Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 569: Scarlet Blood Letters

So I think they were not killed by ghosts, but assassinated by people, but the murderers were clever and left no clues.

After listening to my words, Koizumi pondered for a while and lowered his voice: "I know what you mean! Even at first we thought it was enemy agents from abroad who were causing trouble! But these experts did not work in the same department during their lifetime! And it's not all like this. There are elites in the field, including ordinary employees, so we can basically rule out the possibility of murder by agents."

Koizumi speaks quickly but clearly.

I frowned subconsciously after hearing this.

The deceased worked in different units and had different levels. They didn't even know each other before they were alive. The possibility of collective murder suddenly dropped a lot...

But the possibility of murder could not be ruled out immediately. I thought about it and asked Koizumi to take me to the crime scene.

The state treats people like them well and allocates housing uniformly, so the deceased all live in Haidian District, which makes it a lot more convenient for us.

Accompanied by Koizumi, I went to the homes of five deceased people one morning and found that the crime scenes were well preserved. Just to prevent the bodies from decomposing, formalin was sprayed on them, so that I smelled the unpleasant smell all morning. the taste of.

The situation is just like what Koizumi told me before, these people were cut into pieces without exception! Some people even kept their eyes open, maintaining the frightened look before death.

It is said that the last thing a person sees before he dies will always be preserved in his eyes. With a try, I stood in front of this person's head and observed it for a long time, but I didn't see anything.

On the surface, there are no clues left at the death scene, which is consistent with the characteristics of ghosts and gods killing people, but I know that things are not that simple.

Logically speaking, even if the Yin spirit leaves after killing a person, a part of the Yin energy will remain in the deceased's wound or in the deceased's home. Otherwise, the corpse will undergo certain changes, such as mold growing on the corpse or nails and hair growing wildly within a short period of time. .

In most of the businesses I took over before, I knew the ins and outs of Yin objects, or they were based on the Yin Qi locking what was causing trouble. I had never encountered such a situation, and I ran out of ideas for a while.

Xiaoquan probably thought that I was not working hard, so he said reproachfully: "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. The heroes of our country were brutally killed. How could Boss Zhang..."

"I don't!"

I interrupted him rudely. In fact, I didn't think about myself ever since I saw these corpses. All I thought about was how to find clues and how to close the eyes of these people who refused to die in silence.

This was the first time I had such a forceful conversation with Koizumi. He was slightly stunned for a moment, and then his attitude softened. He said with some embarrassment that he was also in a hurry and asked me not to mind.

"Forget it, you're here to solve the case too!"

I waved my hand and asked Xiaoquan to take the others back to the action team first. I went to Panjiayuan alone.

Panjiayuan is the largest antique trading market in China, and it is definitely a holy place for those of us who are interested in antiques.

There are many stalls in Panjiayuan, including many stalls from ethnic minorities. Coupled with the antique dealers from all over the world, it creates a mixed situation, which also leads to the fact that 80% of the products in this place are fakes. It is said that the counterfeit antiques here can look real, and many experts and scholars have noticed it. Therefore, antique dealers often come here to practice their eyesight before starting work!

Of course, I came here not to hunt for things, but to collect Five Emperors' Money. Five emperors' money can be divided into big and small. The big five emperors' money refers to the currency of the five great emperors Qin, Han, Wu, Tang and Song, and Zhu Yuanzhang. Unfortunately, there are too few of this kind of currency left over the years, so it is impossible to sell it on a large scale. collect.

The Little Five Emperors' coins refer to the copper coins that were circulated during the reign of the five emperors from Shunzhi to Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty. There are many of these coins in existence and the price is not high, so they have become the most popular tool to ward off evil spirits.

However, even copper coins are sometimes forged. Fortunately, I have a certain degree of vision. After an afternoon of screening, I finally selected nearly a hundred brightly colored copper coins. Then I called Koizumi and went to the deceased's home again. Next to each deceased's body, there were A copper coin was placed.

Xiao Quan looked at the side with confusion and asked doubtfully: "Boss Zhang, can you tell what is causing trouble with just a small ancient coin?"

Since I don't have any clues at the moment, and I don't know if dirty things are causing trouble, this is all I can do.

As long as there is a Yin spirit, the luster on the copper coin will definitely disappear. In this case, you can at least determine whether it is a Yin spirit.

After hearing what I said, Xiaoquan nodded, and then asked me if I wanted to stay downstairs tonight?

"No, I don't even know if it's a Yin spirit. Where are you guarding?"

After saying this, I asked Xiaoquan to drive and headed back home.

I slept in the Guoan dormitory at night. Lying in bed, I kept recalling the scenes I saw today. I was still not sure whether there was a ghost or not!

Frankly speaking, the small copper coins I laid out felt a bit like treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and I didn't have much hope at all.

Maybe because I was in a state agency, I actually suffered from insomnia. I lay in bed tossing and turning in the first half of the night and couldn't fall asleep. In the second half of the night, I was just a little tired, but I felt inexplicably flustered.

This is an indescribable feeling, the heartbeat suddenly accelerates, the surrounding air suddenly freezes, as if time has stopped at this moment.

I subconsciously thought there was something dirty in the room, so I stood up and looked around, but there was no trace of gloom in the room, it was just surprisingly cold!

Thinking of the weapons developers who died tragically during the day, there was no yin in their rooms. Could it be that that thing has been targeting me?

My heart skipped a beat for a moment, and I felt like a pair of eyes were hiding in the dark, staring sharply at me. I swallowed my saliva and looked in the direction of danger according to my inner feeling, and finally stopped at the door of the room. .

I grabbed the Sirius Whip from the pillow, stood there and calmed down, and then plucked up the courage to slowly walk towards the door.

This is definitely the most dangerous time I’ve felt since my debut! I didn't even see what was coming, and it shocked me to the core of my soul even before it entered the room.

After I got close to the door, I closed one eye and looked at the peephole from a distance. Although it looked strenuous, it was safer. I was really afraid that when I got close to the door, the other party would suddenly attack and I wouldn't even have a chance to escape.

As my vision continued to shrink, I was horrified to find that there was really an eye opposite the cat's eye!

This eye was unusually scarlet, as if it was dripping blood. When it looked at me, it showed a hint of arrogance, but mostly hatred.

It must have been the culprit that killed those people. Unexpectedly, it even hated me. Although he gave me a very dangerous feeling, this was the only clue I could grasp. I mustered up the courage to open the door resolutely, and at the same time whipped Sirius out with my other hand.

Preemptive strike is a good habit I have developed, which can effectively protect myself. Moreover, this time it was confirmed that there was a Yin spirit outside. I thought this whip would definitely hit it, but unexpectedly it missed!

Then I was shocked to find that the eyeball had disappeared. I subconsciously returned to the room and carefully looked around me, for fear that it would sneak up on me when I wasn't paying attention. Unexpectedly, I couldn't find it after looking around. And I suddenly realized that as my eyes disappeared, the feeling of depression and panic also disappeared.


I let out a long breath, sat down on the ground, and waited for a long time before I reluctantly got up.

Although it was just a face-to-face encounter, I knew that I was no match for this thing if we had a head-on confrontation. It's just that I'm confused as to why it appeared outside my door.

If it was to kill me, why didn't it come in?

If it wasn't to kill me, what was its purpose?

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't get the answer. Instead, I felt a little sleepy. I stepped forward to close the door and rest, but at a glance I saw two more pools of blood on the floor outside the door!


I was so shocked that my hair stood on end. I braved it and walked up to take a closer look, only to find that these were two big characters written in blood.

One is loyalty, but the word "loyalty" has a big red cross drawn in blood.

And the other word is death!

I was stunned for a long time after looking at these two words, and I vaguely understood the purpose of Yin Ling's coming. He must be trying to convey some message to me through these two words.

The problem is that I can’t see any clues from these two words alone?

In desperation, I had no choice but to lie on the bed and continue thinking. As a result, I fell asleep without realizing it. I woke up leisurely when Koizumi knocked on the door hurriedly.

"What's wrong?" Koizumi is also a national security officer after all. If it wasn't for something important, he would never be so panicked, so I asked quickly without even putting on my clothes.

"Someone had an accident again..."

"What?" I didn't expect that the evil spirit would harm others after looking for me. I immediately asked Xiaoquan how the person who had the accident last night died.

"Uh...he's not dead." Koizumi was stunned for a moment and said.

I breathed a sigh of relief and asked him to continue.

He told me that the person who had the accident this time was the leader of a certain weapons research and development department, named Ye Weiguo.

Ye Weiguo drank with some friends from the officialdom until early in the morning last night and went home just before dawn. Unexpectedly, he felt that it was very cold as soon as he entered the house. He immediately hesitated and did not go in. Instead, he asked his subordinates to go in first. Go in.

The man screamed as soon as he entered, and then Ye Weiguo felt his face heat up. He stretched out his hand and found that his cheek was covered with hot blood.

His drunkenness disappeared immediately, and he quietly glanced inside, but was shocked to find that his man had been cut into two pieces!

Ye Weiguo screamed in fright on the spot, turned around and stumbled downstairs. Recently, people in the circle have been discussing these murder cases privately, and Ye Weiguo also gossips about this kind of news, so when he saw this scene, he immediately realized that the next target of that thing was himself.

"Then how did Ye Weiguo escape? Didn't Yin Ling continue to chase him?" I asked.

Xiaoquan nodded and continued: "When Ye Weiguo ran down, he felt a dark wind blowing behind him. He felt that he was in a very dangerous situation and knew that he would definitely be overtaken, so he ran towards the military camp in a hurry."

"It was almost dawn, and Ye Xu happened to meet a team coming out for morning exercises in the military camp, so he saved his life."

Koizumi's face became serious when he said this and asked me what to do.

I didn't say anything. On the surface, it seemed that the righteousness of the soldiers had forced the Yin spirit back. However, when I carefully recalled the panic that the Yin spirit caused me when it appeared last night, I felt that it would not be afraid of ordinary soldiers.

So why is it leaving?

Also, I was targeted by Yin Ling as soon as I took over this case. So wouldn’t it be that the members of Koizumi’s action team had been approached by Yin Ling a long time ago?

But they never mentioned it to me, and their usual speech and behavior didn't show any feeling of seeing ghosts. This made me feel a little strange, but I didn't ask any more questions.

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