her son well in the future and make up for everything she owed him before.

I thought about it and just told her that the Yin spirit had been subdued by me, and that the Yin spirit came to her because she abused her children.

Wang Ping felt guilty after hearing this and vowed never to abuse children again. Then I sent Wang Ping home and found that her husband had come back. When he saw Wang Ping covered with injuries, he apologized repeatedly and said that he should not disbelieve Wang Ping.

Only then did I realize that the two of them had a quarrel because her husband did not believe that ghosts really existed in this world.

When Wang Ping saw her husband apologizing, she was no longer angry, but went upstairs to find her son. I followed him secretly and saw Wang Ping holding her son and crying bitterly.

When the boy saw his mother crying like this, he apologized to him and promised to treat him well in the future. The hatred on his face disappeared little by little, and finally he lay in Wang Ping's arms and cried loudly...

I was a little relieved. I was originally worried about the boy's future life, but now it seems that I was worrying too much!

It is a pity that the children of the eight deceased people not only did not get the family love they deserved, but their future lives were destined to be troubled.

But this is fate. Yinwu merchants can comply with destiny, but they cannot go against it. I can only hope that these children can understand their destiny early and face everything with optimism.

I waited downstairs for a while, and soon Wang Ping walked downstairs with red and swollen eyes. She handed the cloth tiger to me with some confusion, saying it was a gift from her son.

I smiled and thought that this kid is really smart!

Then I walked around and found an abandoned factory to give Aji a salvation, so that this child who had been resentful for thousands of years could find a home.

It is not difficult to save Aji. Aji hates his father the most, but he also wants his father's love the most. As long as the knot in its heart is untied, it will naturally be willing to reincarnate.

I took out a Hanfu from my backpack and put it on, and even put on a wig. After thousands of years, it has probably forgotten what its father looks like, but the hatred in its soul lingers in its heart and cannot be vented.

That’s right, I dressed up like this and cosplayed as Aji’s dad!

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