Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 573 Ye Weiguo was killed

Ye Weiguo was dead, his body cut into two pieces at the waist, blood splattered all over the room, and his white intestines hung between the hospital bed and the ground, dripping blood and making a ticking sound.

This must have been done by Mr. Guan. No one could do this except him. The reason why Ye Weiguo screamed before he died was because the body armor played a certain buffering role, otherwise he would not even have a chance to scream.

But I don’t understand why Mr. Guan wanted to kill Ye Weiguo. Could it be that Ye Weiguo was hiding something from me?

Several of Ye Weiguo's men looked at this scene and all trembled with fear. I knew it wasn't that simple, so I grabbed one of them by the collar and asked, "What's going on?"

"The leader was laughing just now, but suddenly a shadow holding a big knife appeared in the room, and then the leader screamed. By the time we reacted, he had already..."

Although the subordinate spoke intermittently, the logic was quite clear. Since it can protect Ye Weiguo here, it must be a close confidant and must know some inside information, so I drove everyone else out, and then asked him to tell me everything he knew, including what Ye Weiguo was laughing at before he died?

The subordinate glanced at me, but didn't dare to say anything.

"Ye Weiguo is already dead. If we drag it out any longer, all of us, including me, will die. Do you understand?"

In desperation, I had to call everyone back who saw this scene, and yelled at them with my eyes wide open.

This is really not to scare them. Once Ye Weiguo dies, they will definitely not be able to escape the blame.

After following the leader for a long time, which one of these people is not a human spirit? After a while, they all came to their senses and asked me more panicked than before what to do. They undoubtedly regarded me as their backbone.

"Did you call the police?"

I asked worriedly. If news of Ye Weiguo's death spread at this time, we will immediately become the target of public criticism. Fortunately, they all shook their heads.

I breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked them to suppress the news for the time being, and honestly explain what Ye Weiguo did before he died.

"The leader's last order before he died was for us to burn down the Guandi Temple in Shishilipu, and then kill you!"

One of the subordinates couldn't stand the pressure and said it all at once. After listening to it, I was excited and angry.

What’s exciting is that since Ye Weiguo wants to demolish the Guan Gong Temple in Shishilipu, this place must be related to Guan Yu’s Yin Spirit, and this directly proves that the Yin Spirit came out to kill people under his influence.

It’s just that I don’t understand why he wanted to kill me to silence me?

After all, I didn’t have the slightest clue about him. Thinking of this, I asked those subordinates what else they knew.

"Leader Ye has been in private contact with foreign forces several times recently, and the conflict between him and Koizumi seems to be related to this matter."

"You know the conflict between the two of them, so he must kill you to silence you!"

Since someone had already started, this time I just asked everyone and everyone started talking. After listening to it, I knew it in my heart. It turned out that Ye Weiguo did everything possible to get rid of Xiaoquan not for the sake of the country, but because Xiaoquan blocked him. Way to make money.

In other words, he wants to kill Koizumi and replace him, so as to get more money from abroad!

And killing me was just a precaution.

I looked at Ye Weiguo who was cut off at the waist, and suddenly felt sick in my heart. Because he is so good at disguising, if his subordinates hadn't told him everything, I would never have believed that he was a bad person.

I thought about it and asked my subordinates to put together all the criminal evidence collected by Ye Weiguo from Xiaoquan's gang, and then submitted it to the state in the name of Ye Weiguo.

Even if he can't bring down Koizumi at once, he will still be injured!

Then I left the hospital and took a taxi to Shivlipu.

On the way, I specifically asked the driver about Shishilipu. The driver told me that this is a small town in the western suburbs. The biggest advantage of the village is that the ancient streets are well preserved, and the buildings inside are still clean even now. modern style.

It is said that this place has higher tourist value than Fenghuang Ancient City and Pingyao Ancient City. Unfortunately, it is very close to the Forbidden City. Tourists from other places are attracted to the Forbidden City, so the local people are not living well.

In recent years, with the development of the film and television industry, film crews have gradually come to the town to film, and Shiwulipu has gradually gained some fame!

After getting off the car, I was attracted by the buildings in the town. The neatly arranged courtyards looked dignified and warm. The sycamore trees on both sides of the path, the chimneys on the roofs and even the worn-out blue bricks all looked full of charm.

If I were not busy looking for Guan Gong Temple, I would like to stay here for a few days. Since it was late at night, there was no one on the road at all, but there were many street lights on the road, presumably for tourists?

Not long after walking, I came to the center of Xiaozhen and saw a huge billboard that read: Welcome to Shiwulipu for tourism.

I was worried about not being able to find where the Guan Gong Temple was. When I saw a billboard, I walked over and took a closer look.

As a result, after I read it from beginning to end, I found that there was no mention of Guan Gong Temple on the billboard at all. I was a little confused for a moment. Is there no Guan Gong Temple here?

Who is Guan Yu? The Chinese martial sage has been the embodiment of loyalty since ancient times. Any place related to him, even just a stone or the place where he died in battle, can become a historical site, not to mention his temple!

For the people of Shiwulipu who are worried about tourism, how could they give up this opportunity? I thought there might be a discrepancy in the name, so I looked at the billboard again and focused on whether there were any attractions related to loyalty.

In the end, I still found nothing, but I believe that the last order given by Ye Weiguo before his death was definitely not a lie, and those subordinates who were unable to protect themselves had no reason to lie to me.

So where is the problem?

I reluctantly left the billboard and prepared to go into the town and ask door to door, but because I was a little unwilling to do so, I turned back every step of the way.

Unexpectedly, when I turned back, I discovered something unusual. From the billboard, the entire Shififuli Pavilion looked like an oval.

The oval is divided into many small areas, with the names of attractions clearly marked on them. Even places without attractions are marked with residences, supermarkets, etc., but only a small area is blank. , no markings on it.

You must know that land is at a premium in this kind of tourist attraction, and it is impossible to have such a large open space. If it is a river or other building, it should also be marked.

If I saw this place at ordinary times, I might not think there is anything wrong with it, but now, I feel that this place is probably the location of Guan Gong Temple!

I found my location on the billboard, then roughly noted the direction of the empty space, and walked there based on my feeling.

The town is not that big, and I had only been walking for more than ten minutes when I found that the road ahead was blocked...

When I walked up to it, I saw that not only the road under my feet was blocked, but the roads in all directions were also blocked, which meant that the unmarked area on the map was completely circled.

I touched the row of iron fences and found that there was a thick layer of rust on them, and small iron pieces were condensed in some places.

It seems that these iron fences around this place have been around for some time. Then I walked around the place for a whole time and couldn't find any entrance, so I couldn't help but wonder.

If it is really the Guan Gong Temple inside, how did Ye Weiguo get in? If it wasn't Guan Gong Temple, why was this place surrounded?

Perhaps for fear of someone climbing in, this iron fence is three meters high and has barbs on it. Fortunately, I knew how to summon spirits, so I invited a wild ghost to jump over with me on his back.

But after I entered, before I could bite my finger and feed the wild ghost some blood, the wild ghost seemed to be running for his life and disappeared in a burst of smoke...

Seeing the fearful expression on its face as it left, I suddenly realized that I was in danger, but being forced to this point, I had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Looking around, there is no difference between the inside of the fence and the outside of the fence. They are all ancient buildings and some trees with a sense of vicissitudes of life, but there are no street lights here.

I turned on the flashlight and groped forward, finally stopping in front of a relatively tall temple.

There is a plaque hanging on this temple, but the writing on it has long since disappeared without a trace due to wind and rain.

I barely stopped at the door and walked in cautiously. I saw a sculpture standing in the temple from a distance. When I got closer and saw it clearly, I couldn't help but gasp. It was indeed Guan Yu!

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