Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 571 Five Tiger General Guan Yu

I really hope that Xiaoquan and Ye Weiguo are just fighting in officialdom, but unfortunately the facts are always unsatisfactory. After I closed my eyes for a few minutes, Xiaoquan first called me softly, and I naturally didn't say anything.

Then he opened the car door and went out, telling Ye Weiguo that he wanted to use the toilet.

After he got off the bus, I immediately opened my eyes.

Ye Weiguo was startled by me and said, "Aren't you asleep?" But he was also a human spirit, and he soon realized that I was staring at Koizumi.

Ye Weiguo coughed and said: "Boss Zhang, this is a bad habit of yours. Comrade Xiaoquan is dedicated to solving this case, how can there be any problems?"

I was stunned after hearing this, thinking that the people who could sit in this seat are really not just ordinary people. Ye Weiguo could see my thoughts at a glance, but he shouldn't have expected that Xiaoquan would attack him, right?

I was worried about how to talk to him, but Xiaoquan came back again. After getting in the car, he smiled at me and said, "You're awake."

To others, Koizumi just said a casual greeting, but I understood that this was a trap set by Koizumi!

He was definitely not sure whether I knew his true identity, and deliberately got off the car at a critical moment. Looking back, if he really had a problem, how could he be stupid enough to go out in the heat of the storm?

I was so eager for quick success that I didn't know how to answer the question for a while, but Ye Weiguo said fiercely: "I thought you ran away from the battle, so I woke up Boss Zhang to chat with me."

I didn't expect that Ye Weiguo's ability to observe people's emotions was so strong that he would smooth things over for me right away. Koizumi was slightly startled after hearing what he said, and then looked at me with a hint of doubt in his eyes. It seemed that he was still not sure of his judgment.

I breathed a sigh of relief, took out my cigarette and lit it as if nothing was wrong, and then looked towards Ye Weiguo's room.

"I'm so damn sleepy, I'll have one too!" Ye Weiguo also became addicted to cigarettes and reached into his pocket.

"Stop taking it out and slap mine."

Xiaoquan smiled and handed Ye Weiguo a cigarette, and then the three of us didn't say anything, and smoke filled the car instantly.

Due to the smoke, I couldn't see Koizumi's face clearly, but I always felt that something was wrong with him.

After finishing my cigarette, I was just about to get out of the car and get some air, when Ye Weiguo spat out a mouthful of blood.

"What's going on?" I supported him and asked anxiously.

Xiaoquan also looked confused, and then asked me to protect Ye Weiguo on the spot, while he quickly ran to call the doctor.

"It's like, like the body was cut in half."

Ye Weiguo only said this sentence from beginning to end, and then fainted.

I was stunned after hearing this, then rummaged through his pockets, and was shocked to find that the sun-shielding charm I had given him not long ago was missing.

But he never got off the car from beginning to end! Suddenly, I thought that Xiaoquan had come back soon after getting off the car. He must have stolen the sun-shielding charm and took it out to deal with it.

You must know that my reaction speed and observation ability are very strong. Very few people can make small moves under my nose. Xiaoquan actually stole the sun-shielding charm without anyone noticing, which is really amazing!

Then people from the hospital arrived, but Xiaoquan was nowhere to be seen. I thought about it and felt relieved. He must be waiting for news. If Ye Weiguo dies, he will have all the say.

If Ye Weiguo hadn't died, Xiaoquan's situation would have been embarrassing. After all, his behavior of stealing the talisman just now had exposed himself...

I was even afraid that Xiaoquan would go to the hospital to have his wounds repaired. Fortunately, a group of Ye Weiguo's army buddies came with the ambulance, so I thought there would be no danger.

After they left, I picked up the Sirius whip and went upstairs like crazy. Ye Weiguo's reaction was so strong just now, his soul was undoubtedly hit.

The horoscope is connected with the soul. Obviously the paper man was chopped down by the Yin spirit, so the Yin spirit must be upstairs!

After running upstairs, I turned on the light and saw at a glance that the lifelike paper man had been cut in half. However, I vaguely felt something was wrong. I couldn't tell what the problem was.

Just as I was about to step forward, a gust of wind blew violently above my head. I subconsciously swung the Sirius whip away and leaned forward sharply at the same time.

After rolling on the ground, I stood up and looked over, and suddenly I found an illusory figure appearing where I had just been standing.

The shadow was green in color, had a long beard, and held a huge cold weapon in its hand. It was obvious that the dead were killed by it, but the Yin spirit had its hands behind its back, so I couldn't tell what weapon it was.

While staring at it, it was also looking at me, as if it wanted to see through me, its eyes were extremely sharp! If you look at the eyes alone, it's obvious that he is the one who showed up at my door yesterday.

Because I didn't know the details of the other party, I didn't dare to attack rashly, and I was prepared to remain unchanged in response to any changes. Unexpectedly, it stared at me for a while, and then a trace of doubt appeared on its face, then it shook its head, and then disappeared without a trace. .

"What way is this?"

I muttered in confusion, and after confirming that the Yin spirit had left, I walked over to the paper man and took a look, and sure enough I found a problem!

Although the stickers on this paper man are Ye Weiguo's birthday and horoscope, they are not the paper man I bought.

I remember clearly that in order to convince Yin Ling, I asked the paper maker to draw the paper figure based on Ye Weiguo's photo. Later, even Ye Weiguo himself felt like it. But the face of the severed paper man in front of me looked very much like Koizumi!

There are only three of us who know the paper man plan. It is impossible for Xiaoquan to secretly replace the paper man with a paper man who looks like himself. The only person who secretly transfers the paper man to the contract is Ye Weiguo.

But why did he do this?

Recalling Ye Weiguo's character, I suddenly thought of a possibility: Ye Weiguo was not attacked by Yin spirits at all. His so-called pursuit by Yin spirits yesterday was probably made up by himself.

And the subordinate who seemed to be the scapegoat last night was exactly the person Yin Ling wanted to kill!

The reason why I think this is because the Yin spirit had found me long before Ye Weiguo appeared and deliberately left me two words.

At that time, I didn't understand the relationship between the word "death" and the crossed-out "loyalty", but today I accidentally learned the secret between Ye Weiguo and Xiaoquan, and I gradually figured it out.

What the Yin spirit wants to tell me is that all those who are unfaithful and unjust should die!

In other words, he was warning me not to hinder it from killing those who were unfaithful and unjust.

Presumably the people who were hacked to death before were all in the same group as Koizumi.

This shows that Ye Weiguo knows everything and has been looking for opportunities to use Yin Ling to deal with Xiaoquan and Xiaoquan's gang. He is just pretending to be stupid on the surface.

Since Yin Ling said that all the people he killed were disloyal and unjust, then Ye Weiguo should not be a bad person, not to mention I also think he is a good person.

I have always judged people very accurately, and Ye Weiguo gave me a very simple feeling. Even if he became ruthless for the sake of the country, it was acceptable.

As for who Yin Ling is, I already have a map in my mind.

Since ancient times, Guan Yu is probably the only person who talks about loyalty, has green robes, red eyes, and long beard!

Guan Yu can be said to be a legendary figure in the history of the Three Kingdoms. He was sworn friends with Liu Bei and Zhang Fei in Taoyuan. He held an eighty-two-pound Qinglong Yanyue Sword with a red rabbit horse under his crotch.

Even though Cao Cao rewarded countless beautiful women with money, a small banquet every three days, and a big banquet every five days, Guan Yu did not surrender.

In the end, Guan Yu rode thousands of miles alone in the name of loyalty, leaving Cao Cao and returning to his elder brother Liu Bei.

Later, Guan Yu became the leader of the Five Tiger Generals of the Shu Han Dynasty. Unfortunately, he died in the Battle of Jingzhou. His loyalty was remembered by future generations for a long time. In order to commend Guan Yu's loyalty, later emperors named Guan Yu the Martial Saint and Guan Emperor. Now Guandi temples across the country are built to commemorate Guan Yu.

In fact, if the Yin spirit hadn't held the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand, he probably wouldn't have been able to split people in half every time. Just now, it looked casual with its hands behind its back, but in fact it was deliberately not letting me see its identity.

It's a pity that the characteristics of Guan Erye are so obvious that it is difficult to identify who it is!

Guan Yu looked very confused towards me just now. He probably didn't understand who I was. I was invited by Koizumi at the beginning, so he was quite hostile to me.

Then today, after meeting Ye Weiguo, I became close to him again, not to mention that I still hold the Sirius Whip in my hand, which symbolizes the righteousness of the world. It is normal for Guan Yu to be entangled.

And since Xiaoquan is on Guan Yu's blacklist, he can survive until now. I think he should have his own bodyguards, or he himself is my colleague, just pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

Ye Weiguo's move was a lose-lose move! Not only did he seriously hurt Koizumi, but he also hurt himself.

When Ye Weiguo was first injured, I saw Xiaoquan's face became very painful. At that time, I thought his conscience had discovered it, but I didn't expect that it was him who was in pain.

I couldn't help but feel happy when I thought of this, but I soon became nervous. Even I could think that it was the paper man Ye Weiguo replaced. How could Xiaoquan not think of it?

Now the two sides have completely lost their skin, and they will definitely fight to the death.

As soon as Ye Weiguo was injured, his troops appeared with the medical staff. It is not difficult to see that these were all designed by him!

The current situation is obvious. After Ye Weiguo is discharged from the hospital, he will try his best to deal with Xiaoquan, and the only way for Xiaoquan to protect himself is to prevent Ye Weiguo from ever waking up.

In this way, Ye Weiguo is in danger. No matter how many people he has, they are still ordinary people. If Xiaoquan has my colleagues, things will be very bad.

What worries me most is that I have been forced to stand with Ye Weiguo and can no longer withdraw. As long as Ye Weiguo dies, all the right to speak will be in Xiaoquan's hands. Without the black files in his hands, I can't explain clearly just the death of Ye Weiguo.

Because just before Ye Weiguo was put into the ambulance, I stupidly turned over his clothes...

Thinking of this, I ran downstairs and rushed towards the hospital quickly, but from far away I saw groups of police enforcing security around the hospital. It seemed that the entire hospital was surrounded.

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