Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 572: Traitor

I knew I couldn't get in, so I just walked around the hospital, looking for a breakthrough!

Finally, I found that there seemed to be no police guarding the back of the hospital. When I took a closer look, my face instantly turned ugly. There was a three-meter-wide smelly ditch. There was not only sewage in the ditch, but also feces and some waste. human organs.

However, I had no other choice at the moment. I had no choice but to climb over this smelly ditch. However, I hesitated in front of the ditch for a long time. I really didn’t have the courage to jump in, so I had to look around to see if I could build a simple ditch. The small bridge?

Unfortunately, there were no wooden boards around, only mountains of white garbage. I was stunned for a long time and suddenly thought of a way: please pray!

Yes, the invited Yin spirits can help me fly for a short period of time. Every time I invited spirits before, I always asked them to help me speed up, but I ignored the function of being able to fly.

I did what I said, and I was about to call out to the lonely ghosts around me. But just as I bit my finger, I heard rustling footsteps nearby.

My heart suddenly sank. Damn it, these police officers are too professional, right? I had just slipped to the back door when I was discovered.

Just when I was about to escape, I suddenly heard Xiaoquan's voice: "When you get in, don't show mercy, just kill Ye Weiguo directly. Then all the charges will be thrown on that boy named Zhang, and we will be completely safe..."

"Hahaha, great idea." As soon as Xiaoquan finished speaking, he heard another middle-aged man laughing.

The voice sounded very familiar. I hid behind the garbage and moved quietly. I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Koizumi at a glance.

And standing next to him was Jiang Shan, the leader of the National Security Special Operations Team!

"Damn, there's a nest of snakes and rats."

I was so angry that my teeth itched, not because they plotted against me, but because they, the country's elites, joined forces to do bad things.

How is this different from corrupt officials in ancient times? I gritted my teeth and made up my mind to help Ye Weiguo eradicate Jiangshan and Xiaoquan.

Then they stopped next to the smelly ditch, only a few meters away from me. It seemed that they were also blocked by the police and forced to come to the back door.

It's just that they were two people, so it was much easier to move. Jiang Shan squatted on the edge of the smelly ditch and made a horse stance, with his arms together, obviously to be a human ladder for Xiaoquan.

I realize it's not good but I can't stop it. After all, they haven't taken action yet and they can bite me back at any time!

Then Koizumi took a few steps back, took a few fierce steps, and then suddenly jumped onto Jiangshan's arms, using this springboard to jump forward.

When he landed again, he was already on the opposite side of the smelly ditch. He showed an OK gesture to Jiangshan and entered the hospital with a sinister smile.

Ye Weiguo would definitely be doomed if he kept waiting any longer. As soon as Xiaoquan entered, I rushed out and punched Jiang Shan directly on the temple.

Unexpectedly, he was able to resist the beating and didn't faint directly. He just stood there and shook a few times.

"You know everything?" Jiang Shan asked, glaring at me.

I didn't have time to talk nonsense with him, so I hit him again. Jiang Shan sneered and started to fight me head-on.

Although he was extremely skilled, luckily he was not in the same group, and I had almost beaten him just now, so I took advantage of him not paying attention and sprinkled a handful of cinnabar on his eyes with my backhand.


Jiang Shan immediately covered his eyes and screamed in pain. Maybe he was afraid of attracting the police, so he deliberately suppressed his voice. I stopped being polite and punched and kicked Jiangshan, who had lost his eyes, and knocked him unconscious.

Then I confiscated all his communication tools, tied him up and buried him in the garbage, leaving only a space for his head and not suffocating him to death.

After doing all this, I knew that it was impossible to catch up with Xiaoquan. I could only pray that Ye Weiguo's men could hold on for a little longer. Then I summoned a lonely ghost who was skinny and skinny, and gave Ye Weiguo's horoscope. Told it.

It happened that I had blood that Ye Weiguo had sprayed before. The wild ghost felt it based on the horoscopes and blood, and then took me directly to the fifth floor of the hospital, and finally stopped on the air-conditioning box outside the fifth floor window.

"Is Ye Weiguo inside?" I asked, my legs trembling, regardless of my fear of heights.

The skinny wild ghost nodded, and at the same time, a scream came from the room, followed by a chaotic fight.

It seems that Xiaoquan has arrived and is attacking Ye Weiguo's men.

I tried to move the window and found that it was not locked. Then I asked the wild ghost to leave, opened the window and jumped in. Then he saw Ye Weiguo sitting on the hospital bed looking towards the door of the ward with an angry face.

He didn't seem surprised to see me suddenly appear, he just smiled lightly at me.

I looked outside and found that Ye Weiguo's men were all iron-blooded soldiers. They had obviously been prepared to prevent Xiaoquan's assassination. The scream just now might have been a soldier who was injured by Xiaoquan.

Anyway, Ye Weiguo is fine at the moment, so I relaxed immediately, walked to the bedside and asked with a smile: "Are you deliberately pretending to be seriously injured?"

"Yes, this is the last chance I gave Xiaoquan, but unfortunately he still didn't seize it."

Ye Weiguo sighed as he spoke and handed me a document on the table. I took it and found that it was all the information of the deceased. I couldn't help but be a little confused. After all, I had read all this information before.

"Look down." Ye Weiguo said with a sullen face.

I had no choice but to continue reading patiently, and in the end I couldn't help but open my mouth wide. The more I watched, the more frightened I became.

Sure enough, as I thought, the people killed by Guan Erye were all subordinates of Jiang Shan and Xiao Quan. It’s just that I began to think that they were just taking bribes and corruption, forming cliques for personal gain, but I didn’t expect that what they did was actually treason!

Taking advantage of his position, he stole national weapons information and resold them to foreign forces, earning millions and tens of millions in profits.

Generally speaking, this is a gang of traitors headed by Jiang Shan and Xiao Quan.

"I have a good personal relationship with Koizumi. I went to his house one time and accidentally discovered this secret, and I followed the clues to find out this."

Ye Weiguo said he was helpless. After he collected the evidence, he did not dare to hand it over because the special operations team was the treasure of the national security. If they were not caught, it would be difficult to convict them.

And from a personal perspective, he hoped that a good friend like Koizumi would listen to him and stop in time. Unexpectedly, Xiaoquan didn't listen to the advice at all. When Ye Weiguo didn't know what to do, Guan Yu's ghost appeared...

"So you just observe the development of things and wait for the opportunity! When I am invited by them to catch ghosts, you feel that your opportunity has come, right?"

I asked with a smile, but suddenly I felt that Ye Weiguo was a bit scary. He had made a big plan and trapped everyone who was related to this matter.

Ye Weiguo did not deny it, pointing to the soldiers who were being knocked to the ground outside the door, and said, Boss Zhang, I am very happy to come, but you don't need to do anything today, just stay aside and watch the show.

After hearing this, I knew that he had a backup plan, so I stopped thinking about it and instead thought about Guan Yu.

It is simply unrealistic to say that the soul of Mr. Guan is still wandering in the world, so the evil Mr. Guan must be living in a ghost object, and that ghost object must be in Haidian District.

I looked at Ye Weiguo and wanted to ask him if he knew any clues, but when I thought of the knife hidden in his smile, I felt a thump in my heart, and then an idea popped into my head: Could it be that the evil spirit of Mr. Guan is actually behind Ye Weiguo's back? Trouble?

Looking back at the tacit understanding he maintained with Mr. Guan, it is indeed possible, but it is not suitable for me to talk much now. If Xiaoquan is finished, the right to speak will be in the hands of Ye Weiguo.

For me, my fate is still in the hands of others, but Ye Weiguo looks more reassuring...

At this time, intensive sirens sounded downstairs. I ran to the window and took a look and found a large number of police officers coming downstairs.

It turned out that this was the good show Ye Weiguo wanted to show me. It didn't take long for the police to rush into the ward. Ye Weiguo used the identity of the victim to explain the fact that Xiaoquan deliberately murdered himself, and then showed the video of Xiaoquan shooting himself.

Ye Weiguo then unbuttoned his clothes in front of the police, revealing the bulletproof vest underneath. He pointed at the police leading the team and shouted: "There are no officers standing here, just the victim and the murderer. I hope the police comrades will deal with it fairly."

"Yes!" The policeman saluted, and then escorted the subdued Koizumi downstairs.

I wanted to see what state he was in, so I followed him downstairs curiously.

Unexpectedly, he turned around and looked at me. He didn't even have the slightest worry on his face. Instead, he pointed a pistol at me with an evil smile.

I was stunned for a long time and didn't understand what he meant. When I came to my senses, the police had already left and the hospital was empty.

I was going to go to Ye Wei Country to see if I could find any clues about the fetus, but before I could leave the hospital, there was a scream from upstairs.

Ye Weiguo's scream!

"Not good!" Reminiscent of Koizumi's expression before he left, I think he was deliberately arrested by the police and then attracted the police's attention to facilitate others' actions.

But when I walked to the ward and saw the scene inside, I was completely stunned!

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