Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 566: Goodbye, Aji!

After choosing the location, I lit three sticks of incense and stuck them on the ground, opened the lid of the jade gourd and released Aji.

As soon as Aji came out, he took a few puffs of cigarette. I stood behind him and called him softly.

Aji looked a little confused when he saw me. I lowered my tone and called it: "Ajiwuer, father misses you!"

The sound of my own voice gave me goosebumps, but I had no choice but to persevere for Aji's sake.

As soon as Aji heard the word father, his eyes instantly turned blood red, and he stared at me with hatred on his face. He let out a dull whimper from his mouth, and then rushed towards me.

In order not to let him see that I was a fake father, I just withstood its attack. It used enough force this time to bite my throat directly.

The powerful resentment instantly made my throat sweet, and I spit out a mouthful of blood.

This also made me completely relaxed. It clearly had the chance to kill me but only injured me.

Aji has hated this kid for thousands of years, but in the end he still can't bear to kill his father...

What a filial child, it really doesn’t want much. The tip of my nose felt a little sore, and I almost shed tears. Only then did I realize that I was acting, and I quickly raised my head to look at it.

But when Aji saw that I didn't hide or fight back, his blood-colored eyes gradually started to struggle, and his eyes flickered in and out of confusion.

Just because its father didn't fight back, the hatred in its heart was shaken, and I felt even more distressed.

I calmed down and tried to step forward and touch its head, but it didn't move during the process.

After I put my hand on its head, it first twisted around to prevent me from touching it, and then gradually stopped moving, and its eyes became empty and confused.

I knelt down and put my hands on its shoulders and burst into tears.

"My father made a mistake. Ajiwu'er will be reincarnated. Let's be father and son again in the next life, so that my father can make up for his debt to you!"

Although I was pretending to be his father, the tears were real.

For it, father's love is so far away. Aji was stunned after hearing this, and then tears of blood slowly flowed from his eyes.

It was crying and whining and saying something. I couldn't understand what it was saying. The way I was communicating with it now would definitely reveal my identity, and I suddenly became nervous. If I was discovered by it, it would probably make it even more resentful.

Unexpectedly, before I could figure out what to do, Aji knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to me seriously.

Every time it pressed its head very low, very low, and then I was shocked to find that the blood it dripped on the ground formed two words: Thank you!

I was shocked after reading it, and suddenly looked at it, only to see Aji slowly stand up and point to the backpack behind me, grinning.

It turns out that it already knew that I was pretending to be its father, and it already knew that its father would not say these things to it.

Even so, he is still willing to continue acting with me!

I suddenly understood that there was not only hatred in Aji's heart, but also unspeakable disappointment. I only thought that I would be exposed, but I didn’t expect that in the past thousands of years, there was not even a single person who could cooperate with it in acting!

Although Wang Ping's son always accompanies it, they only complain to each other. If this continues, the two people's obsession will become deeper and deeper, and there will never be a day when they can truly let go.

"My child, I hope you will live a happier life in your next life, with parents who love you and friends who will play with you."

I couldn't hold back my tears anymore, so I pulled off the fake beard attached to my face as I spoke, and then nodded to it with tears in my eyes.

It also smiled, just like the middle-aged police officer who was hiding on the TV that day, smiling brightly and innocently.

Gradually, the bloody eyes became lighter and lighter, turning into transparent teardrops later.

The ghost crying represents Nirvana and rebirth, which means it has the opportunity to reincarnate. I felt happy and quickly recited the incantation to save the souls of the dead.

Aji's figure became thinner and thinner, and finally slowly disappeared in front of me.

Watching Aji leave, I took a deep breath and prepared to go back to the hotel. When I turned around, I found a line of small words on the ground: I kill people, just because I don’t want my experience to happen again to the children...


I sighed helplessly. In this materialistic era, how many people are working hard outside for money?

The purpose of working hard is to let the family live a better life, but if the family is ignored because of this, how ridiculous is this?

Nowadays, there are more and more left-behind children in our country, and there are countless "quasi-left-behind children" who are not cared for even though they are with their parents.

Speaking of Aji and Wang Ping's son, they are just a microcosm and representative of millions of left-behind children. Perhaps what they experienced is being reproduced in a child in a remote mountainous area, reappearing...

Those children were sad, lonely, and lost, but at the same time they were eager, hoping, and fantasizing.

All they want is care from their parents and companionship so they don’t have to be alone!

The next day, I told Team Liu the basic situation, but concealed the fact that the boy was the mastermind behind the scenes. Although Captain Liu also expressed sympathy for Aji's experience, he was a policeman after all, and he couldn't stand the behavior of retaliating against society when he was hurt.

It's just that Aji is a ghost, so he can't deal with it, and it is ultimately classified as an unsolved case.

The matter was finally resolved. I said hello to Captain Liu, and then went back to the hotel to pick up my things and prepare to catch the afternoon flight. When I went downstairs, I heard some noise on the third floor, as if someone was dead.

When I went to the front desk to go through the check-out procedure, the front desk was muttering to the room service person on the side: "Just say that room cannot be occupied. Several people who lived in it have died. The boss still doesn't believe it. Now something happened again, right?"

The room service nodded: "Yes, yes, the family is making a big fuss. I wonder if it will affect the hotel business."

After hearing this, the receptionist immediately curled his lips and said, "I wish I couldn't drive down. Someone will die every two days. This place is definitely haunted, and I don't want to get into trouble!"

The two of them were so excited talking that they didn't notice my arrival. I coughed lightly, and the two of them looked up in panic. Seeing that I was just a tenant who was about to check out, their faces improved a lot, but they did not continue the conversation.

I signed the check-out form, then went upstairs with the excuse of leaving something in the room. Following the quarrel, I came to the third floor and saw a memorial service being held in front of a guest room.

There were white candles lit on both sides of the black and white portrait, and several people were queuing up to add incense to the incense burner. The ones making the noise were the hotel security guards and relatives of the deceased, as well as some tenants who didn't mind the fuss.

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