Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 570 Paper Man Substitute Technique

After breakfast, Xiaoquan and I met with Ye Weiguo. He was dressed in a typical military style.

Wearing green military trousers and a loose waistcoat-style military uniform on the upper body, he looks very ordinary, the kind that would be unrecognizable on the street.

Ye Weiguo looked like an officer who worked hard from the grassroots. I have always admired this kind of person, so I took the initiative to ask him what happened.

He didn't show off to me, he poured a cup of tea and handed it to me in a down-to-earth manner, and then started to recall it to me.

I listened for a long time and found that what he said was roughly the same as what Xiaoquan told me. The only thing that caught my attention was that Ye Weiguo did not mention the relationship between the scapegoat and himself.

But judging from his expression of fear, grief and anger, he and the deceased should be more than just superiors and subordinates!

The location of the crime was also in Haidian District, but Ye Weiguo was working in Guangzhou. He came to Beijing this time to participate in a weapons research project, so he didn't bring his family with him, and he always lived in the allocated house.

I took a quick glance at the scene and saw that the situation was similar to that of the previous victims. This unlucky guy was also chopped into two pieces.

Because he was chopped down as soon as he entered the door, the blood stained the entire white wall red.

After collecting the information on the scene, Koizumi asked his men to carry the body away, probably to facilitate the next operation.

After all, the Yin spirit is likely to cause trouble for Ye Weiguo, so he has to be a bait here, leaving a person who is divided into two halves at home, no matter how he feels, it is unlucky.

But I always felt that this matter was not that simple, so I asked them to keep the body and even asked Ye Weiguo jokingly if he was afraid.

"I came from the counterattack against Vietnam. What did it mean to be rolling around in a pile of dead people?" Ye Weiguo said cheerfully.

At noon, while the sun was shining outside, I went to the homes of the deceased people one by one to see if there had been any change in the copper coins. It turned out that all the copper coins had lost their luster!

In other words, all these people's homes were visited by ghosts. I can't help but wonder, why do we still come to their house when the people have been killed?

After thinking about it for a long time, I had no clue. The only thing that was certain was that the Yin spirit targeted me through these copper coins!

This also made me realize that I cannot blindly defend. After all, it is easy to dodge open guns and hidden arrows. Ye Weiguo escaped the fortune teller once, but can he dodge every time?

After much thought, I decided to take the initiative and find out the identity of Yin Ling first!

In order to ensure the safety of Ye Weiguo, I found a shroud shop in the afternoon and customized a paper man. The boss did a good job. When you look at the face of the paper man from a distance, it looks like a living person.

When I put the clothes that Ye Weiguo usually wears on it, even he couldn't help but be surprised.

Then I asked Ye Weiguo's birthday and birth date, wrote his birthday and birth date on the charm, and then pasted it on the forehead of the paper man. Finally, I asked Ye Weiguo to bite his finger and drip a few drops of blood on the birth date.

This is a strategy to conceal the truth. The Yin spirit relies on the yang energy and essence of the living person to kill people.

I wrote Ye Weiguo's birthday and horoscope on the paper figure, plus his blood essence. When the time comes, I will use the sun-shielding charm to temporarily cover the Yang energy on his body. When the Yin spirit comes, he will definitely deal with the paper man as Ye Weiguo.

After finishing all this, it was already evening. Xiaoquan invited us to dinner and kept asking me at the dinner table if Ye Weiguo would have any accidents.

No wonder Xiaoquan was so panicked when he heard about Ye Weiguo's accident in the morning. It turned out that the two of them had a good personal relationship. I drank a glass of wine and reassured them that tonight would be a futile effort at best, but it would definitely ensure everyone's safety.

Northerners enjoy drinking well, and the two of them were quite enthusiastic, so I didn't feel restrained anymore and started drinking with them freely.

After all, there are not many opportunities to sit and drink with big leaders. When I go back and tell Li Mazi, this guy definitely doesn’t mean enough to call me directly, and I won’t take him with me for such a good thing...

Although I like to drink a few sips of wine when I have nothing to do, I rarely drink more. Under the repeated bombardment of Xiaoquan and Ye Weiguo, I quickly broke down and lay on the table in a daze. Since I still had things to do in the evening, they stopped insisting that I drink.

I just lay on the table for a while. When I felt less dizzy, I suddenly wanted to go to the toilet. When I looked up, I saw that Ye Weiguo and Xiao Quan were not there. I asked the attendants next to me and found out that they had gone to the toilet.

"We are in a group even when we go to the toilet, why don't we wear a pair of pants..."

I muttered something quietly, got up and walked towards the toilet.

This hotel had given up the entire floor because of our arrival, so there was no one in the corridor. As soon as I reached the door of the toilet, I couldn't wait to unbutton my pants and rush in, but suddenly I heard Xiaoquan yelling: "Old Ye, Can’t you just listen to my advice?”

"Xiaoquan, we are the people's soldiers, and we must never forget our roots!" Then came Ye Weiguo's angry voice.

My mind started buzzing when I heard this. I felt that there must be some secret between the two of them, so I walked gently to one of the cubicles and listened.

Seeing Ye Weiguo's tough attitude, Xiao Quan suddenly laughed and his attitude improved a lot. He said with some sincerity, Old Ye, this matter is beyond your control. You are about to retire, why bother to swim in this muddy water?

"That's nonsense. I'm a Chinese. As long as I don't die, I can't let them succeed."

Ye Weiguo said extremely angrily, but before he finished the rest, I heard the slamming of the door. It was obvious that Ye Weiguo left angrily.

Now only Xiaoquan was left. I leaned against the crack of the door and looked over quietly, and found that he was clenching his fists, looking at the direction Ye Weiguo left with red eyes, and said fiercely: "Haha, I'm sorry!"

After that, he also left. It took me a long time to realize what was going on.

Xiao Quan must have done something dirty, but Ye Weiguo accidentally discovered it. The upright Ye Weiguo wanted to report the matter, but when Xiao Quan saw that he could not be persuaded, he became murderous.

This is officialdom, without smoke but more cruel than any battlefield. Of course I didn't want to get involved in their affairs, but for some reason, I suddenly became suspicious of Koizumi and felt that he might be related to the murder case.

After all, Ye Weiguo had just had an accident, and Xiao Quan came to talk to him. Although I only listened to half of it, it felt like he was giving an ultimatum!

Just as I was thinking about it, footsteps and Koizumi's voice calling me came from the corridor. I knew I must not let him know that I had eavesdropped on their conversation, otherwise I wouldn't even know how I died.

As the footsteps got closer and closer, I immediately climbed out along the drain pipe outside the toilet window, and then ran as fast as possible to the private room where we were upstairs.

"Boss Zhang, where have you been?"

When he went in, Ye Weiguo was drinking alone and feeling a little depressed. When he saw me coming, he poured me a drink.

I had no choice but to pretend I didn't know anything and drink along. After a while, Koizumi entered the private room with an anxious look on his face. He was obviously relieved when he saw me, and then casually asked me where I had been.

"Go downstairs to get some fresh air, I'm almost drunk..."

I pretended to be drunk and replied vaguely, but I was secretly wary of Xiaoquan, feeling that he must have some conspiracy!

After drinking, we took a rest in the hotel room. In the evening, we returned to Ye Wei's country. The paper figures had been laid out on the bed during the day. Now it was just a final check to avoid any mistakes.

After making sure there was nothing wrong, I went downstairs and returned to the car, and handed Ye Weiguo a sun-shielding charm. He didn't seem to believe this, so he put it in his pocket.

Anyway, putting it in my pocket would have the effect, so I didn’t say anything. As the night gradually deepened and the surrounding air cooled down, I closed the car window and accidentally saw Koizumi’s eyes purring through the rearview mirror. It was turning like it was thinking about something.

The Yin spirit will appear at any time, but at such a critical moment, Xiaoquan is very anxious, and his purpose is self-evident.

I pretended to be dozing off and fell asleep on the steering wheel, but deep down I was making calculations.

If Koizumi really does something later, should I point it out? If he was allowed to do whatever he wanted, Ye Weiguo would probably be doomed, but if he intervened hastily, Xiaoquan would definitely be offended...

If there was an accident and he ran away, I wouldn't even have time to cry. After all, he holds my black files in his hands!

For a moment, I felt more nervous than ever before. As long as Koizumi moved, I would be faced with a dilemma.

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