Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 568: National Security is invited!

As the saying goes, if you are good at three hundred and sixty, you will be the number one scholar. But who would have thought that I, a small businessman of evil things, could win the favor of the country?

That afternoon, I made some side dishes as usual and sat in front of the antique store. While drinking a small drink and looking at the falling snowflakes outside, I felt a vague sense of the pride of an ancient knight in my heart.

At this time, at the end of the antique street, an off-road vehicle rumbled over!

I glanced at it casually and found a bright red word "military" printed on the license plate of the off-road vehicle. I couldn't help but be shocked.

Why did the military vehicle suddenly appear here? Could it be that someone stole the national treasure without having the foresight?

Thinking of this, I weakly entered the store and put away a few fakes on the shelf. If they came to my store to check on a whim, it wouldn't be fun...

In fact, doing antique business is a mixture of true and false. As long as it is not all fake, he is a serious businessman. Anyone who wants to be genuine is called a fool.

The fun of collecting antiques lies in the judgment of authenticity and age.

But having said that, it's best to keep a low profile. Who knows what kind of medicine these military brothers are selling?

After putting away the fakes, I happily put on my down jacket and prepared to go out to have fun. Unexpectedly, the off-road vehicle had no tendency to stop at all, and instead hit me directly.


When I was sure that they were coming to find me, I couldn't help but tremble. After all, I had conquered a heavyweight creature like Fang Tian Hua Ji. If the higher-ups really wanted to investigate, they could give me a few sentences for any charge. Year.

Sure enough, the car suddenly stopped in front of the antique store, and then the door opened, and two middle-aged men in straight military uniforms got out.

One of them wore thick gold-rimmed glasses, and the other held something like a file in his hand. After they got off the car, they looked at me with a smile.

It seemed that they were not here to cause trouble. I breathed a sigh of relief, and then cautiously asked, "Do you two want to see me for anything?"

"Boss Zhang, please take a step to speak."

The middle-aged man wearing glasses nodded slightly, then walked into my store calmly and sat on my boss's chair. He looked very dignified, and he was obviously a veteran in the military.

He looked at me with a smile, and another middle-aged soldier who was holding documents said: "This is Jiang Shan, the leader of the special operations team of the Ministry of National Security, and I am his secretary Koizumi!"

I was stunned after hearing this. I never thought that one day a state agency would find me. I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse?

At this moment, Secretary Xiaoquan has already read the folder in his hand: "Zhang Jiulin, a native of Wuhan, has been engaged in the antique business for a long time. In the past five years, he has solved numerous cases of artifacts, helped the public security organs solve many major cases, and donated several items to the country. Hidden identity is a branch of the Jiangbei Zhang family. Not long ago, he married film and television artist Yin Xinyue. Due to personal grudges, he beheaded Longquan Villa’s enshrined mage Xiang Yuanzhen..."

Before Koizumi finished reading the document, cold sweat broke out on my forehead. He was reading nothing else but a detailed file about me!

After all, I am a member of the National Security Bureau. This file makes me very clear. They even know that I helped the little Taoist revenge and beheaded Xiang Yuanzhen.

It seems that they have been studying me for more than a day or two. If I were just selling antiques, I could still evade it, but once I am convicted of murder, even jumping into the Yellow River will not be able to wash my hands of it...

I could no longer remain calm and asked in a trembling voice: "What on earth do you want to do?"

"There are two sets of laws in our national security, one is called national law, and the other is called human relations."

Xiaoquan closed the document and said: "We know you are killing people but we don't touch you because we value human kindness. But if you don't respect human kindness, I'm afraid this file will be sent to the Public Security Bureau tomorrow."


I breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. It turned out that they didn't want to arrest me, they just wanted me to help and give me a blow first!

Obviously, Koizumi succeeded in scaring me. Although I have a strong personality, I am not ready to go against the state agencies, so I can only look at Jiangshan weakly.

Koizumi is just a secretary who is doing nothing but good things. The real power is Jiang Shan.

At this moment, Jiang Shan adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses and his expression became complicated: "Boss Zhang, the action team I lead is the best in the country, but what we encountered this time was completely beyond our expectations. Please take action." Help!"

"You say."

I nodded and replied, but in my heart I greeted his eighteen generations of ancestors. Do I still have the right to refuse?

"Very well, the country needs good citizens like you."

Seeing that I agreed, Jiang Shan smiled and tore up the black files about me, then got in the car and left, leaving his secretary Xiaoquan to tell me what happened.

Koizumi told me that for some unknown reason recently, many national scientific researchers have been killed. These people died miserably. Some had their heads chopped off, some were chopped into two pieces at the waist, and even Others were cut into pieces, with blood and pieces of flesh flowing all over the floor.

Since these people are more or less involved in the research and development of weapons, the impact is very bad!

The public security department did not dare to take over the matter, so it was handed over to the National Security Special Operations Group.

However, after an in-depth investigation by the National Security Bureau, it was discovered that most of these experts and professors died after twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. Later, forensic identification determined that their bodies were severed by a large cold weapon.

In addition, the operation team did not get any clues, because there were no fingerprints or footprints left at the crime scene, and even the camera showed that there were no suspicious people around the deceased before and after the murder.

The members of the action team had experienced many strange and bizarre things, so they quickly thought of supernatural events and believed that these expert professors were killed by ghosts.

After all, these people were cut off from the waist before they could even make a sound to ask for help. Who in the normal world has such power?

"Do you still believe this?"

I couldn't help but interject after hearing this.


Xiaoquan obviously understood my worries and smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry!" When we find you, it means that the country needs talents like you, so go ahead and do it boldly!

It didn't look like he was lying, and besides, I had no choice, so I agreed.

Xiaoquan urged me very urgently, and when I agreed, he asked me to pack my things and follow him immediately. I couldn't figure out what their plan was, so I didn't notify Li Mazi. I just sent him and Xinyue a text message respectively saying that I had taken over a business and would be temporarily away on business for a few days, so that they shouldn't worry.

That night, Koizumi was speeding all the way, and off-road vehicles kept following him along the way, gradually forming a small convoy with uniform military license plates. Unknowingly, I enjoyed the treatment only a leader can have, and I felt a little proud.

The next morning we arrived in Beijing's Haidian District. Jiangshan's special operations team was stationed on Qinghe Street, and there were patrolling soldiers everywhere. This was the first time I appeared in such a high-profile place, so I couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Jiang Shan took me to the restaurant. He seemed to see what I was thinking. He nodded and said with a smile that the imperial city was heavily guarded. Just get used to it.

After getting off the bus, Jiangshan had a simple meal and left, leaving Koizumi to stay and assist me in handling the case. Only then did I realize that the action team had to deal with more than just this one case. Jiang Shan was able to go to my store in person yesterday, just because people stopped by to join in the fun and get to know me, a dealer in illicit goods.

After Jiang Shan left, Xiaoquan took out the information of several deceased people and showed it to me. I couldn't help but feel shocked after reading their experiences! Because there are many great contributors involved in the research and development of our military's weapons and equipment.

"Are you sure this is the work of evil spirits?"

I asked in confusion. Those who studied weapons like them were blacksmiths in ancient times, and they had their own yang energy. Ordinary little ghosts would not dare to approach them.

To put it bluntly, even if there is a Yin spirit that eats the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard, how can it specifically kill weapons developers?

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