Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 567 Bones in the Toilet

Holding a memorial service in a hotel is considered a pioneering work. Of course, the hotel owner is not happy, so the security guards are beating people outside!

Compared with the security guard, the relatives of the deceased were more excited, shouting that the hotel had killed the person and now they wanted justice.

I don’t know who called the police. It didn’t take long for the police to come and take away the troublemakers. Then they asked the security guard to notify the boss and go back to the police station to investigate the situation.

When the tenants saw that there was no excitement to be seen, they all returned to their rooms. I stayed there and waited for everyone to leave before walking to the room.

The portrait shows a very young girl. It is indeed a pity that she died at such a young age. Thinking of what the front desk said was haunted, I decided to go in and take a look.

Fortunately, there was so much noise just now that no one even remembered to close this room. As soon as I stepped in, I couldn't help but shudder. It seemed that what they said was true!

With the idea of ​​a quick victory, I took out the Peach Soul Flower and held it in my hand. It was more than enough to torture the average kid.

At this time, the temperature of the room dropped a few degrees again. It seemed that the ghost inside couldn't bear it anymore. I sat on the bed and pretended to lie down and sleep.

Just when I was halfway lying down, a white shadow suddenly fell from the ceiling, but I was already prepared and rolled on the spot. When I got up, I saw her eyes with only the whites.

It seemed that it was really an evil ghost. I didn’t dare to give her too much credit, so I jumped up from the bed. Then I pointed at her with a peach soul flower and shouted, “Why do you want to harm people!”

She ignored me at all, screamed sternly, and rushed towards me again. I quickly threw the Peach Soul Flower towards her. Unexpectedly, a gap appeared in her body, and it quickly healed after Peach Soul Flower passed through it.

I didn't expect that even Peach Soul Flower couldn't subdue her. I thought about my carelessness just now and couldn't help but feel a little slapped in the face. Then he rolled his eyes and saw the full-length mirror at the door of the room. He jumped over and smashed the mirror with his bare hands. He raised one piece and pointed it at the female ghost.

Mirrors have been used to ward off evil spirits since ancient times, but many people don't know how to use them and often put them in the wrong position. Not only do they not have the effect of warding off evil spirits, but they attract evil spirits. Over time, many people no longer dare to use mirrors to ward off evil spirits.

In fact, the mirror is a very good evil-proofing item. Mirrors have reflected light. Facing this reflected light for a long time can cause neurasthenia and even hallucinations. However, using this reflected light to deal with ghosts is more effective!

When she was caught in the mirror, the female ghost screamed and wanted to run away, but as soon as she reached the window, she was bounced back by something invisible.

I was slightly stunned, and then I realized that the reason why she did evil was that she was trapped in this place and couldn't get out. As time went by, her resentment became more and more serious, and it was no wonder that she didn't harm people!

Seeing that she couldn't escape, the female ghost bared her teeth and roared at me, but she didn't dare to attack again.

I told her I could help her get out of here while holding the mirror.

She didn't seem to understand what I was saying, and she still whined at me. I had to guard against her while rummaging around the room.

Since the female ghost couldn't escape, there must be some formation or some mystery in this room.

It's been so long since I came in that I didn't notice the presence of the formation, so the most likely possibility is that there's something in the room!

Soon I checked everything on the surface, leaving only the bottom of the bed.

There was a female ghost staring at me, and I didn't dare to look under the bed blatantly. Fortunately, there was a small shelf in the room for guests to hang their clothes. I took it and looked under the bed.

Then I helplessly discovered that the bed was solid and there was no space underneath. At this time, I turned my attention to the bathroom.

It seems that weirdness exists in the bathroom. Seeing me messing around next to the bathroom, the female ghost suddenly became excited and wanted to pounce on me several times, but she hesitated.

It seems that there is really something here that scares her, and she doesn't dare to come here. I checked it boldly in the bathroom. The glazed table, bathroom, and shower all looked normal.

Finally I looked at the toilet seat...

You don’t think it would be so bloody, right? But he still opened the toilet lid and was surprised to find a bone with a charm attached to it in the empty slot of the toilet.

This bone is too small to tell which part it is from, but it is basically the skull that can hold the soul.

I showed the bones in front of the female ghost, and she roared at me excitedly. It looked like it was it, so I held up an umbrella to protect myself, and then looked at the spell on the talisman.

It turns out that this is just a simple soul-capturing spell. Taking a piece of the skull of the deceased and adding the spell can trap the soul of the deceased. Of course, it is also very easy to break the curse, just tear off the talisman paper.

I don’t know who has such a big hatred against a woman and wants her to die without even being able to live in peace. No wonder this female ghost has become so cruel.

I shook my head and took off the talisman. As soon as the female ghost saw that the magic talisman had expired, she turned around and rushed towards the window.

I quickly followed her. Fortunately, this was only the third floor. I used a few air-conditioning covers to land safely, and then followed the female ghost's breath and chased after her.

After chasing for a long time, I realized something was wrong. The environment in the hotel was dark, so it was not surprising that the female ghost appeared. But it was a sunny day outside. Did she really dare to come out?

Thinking of this, I slapped my thigh, turned around and ran towards the hotel. When I returned to the hotel, I saw that the entire third floor was filled with black air, and the screams of the tenants came from inside...

I hurriedly went to the third floor, rescued the tenant who was trapped by the black air, and then returned to the room just now.

The female ghost, who was no longer suppressed by the talisman, showed no fear at all when she saw me coming back. Instead, she stretched out her hands and rushed towards me with a grin on her face.

I wish I could slap myself, why are my hands so mean when I have nothing to do?

But this female ghost even wanted to kill her savior, and she didn’t have much future. It happened that there was still a bag of rooster cinnabar blood prepared when dealing with Aji. I didn’t say any more politely, took it out of the bag and poured it on On her.


The female ghost was bounced to the ground as if she had been electrocuted, and then let out a scream, but I no longer sympathized with her, and rushed forward to cover her with an umbrella, and then quickly recited a spell.

I didn't stop until she was reduced to ashes.

When I went downstairs, I heard the two girls at the front desk whispering again. They were vaguely discussing how bad ghosts are.

I couldn't help but curl my lips. The human heart is much scarier than the ghost. It's just that the human heart can hide, but the ghost's heart cannot...

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