Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 574: Traveling Thousands of Miles Alone

I was nervous for a while, and then I realized that although the statue of Guan Yu was scary, there was no suffocating and dangerous atmosphere in the temple. Obviously Guan Yu's ghost was not here for the time being.

Since Ye Weiguo asked his men to burn down the temple, I thought there must be something hidden inside the temple. I rummaged through it carefully and finally found a memory card and a document in a clay pot.

The content of the document is divided into two parts. One part is the evidence that Xiaoquan's gang betrayed the country, and the other part is the conversation between Ye Weiguo and Xiaoquan, in which Ye Weiguo implicitly mentioned that Xiaoquan should withdraw and let him take over and continue to cooperate with foreign forces.

To put it simply, this document can directly bring down the two of them. I can't help but admire Ye Weiguo. When he left the document here, he must have been mentally prepared to lose to Koizumi, so he also added his criminal record to it.

Anyway, if you lose, you won't care about anything, and it will make you more convincing. And tonight he saw that he had defeated Xiaoquan, so he sent his men to burn down the Guandi Temple!

Then I put the memory card in my hand and found that it was full of videos, including videos of Koizumi's meetings with overseas spies, including some transactions involving power, money, and sex.

After reading this, I let out a sigh of relief. With this evidence, I am safe.

After carefully loading the information, I was about to exit the Guandi Temple. Unexpectedly, when I passed by the statue, my peripheral vision accidentally caught Guan Yu's eyes and found that he had opened his eyes. However, I could see clearly when I came in. He has his eyes closed!

Since ancient times, there has been a folk legend that if the public does not open his eyes, he will kill someone if he does. As a femininity dealer, I have always believed in this, but I didn’t expect that I would encounter it today.

I asked myself that I didn't have the strength to fight with Guan Gong, and I was a little confused for a while.

But after a long time, I didn't feel the danger. When I was wondering, I suddenly received a call from Ye Weiguo's subordinate. He excitedly told me that the country had been cut in half just now.

After listening to this, I sat down on the ground and thought that the person Guan Gong wanted to kill was not me but Jiangshan.

Since Guan Yu had taken action, he should be back soon. I didn't dare to stay longer, so I got up and left the Guandi Temple. Before going out, I subconsciously looked back and found that his eyes were still open!

I suddenly realized that Guan Yu would not stop until all the traitors were killed. As far as I know, the only person involved in this matter is Koizumi...

I must expose Xiaoquan's crimes before Guan Yu kills him, otherwise I will be involved in the case even if I produce evidence without any evidence.

Thinking of this, I returned to the hospital as quickly as possible. Through Ye Weiguo's staff, I contacted officials who were usually good friends with him, and asked them to make Xiaoquan's crimes public as quickly as possible.

Of course, to show my sincerity, I sent them all the videos about Koizumi in the memory card.

After reading it, they directly contacted the secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and submitted Koizumi's criminal evidence.

The people in the Discipline Inspection and Inspection Commission should be more honest. After seeing Koizumi colluding with overseas spies and betraying national intelligence, all of them turned pale. The leader slammed the table and said fiercely: "Investigate it for me! We will deal with each one!"

"Um... Secretary, can you wait a moment?"

As early as when the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission appeared, I was weighing whether to tell him the news of Ye Weiguo's death. After all, Ye Weiguo's position was too high. I could hide it for one night at most, and I would definitely be discovered by the next day. It will be used to make a fuss with ulterior motives.

The best way is to find a backer before the news gets out. The secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission speaks powerfully, works efficiently, and looks very clean, so he is a good choice.

"Are you looking for me?"

The secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission came over and asked expressionlessly. In fact, he had noticed me when he entered the door, but he didn't say anything.

I looked at the people next to him, bit my lip and said nothing. He was stunned for a moment, then waved everyone to leave. After everyone left, I said coldly: "Ye Weiguo is dead. If my guess is correct, Xiaoquan's people are also dead..."


As soon as he sat down, after hearing what I said, he stood up suddenly, glared and shouted: "Say it again!"

I said it again immediately, and told him everything that happened after I left the antique store.

Of course, I didn’t say that Jiangshan threatened me with black files. I just said that when I heard the country’s needs, I agreed to their request without hesitation...

While I was speaking, the secretary said nothing, but his expression was unusually rich. He frowned when he heard me talking about the conversation between Xiaoquan and Ye Weiguo in the hotel toilet, and then showed his face when he heard Ye Weiguo secretly investigating Xiaoquan. Happy.

After I finished speaking, the secretary was silent for a long time and said with great enthusiasm: "Young man, be bold and do what you can do. I will fully cooperate with you!"

"Then please ask the secretary to make the Koizumi case public as soon as possible, otherwise I will..."

I didn't make my words clear, I just told him implicitly that I didn't completely believe in the Discipline Inspection Commission.


The secretary grinned and then made a phone call, as if he was looking for someone to ask for advice. After hanging up the phone, he puffed out his chest and said, "I just asked my superior for instructions, and he only gave me eight words. Attack with iron blood and close the case quickly!"

I was completely relieved after hearing this, which meant that I had reached a consensus with them. Subsequently, people from the Discipline Inspection Commission used thunderous means to find evidence of Koizumi's crimes in many places. During the isolation review, I listened quietly and found that Koizumi was a scumbag even worse than I thought!

He not only betrayed national intelligence, but also used his position to facilitate corruption, murder, etc.

This is the fastest case I have ever seen from filing to verdict. Koizumi was transferred to the military court within twenty-four hours. In view of the serious harm he caused to society, he was eventually sentenced to death.

The day after Xiaoquan's death, with the help of the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, I cremated all the corpses of the deceased, then took their ashes to Shivlipu and placed them neatly in front of Emperor Guan.

As the incense candle was lit, the smoke quickly began to fill up. I closed my eyes and recited the Tao Te Ching, expounded their crimes one by one, and apologized to Guan Yu for them.

In the end, I knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to Guan Yu reverently. No one in the world, except my grandfather, had ever enjoyed this honor.

It's not that I'm afraid of Guan Yu, but that I admire his loyalty in Cao's camp but in Han's heart!

After I stood up, I looked up and found that Guan Yu's eyes had been closed, and I felt the suffocating feeling again, but this time I didn't feel dangerous, but with a touch of warmth.

Guan Yu is back and continues to guard this land with his chivalrous courage that has not been erased for two thousand years.

Don't say I'm not his opponent, even if I could defeat him, I wouldn't do that!

Then the media broadcast a blockbuster news. After attending Koizumi's funeral, seven or eight officials headed by Ye Weiguo were unfortunately involved in a car accident, and all people in the car died.

This reason was thought up by the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission. Although it is a bit far-fetched, it is the only way...

It stands to reason that the murder case has been solved, and I should withdraw, but I was worried that Mr. Guan would go out to kill people again, so I stopped at Shifulibu and took a look at the local customs.

After staying for another week, the city of Beijing gradually returned to calm. I felt relieved and formally bid farewell to the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and made a suggestion to him.

I said that I hoped that he could come forward to build a party-loyal and patriotic education base in Guandi Temple to promote and inherit Guan Yu's spirit.

The secretary hesitated after hearing this. I thought he was unwilling, but he said that he was a party member and could not believe this.

In desperation, I had no choice but to take the next best option and apply to build a Jieyi Garden in the fenced area of ​​Shiwulipu.

The name Taoyuan Three Brothers was chosen to commemorate Guan Yu among them, and to encourage the world with the friendship between Liu, Guan, and Zhang and their loyalty to the country.

Thanks to the strong support of the leaders, the passenger flow of Shiwulipu quickly increased, and many parents sent their children to Jieyi Garden to receive patriotic education.

Seeing these young children swearing an oath to the national flag with pious faces, and listening to these immature children reading out the words in their unclear children's voices: I am a Chinese and I love my motherland, I Instantly shed tears.

If Koizumi and others were loyal to their country, would there be such an ending?

Just as I was wiping away my tears, I vaguely saw a man riding a red rabbit horse and holding a Qinglong Yanyue Sword, riding the horse out of the Guandi Temple.

The man was wearing a green robe, with a three-foot-long beard fluttering in the wind, and a pair of sharp eyes scanning the land coldly.

I know that Guan Yunchang will never stop.

He is waiting for the next unfaithful and unjust person to appear!

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